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bd Dad fe j De VD We. af <0. RAFAEL BERTOLIN 52 ae) ie ne} (a) WY ON (et + a8 oe oD : o 3 I fey g fof E WY WU CONTENTS REVIEW, 46 Lessons: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1 41. Greetings, pig. 6 | 13 imperative, 50 Saudacées | Imperative form ’ Verb to be Emprego de let ened nots 144. what is Jack doing?, 52 2 What are they?, 10 | Present continuous tense Verb to be | Simple present tense Affirmative, negative and AS casts 8 cake nomnesSioh So interrogative form Immediate future Artigo indefinido: a (an) Present continuous 3 Colors, 14 16 My offi _ ly office, 58 Artigo definido: the Prepositions: in, on, under, 4 Introducing a friend, 18 with, about, near, of, to. Demonstratives: this, that 17 can... can not..., 60 —? | Verb can Introducing friends, 20 | Demonstratives (plural) |. ‘Cat/mmy feria Plural em s 118 why? Because ..., 62 6 Life in a little town, 22 |. Why/because Verb to have i REVIEW, 64 | Lessons: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 REVIEW, 24 Lessons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 19 An interview, 68 7 Interrogative words: who, what, Love, 28 how, where, why Verbos regulares no presente Os na terceira pessoa 2.0 To save money, 70 8 Prepositions: to, from A.ttip, 32 Present continuous tense Past tense: to be ~ to have 9 21 Look at the pictures, 74 How many, 34 Preposigdes: between/among, Numbers On the left/on the right 10 What time is it?, 38 22 seasons, 78 Horas exatas | ‘Sansans jaintithis Horas ¢ minutos Ordinal numbers 141 What can you see in the 23 Dates, 82 picture?, 40 Days of the week Verb there to be (presente e ys passado) REVIEW, 84 Sa Lessons: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 12 An interview, 44 How old... How much ... How | 24 Where are they from?, 88 many ... Prepositions in, on, at, for, from 3 25 Prepositions, 92 Emprego de on, near, along, with, from, of, off, through, into, to, out of, across, beyond, at 26 Running after the hats, 94 Possessive adjectives 27 Who's the owner?, 98 Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns 28 Betty’s house, 100 Possessive case, To belong to 29 where ate my clothes?, 102 Lam so hungry!, Text comprehension REVIEW, 104 Lessons: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 30 young people, 108 8 peop! Plural of nouns 31 Richard's farm, 112 Plural of nouns (continuation) 32 33 34 2B Traveling, 114 Past tense of regular verbs Yesterday and today, 120 Past tense of irregular verbs Dialogue, 122 Emprego de do e does Ina restaurant, 124 | Forma negativa: emprego de don’t e doesn’t 36 A thief, 128 Forma interrogativa no | AT Coming back home, 166 38 A marriage, 132 Future tense: affirmative, | negative and interrogative form | 39 what would you ..., 136 |” Conditional éense: affirmative, negative and interrogative form Emprego de if AO Reading, 138 Personal pronouns: objective case | 41 comparison, 140 Degree of adjectives REVIEW, 142 Lessons: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 A2 Famous comics, 146 Degree of adjectives (continuation) 43 A populous country, 150 Degree of adjectives (continuation) 4A Gardens and gardeners, 152 Indefinites ADS At the library, 158 Indefinites (continuation) A6 Ina shop, 160 Indefinites REVIEW, 162 Lessons: 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Past tense of irregular ve: Emprego de do, does, did, passado: Emprego de did 37 Catching a thief, 130 Forma negativa no didn’t | A8 Friends, 168 Irregular verbs A9 stars, 170 50 tags, 172 31 a2 53 54 > 36 a7 58 39 Question tag (com verbos nao auxiliares) If you have ..., 174 Question tag: future and conditional Prepositions, 176 REVIEW, 178 Lessons: 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Prepositions, 182 Preposicdes ¢ locugées prepositivas (continuacso) Vacation, 184 Past continuous tense Romeo and Juliet, 188 Auxiliary verbs: must, have to, (had to) True or false, 192 Auxiliary verbs: can, may, must, have to, should, ought to Technology, 194 Present perfect tense Technology, 196 Present perfect tense (continuation) REVIEW, 200 Lessons: 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Passive voice, 204 Voz passiva e agente da passiva 60 what I do every morning, 206 61 62 Pronomes reflexivos Relative pronouns, 208 Emprego dos principais telativos Where's Lucy?, 212 Emprego de since, for, also, too | 63 Agricultural products, 214 ‘Adverbs: place, doubt, affirmation, intensity 6A Agricultural products, 218 Adverbs: time, manner, frequency REVIEW, 220 Lessons: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 65 A party, 222 Verbs: say - tell 66 Coming back from California, 224 Direct and indirect speech 67 stop speaking, 226 p speaking, Gerund 68 Commercial correspon- dence, 228 Envelope, address, body of the letter CColloquial correspondence APENDICE, 238 ~Textos splementares (29 textos), 239 a 257 ~ Advertisements, 258 —Jokes, 259 ~Chave de proniincia, 261 = List of irregular verbs, 265 -Idiomatic expressions, 267 - Vocabulario geral do livro, 270 1 Greetings — Hello! lo, Jane. Is everything ok? — Yes, thanks. 6 — Good morning, Mr. Kanashiro. — Good morning, Miss Loren. How are you? — I'm fine, thanks. GREETINGS John: Good evening, Mary! Mary: Good evening, John. How are you? John: I’m well, and you? Mary: ‘I'm fine, thanks. John: Oh, Mary! We are late today! Mary: Oh, yes! Let’s go to school then. Sab a oriontacao do Professor 09 lunes poderse, lndividuolmente ou or grupo, ler en vor alta 0 texto, traduiri Jo ou encena:to. GREETINGS ~ SAUDACOES Good morning! Bom-dia. A palavra morning significa manha. Usa-se a saudacao Good morning até o meio-dia. Good afternoon! Boa-tarde. A palavra after significa depois. A palavra noon significa meio-dia. Good evening! Boa-noite. Usa-se Good evening a0 encontrar uma pessoa & noite. Good night! Boa-noite. Usa-se Good night ao despedit- se de alguém a noite. So longt Até logo. Usa-se So long em despedidas comuns. Good bye! ‘Até logo. Good bye significa até logo & também adeus. Pode-se também dizer ‘apenas Bye, que é a forma abreviada. See you tomorrow! At6 amanha. (See tomorrow = amanha) H Oi! Old! Saudacao comum entre amigos. fejo, you = voce, Hello! Alé! Olé! Saudacao comum entre amigos. 