Tesla Obit & Funeral Web

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> ave Credited “be: ‘Developer Found: Dead in Hotel Suite Here CLAIMED. A ‘DEATH BEAM? fe’ d- thé fhvehtion Could-Annihitate. an Army =. “of 1,000,000 at® Once Nikola, Tesla; one of the worlds | sreatest electrical inventors: and |. egigners, was found dead last night in’his-silite at the Hotel New Yorker, Ehginetrs credit! him with /hav- ing: devised-the: first(practical ap- Pb ication of» alternating’ current | withthe invention of the induction't, motor, and-the invention. and. de- | v«lopm © $,-eeondensers and specialized ‘oils epnineiple “of the. rotar: nagnetic field embodied inj “the piantsiwhieh transmit power from Niagara gWalli-in fact the bases ol modem hydiidelectric Power 1g areas fortwo years. iia temmperamént=and with-| a wellvas’ engi neering “he had: few, i scORGINE to, the: hotel Iv vegetarian-styl | prepared for hin |3 wore especial by thej¢het == emade: 6verybody: Keep at all ean three ifeet,!!]5 ead ‘in ed by a maidab-10:45 Pi MS She caliedea house *physiciany who pro- te no meed him*dead) he. New o Yorker management ws attempting last night to locate fricnds of theé-inventor, It was be-|' lieved “he Had a: Hephews living: ain th: city. idee ‘Pantast Toward jun aoe OY es ‘tl 2 ensr, ae jeventy-eighth birth- as hewanhounced in an-interview th bev whkd sanwented. @ ‘death eo 1 polwentu: 10,00 en fen 25!) mileseat enough to destroy at a distance of uiiate antarmy of tf oe NIKOLA TESLA The New York Times, 1936 Cant, as were his. reséarehes and. discoveries in radiations, materiali /streams and emanations. Atter His discovery of & dystenal of transmission of power without 1 Wires .and a high-potential Mag ing trananiitteryes-Del peoee | chiefly enceree Ines 2 180%: 8 raphy an aera ae ing #. or powestlillaue wiser, tor at Niagara, ‘As early. as 1903. Tesla known that he was) @x| mae interplanotan fl believe could be the earth'-and Murs, Venus, « He also-had visions the’ suin’s-rays and: of ut! o years at the be ‘where he stu In 1881 he: wi f he Ailes os Me vised, -asrit |} lpenetrating, he 'de- {7 government decide: te be De, Pesla states, once andi) the countr: mades his first practi s greatly handicapped of funds, for he was, anythi practical’ man as’ far. was concerned. ® at le was frequently yi he’ did) not'seem to worry long as He had a place to: was not a financial ‘For many years he aia aboratory to won) iicting his experiments in a8, ‘ Bstelle. a‘ fi ankiin- Ave, at Repu Ave, B jJETON: t Greenwich; oes Jam. Wy 2043,.Anna Louise,, dayghte ‘vhe. late i Phitanaer and Jplia Mead): Sutton: Serv: ices at her late. home, 2 Maher Ave., on I Thursday at 2:20. P.M. Sg ULENE ED Cecpta ‘oted mother of Funeral thee“ MulVoy). Goraid, Mario, from Quinn a COTO L 4, de- “and 1 Button, Anna Loulse O'Mersi, ingest Caulfield, Cecelin: ° Patterson; Sriz] \Colweil, John J. ‘Corcoran; Cathoring | Catter, ‘Andrew Py An, Maywalt and Margaret Middleton; bro hes ‘ary Clary, Rawibe Aad Jane Catwe Funeeat from St Cathedral, Syra- 1, of O02 T8th nd “of Maris ‘Andrew, Ji ome, at Wegulem Mase Redneeaay,0 Av Ads CONNOR—Barbara Raub, Jan. 11, widow of ‘Edward Francis, beloved mothér of Mra xGeorge William Markey, Mrs, Peter Dong- cyan). stater of Anna“ Erecke, ‘Hllzabeth heugsler, Louise Stumpp, Mrs. Herman Relan; “Francis J, Rauhy igtandmother | ot) orgs. William, Edward, Connor, Biter Janice en Sinnott (Mra. Peter); adarshall Jogept, . Lisutenant: Ger: gro Francis (i ide Statt Sergeant fon Jay, Aichara’ ae. Oe G. RL) anbiiteran LA a R.); great-gran Sonnor niicbuel, Done + Louise,’ Barbara. andi-Peter tinal sas | Geratd Francis Macliby, -Funeya | Fesidence of her dai William: Markey, 216% Sulherion iss | and. | Reaulom Mase. @hursday,; Jan). 