C.recoleta-Mnba 03.06.22

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Instituto Griego Atená goras – 5to añ o Info

Salida didáctica al Cementerio de la Recoleta – MNBA – Proyecto colaborativo entre: INGLÉ S,

ARTE Y CIENCIA, FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA, MIC – Profesores: Bazas, Adriana; Budzvicky, Karina;
Fritzler, Dante

Alumnos: Adolfo Ezequiel, Alegre Muñoz Kiara, Andribet Dit Brascq Carolina, González
Alsina Pedro

1. Match the words with their right definition.

A. Cremation → 7 1. An inscription on a tomb
B. Corpse → 4 2. A vault beneath a church for burial
C. Embalm → 10 3. To dig up a corpse
D. Winding Sheet → 8 4. The dead body of human being
E. Exhume → 3 5. A vehicle for taking dead body to a
F. Hearse → 5 6. The place the dead bodies are interred
G. Cemetery → 6 7. Disposal of dead body by burning
H. Epitaph → 1 8. The cloth which is wrapped round a
dead body.
I. Crypt → 2 9. A stone coffin
J. Sarcophagus → 9 10. To preserve the dead body from
K. Catacombs → 14 11. A very expensive and elaborately built
L. Mausoleum → 11 12. An account in the newspaper about the
funeral of the deceased
M. Obituary → 12 13. The mass for the dead
N. Requiem → 13 14. Underground caves with burying
places for the dead

2. Read the following article from The Independent about Oscar Wilde
and other famous people who are buried in the Pére Lachaise cemetery
in Paris. Fill in the gaps with a word from the box.

Kiss goodbye to the lipstick on Oscar Wilde's tombstone


buried - cemetery – embalmed – grave – interred – marble –

resting place – sanctuary – tomb – tribute
Instituto Griego Atená goras – 5to añ o Info
Salida didáctica al Cementerio de la Recoleta – MNBA – Proyecto colaborativo entre: INGLÉ S,
ARTE Y CIENCIA, FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA, MIC – Profesores: Bazas, Adriana; Budzvicky, Karina;
Fritzler, Dante

Merlin Holland, the only grandson of Oscar Wilde, at the writer's restored tomb yesterday. "Each
man kills the thing he loves", wrote Oscar Wilde. "The coward does it with a kiss."

For more than a decade, alleged fans of Oscar Wilde have been stupidly proving his point. A craze
grew up in the 1990s to place lipstick kisses, or daub painted lips, on the TOMB of the great Irish
writer in the Père Lachaise CEMETERY in Paris.

Eventually there were so many kisses that the grease in the lipstick and the oil in the paint
threatened to destroy the limestone of the tomb, including a celebrated image of a "flying angel-
demon" by the Anglo-American sculptor Jacob Epstein.

Yesterday, 111 years to the day of his death in a Paris hotel at the age of 46, Wilde was given

SANCTUARY from those who claim to love him. In a moving ceremony, his only grandchild,

Merlin Holland, rededicated a cleansed and restored tomb, now surrounded by an elegant glass


More than 200 people gathered to hear the actor Rupert Everett read from Wilde's prose poem "De

Profundis", written while he was imprisoned in Reading jail for acts of homosexuality.

The Irish Culture Minister, Dinny McGinley, paid TRIBUTE to a "very great Irishman, who has

moved people the world over".

The undisclosed but "modest" cost of restoration has been covered by the Irish government and the

private Ireland Fund of France.

Mr Holland, 66, a British writer based in France, campaigned for the restoration of his grandfather's

tomb with the help of Sheila Pratschke, the director of the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris. "The Irish

government has recognised the importance of cultural investment despite the crisis of material

values that we are all going through," Mr Holland told The Independent yesterday.

Père Lachaise, in north-eastern Paris, is the most-visited cemetery in the world. It is the last

RESTING PLACE of, among others, the musicians Chopin and Bizet, the writer Marcel Proust, the

singer Edith Piaf and the American rock star Jim Morrison.
Instituto Griego Atená goras – 5to añ o Info
Salida didáctica al Cementerio de la Recoleta – MNBA – Proyecto colaborativo entre: INGLÉ S,
ARTE Y CIENCIA, FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA, MIC – Profesores: Bazas, Adriana; Budzvicky, Karina;
Fritzler, Dante

Its graffiti epidemic began when Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, was BURIED there in 1971. At

one point, every fourth tomb on the route to his GRAVE was daubed with arrows or scrawled with

the words "This way to Jim". When the Morrison graffiti calmed down in the late 1990s, the Wilde

graffiti took over. "Something had to be done," Everett said yesterday. "OK, so people want to

express themselves. Well, baby, from now on you can kiss the glass screen."

In memoriam: Graves on display

Vladimir Lenin Lenin's EMBALMED body has been on public display in Red Square, Moscow

since his death in 1924. The MARBLE structure used to be a popular attraction but deterioration of

the CORPSE has led to calls for him to be buried.

Elvis Presley The King died at his Graceland estate in August 1977 and is buried in the

"Meditation Garden". Fans queue from early for the chance to see his grave, alongside that of his


Francisco Franco The enormous Valley of the Fallen memorial took 18 years to build. Franco

commissioned it to commemorate those who died in the Civil War. He is INTERRED in the


Michael Jackson Fans cannot visit the grave in Forest Lawn cemetary in Los Andeles, although

many leave tributes outside. His family

may allow limited access. Cemetery

residents include Clark Gable and Walt


3. Now, choose one of the

stories you have been
told and write a brief
recount about it. Use
proper vocabulary from
exercises 1 and 2.

