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Cindy Brown

April 13, 2023

SNU 471 45 Assignment 6.1

What events in John’s life created a “downward spiral” into homelessness?

The events which resulted to a downward spiral in John’s life is losing his job, after searching for
employment for a long time without being successful he became discouraged. He started to have
feelings of anger and depression. After the unemployment checks stopped John had a drinking binge
and argument with his wife. His wife then took their children and moved out.

Which events related to social needs, and which could health care have addressed?

The events that lead to social needs would be losing his home, food insecurity, and little money.

The events that lead to health care financial problems causing him not to be able to fill prescriptions,
alcohol abuse and unwillingness due to embarrassment about his poor hygiene.

What are some of the barriers John faced in accessing health care?

John had several barriers that he faced in accessing health care. No health insurance, no home to go to
after being discharged to complete care, no money for prescriptions. Because of this he stopped seeking

Why do you think the emergency department was the first place John thought to for care? How might
emergency department improve care for patients like John?

John may have visited the emergency department first because of his lack of access to primary care, lack
of insurance so he was billed instead of having to pay upfront.

Emergency departments can improve care for situations like this by screening the patient for housing,
and the ability to pay for their treatments. They could also provide a social worker or case management
service to the patient.

Why do you think John would not make eye contact with the HCH team at first? How would you build a
trusting relationship with a person like John?
John was embarrassed by his poor hygiene, loss of a job and alcohol abuse. To build a trusting
relationship you could approach the person with concerns and acceptance, be supportive and listen and
show empathy toward the individual.

What aspects of the HCH care do you think represent high-quality care for the homeless? How do you
think Maggie made John feel like he was a “real person”?

The HCH team included a doctor, nurse, and case worker. They showed concern and compassion toward
John by continuing to offer food and asking if he was ok. Maggie made him feel like he was a “real
person” by treating him as a human being with love and affection while showing acceptance and
listening to his problems without judgement.

In your own experience, have you encountered a homeless individual? What was that like? DO you recall
what you were thinking?

I have not had any experience with a homeless individual. When I am out and see one on the street I
feel bad for that person. I feel sad that things happen to people, and they must be homeless.

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