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World History I

Ancient China Capture Sheet - 1 Name Roah Choi

Direction: Take a note from the lesson slides and fill in the blanks as following the lesson instruction.

Ancient China: Development

● The first civilization in China arose near
The Huang(Yellow) River.
● Where did the Chinese civilization expand
Steadily expanded to the south and West, especially
near the Chang Jiang (Yangize River)
● As the Chinese civilization grew,
Early dynasties of China emerged.
(Shang and Zhou)
Ancient China: Shang Dynasty
● The first historical dynasty in China
● What kind of society does the Shang dynasty
have? A farming society ruled by king and a warrior aristocracy
● Master of Bronze cast
● Used __Oracle bone scripts__ to make important decisions in the government.
● Who did conquer Shang?
Later was conquered and overthrown by Zhou dynasty (상나라(은나라))

Ancient China: Zhou Dynasty

● Establishment of the Mandate of Heaven
○ What is the Mandate of Heaven?
The right to rule China given by the heaven.
○ How is it given?
Given based on how benevolent and virtuous the ruler is
○ What will happen if a ruler is not virtuous enough?
If the ruler is not virtuous enough, it will be taken away and given to another person.
So the old dynasty will end, and the new one will come.
○ Why is the Mandate of Heaven a “double-edged sword” for the Chinese dynasty?
It’s a double-edged sword.
ㄴ It provides a justification for the ruling dynasty.
But it allows people to overthrow the ruling dynasty
○ Mandate of Heaven created ___the Dynastic Cycle___ in China
○ (Rule tht has made by HEAVEN)
● Feudalism in Zhou
○ What is feudalism? How does the system work?
A system of government that local lords governed their own lands
1.Under feudalism, King gives lands to local lords.
2. In return, Local lords had duty to pay tax and provide military services and aids of king.

○ What was the problem of feudalism in Zhou?

Worked well at first, but later feudal lords began to have the real power and disregard the Zhou
1. Local lords fought each other for more power and lands
2. Zhou kings lost their control over the feudal lords.
3. Beginning of the time of civil war called the Warring States period

● Warring States Period

○ Who did the countries in China use to serve?
The countries other than Zhou used to serve Zhou kings..

Now they stopped serving Zhou and compete with each other for power.

○ What happened to them in the warring states periods?

The Warning States will be ended by a strong, ruthless ruler who would create the first unified
empire in China.

Ancient China: Religion

● What did contribute to the bloom of different ideas and philosophy?
A fierce competition among the Warring States contributed to the cloom of many different ideas
and philosophies.

● What are the two religions that emerged from the warring states periods?
Among them two religious beliefs arose. Confucianism(유교) and Daoism(도교).

If a line bisects a segment, then the line intersects the segment only at its midpoint. If a line
intersects a segment only at its midpoint, then it bisects the segment. 8.

If an integer is divisible by 100, then its last two digits are zeros. If an integer’s last two digits
are zeros, then it is divisible by 100. 9.

If you live in Washington, D.C., then you live in the capital of the United States. If you live in
the capital of the United States, then you live in Washington, D.C.

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