1 Complete com as formas verbais am, is ou are: <) You "late. d)We "students. a) How —"" you today? b)I ___"__ fine. VERB TO BE {verbo ser ou estar) Forma por Forma abreviada, extenso comum na E \ = conversagao tam tm {Eu sou ou estou) | You are You're (Voce € ou esta) He is He's (Ele é ou esta) She is. She's (Ela 6 ou esta) Itis Ws. (Neutro: ele ou ela € au esta) « We are We're (Nés somos ou estamos) ‘You are ‘You're (Vocés sao ou estao) They are They're (Eles ou elas so ou estéo) See ROR RRRRERRRARRRRRRRRRRRRRRERERRE | @ Escreva os cumprimentos em inglés: a) Bom-dia, Maria. Good morning, Mary ‘b)Boa-tarde, Joao. Goad afteravon, fli. ¢) Até amanha. See you fomorraa d)Boa-noite. o Good eventing. . Goud ig 3) Reescreva as frases, colocando os ‘verbos na forma abreviada: a) Lam well today. Tn roll today. d)We are students. We're students. e)She is a student. £) He is a student. ’ a student. g)lt is a school. Lis asc. 4 "Traduza as frases: ———— a)I'm well, and you? b) We are late today. Nats estanups abresuddos hoje VOCABULARY a: um, uma he: cle are: somos ou estamos, ew esta0 evening: noite ‘everything: {000 fine: bem, bom. 6timo go:ir éouesti How are you? Como vai Ym well: Fstou bem ittele ou ela (pron. neutso usados pas coisas ou animals) fate: atrasado, atrasacos « ¢) Let’s go to school then. Vins entan pant a ecole 8 Complete a cruzada: ir, va, vam 6, est} os atrasa esoola-—[S]e] Molo] 4] entsop-—[7] 4] FN bom,boa 7 pone bose LOE obrigado Talal aT at sl etle-——LuL 6 Escreva as frases no plural: a)I am well. We are well. b)I am fine Wi cary fe sl c) Lam late. We are late d)She is well. They are ell He is fine. They are fine. f) How is she? Hoan are they? _ g)How is he? Tow are thew? a thanks: chrigade ‘then: entio to: para today: hoje we: nds good: bom, boa, bons, boas greetings: saudacoes let's go: vamos sehook escola yes: sim You: voce, voces, tu, vos CCOREL Photo CD — Are they singers? — No, they are not singers. ‘They are dancers. 10 eaeeeee eee eneanaaenaenaenanneanaeanrenmRranereenr f —- Is he a player? — No, he is not a player. He is a painter. — Is ita lion? — No, it is not a lion. It isa tiger. RB TO BE — PRESENT TENSE Affirmative form ee tam you are he is she is itis wwe are you are they are Negative form Tam not (Bu nao sou, eu nao estou) ‘you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not you are not they are not 1. Para se ter a forma negativa em in- gles com os verbos auxiliares, basta colocar not (nao) depois do verbo. 2. Observe as duas formas negativas abreviadas do verbo to be no pre- sente do indicative: Contracted form (forma abreviada) I'm not ‘You're not You aren't He's not He isn’t She's not She isn’t Its not Iisn't We're not We aren’t ‘You're not ‘You aren't They're not They aren’t (eu sou, estou) (vocé é, esta) (ele 6, esta) (ela 6, esta) (le, ela &, est) {nds somos, estamos) (vocés sao, estao) (eles, elas sao, estao) Interrogative form Am I? (Sou eu?, Estou eu?) Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? 3. Na forma interrogativa, o verbo vem antes do sujeito: You are good. (affirmative form) Are you good? (interrogative form) Observacao: Aren't [2 (Forma irregular para interrogativa-negativa na 1? pessoa do singular) ARTIGO INDEFINIDO A ~ AN Ateacher —> A é usado no singular, diante de consoantes. Significa um, uma. A doctor An orange — AN 6 usado no singular, diante de vogal ou h mudo th n3o An apple 2 Pronunciado: an hou) Significa um, uma. ~ ALAN) nao tem plural. @ERERRRRRRRRRRERRRRRRRRRRRkeeeeeeee VOW Passe para a forma interrogativa: a) You are a teacher. ‘Are you a teacher? b)She is a secretary. Is shea secretary? o) It is an orange. Isitan orange? d)They are doctors Ave they doctors? ©) We are good students. Are ioe good students? ) You are well. Ate you wll? g)He is late. he late? Passe para a forma negativa: a) He is a doctor. He is not a doctor b)She is a painter, ‘She is not u painter ¢) You are not a good friend. You aren't a good friend. You're nota goal friend. A)It is not an orange. Iisa orange. It's not a orange. e) They are not teachers. They aren't teachers. They're not teachers. f) Jane is not well today. fre isn't al aay, “Escreva a diante de consoante ¢ an diante de vogal ou h mudo: teacher —_#__ apple 2n__ elephant. book au __ hour #__ player Apés responder por escrito, pronuneio as frases em voz alta, Sob 2 orientacao do professor. qoute azood anges 5 Complete a cruzada: “You are nol @ good singer . d)lt is an apple. It is not un apple maga jogador ¢) John is well protien Jolin is not cell ATP PLE 2 L 3 Passe para a forma negativa abreviada: _gecretarial-— [B[h[C[RIELT AL D> )She is not a secretary. a 7 She isn't a secretary. Chemi—[Wf El ELE ‘She's not a secretary. eles, elas}-——-|7 |H] EL y] & R b)He is not a singer. E um, uma He isn'ta singer . amigo —[F [Te [v0] He nota singer a (an): um, uma I cu (0 pronome Lem inglés player: jogador apple: mach seescreve sempre com mails” secretary: secretria book: Livro cule) she: ela doctor: médico it ele ow cla (neutro) singer: cantor elephant: elefante late: atzasado they: eles, elas friends amigo zo: nab we: nis good: bom, boa, bons, boas not: nao. well: bem he: cle 2 what: © que hour: hora painter: pintor You: voc’, vocts, tu, ¥5s LET’S LOOK AT THE PICTURE ‘The house in the picture is red. The bus is blue and the car is green. The birds are blue, the dog is black and the cat is white. What color are the flowers? Are they yellow? No! They are red and white. GV Observe a figura e complete com as cores: a) The bus is blue, ©) The cow is b) The dog is 4 1) The eat is suite c) The tree is g) The flowers are 1! __ and d)The ball is and we O artigo the significa 0, a, 0s, as. E in- varidvel. Em inglés, os adjetivos tam- Weep eho bém sao invariaveis, Tém a mesma for- the girl the girls ma no singular € no plural, no mascu- c lino ¢ no feminino. ~ h)The Brazilian flag is “et weloy ®@QRRRRRRRRARRARRALARRARARRARACBARA Ss @ Observe o modelo e responda, usan- Complete a cruzada com as cores do resposta curta (shoxt answer): indicadas: a)Is the boat yellow? BB PY No, it isn’t i [ a Wek BEELER Au LH RieE|D Djs the ship white? cle} 1} lo No, it isn't Gelkk iT |_[w Wlelsietely’ )Escreva no plural, observando que 0 adjetive nao varia: a) The boy is intelligent. ‘The boys are intelligent. A tn ws white. d)ls the rabbit brown? b)The new car is green. Noy itis ©) The cow is white. The cons are soit e) Is the flower blue? No, it isn’t d)tthe girl is beautiful. . The girls are beautiful e)Is the apple red? i £) Is the cat white? Aretheapples ed? No, id isn't f) The bird is not yellow. Tes black. The binds are nol yellow. g)ls the house white?” AV@EABULARY) No it isn't = = apple: mag house: casa Hsgren, ___eautifubelo bonito in: em bird: passa Jet's look: vejarnos hyr 2 blacks preto| new: novo, nova ae Is the plane red blue: azul no: no (emprega-se see No. it isn’t host baits sem verbo) Its yellow Boy: mening, rapaz not: nfo (geralmente — alan: beasiteiro, com verbo) brasileira (os adjoti- 3) Arethe penal brown? Torn mc No, they aren't, wanes They're sed. brow: mason, bus: Snibus j) Are the books pink? car: czrro « eS Naty ar eee They're blue. dog: cachorto — flag: bandeira flowers: floces k) Are the apples red? sick menina, moga white: branco No, they arent green: verde yellow: amarelo a grey: cinza ‘They're green. Estes © o¢ domais tostes foram extraidos de ques: oes de vostibulares. Caso 08 alunos nao estejam ainda em condigoes de resolvé-los, fica a ctitério do professor voltar a eles mais tarde, em momento oportuno, Os itens que trazem a indicagao G1 V3.1 ou se- methante foram extraidos de um banco de questoes preparadas como subsidio para a elaboracao de tes tes de vestibular. Let's test your English! Consulte © Vocabulério Geral A pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 1, 2, 3. Estes e os demais testes foram extraidos de questées de vestibulares. Caso voce nao se sinta ainda em condicdes de resolvé-los, sugerimos vol. tar a eles mais tarde, para testar seu aprendizado em Lingua Inglesa. VERB TO BE 1 Fill in with the Simple Present of verb “to be": (Preencha com o “Simple Present” do verbo “to be” a) Yoko is from Brazil but her parents —_ from Japan. byt _&_ four o’clock now. c) My brother and 1____#t”_ students. 