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Short Term Goal: The company I am about to work for has promotions set up in a way that new

hires can be eligible for them at the first 6 month mark from the start date, so my goal is to get
promoted by the beginning of next year at my new job.

4 Objectives with Actions to Achieve this:

1. Become an expert on what I am doing
a. Put in time understanding the software I will be using
b. Go into training with an open mind and assume that I do not know anything about
the things I am learning
2. Get in good favor with managers
a. Listen to what they need done, and perform correctly the first time
b. Do more than is necessary to complete tasks
3. Work well with colleagues
a. Befriend them outside of work
b. Respect and incorporate each other’s opinions in our tasks
4. Leave customers satisfied and with good impressions
a. Anticipate needs
b. Understand problems and fix/explain how to fix in a way that is respectful and

Long Term Goal: I want to buy a house in the next 5 years.

4 Objectives with Actions to Achieve this:

1. Acquire the money needed
a. Consistently work
b. Take advantage of opportunities related to work
2. Develop money management skills
a. Figure out how much to save per paycheck
b. Make smart spending choices, mainly necessities
3. Get familiar with the market
a. Check listings frequently
b. Watch things like interest rates
4. Decide where to live
a. Visit different cities
b. See where work might take me

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