Exercícios Unidade 1

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Unidade 1: EXPLORE

1) Write complete answers

1. Do you have a car/ a motorcycle/ a bike? When did you buy it?

I have a car. I bought it yesterday.

2. Is this the first time you have a car/a motorcycle/a bike?

Yes. It's the first time I have a car.

3. Did you need to sell anything to buy your car/motorcycle/bike?

I didn't need to sell anything to buy a bike.

4. Do you have a neighbor? Is he/she tall or short?

I have a neighbor. She is tall.

5. Does your neighbor have a new or old car?

My neighbor has a new car.

6. Is it fast or slow?

It's fast.

7. By the way, what is his/her name?

Her name is Karla.

8. Is he/she married or single?

She is married.

9. Are you friends?

Yes, we are friends.

10. Do you sometimes travel with him/her? Did you travel this year?
Yes, sometimes we travel together. I traveled this year to Itaiópolis.

11. Did you also travel together last year?

We didn't travel together last year.

12. How do you like to travel: by car, by bus or by plane?

I like to travel by plane.

13. Do you need to ask for information when you travel?

Yes, I need to ask for information when I travel.

14. Do you have an American friend? Are you very good friends?

No, I don't have an American friend.

15. Did you have a car accident last year?

No, I didn't have a car accident last year.

16. Are you tired today?

No, I am rested.

17. Are you happy or sad at Christmas time?

I'm happy at Christmas time.

18. Did you eat turkey last Christmas?

I ate turkey last Christmas.

19. Does your mother usually buy furniture? Does she need much money to buy furniture?

No, my mother doesn't usually buy furniture. She needs a lot of money to buy furniture.

20. Do you have a coat? What's the price of it?

Eu have a coat. It costs fifty reais.

21. Do you have a Brazilian shirt? Is it old?

No, I don't have a Brazilian shirt.

22. Did you buy many peaches, oranges or pineapples last week?

I bought many oranges last week.

23. Do you have brothers and sisters? What are their names?

I have a brother and two sisters. Their names are Sandra, Michelle and Volnei.

24. Are you always on time for work/school?

No, I am not always on time for work.

25. I usually go jogging. Do you usually go jogging too?

No, I don't usually go jogging.

26. Do you always finish your homework in time for your class?

Yes, I always finish my homework in time for my class.

27. Do you play any instrument? What instrument? What other instrument do you also want
to play?

No, I don't play any instrument. I would like to play the piano.

28. Did you read many books last year?

Yes, I read many books last year.

29. How many meals do you usually have a day?

I usually have three meals a day.

30. Do you think delicious meals are very expensive?

No, I don't think delicious meals are very expensive.

31. When you go to the zoo, are you there the whole day?

Yes, when I go to the zoo I am there the whole day.

32. As soon as you finish working tomorrow, where will you go?

I will go home as soon as I finish working tomorrow.

33. Did you have fun last Christmas?

Yes, I had fun last Christmas.

34. Do you prefer big or small dogs?

I prefer big dogs.

35. Do you know a lot of good people?

Yes, I know a lot of good peaple.

36. Do you have many boxes at home?

No, I don't have many boxes at home.

2) Make Questions

It's my birthday today. Can you congratulate me?

Suggestions: I bought a new car, did you like it? / Do you know I have a new job? (For birthday
normally we use happy birthday).

1. Congratulations! I'm happy for you.

Where is our dog?

2. Our dog is in the kitchen.

Where did you travel last time? And where will you travel this time?
3. Last time I traveled to Spain. This time, I will travel to Portugal.

Are you working hard today?

4. Take it easy, today is Friday.

Is it the last question?

5. Yes, this is the end of this unit.

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