4d) 2 ___ good at mathematics and my brother __i____ good at history e)We —_2__at the library at this moment. 2 ‘Let's complete the following text: (Vamos completar o texto seguinte) William Dixon B. 12 years old. He is a very good student. He always takes good grades at school. £ is 9 o'clock now and William is ___!_ school. He and Dave tt friends. Dave —_5____ studying mathematics. They _2____ at the school library. 3 Change to the negative form. + a) We are having lunch. We are not having lunch. b)She is playing with the doll. She is not playing with the doll. ©) The student is repeating the words. The student is not repeating the words, d)Miss Taylor is writing on the blackboard. Mis Tavlor is not zoriting on the blackboard. @ Write these sentences in the interrogative form. (Escreva estas frases na forma interrogativa.) a) The dog is barking. Is the dog barking? b)She is cleaning her house. [s she cleaning her house? ©) Peter is eating a piece of cake. Js Peter enting a piece of cake? Those men are drinking beer. Are those men drinking beer? ¢) The teacher is correcting my composition. Js the teacher correcting my composition? “BPwaite the sentences in the negative contracted form. a) Bob is here. Bob isn’t here. b)He is Paul Hr isn’t Pat ©) She is Mary. She isn't Man )You are students. You aren't students. e)It is a dog. Heit do Margareth: Fred, this is Mr. Sampson. Sob a saaiaites do Bi ay fateh cee That is Mrs. Sampson. 2m vor ois @ texto, ta She is my mother. psceneent: Father, this is Fred, my boyfriend. Mr. Sampson: Hello Fred! Welcome to my house. Fred: Thank you very much. I am glad to meet you. 1 ve Lo e continue: DEMONSTRATIVES rose: This is a rose. THIS 6 usado para pessoa, animal ou objeto que esta perto. This significa: este, esta, isto. THAT ¢ usado para pessoa, animal ou coisa que esti longe. That significa: aquele, aquela, aquilo. 3 PPPRRRRAREHRRARAEAERARRRAARARRRRAHRfLOE (® observe o modelo, faca a perguntae (4) Leia e traduza: responda: —" Bob: Good afternoon. How are you? — a)What is this? Jim: I’m fine, thanks. © book This is a book. Bob: This is my family. What is his? This is John, my brother. b) rele cach ‘This isa house. This is my sister Carol. Ronald, my father. cy What is his? And that is Telma, my mother. ‘This is am apple. @Descreva os nomes: aqy Whats tise ce) Phat is hs ‘his isa tab >[=[elsi What is this? —— [aT 8 This is an.glephant. a —— ~~ gy What i nis? Se ra This is a pen. ine hy What is this? smagarine This is @ magazine. Apis responder por escrito, te ‘806, sob @ orientagie do profs ree iy Wht is is Peer | m This is a ree. apple: mast Me. (Mister): St. (Se- jy Pe is wis? books livro nhor) E ona. dl boy: menino, apaz Mre. (Mistressh: Sra. PD This is am orange. boy friend: namorado (Senhora) @ 5 brother: irmio my: mes, minha, ‘Veja o modelo e continue: bus Be ee cha hook/ magazine: far carro orange: laranja 2) hook/ maga . . dog: cachorro pen: cancta ‘This is a book and thatisa magazine. family: familia pencll: faut apple orange: father: pai plane: avifio P ial: ‘mops rose: rosa This is an apple and that is an orange. a ‘eck need Masten glad: contente teble: mesa good afternoon: boa- thanks: obrigado <) dog/cat: tarde thank you: obrigado This i dog anc that i a cut house: casa to: para ———=— TT —imfine: estou bem to meet you conhecer fice cream: sorvele voc? tue: drvore dear] bas ‘very muck: muitissino This sacar and that isa bus. agasine: revista welcorme: bom-vindo ‘mother: mie yo Ted: |: Good afternoon, Bob! : Good afternoon, Ted! :; These are my friends Jane and Meg. : Oh, I'm glad to meet you! And those people over there? Those people are my parents. Sob @ oriantagio do Professor, 08 alunos poderdo, indivi iduatmente ou en grupo, lar em vaz alta 0 tex ta, traduztto ou encens-o. Introducing friends DEMONSTRATIVES ingular This (este, esta, isto) v That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) 5 Plural ‘These (estes, estas) Those (aqueles, aquelas) ea BN nincess Em geral, forma-se o plural dos substantivos, em inglés, acrescen- tando-se s ao singular: car, cars; book, books; bird, birds. @sereva no plural: boy: Hays pen: Bh tree: tee dog: #088, house: houses book: vis table: cats ate, apple: 22p!es Hscreva as frases no plural. (Observe que o artigo the e o adjetivo ficam invariaveis). a) The boy is good. The boys are good. b) The apple is red. The apples are red. ©) The house is yellow. The houses are yellow. dyThe magazine is new. “The magazines are new. e)She is beautiful. They are beaut f) [am Brazilian. are By he (GBP Fscreva as frases no plural. (Ob: ve que 0 artigo indefinido a, an de- saparece no plural). a) This is a book. These are books. b) This is a beautiful flower. that is a yellow bird. Those are beantifid flowers. ‘Those are yellow birds. ©) This is a new car e)'That is my friend. These are new cars. Those are my frien © Escreva as frases no singular e no plural. Siga o modelo: » & @ @ Pig, _ is an egg. These are eggs. » eae gigs Goes wens = , fm fm a house houses This is a house. "hese are houses. » ae a book books: ~ That is a book. Those are books. » me ae Be a plane planes ‘That is a plane. ‘Those are planes. a. an: um, uma flower: flor ‘people: pessoas afternoon: tarde French: frances plane: avido am: sou, estou friend: amigo red: vermelho ‘American: americano sick menina she: ela and: glad: contente fable: meso apple: magi ‘good: bom. that: aquele, aquela, aquilo are: sao, esto handsome: elegante, bonito the: 0, 2,08, a8 beautiful: bonito Those: casa ‘these: estes, estas bird: péssaro introducing: apresentando they: eles; clas book: liveo eu te, esta, isto boy: mening magazine: reviste thase: aqueles, aquelas Brazilian: brasileiro my: meu, minha, meus. mic to meet: conhecer car: carro, nnhas tree: drvore cat: gato new: novo, nova, novos... we: nds dog: cio over there: ld yellow: amarelo, egg: ovo parents: pais you: voct, voces English: inglés ‘pen: canela I am Mr. Johnson. I live in a little town. I like a quiet life. Here [have a large house and we have many friends. I work in a bank, my wife is a teacher of English and my son has a shop downtown. RAs ca Affirmative form mie) Negative form Ca Interrogative form 4 Fscreva no plural. Observe que o ar- tigo a (an) desaparece no plural e que 0 adjetivo permanece invariavel: a) [have a large house. We have large houses. b)I have a new car. We haze new cars. ) He has a good friend. They have good friends. )She has a black purse. Tig Ti cc ©) [have a white horse. We have white horses. Thave (eu tenho) Thave not (Eu nfo tenho) Have I? (Tenho eu?) ‘You have (vocé tem) You have not Have you? He has (ele tem) He has not Has he? She has (ela tem) She has not Has she? It has (cle ou ela tem) Tt has not Has it? We have (nés temos) We have not Hove we? You have (vocés tém) You have not Have you? They have (cles ou clas tém) They have not Have they? d)We _!