14, I o’ciock, St. Mary's Ohurch, CORULORAN—Cathering Bull, on "104%, of 200, Park "Plage, beloved wife’ of ghoinas ., and devoted. wotter. of, Frank H. and James Hall Cored Reps bth, Aver, Brooigiyn, Ni. % ss of Requiem, Church of Une, 6th Ave: and “Steel ng ‘ia - Mi, ‘Phirsday, Jan, 4 poses tce 11, Andrew ®. St., Brooklyn, eloved husban 1 (hee Kenny). father 0) fbrotuer ms “Church. emia Id--SkyDrOok, on ‘Tuesday, Jn “Katharine wife! of tne” Inte "ndmind Van Dyke Cox, in her oighty-fifth, year. “Funeral, service Private. “Pieasc omit flowers. ANE—Philte Foley, ot 8 W t ‘Oak Tehicago Ul sacnp eo niga. tis in New ork City, ‘yoshand.“of Marian. Morge ‘Crane: son of Joseph —B. and‘ laabel ‘Foler- Crane, brother-ot David ‘Stephen G, Crane. «Fpx ‘sorvices,at Church of the Incarnation, Madison Aye, “35th: Bu Wednesday, Jani 13, at'1:30 A. Mz. Pittsburshy and=-Chicago pa Dleasé copy. CUSAGK—On Jan. 12, Année, beloved ‘stster ‘of Maria, Tuneral from/her, home, S14. Wrat .39th «St... Friday, ; Jan. Ba. i. aplern reat m Mass Holy Croan 10 A. ISON: Martha Kendrick; widow.of Dr. Robert, Charis Denison. at Clarsment cea Wore held | at Con. Ie Cox, Katharlae Ofane, Philip’! Fe Devin; Inmeéa L., ‘Dreyfus, Harry Dykenitny ConFadv Tepatord 6 sa Re: old) Hs Ehrenberg, Loujs Ernst, Bail F, Ersfeld, Oscar W. ‘wake; ate) Eagarerane Goldmadny-Annie E Greenbaum, dda, As Gritzhanidier, Max Holt; Kathryn: Ky Honan, Margare! Jones;'O. Hyland Katzonberg, Carrie Kaufman; Mabol Kaufmann, Emitta: izkiman Frederiak Wine “ee in ua ei Saran, Ji Has cua aes aude on ca i Bivens fa" Tats Ro grdain Ave, sours he Sonn On| b srand (1 iis great for his: See: roan 7:1 are at ees io vatiend sevice » Riverside,” 76th5| -ATha! Wednosddy, 1 wa’) eae MAX, wouorseye Finaneal Beas 0.) a ae ‘Armiitiae Dads sacra 1 ay asics Aid, Be "death of ane ie ih ae ars LA: ue ee as , Brooklyn, ‘Mi. ie BiAZ 7 PAUL. TURKOWEDE, Seerstary. EAN —On. Sait. 12) oe parr = ‘YD husband of -Blei of ape We ee a ale et oun Sialat Lot ftaw “York Git and a "hk le Ohurs Ba “ave. Bie Geventieli Mass. IAHONDY—Jonn Jy jon Jeo. 12; 1043, broth eee e Busp ANG ih leans Pe ee Bes sisal fi sen Homg,. Be: ‘have aie "i ties ‘Ruth titan ‘aun caidas Vall: Hao 8 vic wae erie, Mi “Tg ‘Go iy baat © Home, Ev Hirsch, “the, Of-: ma nt st pore Seine lake Pail and former Chiairmasy/ar the rectors Penn sion systems, who- died: 4 seo night ‘at, the Hotel New SNorker at the age of 86, will receive an of- ficlal state funeral under the aus- Pices.of the Yugoslay Government: | in-Eixile, it was announced ‘last night by the Yugoslav Informa- tion Center. é ns ‘the: -| — The» service: iwill he*heli } Cathedral of St.John, the D on Tuesday, at-4 P.M.» Me: the ‘body will lie. ate” at, th Campbell Iuneral son Avenue and : Street. Yugoslavia, whete D. “|born of Serbian, parents, will he. »pofficially represented by. Ambagsa- ;} dor Constantin. Fo Y present and_ for) x high officials of that country, Among theni will be Dr. Ivan Shubasghich, Govern of Croatia; Dr. Bogoljub “Jovtich: former Prime Minister of Yu, slavia; Branko Chub: dlovi slav Minister of Foo Reconstruction; Hr ister.” of State repre || Slovenes, arid Dr. Tesli ;| Sava Kosanovitch, presid -|Eastern and Central Buro) ;| Planning Board, xepresentin; .