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02 × 1023 mol-1

Resolving Forces Derived Quantity and Derived Units
Derived Quantity Derived Unit
Area A = L × B m × m = m2
Volume V = L×B×H m × m × m = m3
! #$
Density 𝜌 = " = kg ms-3
% !
When resolving forces to find resultant force: Speed v = & = ms-1

1. Resole al forces horizontally and "'( !% "#

Acceleration a = & = ms-2
vertically %
2. Find horizontal resultant force
3. Find vertical resultant force Force F = ma Kg × ms-2 = kgms-2 =
4. Apply parallelogram law or Pythagoras Newton (N)
) +
Theorem Pressure P = * = Nm-2 or Pascal
NB: Pay close attention to direction of forces. (Pa)
Work W = F × g N × m = Nm or Joule
Base Quantities and Base Units (J)
, .
Power P = = Js-1 or Watt (W)
There are seven base quantities and seven - %
corresponding base units outlined by system
International (S.I).
Dimensional Analysis
Base Quantity Base Unit
Mass, m Kilogram (kg) Used to determine if there exist a relationship
Length, l Metre (m) between cannot be used by itself
Time, t Second (s) to determine the accuracy of a formula.
Temperature, T Kelvin (K)
Electric current, I Ampere (A)
Amount of Mole (mol) Random Error- When repeated measurements
substance, n of the same quantity give rise to different
Luminous intensity, Iv Candele (cd) values. A random error is said to have occurred.

Systematic Error- A systematic error changes all

The Mole- is the amount of substance which measurements of a particular quantity equally.
contains as many elementary units (atoms/
ions/molecules) as there are atoms in 0.012kg Precision and Accuracy- A accurate
of carbon – 12. experiment is one in which the systematic error
is relatively small.
The number of elementary units per mole is
called the Avogadro constant, NA. it is the same A precise experiment is one in which the
for all the substances. random error is relatively small.
NB: Regardless of the operation (-, +, ÷, ×) Projectiles
uncertainties are always added. So generally: If
*/ % ∆2 ∆* ∆/ ∆0
y= 0
then 2
= *
+ 𝑛 ' / ( + 0

Resistive forces
Up thrust on a Body in Fluid
F = P× A à F = 𝜌gh A

Terminal Velocity
- a = 0, Fr = 0

Equations of Motion
1. By definition: a =

at = v – u
The horizontal components of velocity remain
v = u + at…(1)
constant throughout motion. However, the
% vertical component of velocity is affected by g
2. Average velocity = &
(3" and therefore changes with time. The equations
Iff a = constant Average velocity=
5 of motions can therefore be used when
% (3"
à &
considered the vertical motion of the projectile.
S=( ) t……..(2)
5 Newton’s Laws of Motion
3. Sub t = 6
from 1 in 2
Newton’s First Law
"3( "'(
S=( )( ) A body continues in its state of rest or of
5 6
uniform motion in a straight line (i.e. uniform
" $" '
$ velocity unless acted upon by a resultant force).
The inertia of a body is the resistance to change
in motion and therefore Newton’s First Law is
2as = v2 – u2
sometimes called the law of inertia.
V2 = u2 + 2as………..(3) Mass Weight
4. Sub v = u + at from 1 in 2 Is the measure of the Is the force which
S=( )t inertia of a body. gravity exerts on a
9 2
S = ut + at ……...(4)
5 Unit: kg Unit: N
5. Sub u = v – at from 1 in 2 Scalar Vector
às=' (t Constant Varies according to
9 the gravitational field
S = vt - 5 at2…….(5) strength.
Fundamental Derived quantity
Newton’s Second Law !" $
At C: T – mg = <
The rate of change of momentum of a body is
Horizontal Circle:
directly proportional to the resultant force
acting on the body and takes place in the
direction of the force

Newton’s Third Law

When object A exerts a force on B, object B

exerts an equal and opposite force of an object

Linear Momentum: mv (vector quantity)

Perfectly Elastic Collision

Ø Energy (kinetic) conserved Tension = centripetal force

Ø Momentum conserved
Ø Impulse= Ft = mv – mu T = mw2r

Area under force - time graph is impulse Gravitation

Circular Motion A gravitational field is said to exist at a point if a

gravitational force is exerted on a mass placed
: 5;
S = rƟ W= & W= at the point.

"$ Notes:
V = rw a = w2 r a=
Ø Gravitational forces are always forces of
, !" $
f= F = mw r 2
F= attraction
5; <
Ø Gravitational forces are mostly
negliable unless atleast one very
Vertical Circle: massive body is involved. Example: the
Ø The direction of the gravitational field
at a point is the direction of the force
exerted on a mass at that point.

