ST Sheet Conflict V1

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Physical Social Mental AUTOMATIC WIN (p.120)

Strength Charisma Intelligence Character may automatically win a test with a
Dexterity Manipulation Wits margin of zero if their dice pool is twice the
Stamina Composure Resolve difficulty

TEAMWORK (p.122 + 294)

SKILLS Other characters may assist if they have the
Athletics Animal Ken Academics appropriate skill, in this case roll the highest
Brawl Etiquette Awareness dice pool and add one dice for every assist. If
Craft Insight Finance no skill is involved, anyone can assist. Might
Drive Intimidation Investigation allow a character to ignore or try to fix a total
Firearms Leadership Medicine failure
Melee Performance Occult WILLPOWER (p.122)
Larceny Persuasion Politics Characters may spend 1 point of Willpower
Stealth Streetwise Science to re-roll up to three regular dice on a Skill or
Survival Subterfuge Technology Attribute roll. Characters may not spend
Willpower to re-roll Hunger dice or a tracker
At the start of every turn of the conflict, each player declares their intent – what they are trying
to achieve. Once all players have decided on their course of action, the Storyteller makes the
Character may spend 2 dice from their dice
same decisions for all SPCs and then tells the troupe which dice pools to build. The players then
pool to perform a small action during their
roll to attempt it.
Additional conflict options available at p.296
PHYSICAL COMBAT Character dice pool versus static difficulty
Close combat between already engaged parties goes first, followed by ranged combat, followed by
newly initiated physical combat, followed by everything else. Break ties by comparing Dexterity +
CONTEST (p.123)
Wits, or if equal, by dots of the Skill used Character dice pool versus storyteller dice
pool or half the dice pool as a static difficulty
If both participants are able to cause harm to their opponent, the actions of both parties are
merged into a single conflict roll. A tie results in both parties inflicting damage on the other STANDARD EXTENDED TEST (p.293)
with a win margin of one. Character dice pool against a very large static
difficulty, accumulating successes with each
The defender can always opt to use their Dexterity + Athletics instead of a combat skill to roll in a running total until difficulty is met
defend. If they do, they inflict no damage on the opponent, if they win.
A character facing multiple opponents loses one die from their pool when they defend against
Character dice pool against a series of tasks
each successive opponent that targets them
with a static difficulty, requiring a win in all
To attack multiple foes, a character must split their dice pool of them to succeed


Resolve social conflict with the same mechanics used for physical combat. Order of operations Character dice pool against a series of tasks,
seldom matters in social combat. If it does, use Wits + Etiquette for Initiative order in most only counting the margin of successes
cases. towards the ultimate Difficulty

Social combat responds well to the Three Rounds and Out structure or the One-Roll Conflict CASCADING TEST (p.294)
system. Character dice pool against series of tasks,
adding the margin of successes towards the
It’s important to set the stakes ahead of time; what happens to the winner of the social conflict
next test as additional dice. One failure ends
and what happens to the loser. A social combatant always has the opportunity to concede before
the test
pools are rolled.
In a long-term conflict, Willpower loss doesn’t necessarily represent a sudden shock, but an
Character dice pool in increments against a
ongoing, irritating distraction that flares up during the chapter it spends in the spotlight.
very large static difficulty, whomever
Social combat ends when one of the parties concedes defeat, usually when Impaired, but accumulates enough successes first wins. If
sometimes an opponent goes all the way to total mental breakdown when their Willpower both reach the Difficulty in the same
tracker fills with Aggravated damage. increment, the one with most successes wins

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