| Yugoslav, Czechoslovak, Polis Greek. Governments, Held Patents on Tr; PS one Pinar _) for:modern radio ‘bre ree | television; for fhe: sion. apparatus, aca fi |apparatus that. makes °-possib. neon lights: and) AUS RORE illumi ; nation: fringement on his?methoi paratus for transmitting without wires. Dr.) Tesla; ight: suit against Maregni-in: an, effort. to gain legal recognition..of. his claim, “He blamed whis. failure to: 2 3 Bs ® 2 Eb ad Hae a Sa be eae came Clear the origi ents had run out, BPRESENT |: EA FUNERAL Is Scene of Yugoslav State Function for Scientist GREAT IN SCIENCE ATTEND I Bibassader: Fotitch Heads the: jePs in| the electrical arts, high of the. Yugoslav Govern- ther fields paid:trib- “to Nikdla Tésla, satan, impressive - “funeral, in/the Cathedral of St. John ‘conducted in Serbian ient\priests of the Serbian d hurch, Was opened and) by Bishop’ William 'T. Man- ssisted ‘by: Father Edward Sacrist of the Cathedral. ian ‘Orthodox Office for was.said by the Very Shoukletovich, rector fer Orthodox Church of ‘St. WHO.officiated in the name bian Orthodox Church ity Is Represented ore than 2,000: persons attend- the service: The city was repre- ted by ‘Newbold Morris, Presi- -the- City Council, who ed the. list of ‘honorary pall- hei ers, ‘Other honorary ‘pallbear- luded: Dr. Ernest F. W. Alex- détsow of the General Hlectric mpany, inventor of the Alex- alternator; Professor Ed- Armstrong - of Columbia Miversity, inventor of frequency ation. and many. other im- int-radio devices; Dr. Harvey \G.-Rentschler, director of the re- ) search ‘laboratories; Westinghouse! | Hlectric and Manufacturing Com- pans, Gano Dunn, president of the G, White Engireering Corpora. tions Colonel Henry Breckenridge| ‘ 0 Cubrilovich, Yugoslay inister of Agriculture and Sup: eneral D. M. Stanoye- Yugoslavia | and Professor Barton, ‘curator, Hay- itine Fotiten, e oie aise ‘closed, Oscar Guvielfovitch, Yugo-' slav consul in New ‘York, readed SPs, ; '| the list of ushers. Cathedral/of St.John'the Divine! Many ‘erams. were’ received from officials of the: United States Government, prominent Sciéni | literary then and many others. ‘| These included. messages:from ‘Mrs. Roosevelt, on behalf. of herself and the - President: Vice. President:| Henry A, Wallace, Professors Rob- ert A. Millikan, Arthur Comp- ton and James. Franck, all Nobel ‘Prize’ winnegs.in physics; Profes- sor William Lyon ‘Phelps’ of Yale, Jean Piccard and Major Gen. J.,'0. | Mauborgne,-U.SiA., retired. ‘Mrs. Roosevelt's meagage read: “The -President and. I are deeply sorry to hear of the death of! Mr. Nikola Tesla. We are “gratefiil ‘or his contribution :to. scierjce and in- dustry-and ‘to ‘his:country,” Vice Pregident Wallace's mes- Sage read’as.follows: “Nikola. Tesla, Yugoslav. born, so lived his‘life as. to make-it.an outstanding sample. of that power which makes the United’ States not, .| merely an English-speaking ‘nation but.a nation: universal appeal. In Nikola: 'Tesla’s: death the com- mon man. loses one ‘of, hig ‘best friends.” Scientists Pay. Tribute Drs... Millikan,- Compton’ and Franck.paid.tribute to Tesla as one of the worid’s outstanding intel- lects, who paved’ the way for many of the important. technological. de- velopments in modern times. Among the many floral offerings. was a wreath from. King Peter II’ of Yugoslavia;the’ Royal jYugosiay Government, Ambassador Fotite and .many Yugoslav societie: Chief mourner was Sava Kosa- novich, ‘nephew. of Dr. Tesla and president, of the, Hastern and Cen- tral EuropeanPlanning Board, rep- |, resenting Yugoslavia, Czechoslova- kia, Poland and Greece. The body was. taken to’ Fer cliffe. Cemetery, . Ardsley, Nu/ ¥, where it will be in the receiving vault until plans are’ coriplets ne tes ce was held as Rue function of the|) slay Government, which wi

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