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in an opposed epp=nemt escs nsr, i;: nls heacs ef argr-rn-rc*t, icfc;"io

=poiieeiio*, )rsui
ai:ihoriiy :: s'-ippcii of tne eentra! ;ssue In tri€ cESC Yeur reseei"eh is het+eirer r;:crc
p;' Yei: estabiisir ih=t iherc is ;:oi **:y, a case oi: poini ieeentiy repofiec in thc

2018 illamibian taw Repens uvhieh is in 1i6i11'oppenent's favaur but you aiso cstabiish a
;'epoffied ease in ene af the Sauth Afriean Ps"avineiai Divisiens !n your faveur whieh yeur
opponelnt also failed ta esiabiish" Before argumeni, your oppCInent teils ),rou thai he has
been unable to find any authority on poini.

\tt/hat Is 1=,s1;. drii5r i6 )=io!-!r oppone;:t in ihese ci;e urirsienees? (si

, VVnai is your du:1i io ihe ecui-t in ihese eireumsiances? (s)



You argued a hotly contested opposed motion before Judge X on Monday morning. The
following evening, you attend an intlmate dinner party celebrating a friend's 40th birlhday.
As you arrive at your seat ai the table for 8, you are heartily greeted by Judge X, who also
has a seat at the iable. You did not know he '.,vas lnrrited. What do you do and why?

lr 0I

You appear for the accused in a criminal trial. During the proceedings the accused
makes a confession to you. Explain fuily how you vuould deal rniith the maiter further"
}"si: are icaeing :.,ou;"rr:e!n wliness ihro*gh i:el crileenee in ehief. She is :;:c picintiFf i*
a eir,!i aeiien. Tilc cv;denee ster"tcd at tCIi:eC end hes noiyet eoneiuciee when tnc aeui-i
edieurns fsr tea ei iihI5. The pieintiff's ccy!#enec thirs f=r has, i;: yrsi;r. r.ii*w, beeR
gencra!ly goafi. i*owevei', on iwo issues you fee! ihat thc cvidenee is u,,eek ar:d not in
aecordanee wiih v.vnat she told -trou in vour last eonsultation" ene oi the issues is noi
partieuiarly imporiant to ihe plainiiffs ease buit ihe othei', in vour view, is eenti"al. What,
tf anS,ihing, we uld you say to the plaintiff during thc adjcurnment?

L-E Lrl


Disouss ihe nature of disciplinary proceedings againsi a iegai practitio;rer rn a High

Couri rviih specifie refere nce to what was summa.rised and approryed in ihe cese of ihe
Namibian High Court in Disciplinary Committee for the Legal Practitioners v Murorua.
Please, only refer to the principles.


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