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The Russian family is from a poor impoverished region.

Parents have 14 kids including 9

foster children. However, one of the adoptees died. Daniel died in the war in Ukraine as one
of the Russian soldiers. Housing and salary several times large than the national average that's
why he took this one of the few stable jobs, like his real father. Of course, I feel sorry for the
family, and I would be very happy if the war ended and there was peace so that such cases
would not happen every day, but unfortunately those manipulated by the Russian propaganda
there do not know what they are talking about. They think, like other families, that the son,
together with other soldiers, went on a special military operation to Ukraine and come to
liberate them from the Nazis. Also blame NATO and the US for provoking Russia. They are
angry and their perception of the so-called special military operation has not changed even
after the death of Daniel. “Who will stop these people, these animals if not our boys?” I don't
think they are afraid to say otherwise so they don't go to jail, but unfortunately, they really
believe it. Their son, who died while providing cover fire for his comrades, didn’t died in
vain, he died fighting for peace.
A portrait of Russian soldier, poor young man immersed in Putin’s propaganda.

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