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BTEC Level 2 First Award Health and Social Care

Unit 4: Social Influences on Health and Wellbeing

Level: 2
Unit type: Optional specialist
Guided learning hours: 30
Assessment type: Internal

Unit introduction

How do people develop their views about the difference between right and wrong? Why do people
hold the beliefs and attitudes they do? How can an individual’s relationships, income or education
affect their health and wellbeing? In this unit, you will explore how we learn acceptable behaviour
from our parents, carers, grandparents and extended families (primary socialisation). You will also
explore how we learn social rules from those in the wider community, for example teachers and
work colleagues (secondary socialisation). You will explore how these different forms of socialisation
affect our health and wellbeing.

Through exploring different types of social relationships, such as those within families and those
between friends and work colleagues, you will develop an understanding of the effects these factors
have on the health and wellbeing of individuals.

You will also investigate the impact of different social factors, such as income, education and social
class on the health and wellbeing of individuals.
Understanding the impact of relationships and social factors on the health and wellbeing of
individuals will have an impact on the types of care and support required by individuals, and allow
health and social care professionals to plan and deliver care to meet the needs of service users.

Learning aims

In this unit you will:

A explore the effects of socialisation on the health and wellbeing of individuals
B understand the influences that relationships have on the health and wellbeing
of individuals
C investigate the effects of social factors on the health and wellbeing of individuals.
Assessment guidance
This unit is internally assessed through coursework assignments by the centre, and externally
verified by Edexcel.

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