#t¢__ a son and a daughter. e)My wife __/)_ blue eyes. f) They are very rich. They have __ a Jot of money. BJunte as duas frases em um unico periodo. Observe 0 modelo e faca: a)John has a ball. Fred has a ball too. John and Fred have balls. b)Jane has a black shirt ‘Meg has a black shirt too. Jane aad Meg hen black shirts. £) She has black hair. They have black hair. (@ Preencha os espagos com have ou has: have. at a large house. b)She he many friend, ©) You —_lave_a modern ear. ¢) Lucy has a new skirt. Silvia has a new skirt too. Lucy and Sioa hve new skirts, I have blue trousers. You have blue trousers too. You and | hage blue trousers. S@RBPRRBRBRRERRBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRARRAeRRAL A ad a 4 Mude as frases para a forma interrogativa: a) He has a beautiful wile. Has he a beautiful wife? b)Jane has a beautiful garden. Hues Jone a beautiful garden? ©) You have a modern house Have you a neodern house? )You have a black pencil. e) He has many friends. His he many friends? 4) The teacher has a red car. Has he teacher red car? g) The child has many toys. Has the child many tuys? § Mude para a forma negativa: a)I have many friends. have not many friends. b)She has a large house, She jugs ot «large house. c) He has a young wife. He has not a young wife, VOCABULARY am: sou, estou bicycle: bicisleta Jarge: grande, espazoso d)She has an old husband. she has anol usb. ¢) They have much money. They hace not much money. ‘Observe a forma negativa contraida do verbo to have: Thave not I haven't You have not You haven't He (she) has not He (he) hasn’t I has not tthasn’t We have not We haven't ‘You have not You haven't They have not ‘They haven't 6 Escreva o verbo “to have” na forma contraida ou abreviada: a) have not much money. Lange cl mone b)We have not many friends. We fower’t many fiends, ©) She has not a red bicycle. She hse re bic )They have not an old teacher. ‘They hacen’ an old toncer e) He has not a young wife. He hasn'l a young wife. ald: velho quiet: quieto, calmo rich: ico black: preto Jif: vida blue: azul like: gosto (to ike: gostar) teacher: professor, professora car: carro Title: pequeno they: eles, elas chil crianca live: moro (to live: morar) too: também daughter: filha many: muitos toy: bringuedo downtown: centro da cidade modern: moderno town: cidade English: inglés money: dinheiro trousers: calcas eyes: olhos (Mr. = Mister: senhor very: muito friend: amigo ‘muito swe: nés garden: jardin yeu, minha, meus, mi- white: branco ‘good: bom wife: esposa hair: cabelo, cabelos ‘work: trabalho (to work: trae hhas: fem balhar) shave: lonho (to have: ter) ‘young: jovem REVIEW LESSONS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Leia com atencio e traduza: sJohn: Mary, these are my friends Jane and Rose. Hello, girls. I'm glad to meet yout ‘And those people over there? Those people are my parents. And that boy and that girl over there? The boy is my brother and the girl is my sister. My sister is a teacher of English and my brother has a shop downtown. Mary: @PEscreva em inglés: Bom-dia; Good morning. Boa-tarde: Geedafiernoon, Boa-ncite (a0 chegary: See oorins (ao despedir-se); Good might Adeus: Sood bye. Até amanha: Se you tomorrow, @®D vscreva as formas verbais abreviadas: Tam=I'm ‘You are = you're They are = fiey@ @® complete com a forma verbal correta: am ~ is ~ are ~ has ~ have: a)We —/#__a large house. b)He _8___a good boy. c) She __/S__ many friends. d)We —/a% __ a lot of money. ©) You 2” late. f) They °° __ a new car. A#complete com beautiful ou handsome: 28 Marie: Olé, meninas. Estou contente por conhecé- aguelas pesos la? Todo: _ Aquelas pessoas sto meus pais, Maria: E aguele rapa e aquela nioga hi? oto: _O rapa: é mie iredo ea mga & minke irme Mindi irmit & professora de inglés & mew irmiao tem tna loja it cexttro, a) Mary isa b)T have a ) The boys are __fadsome 4)Mary has a 80m" poy friend. girl. house. enutift handsome (@Bescreva no plural: a) This girl is my friend. These girs ave ay fies b) That boy has a new car. Those boys lure new cars. BP rscreva a ou an: a)He is _"__ American singer. ‘b)She is 2" _ English painter. clam 4. teacher. d)This is” __ orange. e) We have —{__ shop downtown. f) Paul is” _ intelligent boy. Drscreva no plural: a) Flow is she? How are they? b)How is he? Horo are they? ©) Lam well. We are well d)You're a singer. You're singers , (8 Fscreva na forma interrogativa: - b) Meu filho tem uma loja. a) You are my friend. ‘My son has sop Are you my friend? If Escreva em inglés: b)We are late today. a) Minha esposa tem othos azuis. Are we tate today? My wife has blue eyes. c) She has a boy friend. b)Bem-vindo a minha casa. Has she a boy frond? . Welcome to may house d)They have a lot of money, 12 Veja a figura e responda: Have they a lat of nvoney? ¢) John is a good singer. What color is the plane? Js fotina good singer? The plane i yelloe, £) The teacher has a red car. (it is yellow. Has the teacher a red car? —— 9 Escreva na forma negative: a)He has many friends, He has not many friends. What color are the pencils? The pencils are ro. b)They have much money. They have not much money, ‘What color are the books? irl ©) Sheite my pisttiend The books are blue. She's not my gilt You're a young wife You'renotavoung wie 10 Escreva em inglés: a)Eu trabalho num banco. Ltwork ina bak What color are the apples? The apples are grevn Sal 4 ‘TESTE SEU VOCABULARIO RESOLVENDO AS CRUZADAS ter poitem ;—tovo lA bem-vindo aquele, aquela WE Te a ql atrasado|— professor Hols}s] [a rn T] —} meu, aueles, [HR] rime Cl [Efi] Iminha auelas [a hoje ~ [F [oO] pf aly = pretol—; q ate ae azul -—— [8 Hi i z pessoas} —~ A FD] vacas| —[o K mesas}———~ Consulte 0 Vocabulario Geral 4 pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 4, 5, 6. “OBSERVACAO Let's test your English! Estes 0 0s demais testes foram extraidos de ques toes de vestibuteres. Caso os alunos nao esiejam ainda em condicdes de resolvé-los, fica a eriteric do professor voitar 3 eles mais tarde, em momento oportuno. Os itens que trazem @ indicagao G1 V3.1 ow se melhante foram extraidos de um banca de questoes proparadas como subsicio para a elaboracao de tes tas de vestibular. Estes @ 05 demais testes foram extraidos de questdes de vestibulares. Caso vocé nao se sinta ainda em condisées de resolvé-los, sugerimos vol- tar a eles mais tarde, para testar scu aprendizado em Lingua Inglesa- 4 Complete the sentences with words from the list below: a red are this am is who is color is ® Complete os espacos em brance tradu- zindo os pronomes demonstrativos: a) Aquele é meu melhor amigo. ‘end. ‘That _ is my best b)Esta &a casa onde moro. ‘Juis__is the house where I live in. ©) Aqueles alunos sao tio estudiosos. Tiny students are so studious. This is a hot dog. b)What colors the chair? c) That isn’t a _— window. ar om a dentist. Is. this a cheeseburger? f) The apple is g)You ave the secretary. ny lWhn is ‘Tim Foster? 