Newton’s Law of Gravitational Field

=!# !$
F= <$
) =>
g=>= <$
!" $
At A: T + mg = !" ! =!# !$
< Planets orbiting sun: mrw2 = =
# <$
!" $
At B: T = < Geostationary orbits: period = 24 hours
T2 ∝ 𝑟 $ Kinetic Energy, Ek
Apparent weight = Gravitational force – centripetal Is the energy that the body possess by virtue of
its motion.
Work, Energy and Power 9
EK = 5 𝑚𝑣 5
Work, W
V = ,2𝑔ℎ
Work done by the force whose points of
application moves through a displacement in Potential Energy, EP
the direction of the force is the product of the
Potential energy is the energy that the body
force and displacement.
possesses by virtue of its state or position.
W = Fs
Ep = mgh= Ek
Energy, E.
Power, P
Definition: The energy is the capacity to do
Definition: Power is defined as the work done
or energy transferred per unit time.
Notes: ! #
P= "
or P = "
Ø S.I units Joule (J), 1J = 1Nm

Types of Energy
Mechanical Energy – K.E

- P.E

Energy Conversions
Example: Oil power generator

Chemical à Thermal à Mechanicalà


Hydroelectric generator
- car

- light bulbs

Principle of Conservation of Energy

The total energy in a closed system is to be
MODULE 2 K.E and P.E
A system which is to be set in mechanical Ep = 5mw2 x2
oscillation must have: 9
𝐸# = 5 𝑚𝑤 5 (𝑥@5 − 𝑥 5 )
1. Store P.E
2. Have interior
$ &'
F=% ,W = 2𝜋𝑓 = %

Simple Harmonic Motion

Starting at Starting at
max. zero
Displacement displacement

Displacement x = x0 cos𝜃 x = x0 sin𝜃 Damping

𝜃 = wt => x2 𝜃 = wt x = Is the process in which energy is taken
x0cos wt x0 sin wt
from an oscillating system to do work in
Velocity %& %&
V = %' V = %' overcoming dissipated forces.
V = -wx0 sin 𝜃 V = wx0 cos𝜃 Undamped
V = - wx0 sin V = wx0 cos
wt wt
Acceleration %!& %!& %"
a = %& ! or a = %' ! or

a = -w2 x0 cos a = -w2x0 sin

wt wt
a = -w2x a = -w2x

To determine if a body moves with SHM

- Draw a diagram with the body at an
arbitrary displacement, x from the
equilibrium position, O.
- On the diagram, mark in all the force
acting on the body and determine the Critical
resultant force in the direction of the
displacement, x.
! ?
For helical spring: T = 2𝜋1 = 2𝜋 1
# $

For pendulum: T = 2𝜋 %
To keep a damped system in continuous speed, frequency and amplitude travelling
oscillation a driving force must be applied. in opposite directions.
Resonance à large oscillations when natural
frequency = driving frequency

Phase Difference

*+,-( . /
n2 =
= constant (Snell’s Law) = .( = /(
A ) )
Phase Difference Ø = * 2𝜋
B 9
n2 =
A leads B
B lags A Total Internal Reflection: c = sin-1 (𝒏)

Ø v = fλ i>c ray in denser medium

Ø Intensity = Intensity ∝ Amplitude HB
*<?6 Interference = y = 6

Ø Polarization restricting oscillation

Stationary Waves
Are produced by the combination of 2 identical
waves travelling in opposite directions.

Stationary waves are produced by the

combined effect of two identical waves
travelling in opposite directions i.e. it is the
superposition of two waves with the same
Diffraction Of Light: d sin Ɵ = n λ
for white light

n is max when Ɵ = 900


! 9
m= , Power =
( )

+ ve = converging

- ve = diverging
9 9 9
= ( + "

v + ve real

v – ve virtual
Intensity level = lg (I )

Or I (dB) = lg (I )
Module 3 Thermocouple = emf
AƟ ' A(
Pressure =
(Pa) Empirical Scale = Ɵ = A × 100
*<?6 #(( ' A(

Density = KDL(!? Kelvin Scale = T = C * × 273.16

PressureLiquid = 𝞺gh EH = MC∆Ɵ

Hooke’s Law EH = temperature change

E = mlf = phase change

C = mc = heat capacity

Internal Energy = Sum of EK + EP

[ Ɵ$ ' Ɵ# ∆Ɵ
Conduction = &
= 𝑘𝐴 L
= - KA ∆A
## #
Equivalent thickness: L#
= L$

Poor Conductor: High ∆A
Good Conductor: Low ∆A

Radiation: P= A (𝑇9] − 𝑇5] )

F = ke A * Limit of proportionality Ideal Gas Equation: PV = nRT or PV = NKT

9 ^
A à B :- Elastic Limit Also PV = Nm c2 and EK = KT
^ 5

Bà C :- Plastic Deformation Work Done: W = P∆V therefore ∆v = 0à W = 0

)D<0? MA&?E%NDE
Stress = *<?6
(Pa) Strain = O<N$NE6L L?E$P& First Law of Thermodynamics: ∆u = ∆𝜃 +∆w
𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑭 𝒍 ∆u = ∆𝜃 - ∆w
Youngs Modulus = 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 = 𝑨 𝒆
Adiabatic: ∆𝜃 = 0 therefore ∆𝑢 = ∆𝑤

9 9 Isothermal: ∆𝑢 = 0
Strain Energy = Fx = kx2 = Area under F – e
5 5
graph Molar Heat Capacity

Thermometric Property: Physical property Constant Volume à ∆𝑢 = n Cv ∆Ɵ

that changes continuously with temperature à ∆𝑄 = n Cv ∆Ɵ
and remains constant when temperature is
constant. à ∆𝑄 = n Cp ∆Ɵ

Liquid in glass = Expansion on liquid Cp – Cv = R

Resistance thermometer = resistance of


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