General Biology 2

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In the transformation process, a selected

portion of the foreign DNA is inserted into a
small, circular DNA molecule called
PLASMID, which is naturally found in

Biology 2 bacteria.

Plasmid is the most useful tool in gene

Genetic Engineering
A plasmid contains a gene sequence that
Classical Breeding practices focus on the serves as a bacterial ORIGIN OF
mating of organisms with desirable REPLICATION. This is where the foreign
qualities. DNA can be inserted into the bacterial cell.
Genetic Engineering involves the use of
molecular techniques to modify the traits of It also contains a GENETIC MARKER,
a target organism. The modification of traits which makes it possible to distinguish
may involve: bacteria that carry the plasmid-containing
I. introduction of new traits into an foreign DNA. Some of these genetic
organism markers code for antibiotic resistance.
II. enhancement of a present trait by
increasing the expression of the desired A genetic marker is a gene or DNA
gene sequence with a known location on a
III. enhancement of a present trait by chromosome that can be used to identify
disrupting the inhibition of the desired individuals or species.
genes’ expression.
Example: During transformation, a RESTRICTION
 Wagyu Beef (Beef with good fat ENDONUCLEASE ENZYME is used to
 distribution) cut the piece of the donor DNA. This
 Guapple (Large sized guava) enzyme cleaves the DNA at the phosphate-
 Human Insulin-producing bacteria sugar bond, and thus sticky ends are
 Flavr-Savr (Delayed-ripening created.
 Macapuno trait in coconuts Not all restriction enzymes produce sticky
It is a process of making changes on the ends. Some are “blunt cutters,” which cut
genetic code of an organism. straight down the middle of a target
Its goal is to add one or more new traits sequence and leave no overhang.
that are not normally found in that Example: SmaI enzyme
Restriction enzymes cut the DNA only at a
DNA Recombination is a process of specific nucleotide sequence.
modifying the genes of organisms for
practical purposes. Then, an enzyme known as DNA ligase is
It is done when a piece of DNA is combined used to insert the donor DNA into the
with another DNA from another source. vector. It seals the sticky ends by joining the
The resulting genetic product is called phosphate and the sugar bonds in the DNA.
recombinant DNA. The inserted DNA also contains a genetic
marker for identification.
Processes Used in Recombinant DNA
Technology Ligase’s job is to join together fragments
of newly synthesized DNA to form a
Transformation Using a Vector seamless strand. 
VECTORS are organisms that are normally
harmless but may help spread infection by The process of attaching fragments of DNA
transferring the genetic material from one from different sources is known as gene
host to another. splicing.
Pseudomonas syringae-
Vectorless Gene Transfer the recombinant variant of this bacterium is
This process is similar to transformation, the ice-minus bacterium, which lacks the
but it does not involve vectors. gene responsible for ice formation. The ice-
The types of vectorless gene transfer include minus bacteria prevent frost crystals from
electroporation, protoplast fusion, forming in plants.
microinjection, and use of a particle gun.

In ELECTROPORATION, temporary Pseudomonas fluorescens-

holes are formed in the plasma membrane of this is a nonpathogenic bacterium that has
the host cell by applying a significant the ability to produce proteins rapidly. This
amount of electricity in the culture medium. characteristic is advantageous in developing
This enables the entry of foreign DNA via biotherapeutics and vaccines.
the pores.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-
In PROTOPLAST FUSION, cells are in its natural state, this bacterium has a
treated with chemicals to initiate tumor inducing (Ti) plasmid that causes
recombination. In this process, bacterial CROWN GALL DISEASE (the formation
cell walls are digested, turning the cells of tumors) in plants. The said Ti plasmid in
into protoplasts. the bacterium can be removed and replaced
Protoplast (from 'first-formed'), is a with a recombinant plasmid. This enables
biological term coined by Hanstein in 1880 the now-modified bacterium to introduce
to refer to the entire cell, excluding the cell beneficial genes to plants.
These protoplasts are treated with Geological Time Scale
polyethylene glycol to allow them to fuse,
creating a random recombination of genes. The Geological Time Scale is a record of
The resulting recombinant cell will now the life forms and geological events in
grow a new cell wall. Earth’s history.
In MICROINJECTION, the host cell is
immobilized by applying a mild suction
with a blunt pipette. The foreign gene is
then injected with a microinjection needle,
thus creating recombinant DNA.