4) Este é um oxercicio facil. §OR7 ‘This is an easy exercise. o = = — ro - i os a i « rs a = i = e) Estas pessoas sie especiais. q ‘Thee __ people are special. e 1) Aquela é uma mulher muito fascinante. ! Thut__is a very fascinating women. a g) Aquele homem é muito chato. ‘Tut man is very boring. “fal f o> ? 'B ‘write the sentences in the singular. (Escreva as frases no singular) a) These bracelets are expensive. This bracelet is expensice b)Are these your friends? ds this your frien? ) Those churches are old. That cfuurch is of d)Aze those good stores? Is. that a good store? e) These books are not interesting. This book is not iteresting Complete com o “simple present” do verbo to have. a)Suzan ____!'@8__ English classes twice a week. b) The students ____!uice_ English tests once a month. ©) This city ____“s_ wonderful parks. d)My parents ____/iuve___ house on the beach. ©) My brother —___lias_a car. $ Complete com o “simple present” do verbo to have. a)We —__Iu__ a swimming-pool at home. b)Mr. Hopkins —___!#3__an office downtown. ¢) Julie and John —_gx:___ good teachers. d)Mrs. Hopkins ____!u's_ classes three days a week. e) The university —_/#s_ many students. GB write the sentences in the singular. (Escreva as frases no singular) a) Those men are my neighbors. That man is nay teiglebor, b) Are those children happy? Is that child happy? ©) These are not John’s books. ‘This is not John’s book, d)Those are my car keys That is my car key e) These cities are very nice. This city is very nice, i David and Caroline are married. They are on vacation in a beach on Hawaii. ae LOVE This picture shows two girls and'a boy. ‘They seem very happy. Simone loves Bob very much. Bob loves Simone, too. Bob has a good job. He is a young engineer and works for a big company. Simone is a secretary and works in an office, They plan to get married soon. Ann wishes Simone and Bob a happy marriage. VERBS - SIMPLE PRESENT (Verbos no Serer) No presente do indicativo, os verbos em inglés geralmente seguem os modelos abaixo: Llove (eu amo) Twish (eu desejo) 1go (eu vou) You love You wish You go He loves He wishes He goes She loves She wishes She goes We love We wish We go You love You wish You go They love They wish They go Iplay (eu jogo) I study (eu estudo) You play You siudy He plays He studies She plays She studies ‘We play We study You play You study They play They study Geralmente os verbos no presente do indicative recebem um s na terceira pessoa do singular (he loves, she works). Mas note-se 0 seguinte: — Os verbos que terminam em s, sh, ch, a, x — — Os que terminam em y precedido de vogal, recebem apenas s. — Os que terminam em y precedido de consoante mudam o y por ies. 30 { Escreva no singular: a) They play football. He plays football. bj They study History. He studies History ©) They dance well. Hodces ell }They go to school. He goes to Selo. ©) They wash the car. He oasis the car. f) They like music He tikes musi: % Fscreva em inglés: a) Simone ama Bob. Store looes Bob b)Eles planejam casar logo. They plan to get married soon, ©) Bob tem um bom emprego. Bole as a goad jo d)A figura mostra duas garotas, The picture shows 400 girls ©) Ela vai para a escola. Sih gas to snl. 4 Complete a frase de acordo com 0 pronome: g)They wateh television. (\” Tread a book. Hie zoatches television, You Tul book n)The students read books. The steadent reads ut bok. es alia i) The boys like apples. We Jed book Eu lik apples The boy. apple You Mada book. j) The birds fly in the sky. They Beda tu The, bird flies in the sky. k)The girls play the piano. grees The gi! plays the piano, Bee aie i after: depois de to dance: dangar 1) The students relax after class. apple: macs to fly: voar ‘The student relaxes after class. bird: passarinho to get married: ca- boy: menino, sapaz_ sare 2 Preencha os espacos com a forma child: eriancay faa verbal correta: a) We —_!#"___ sports. (like — likes) b)She 28 flowers in the garden. (plant — plants) ©) The planes _!"!_ in the sky. (ly — fies) )The bus li the station. (reach — reaches) e) Mary ——222___ to the park. (go — goes) £) The child __“"_ sweets. (want — wants) g)She us very happy. (seem — seems) cass: classe, aula to like: gostar ‘company: companhia to love: amar ‘engineer: engesheiro to plan: planejar sgarden: jardin to play: jogar, tocar Biel: garota, moga to read: ler good: bom, boa to relax descansar Ihappy: feliz to seem: parecer has: tem to show: mostrar to study: estucar to want: querer, de- sejar ‘marriage: casamento to wash: lavar office: escritorio to watch: assistir, picture: figura ver plane: aviso to wish: desejar secretary: secretdria to work: trabalhar soon: cedo, logo too: também, station: estago very: muito sweet: doce very muuch: muitise ‘the: 0, a, 08, as simo ‘they: eles, elas ‘we: nds thin: este, esta, OH, IT WAS FANTASTIC! Jack: Hi, John! John: Hi, Jack! Jack: Welcome back! How was your trip? John: Oh, it was fantastic! Thad a wonderful time. Jack: Where were you? John: Iwas in Las Vegas, Miami Beach, Washington and New York. To be To have Affirmative form Affirmative form Twas (era, estava) Thad (tinha, teve) You were You had He was He had She was She had Tt was ‘thad We were We had You were You had They were ‘They had Interrogative form Interrogative form Was I? Had 1? Were you? Had you? Was he? Had he? Was she? Had she? Was it? Had it? Were we? Had wwe? Were you? Had you? Were they? Had they? Negative form Negative form Iwas not T wasn’t Thad not T hadn't ‘You were not You weren't You had not ‘You hadn't He was not He wasn't He had not He hadn't She was not She wasn’t She had not She hadn't It was not 1 wasn't It had not 1t hadn't We were not We weren't We had not We hadn't You were not You weren't You had not You hadn't They were not ‘They weren't They had not They hadn't 32 oO FPR KRARAERRRERREKACRRRRARRRRERRKREO 1 Mude os verbos em negrito para o tempo passado: a)John has an old house. John had an old house. b)1 am very tired {00s very tired _ ©)She has many friends She ad many frivds. 