The Legend of Luz María

García Velloso
Instituto Griego Atená goras – 5to añ o Info
Salida didáctica al Cementerio de la Recoleta – MNBA – Proyecto colaborativo entre: INGLÉ S,
ARTE Y CIENCIA, FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA, MIC – Profesores: Bazas, Adriana; Budzvicky, Karina;
Fritzler, Dante

One of the famous Ladies in White, Luz María, daughter of a great play writer (Enrique
García Velloso), is recorded in the official history that the girl died at the age of 15 from
blood cancer (leukemia).

Her grave represents her on her sleep, and is said that her devastated mother made sure
that there was a space in the mausoleum, to ask permission, to sleep in there with her dead

The Legend, as we mentioned, tells that she is the "Lady in White", and this is the reason:
the girl liked to walk around cafes and bars, so one night, dressed in white, she meets a boy
who is very attracted to her and they like each other very much. He lends her his coat, to
protect her from the cold of the night and to be able to see her later.

Luz María told him that it's too late and she has to return back home, but the boy tried to
follow her when she ran away. When he arrives at the Recoleta Cemetery, the boy asks Luz
María's mother, who was there, if she had seen her, and she replies that she’s her dead
daughter and that’s her resting place.

The young man found the mausoleum with the name of his lover and her coat on it. Some
versions say that the boy goes crazy and others that he fled in terror and horrified by the
traumatic image.

4. Seleccionar dos (2) datos científicos (históricos, sociológico o

naturales) y dos (2) datos mitológicos o religiosos. Describir cada uno y
comparar. ¿Cómo influyen los mismos en la construcción del
imaginario del Cementerio de la Recoleta y su influencia en la sociedad
5. Seleccionar cinco fotografías de las tomadas en el recorrido (registro
arquitectónico o político-histórico), escribir un relato posible y
enviarlas a dantedofi@gmail.com
6. Write a brief comparison between the entrance porticos of Recoleta’s
Cemetery and the Fine Arts Museum’s.
7. The Fine Arts Museum: A peculiar view of history through the visual

7.1.- The Fine Arts Museum’s Heritage

a.- It houses the most important works of art from humanity.

b.- It contains a selection of works which develop the idea of what art means.

c.- Its works of art let us know about the history of the Western World.

7.2.- The Medieval and Renaissance rooms

Instituto Griego Atená goras – 5to añ o Info
Salida didáctica al Cementerio de la Recoleta – MNBA – Proyecto colaborativo entre: INGLÉ S,
ARTE Y CIENCIA, FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA, MIC – Profesores: Bazas, Adriana; Budzvicky, Karina;
Fritzler, Dante

a.-They stand out for their abstract view of the world.

b.-They stand out for the passage from a religious view to a more humanist one of the world.

c.- They stand out for their rich collection of paintings.

7.3.- The Hisrch Collection

a.- It is a donation from the family to the state in order to enlarge the Fine Arts Museum’s

b.-It is a collection which enables us to see the power from a foreign family

c.-It is a collection of works of art form the 20th Century

7.4.- The Baroque Period

a.- It stands out for the tension between light and darkness.

b.- It stands out for its humanist content.

c.-It is a great example of the human being’s self-confidence.

7.5.-The French Rococo is charaterized by:

a.- its characters’ expressions

b- its Christian content

c.- its bucolic landscapes and exuberantly decorarive style.

7.6.- August Rodin’s temporary exhibition

a.- It is a special exhibition of works of art recently repaired by the Museum.

b.- It is a homage that The Fine Arts Museum has paid to the French artist after a century
form his death with his own works.

c.- It is a collection of works especially brought from France for his homage.

7.7.- The Impressionist and PostImpressionist movements are defined by:

a.-its quick brushstroke and the effects of llight on the objects.

Instituto Griego Atená goras – 5to añ o Info
Salida didáctica al Cementerio de la Recoleta – MNBA – Proyecto colaborativo entre: INGLÉ S,
ARTE Y CIENCIA, FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICA, MIC – Profesores: Bazas, Adriana; Budzvicky, Karina;
Fritzler, Dante

b.-a scientific view of the world

c.- the abstraction from reality.

7.8.- Guerrico’s collection:

a.- it is a collection of works from the Reinassance period.

b.-it is a collection donated by the Guerrico family, Argentinian landowners.

c.- it is a collection which belonged to the artist Manuel José V. de Guerrico

7.9.- The Argentinian art from the 19th Century is inspired by:

a.- Important political affairs and characters.

b.- still life.

c.- objects from abstract composition.

7.10.- Which are the three works which represent the social context from the
19th Century?

a.-, La sopa de los pobres, El despertar de la criada, El reposo

b.- El despertar de la criada, La sopa de los pobres, Sin Pan y sin trabajo

c.- Sin Pan y sin trabajo, El reposo, La vuelta del malón.

8.- Enunciar los criterios de la política exhibitiva del Museo Nacional.

9.- A su entender, ¿en qué consiste el patrimonio de nuestra Nación presente en este
Museo, según su historia, lo mostrado y lo no mostrado, y cuál es su influencia a nivel

10.- Elegir tres obras de arte argentino de diferentes períodos, y reconstruir un relato
de nuestra historia del arte desde la importancia de la identidad nacional.

One of the recounts should be done in English.

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