In using a PARTICLE GUN for

recombination, the host cell is bombarded
with tungsten particles coated with foreign
DNA. Many farmers use this method to
genetically modify plants to make them
highly resistant to insects and other pests.

It is the process wherein genetically
engineered BACTERIOPHAGES- viruses
that parasitize bacteria- are introduced into
the cell to create the desired recombinant


contain genes from other organisms, are
now an important part in the field of
Divisions of Geologic Time GENETIC VARIATION
Eras are subdivided into periods. Periods are
subdivided into epochs. Precambrian Era The differences between the genes of each
covers approximately 88% of Earth’s individual and the differences between genes of
History. the different populations are termed as
One Super Eon and Four Eras
The number of times at which the common
Pre-Cambrian Super Eon- 88% of Earth’s gene appears in everyone within a
history population is called GENE FREQUENCY.
Paleozoic (ancient life)- 544 million years
ago… lasted 300 million years Any change in the gene frequency of a
Mesozoic (middle life)- 245 million years species or population is EVOLUTION.
ago… lasted 180 million years
Cenozoic (recent life)- 65 million years MECHANISMS OF EVOLUTION
ago… continues through present day
1. Artificial Selection- This is also termed
as selective breeding. One of the causes of
PALEOZOIC ERA (Ancient Life) change in the gene frequency of some
species specifically domesticated plants and
The Cambrian period is the 1st period of the animals is artificial selection or selective
Paleozoic Era. “Age of the Trilobites” or breeding. It is when humans selectively
the “Age of Fish” choose to breed animals and plants with
Explosion of life in the oceans began during specific traits that they deemed beneficial
this era for different purposes.

MESOZOIC ERA (Middle Life) 2. Natural Selection- Nature or the

environment dictates which among the
At the beginning of this era, the continents organism will survive, this organism has a
were joined as Pangaea. certain variety of traits or characteristics that
Pangaea broke up around the middle of this will be passed on to the next generation.
era. -also known as “Survival of the fittest”
Reptiles became the most abundant animals
because of their ability to adapt to the drier 3. Gene Flow or Migration- Another
climate of the Mesozoic era. mechanism of evolution is gene flow or
Dinosaurs were very active in this era. migration. This occurs when a group or
Small mammals and birds appeared during individual specie migrated from one place to
this era. another affecting the gene pool of the place
This era ended with a mass extinction that they left and the place where they
event about 65 million years ago. arrive.

CENOZOIC ERA 4. Genetic Drift- is a mechanism that may

bring change to the gene frequency in a
Growth of these mountains may have helped population because of “chance” events. It is
to cool down the climate. a result of an incident or accident which
As the climate changed, the animals had to may have brought significant and palpable
adapt to the rise and fall of the oceans change to the gene frequency or common
caused by melting glaciers. traits in a given population.
This era is sometimes called the “Age of An event that significantly reduces the
Mammals.” number of populations is called the
Bottleneck Effect.
5. Non-Random Mating- It occurs when
some species choose a partner with The principle of lateral continuity states that
preferred characteristics. Some female layers of sediment initially extend laterally
species only allow certain male in all directions; in other words, they are
characteristics to be their partner, making laterally continuous.
the genes of the chosen male species to
reproduce in the next generation. Unconformity

