Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal Workshop # - Temperature Teacher: Elva de Clarke Level: 9°

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Workshop #|


Teacher: Elva de Clarke Level: 9°

What is Temperature?
Temperature refers to the hotness or coldness of a body. In specific terms, it is the way of determining
the kinetic energy of particles within an object. Faster the movement of particles, more the
temperature and vice versa.
Temperature is important in all fields of Science right from Physics to Geology and also it is crucial in
most aspects of our daily life. Temperature is measured with a thermometer or a calorimeter.

Relationship Between Temperature and Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body due to its

motion. We see a range of kinetic energy in molecules
because all molecules don’t move at the same speed. When
a substance absorbs heat, the particles move faster so the
average kinetic energy and therefore the temperature

To determine how hot an iron rod is, physicists measure it

in temperature to be precise rather than mentioning how hot or cold the rod is.

What is the Temperature Sensor?

A temperature sensor is an RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) or a thermocouple, that collects

the data about temperature from a particular source and converts the data into an understandable
form for a device or an observer. Temperature sensors are used in many applications such as food
processing units and medical devices.
The most common type of temperature sensor is the thermometer, which measures the temperature
of solids, liquids, and gases. It is also a common type of temperature sensor mostly used for non-
scientific purposes because it is not so accurate. The following are a few temperature sensors besides
the thermometer: Thermocouples, resistor temperature detectors, thermistors, infrared sensors, and

Temperature Scales

Thermometers measure temperature according to well-defined scales of measurement. The three

most common temperature scales are the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales.

Celsius Scale & Fahrenheit Scale

The Celsius scale has a freezing point of water as 0ºC and the boiling point of water as 100ºC. On the
Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of water is at 32ºF and the boiling point is at 212ºF. The
temperature difference of one degree Celsius is greater than a temperature difference of one degree
Fahrenheit. One degree on the Celsius scale is 1.8 times larger than one degree on the Fahrenheit
scale 180/100=9/5.
Kelvin Scale
Kelvin scale is the most commonly used temperature scale in science. It is an absolute temperature
scale defined to have 0 K at the lowest possible temperature, called absolute zero. The freezing and
boiling points of water on this scale are 273.15 K and 373.15 K, respectively. Unlike other temperature
scales, the Kelvin scale is an absolute scale. It is extensively used in scientific work. The Kelvin
temperature scale possesses a true zero with no negative temperatures. It is the lowest temperature
theoretically achievable and is the temperature at which the particles in a perfect crystal would
become motionless.
Curiosities about temperature:
• Gas state of matter has the highest temperature.
• Celsius is the most common temperature scale in the world.

• Celsius and Fahrenheit scales use degrees (°) to measure temperature.

• Kelvin scale uses units called kelvins.
• Absolute zero is the coldest temperature possible.
• Kelvin is the most commonly temperature scale used by scientists.

Equivalences between temperature:

Relationship Between Different Temperature Scales

The relationship between three temperature scales is given in the table below:

Conversion Equation

Celsius to Fahrenheit * T °F= (9/5* T°C) + 32

Fahrenheit to Celsius * T°C= 5/9 (TF° − 32)

Celsius to Kelvin * TK=T°C + 273.15

Kelvin to Celsius TC°=TK − 273.15

Fahrenheit to Kelvin TK=5/9(TF°−32) + 273.15

Kelvin to Fahrenheit TK=9/5(TK°−273.15) + 32

*These are the main equations.

Example 1: Converting different temperature scales

The room temperature is generally defined to be 25 ºC. What is the room temperature in ºF? What
is the room temperature in K?
Solution for 1: To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit,
we use the equation: T°F=(9/5 T°c)+32
Substituting the values in the equation, we get

T°F=(9/5*25°) + 32=77 °F

Solution for 2: To convert from Celsius to Kelvin,

we use the equation: TK=T°C + 273.15
Substituting the values in the equation, we get
TK=25°C + 273.15 = 298.15 K

Activity 1:
Analyze the following application problems and solve step by step using the corresponding equation

1- A piece of charcoal that was initially at 180°F experiences a temperature drop to 120°F.
Express this temperature change in degrees Celsius. What is the final temperature on the
Celsius scale? (Un trozo de carbón vegetal que estaba inicialmente a 180°F experimenta una disminución de temperatura
a 120°F. Exprese este cambio de temperatura en grados Celsius. ¿Cuál es la temperatura final en la escala Celsius?)
2- A steel rail cools from 70°C to 30°C in 1 h. What is the temperature variation in degrees
Fahrenheit in that same period? (Un riel de acero se enfría de 70 a 30°C en 1h. ¿cuál es la variación de temperatura
en grados Fahrenheit en ese mismo lapso?)

3- A refractory brick wall has an internal temperature of 313°F and an outside temperature of
73°F. Express the temperature difference in kelvins. (Una pared de ladrillo refractario tiene una temperatura
interna de 313°F y una temperatura exterior de 73°F. Exprese la diferencia de temperatura en Kelvins).

Activity 2:
Make the conversions and complete the table. The underlined values are answers.

Boiling point of a Celsius Scale (°C) Fahrenheit Scale Kelvin Scale (K)
substance (°F)

Sulfur 444.5°C 832.1 717.65

Oxygen -183

Gold 5174.6

Iron 3023.15

Nitrogen -253

Alcohol(ethanol) 172.4

Compare the value of temperature of this three places and indicate which has the lowest
Chitré 35°C Colón 86°F David 305.15 K
The place with the lowest temperature: ____________________

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