4)They are in Taly. They were in Italy. ©) You are sick. You were sick. f) She is very beautiful She was very beautiful _ g)We have to study hard We had to study hard. Aylt is there 1 eas there i) Ihave many things to do. Thad many things to do. j) She has a lot of money. She hail a Jot of money. @ Escreva as frases no plural: a)I was late. We were late. b)She was beautiful. They were heautiful c) Lam here. We are here 9, an: um, uma, Thad a wonderful time: pass d)He had a car. They iad cars e) She was well. They were well. ) I have an interesting book. We have interesting book §)He had an old hat. They had old hats, Passe para a forma negativa: a) We have an interesting book. We have not an interesting book. b) They were in the house. They were wot in the hovse c) We have many friends. We have not many friends. )She was at school. She teas nok at school Passe para a forma interrogativa: a) She was in Rio. Was she in Rio? b) They were good boys. Were they good boys? ¢) You were sick. Were you sick? d)They had a red ball, Had they a red bail? ¢)She had many friends, Had she many frienes? tired: cansado alot of: muito, maites uma temporada maravilhosa to do: fazez are: so, estio interesting: intexessante fo study: estudar 19, Na, ROS, Ras. it: ele, cla (neutro) trip: viagem : de volta, Maly: Telia very: muito ate: atrasado very much: muilissimo ‘many: muitos i, estava, much: muito had: tive, teve, tivemos hard: arduamente, duro aqui how: como thing: coisa, ‘welcome: bem-vindo ‘were: esteve, estiveram, esta va, estavam where: onde wonderful: mazavilhoso you: voct ;vocés your: seu, S1a, seus, suas How many... Teacher: This picture shows many things and animals. John, how many trees can you see in the picture? John: I cansce... six trees. Teacher: Correct. Mary, how many cars can you see in the picture? Mary: — Ican see... three cars. Teacher: Correct. And you Jane... how many Teacher: Correct. cows can you sce in the ficld? Paul, how many birds can Jane: Well... I'can see... twenty you see? cows. Paul: I cansee... fifteen birds. NUMBERS 1. one 21. twenty-one 120. a hundred and 2. two 22. twenty-two twenty 3. three 23. twenty-three 200. two hundred Peron 30. thirty 201. two hundred and 5. five 31. thirty-one oro ore 40. forty 300, three hundred Breen aie 310. ih hundred and Selah SONY 400. four hundred ite Pe any 425. four hundred and 10. ten 80. eighty ‘twentytive M1. eleven 90. ninety 500. five hundred 12. twelve 100, a hundred 540. five hundred and 13. thirteen Note: jony 14. fourteen 100. a hundred or 600. six hundred 15, fifteen ‘one hundred. After 700. seven hundred 16. sixteen uncheuinesent 800, eight hundred 17. seventeen oe ee hundred and. 900. nine hundred 18. eighteen hoe a hiewes oat 1000. one thousand 19. nineteen seven or one. 20. twenty hundred and seven 16 M12 vEEPERELE Tr E,W 15 Ir E| [E 19 r Vv] EE XI IE Ee} |v i IE Nhs EET [eT EIA lv [E| 14 [F Jour TE T z| 13 [rJx[i[e (Bajsiga o modelo: 4/boys: Ican see four boys. )6/ girls: can see six girls. c) 10/houses: Tecan see ten houses. d)16/ cars: Lean see sixteen cars. BP Fscreva em inglés: a) Quantas coisas voot pode ver na figura? How many things cam you see in the picture? b)Quantos animais voce pode ver no campo? How marcy auimals can you see it the field? ‘A®siga o modelo: a)7/ dogs: ‘The picture shows seven dogs. ‘b)8/cats: The picture shows eight cals. PEscreva na cruzada os ntimeros por extenso em inglés: 100 80 60 SB] EF 5] 90 | bor PPT) 7 By IV] IX Ic x| [7 le] [> i 107 E)a T|_[e} 30frlat Terry a 20 fee INTE i MT 2 ao Flo TLY ©) 12/trees: The picture shores troctoe trees, d)20/books: The picture shocos twenty books °Siga 0 modelo: a) rose: a rose, ten roses, a hundred roses, many roses. b)flower: 4a flower, ten flowers, a hundred flowers, a book, ten books, « hundred books, many tooks. 6 'Siga o modelo: a) thing: a thing ~ many things b)book: 4 book — many books ©) house: se house ~ marty houses d)animal: ant arsine? — raaney avimals animal: animal oy: rapaz, meniino can: poder, pode, consegue Giold: campo flower: flor girl: moca, menina how many: guantos, quantas numbers: mimeros to see: ver picture: figura, foto to show: mostrar teacher: professor tree: rvore ‘things: coisas you can see: voed this: este, esta pode ver Estes @ os demais testes foram extreidos de ques: 100s de vestibulores. Caso os alunos nao estejem ainda em condi¢oes de resolve-los, fica 2 critério do professor voltar a elas mais tarde, em momento oportuno. Os itens que trazem a indicagao G1 V3.1 ou se- melhante forem extraldes de um baneo de questies preperadas como subsidio pare a elaboracao de tes tes de vestibular. Let's test your English! Consulte 0 Vocabulério Geral & pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 7, 8, 9. [OBGERVACAO Estes ¢ os demais testes foram extraidos de questdes de vestibulares. Caso vocé nao se sinta ainda em condigées de resolvé-los, sugerimos vol- tar a cles mais tarde, para testar seu aprendizado em Lingua Inglesa. T Let's complete the following sentences with the “simple present” [SN or “simple past” of the verb “to be”. (Vamos completar com o “simple present” ou o “simple past” do verbo “to be”). at home now. He —“%5__ at school two hours ago. a)John b)Suzan 2 in Europe last year. She in Brazil now. ©) My parents _™"_ at work an hour ago. They —#®__ at home now. We 2 __ having dinner. ylt 8 __ nine o'clock now. John _____ at school. He —_S__ studying Biology. Yesterday John at the library. ¢) Chaplin _23__ a famous comic actor. His first films "in the age of silent films. @Preencha os espacos com many ou much: EE a)__maty__ women 4)__much_ water b) mt money e) much __time oa people f) an teeth, 26 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ a « « 3 Follow the pattern: * a) Was Bill at school yesterday? (No, home) No, he wasn't. He was at home. b)Were your parents in London last year? (No, Boston) No, they weren't. They were in Boston. ©) Are you a teacher? (No, student) No, Lam not. Lam a student. ee )ls it ten o'clock now? (No, nine) No, it is not, It is nine o'clock. 4 Use os equivalentes a muito, muita, muitos, muitas: a)He had —_™l___ hair from the time he was a baby. by The girl read —_1"##¥__. books and knew _—tiuich__. about the subject, but she didn’t have ...™¥t___ practice B Assinale a alternativa correta: How __2/___ shoes are there in the shop windows? a)much ——_-b)many o)few d)a few e)a lot of © The defenders of Normandy ee The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler’s army. Those were in Russia and Haly, as well as in France, but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas de-Calais, which the Germans thought the more likely invasion target. Most of the soldiers of the Seventh Army in Normandy belonged to static divisions. (Extracted from Times — June 6, 1994) © pronome demonstrativo “those” faz referéncia aos: (Ja) Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia. [7] b) Soldados sovidticos da Asia Central [XJ ©) Soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler [] 4) Soldados das divisies estacionérias. [7 ]e) Soldados russos, italianos e franceses. J What time is it? It’s seven o’clock now. wack Jacky GET UP (T'S SEVEN O'CLOCK) Se JACK, BREAKFAST 1S READY. _(- HURRY IPL I's 7:30/ TT AUTS TIME TO GOTO SCHOOL) WHAT TIME IS IT? (QUE HORAS SAO2) Observe como dize- Agora, observe as maneiras de dizer as horas e os mos as horas exatas minutos: em inglés: OO & SD It’s two o'clock. It's fifteen past seven. _It’s twenty-five to eight. It’s a quarter past seven. It’s seven thirty-five. It’s seven fifteen. DO & It’s five o'clock. I's twenty-five past It’s twenty to eight. seven. It's seven forty. &) It’s seven twenty-five. & & It’s seven o'clock. Ji’s half past seven. It’s a quarter to eight. It’s seven thirty. It’s seven forty-five. a at 2aRODQOARARRARRAARARKRRKAORRRKHKKKRARARRe DH What time is it? It's five past seven. It’s seven five. What tim Tes ton pst seven, Ws seven ton What tin 1s fifteor pas It's @ quarter past seven. seven. What time és it? I's twenty past seen 1's seven twenty. What time ig it? 1s fruenty five past seven, It's seven twenty fice. What time is it? 18 half past seven. 