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Omar Id-Agram

I originally took the sample in a tree found in the forest behind my house (roughly 5
minutes from school).

This Tree is generally thin, meaning

that the trunk is not big in
circumference. Also doesn't have
barks on it since it is 1 nice small
trunk. Branches are mainly in groups
with multiple leaves on each.

2.3; Flowers on it generally come up

in mid May. And then its seeds start
to slowly ripen from September to

Part B;
1: Commonly known as flowering ash
Scientifically known as Fraxinus
2: Mostly found in southern Europe
and western Asia.

For this tree, i once again took the sample in the forest behind my house since it has
many trees.

This tree is majorly very tall with a shape

similar to a fir christmas tree. The trunk,
when drye, has weak bark that can be
pulled out pretty easily. Its branches are
longer down than up.

2.3; I guess it produces fruits which are its


Part B;
1: It is commonly named as Norway spruce,
but its scientific name is Picea abies.

2: As its name implies, it is commonly found

in norway, but also in canada.


Leaf Seed Tree

Part A;
2: We took pictures of this one on the school property. It is pretty commonly found
around canada.
3: Well the plant itself is the main branch / plant.

Part B;

1: It is commonly named as Prairie sunflower, but

scientifycally known as helianthus pauciflorus.

2: For once, this is mainly found in ontario.

Part 3; Identification;

Plant; Seed; Branch;

Part A ;
2.1: Took this picture on school property once again since it is very common in the area
2.2: Its branches are all very thin and single meaning each branch is its own. Each branch
also has multiple leaves on them . This tree / plant doesn't have any fruits but has a flower
that comes in spring time.

Part B;

1: It is commonly named as
almond willow, but scientifically
known as salix triandra.

2: It is found in western /
central asia and also in europe.
Part A;
2.1: Took this picture from the tree in front of the school since it has an apple tree.
2.2: The trunk usually goes up once and midway splits into 2 or 3 other large branches
which then all have multiples branches on their own on them.

2.3: During early spring time, it has some

beautiful pinkish flower grow into them, which
then result into apples later on (mid
august~september) .

Part B;

1: its common name would be “apple tree,

common apple” , but scientifically named as
“Malus pumila”.

2: This tree is found around central asia, but

mostly in north america such as canada / usa.

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