World History I - Ancient Egypt Capture Sheet

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World History I

Ancient Egypt Capture Sheet Name Roah Choi

Direction: Take a note from the lesson slides and fill in the blanks as following the lesson instruction.

Midterm photo
1. Video Q&A (might need for the essay))
Who are pharaohs?
“GREAT HOUSE” “Kings and rulers”

How were they (Pharaohs) considered among ancient Egyptians?

As god. Treated as not humanity but hundreds of gods. (Living god)

How did ancient Egyptians Prepare for their afterlife?

Gold, Jewelry, and even pets to prepare for the journey for gods.
(make Tums and make mummies.)
Seems to be much more

What are the achievements that ancient Egyptians made?

Innovative language and (measurement) mathematics (1CUBIT) also Geometry things to build
pyramids. Time system (Solar calender=양역 달력), paper made out of 파파야스(?) = Nile
river에 많이 나는거.
Methods to farm from the River.
(Writing HIERATIC system=상형문자) Languages, …

Ancient Egypt: Geography

● How did the narrow corridor that connects Egypt
and Asia affect Egyptian civilization?
○ The narrow entrance to Egyptian land
(Hard to cross, so could stay safe for a long
time .)

○ Easy to protect fewer wars in Egypt

○ More stable political and social entity

● Why were all cities in Egypt built only near the

Nile river?
The Nile floods (every single year for a certain period of
time so it was easy to predict when the Nile floats.그래서
float하면 rich soil under the bottom이 밖으로 나온다.)
annually and predictable and deposits rich soils in lands

Egypt to Asia narrow land

(또한 Nile은 farming하기 좋았다.

● How did the annual and predictable flood of the Nile affect Egyptian civilization?
○ Greatly increased agricultural production

○ Helped boost the state building process

Ancient Egypt: Politics
● Thanks to the environment, Egypt could become a centralized state with a single strong

● Ruler of Egypt?

● What is divine kingship? How was it used to rule Egypt?

Pharaohs declared a link between them and Egyptian gods = divine kingship
Pharaoh: God’s living incarnation
Therefore all Egyptians must obey to him
-Provided easier control over people

● What is the law in Egypt? (이거 물어보자)

Ancient Egypt: Economy

● What is irrigation? What was its effect?
The Nile and its floods Boosted farming production - Using IRRIGATION to farm.

● Most people in ancient Egypt were worked as farmers and it made a rural and farm-based
economy. = Farming was the main industry there.
(There was always extra food in Egypt. (farming) = 그정도였다~))

Trade with different regions such as Mesopotamia, East Africa and Asia Minor(Turkey today)
(Trade도 ancient egypt를 이해하기 좋은 것 중에 하나였다)

Ancient Egypt: Culture and Society

● Egyptian writing and record-keeping system:

● What is the goal of great architecture in ancient Egypt?

Pyramids, sphinx…etc

● What are the features of ancient Egyptian religion?

(not only one, too many gods)
(Strong belief in the afterlife)

● Social class system in ancient Egypt (from top to bottom) (얘도 뭔지 모르겠다)))
1. Pharaoh
2.Government officials(nobles) and priests
3.Merchants(상인), artisans(장인) and scribes(서기관)
5.(very bottom) Slaves(노예)

● How was the status of women in ancient Egypt?

○ Women in Egypt enjoyed greater independence than women elsewhere.
○ Women’s rights?
Women could inherit(상속) property, have a business, go to the court and divorce.
(다른 나라는 여자는 사람취급을 안해줌 however only in Egypt has there own
+하지만 그렇다고 woman 이 남자와 똑같이 대우를 잘 받았다는 건 아님.)
여자도 자유는 있되, 남자만큼 대우를 잘 받지 않았음.

○ Limitation?
Ancient Egypt even had some female pharaohs! But only if they have royal blood.
Usually woman couldn’t have a position in the government

● Scientific and mathematical development

○ Land survey, measurement and geometry
○ Medicine and surgery
○ Astronomy(study of stars) and calendar system.

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