1% soven thirty, What time is 7 105 fifteen past eight. Ie eight fifteen. VOOOSOS )Reescreva a frase, completando-a com a hora por extenso: a)I get up at (6:00): 1 get up at six o'clock b)I have breakfast at (7:00): Lhave breakfast at seven o'clock ©) Thave lunch at (11:30); Lhace lunch ut kalf past eleven. d)L have dinner at (8:15): Liwwoe diver at a quarter past eight. e)I go to bed at (11:45): L go ta bed at eleven forty five. T go to hed at a quarter to twelve What time is it? Its twenty-five to nine Its wight thirty-five What time is it? Is twenty to 1 Tes eight forty What time is it &} Its It's a quarter to 1 ght forty-five What time is it? It ten to nin Its wight fifty What time is it? Its five to nine Its eight fiftuefive, What time is it? Its twelve o'clock, Its toot, breakfast; café da manhi lock: reldgio de parede (o'clock: em ponto) get up: Ievante-se half: meio, meia hour: hora hurry up: apresse-se Its: €, so: expresso usada para horas lunch: almoeo miaute: minuto ow: agora past: passado ‘quarter: quazto (de hora) ready: pronto second: segundo time: tempo to sleep: dormir wate: reldgio de pulso What can you see in the picture? I can see a large room with a very long table surrounded by many comfortable arm chairs. On the long table there are three ashtrays. — And what can you see in the background of the room? I can see a vase of flowers on a little table. It is near the long table. In the background I can also see two different rooms with sofas, chairs, little tables, vases and a table lamp. And on the walls there are three different pictures. 40 What can you see in the picture above? I can see a square of Quebec city with large buildings, a garden with trees and green grass, a monument, some flags, cars and many people walking and talking in the street. 4a Nias To 14 (Affirmative and interrogative form) Observe these sentences: 1) There is a flower in the vase. 2) There are pictures on the wall. 3) Are there chairs around the table? ye) Lheve are VERB THERE TO BE ( Present tense There is = ha (singular) There isa bird. There are = ha (plural) ‘There are birds. Past tense There was = havia (singular) There was a bird. There were — havia (plural) There were birds. ais tke Nise Te Is there... 2 = Ha ...? (singular) Are there...? = Hi ...2 (plural) Was there...? = Havia ...? (singular) Were there...? = Havia ..? (plural) (Descreva “there is” ou “there are”: (GEscreva “there was" ou “there were’: a) Zlwe is _____abus onthe comer. a) Lieu uuzs_a rose in the vase. b) Lume is__a yellow car. b) Liew wore ___ roses in the vase. ©) Leese ___. many birds. ¢) Diew wos __ a boy in the street. ) Zhece are ___ roses in the garden, d Liew was __a yellow house. e) Tie ue ____ four girls playing. ¢) Liere wer birds on the wire. OB rscreva as frases no plural: a) There is a rose in the vase. * ‘There are roses in the vases. 'b)There is a flower in the garden. Phere are flowers in the 2 ¢) There is a boy in the car. Theos wre he d)Theze was a bird on the wire. There were bird on the soires. e) There was a girl in the street, ) There is a blue car in the street. ‘Rscreva as frases no tempo passado: a) There is a red rose in the vase. There was a red rose in the vase. b) There are many pictures in this book. There were many pictures in this book ¢) There is « bus on the comer. Tiiene as o bus on the cores )There are dogs in the garden. “There wore dogs in the ganda e) There are boys playing football. here wore bays playine fotball £} There is a teacher in the class. (BP Passe as frases para a forma interro- gativa. Observe o model a) There are cars in the street. Are there cars in the street? b) There was a plane in the sky. Was there a plone in the sky? ¢) There are girls playing in the park Ave there girls playing in the push? d)There were roses in the garden. Were tens ross in the pardon? ¢) There is a bus in the picture. 1s tue bus inthe pictore? 6 Traduza as frases: a) There are many birds on the wire. sits psaros no fio, byYou can also see some cats. gal, 6) J can see many things Ther teacher tn is au. gil: menina there is: ha also: também house: casa there are: hé (plural) and:e in; em there was: havia at para, no, na itt ele, ela ‘there were: havia (plural) bird: péssaro many: muitos, muitas thing: coisa Dhue: azul of de this: este, esta isto boy: menino ‘on: sobre, no us: onibus lover: por cima can: pode, poder picture: figura, foto to play: brincar, jogar car: carro plane: aviao to see: ver cat: gato playing: brincando to seem: parecer class: classe guiet: calmo, quieto color: cor reading: leitura, lendo tee: Sevore corner: esquina rose: rosa vyase: vaso different: diferente sky: ct very: muito dog: cao some: alguns, algumas yellow: amarelo flower: lor street: rua you: voc’, vooks flying: voando teacher: professor what: o que garden: jarcim the: ©, a, 08) as wire: fio 22 An interview , ! . — How old are you, grandmother? i — I'm 80 years old. — Oh, you are very old! — Old? No! My mother is 99 years old. And you? How old are you? —Im35. — Only that? You are still a child! — Oh, thank you, grandmother! HOW OLD... ° Empregamos a expresso how old para perguntar a idade de alguém. How old are you? (Quantos anos vocé tem? — Qual é a sua idade?) How old is she? (Quantos anos ela tem? — Qual é a idade dela?) How old are they? (Quantos anos tém eles? — Qual é a idade deles?) © E se responde assim: Jam twenty years old. Ou: I am twenty. (Tenho vinte anos). She is fifteen years old. Ou: She is fifteen. (lia tem quinze anos). HOW MUCH... HOW MANY... Emprega-se a expresso how much para se perguntar a quantidade em ge- tal de coisas que nao costumamos contar, como Agua, tempo, ete. How much time? (Quanto tempo?) How much water? (Que quantidade de Agua?) How much sugar? (Quanto acicar?) A expressio how many emprega-se com elementos contiveis: How many books? (Quanios livros?) How many people? (Quantas pessoas?) t T Observe a figura e ) escrova as idades corretamente: * Lam four. * Tam seven. * Tam eleven. © Tam fourteen. © Lam eighteen. ¢ Lam twenty. 