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Escuela Superior de Comercio y

Unidad Tepepan
Desarrollo de Habilidades Directivas

Session 3. Managing By Values

Unit 2: Leadership and communication

Activity 2: Leadership

delivery date: september 3, 2022

Management skills are knowledge and abilities that are necessary for the proper
performance of management and leadership, as it is an important factor for the
management of organisations, because it generates knowledge, interpersonal
strengths and social skills, when a person has management skills and being a
leader in the organisation, will allow the objectives to be achieved, achieving
expected results, in the company of the team he/she leads.
The knowledge and skills that a leader must have must be broad, from aspects
such as technology, markets, economic environment, work processes and political
environment, as well as those that will be implemented for the direction and
management of an organisation, an adequate management of capital, sources of
financing, indicators, etc., likewise there are specific characteristics that the leader
must have, which are:
- Technical skill; this refers to the ability to use the tools in a specific field, as
doctors do when carrying out their activity.
- Human skill; this means being able to work with, understand and motivate other
people, whether they are individuals or groups.
- Conceptual skill is the brain's ability to coordinate all the interests of an
There are factors that can limit or put at risk the leadership of a manager, such as
interpersonal relationships, because if the leader has difficulties in interpersonal
relationships, it may be that he/she has a failure as a manager or leader, limiting
his/her direction in an organisation, this shows that many times the management of
an organisation is directly affected by the interpersonal relationships of a manager
and not by his/her skills and knowledge, affecting directly the organisation, It is of
utmost importance to remain open and in constant self-knowledge, this will give the
possibility to lead subordinates, resolve internal conflicts, be able to make changes
in organisations in terms of personnel and management, for a manager to achieve
his leadership objectives he must be open to criticism and observations that others
can make, as well as maintain authority within the organisation, taking into account
his training, experience and knowledge without forgetting interpersonal
A leader must know how to work in a team, respect subordinates, but without
losing sight of his leadership and authority, it is important to know how to lead as
this will allow positive quantitative and qualitative results to be obtained, as well as
knowing how to motivate the work team, maintain consistent communication, be
open to criticism and suggestions that may arise within the work team, exchange
points of view at any time, reinforcing political and technical resources for decision
making, promoting enthusiasm and motivation among people.
The management or strategic approach of the organisation will respond to the
demands and opportunities that exist, as well as those difficulties that prevent the
fulfilment of the objectives, the strategic aims to plan the activities within the
organisation so that its results are positive, a process through which an
organisation formulates objectives and is directed towards obtaining them.
As a manager we must be able to predict and anticipate external factors that are a
source of creating opportunities or threats, making a SWOT analysis, in addition to
taking into account interpersonal relationships, having knowledge of laws,
principles and components of the communication process, even there are factors
that limit these relationships such as beliefs, culture, geographical areas, countries
of origin, etc., many of them are not so open while others if they have that
accessibility to talk, listen and take into account the criticisms made by the working
A leader by putting into practice their knowledge and managerial and interpersonal
skills will have the ability to be successful within the organisation, as their
management time will be reduced and at low cost, since communication within the
organisation is very important, if communication is adequate, the activities in the
organisation will be effective and the objectives and goals will be achieved quickly
and successfully, Even if there is a conflict within the organisation, by maintaining
communication with subordinates and good interpersonal skills, it will be possible
to resolve it properly and in the short term. Knowing how to use an appropriate
business strategy helps the manager to have a panoramic view of the situation and
is usually classified into two main perspectives: integrative and distributive.
When a manager has fixed goals and knows how to keep the work distributed
fairly, the results are as expected, without seeking advantages over others, this will
lead to the success of an organisation, a manager must have a professional ethic
with all his subordinates without making any distinction, as mentioned above, when
conflicts arise the manager has the opportunity to convert these conflicts into
opportunities that help to improve work processes, even the relationships that exist
within the work area by the members will help to resolve conflicts such as:
Coercion, Avoidance, Compromise, Complacency, Collaboration. These five
methods of conflict management help managers to avoid inappropriate
confrontations, to the point of encouraging each group to achieve the best potential
for themselves.
On the other hand, there is the motivation that the leader or manager must
implement and encourage the employees to help achieve the objectives and goals.
In order for a manager to motivate them, he or she must identify and interpret the
factors that exert the greatest force on the employees, which motivate them to
carry out their activities in an attractive way, if a leader shows interest in the
activities carried out by the staff, the staff will be able to motivate themselves to
carry out their activities and demonstrate their capacity to work, even the leader or
manager must encourage and incentivise the workers to carry out their tasks, so
that they carry them out with will, zeal and confidence.
For a diagnosis of a problem and decision making, the skills for the resolution of
this must be correct, the problem must be analysed, the formulation of this and
look for alternatives that help to solve it quickly and efficiently, this is a very
important task for a directive since this will be the one who will make the decisions
for its solution, and it will depend on him that this is solved correctly, in
organisations the adequate selection of alternatives to a large extent if not in its
entirety will depend on the managers, Without forgetting that these will be selected
with the help of mathematical tools and research techniques, when a manager is
able to have authority in the decisions and shares his power, the subordinates
present greater participation and can help the manager to make decisions, this
does not mean that they make the decision for him, but that they are part of the
basis for decision making, which demonstrates a joint manager-subordinates work.
Time management and delegation, when a manager establishes times to carry out
tasks, it allows the activities to be carried out within that time, achieving them even
in less time than the established time, so it provides benefits to employees, such
as time to spare, in addition to holding meetings that do not exceed the meeting
time, it will allow the times not to be prolonged, in many occasions in the
organisations the times are not respected, This is why it is important to establish
times and respect them, if this is done properly, the tasks will not be prolonged and
the employees will work motivated by the established times, another important
factor, as well as optimising resources, being efficient and effective in their tasks,
which will increase the productivity of the organisation.
Productive meetings are activities that take place within the organisation, that is
why a manager must always be present in these meetings, as it will demonstrate
his leadership and interest in the progress, achievements, if there is a problem and
the solution of this, many times when a manager is constantly missing meetings,
demotivates employees, however if he is present in these meetings the benefits for
the organisation will be positive.
Change management should be considered one of the most important points, this
is because we are in constant change, both socially and within organisations and
globalisation, markets evolve, etc., Therefore, managers must be constantly
updated and aware of the internal and external changes in organisations, as
demands change and trade is changing as well as the increase and decrease in
the volume of world trade, for an organisation to achieve its objectives and meet its
goals, it must be open to change, This is a decision that the manager must take
into account, in addition to considering that the factors of the environment are
changing, so the manager must have the necessary skills to be able to keep up
with change and not fall behind in world trade, to avoid becoming an organisation
without competition due to lagging behind.
Managers and leaders must foster interpersonal communication skills within the
organisation, without forgetting their role as managers, including the ability to listen
and take into account suggestions for improvement within the organisation, keep
constantly updated, innovate, and above all maintain ethics in decision making
without making any distinction, remain neutral, be flexible and open to criticism,
always respecting the points of view of others, always maintaining leadership and
managerial power.

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