6. Recombination- Recombination or gene Unconformities are disturbance in the rock

shuffling is life’s way of bringing variety in layers. Not all rock layers are in nice and
similarity. It occurs during meiosis, the cell neat straight rows. Many have features that
replication process used for reproduction. cut through them.
Recombination is also the reason behind
gene variation between siblings and twins Disconformity
and makes genetic diversity possible.
Disconformities are unconformities that
7. Mutation- A Mutation occurs when an occur between parallel layers of strata
insertion, deletion, or any change in the indicating either a period of no deposition or
codes of the DNA takes place. Changes in erosion.
the DNA codes may result from internal or
external factors. Paraconformity

Relative and Absolute Dating A type of unconformity (gap in the geologic

system) in which there is no evidence of a
gap in time, because the planes above and
Relative Dating- The process of
below the gap are parallel and there is no
determining whether an object or event is
evidence of erosion.
older or younger than any other object or
events. It puts object/ events in
A Geologic Column is an ordered
chronological does not indicate the
arrangement of rock layers that is based on
rock’s year in age.
the relative ages of the rocks, with the oldest
rocks at the bottom.
Inclusion- Inclusions are pieces of rocks
contained within another. In the same way,
Index Fossils
anything (mineral ,etc.) that is enclosed/
embedded. In the rock are older than the
1. Wide geographic abundance,
rock unit surrounding unit.
2. Easy identification,
3. And a relatively short geological
The Principle of Superposition
Younger rock lies above older rocks in
Absolute Dating- Measuring the age of an
undisturbed sequences.
event or object in years using radioactive
The Principle of Crosscutting
Radiometric Dating
The principle of crosscutting relationships
Method of finding out the age of an object
states that geological features such as faults
by figuring our the ratio of parent material
and intrusions are younger than the rock
to daughter material.
they cut through.

Law of Lateral Continuity

Radioactive Decay
To determine absolute age, scientists look at
the breaking down of an unstable isotope
CLADE (also known as a monophyletic
into a stable isotope.
group or natural group), is a grouping of
organisms that are composed of a common
ancestor and all its lineal descendants – on a
An atom that has a different number of
phylogenetic tree.
neutrons than other atoms of the same
The key difference between ingroup and
outgroup in biology is that an ingroup is a
Half Life
group of closely related taxa that is
investigated for evolutionary relationships
The amount of time it takes for half of the
while outgroup is a reference group or a
radioactive sample to decay.
taxon outside the group of interest and more
distantly related to the ingroup.
The Development of Evolutionary
A root is the ancestral population from
which all the other species originate. A node
1. Jean Baptiste Lamarck
represents a branching point from the
Before Darwin, some notable people who
ancestral population.
have already thought about the concept of
evolution. One of them is Jean Lamarck, a
The nodes represent biological entities (e.g.,
French Naturalist who has theorized on
species, genes), whereas the branches
habits or the Principle of Use and Disuse;
represent relationships between those
he thought that organisms have evolved to
entities (e.g., ancestor-descendant
change their characteristics to fit in their
environment through continuous use and
disuse of their organs.
Internal branches or internodes connect two
nodes, whereas external branches connect a
2. Charles Darwin
tip and a node.
Darwin, an English Naturalist, as we have
already learned, had theorized on how
The Taxa is known as the "tips" of the tree
species came from a common ancestor and
branches or the study being conducted.
how these species may also give birth to
another species in a long time as changes
Cladograms is used to illustrate
occur in their characteristics via the process
relationships among organisms and
of Natural Selection. These organisms
evolutionary relationships for organisms
change to adapt to their environment as time
with a shared common ancestor.
passed by until they have finally evolved
into a new species incapable of breeding
An out-group is the organism in a
with the original species.
cladogram that is the starting point and
usually does not have any common
3. Alfred Russel Wallace
characteristics with the other organisms in
He is a British Naturalist, had been a friend
the cladogram.
of Darwin, and is of great significance to the
development of evolutionary thought
because he had been a key person to
Darwin’s Publication of the Origin of

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