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Theobald 1

Stephanie Theobald

Mr. Torres

English IV

I was very fortunate to have grown up in a neighborhood where neighbors are considered

family. This close-knit group of people has taught me to value life and to cherish every moment.

Each and every one of them has shaped my life in a significant way.

I have learned to value life because of my neighbor, Meghan. She was diagnosed with a

rare bone cancer at a very young age. It made me more grateful for how blessed I am to have not

had any major health concerns. Along with cancer, she and her family have to take of her brother

who has a severe form of Autism. I cannot even begin to put into words how much respect and

sympathy I have for this family. They have had to deal with many difficult situations that I could

not imagine having to go through. This has made me deeply value life.

Macie is a neighbor that I consider my sister, she has made me realize how important it is

to cherish every moment. She and I have known each other since the beginning of our lives. We

have spent almost every day together for the past seventeen years and now that’s about to

change. She is heading off to college in less than two weeks and it’s made me look back on the

time that we’ve had, which should have been spent more wisely. This has taught me to not take

time, with the people we love, for granted and to cherish every moment.

My neighbors have shaped me into the person I am today by making me appreciative of

my life and to make every moment matter. They have had a massive impact on my life and I

don’t know where I would be if they weren’t part of my childhood.

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