44 BROOD OAORKRAaRAaKRKABARKRKR ARKH RR HOB ABAABARBAAOA DL 2 Siga o modelo: a)How old are you? (10): é Tam ten years old. b)How old are they? (12): The are tole wears wi c) How old is she? (20); d)How old is he? (19): He is winetoe wars old e) How old are you? (15): Lam fifteen worse £) How old are you? (40): Lam forty years wld. g)How old is Mary? (25): She ig wont fio h)How old is Peter? (27): He is freniy-seven, 3 Siga o modelo: a)Is Paul old? No, he is not old. He is very young. b)Is Mary old? Nov shies not old, Sw is wor yous. cj Is Peter old? No. he is not old He is very young, d)Are Paul and Ann old? No, they are not old, They wre very young. ‘Treine seu vocabulério resolvendo a cruzada: dinheiro muito mae jovem v veho my of ral ele lO R livros -/—=s | Jolt nc} ela Ly J Rel} LL bom -— [c Jo lolo) Lyell s ‘anos u K EI ainda}——[s Trl til ¢) Are Ted and Bob old? No. they are not old They ane very young, 4 Escreva much ou many: © a) How —2u__ books have you? b)Have you —nucl__ o)Is there 2s! __ water in the cup? 4) There are —!a_ eggs in the refrigerator. ©)Were there ty books on the table? 4) There was not li time to stucly. g)How —2tt__ people can you see? 1h) How _1t__ coffees there in the cup? money? 5 kscreva em inglés: a) Quantos anos voce tem? How old are you? b)Ha muito café na xicara? Js there much coffee in the cup: ¢) Eu tenho vinte anos. Lam tienity (years ol) )Quantos irmaos vocé tem? How meny brothers ice you? ) Meu avé é muito velho. My grandfather is very old, f) Maria & muito jovem? Js Mary very young? old: velho only: apenas, $6 people: pessoas brother: mao can: poder, pode child: crianga coffee: calé refrigerator, geladelra ceup: xicara still: ainda egg: ov thank you: obrigado grandfather: avd, there is: hé ovo there are: hi (plural) grandmother: avi, there was: havia vow there were: havia how: como (plural) how old:quantos time; tempo anos to have: ter interview: entrevisia to see: ver may: muitos to study: estudar ‘uel: muito very: muito REVIEW LESSONS 7,'8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Leia com atengio e traduza T have many friends: Mary, Alfred, John, Rose, Robert and Susan. They seem very happy and they like me very much. They are young. Mary is twenty years old, Alfred, John and Rose are nineteen, Robert and Susan are twenty-one, They study in a big university. Mary and Alfred study Medicine. Rose studies English. Susan and Robert study History. John wants to study Medicine... but he has not money. My friends work for a big company downtown. T wish success to my friends. AD Conjugue verbo “to love” no pre- sente do indicativo: Eu tenlto muitos amigos: Maria, Alfredo, Jaiio, Rosa, Roberto e Susana, -Eles parocem muito felizese gostam muito de Eles_sdo_jovens. Maria tem vinte anos; Alfredo, Joi ¢ Rosa tim dezeuove: Roberto ¢ Susana téur wate © um. Eles estudata numa grande wniversidade, Maria ¢ Alfredo estudam Medicina, Rosa estule Inglés. Susana e Roberto estuadam Histéria, Joao quer estedar Medicina. ‘mas ele nila tem din ‘Meus amigos truballiam para uma granie oe Meus tarigys: trapalham para, yen. grant’ compunliia me centro da cidade. Eu desejo sucesso a meus amigos. “ Conjugue 0 verbo “to be” (ser, estar) no tempo passado (past tense): llove Twas You love You were He loves He was She looes She vous We fone Te was You love We were They iove You were They were ® Agora, conjuge o verbo “to go”: @ Escreva no plural: Fn ere a)I. am a happy boy. You go We are happy boys. He goes b)She was a beautiful girl. She goes They were beautifil girls We c) He likes my friend. You go They like my friends, They go Tey go )You are anvengineer. You are engineers @OeQeananeaeannaaneaeoeec:)| B) Fscreva no passado (past tense): a)Lam very well. Treas very tel )She is my teacher. She was my feacher. ©) You have many friends. You had many friends. d)They have a lot of money. They had a lot of mone ¢) They are late. They were late. ‘Escreva na forma negativa: b)We had some time. We had no time ¢) She was at home. She was not at home d)They were happy. They were not happy, 7 Escreva na forma interrogativa: a) She was in Rio. Was she in Riv? b) They were sick. Were Hey sick? c) You were ready. Were you ready? Escreva os verbos: mostrar i estudar-— [5 [7 [U]P]¥ - conseguit, ae ro eee trabathar }— [W]O[R [K} ptdangar ET ter [RTETA[>] [FP] plenejar chal [i fw] _[a poder, ClALN amar} — [1 Jol Le B Escreva em inglés: a) Quantos anos vocé tem? Hew old are you? b)Tenho vinte anos. Lam twenty years old. ¢) Quantos anos ela tem? How old és she? a)Ela tem quinze anos. She is fifteen (years old) e) Quanto dinheiro vocé tem? How much money have you? £) Quantos livros eles tém? How many books have they? 9) Escreva as horas por extenso: ay700 I see wack, poets LS guarter past nine (Li's nine fifteen). 10 Escreva no passado: a)'There is a rose in the vase. There ions a rose tn te tase b) There are flowers in the garden. There were flowers in the garde. ols there a boy in the class? Was there a boy in the class? Esereva os ntimeros por extenso: 20 zp 8 ir] wis is[tEleN 3 |Z Ee) o(Nfa xf [re v cl 4 100 fr fz (WIR [E [O H| [F ey [ie LN’ alt [wo le | ly ut wf lEN R aT your English! Consulte 0 Vocabulério Geral 4 pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 10, 11, 12 1 Escolha uma das expresses There is, There are, There was, Eka Was there, There were e complete a frase: Was there, a good program on TY last night?” 2 Complete with the appropriate words: Hie Julie very hungry because she _u\!__ breakfast at 6 0/0\! in the morning and it is__ almost 12 now. She __i\__ in the kitchen, looking into the fridge. She smiles. Her mother prepared a nice sandwich for her. Now she is at the table at home now. Two hours ago she —_\__ at school. She cating some slices of cheese, too. This moming they —/!___ pancakes and an orange juice for breakfast. 3 Let's write in English the words in capital letters. (Vamos escrever em inglés as palayras em maitisculo) a)HOUVE muitas FESTAS na escola no ano passado? Were then many —__Luttie: _ at school last year? b)HA muita poluigéo ao redor daquelas indtistrias? Is there much pollution around those industries? )HA muitas fabricas nestes PAISES? Ave many factories in these __‘vulris _ 2 A)ILAVIA muito dinheito no cofre? there _— much money in the safe? e)NAO HAVIA muito queijo na geladeira. much cheese in the fridge, Nee eB OO OGG OOOOOQOQQOQOQQOQQORnene ®& =) 4 Complete, empregando o verbo There to be: a) Therewas__ plenty of room in the hotel. Hee fruit trees, but he refused to buy the farm, co) Hier a surf competition in Recife last weekend. d)Liewwere__ many people at the beach last Saturday. re e) This is a long test. fifty questions. f) Look at that man! Ziweis___ something wrong with him. ) Bere os a party at Bill’s house last Sunday. b)I know that weirs a Portuguese dictionary here but where is it? i) Tierewws _a World War from 1939 to 1945. j) Tuwwere____ many boys playing ball on the street last night. K)Today is Sunday, Henares many people on the roads. 1) Biewore many new books in the school library. $ Let's write in English: (Vamos escrever em Inglés) a) HA cinco garotas na biblioteca agora. ‘There are five girls in the library nos b) Ha algo errado com aquele menino. ‘The something wrong with that boy. c) Houve uma festa na casa de Susana ontem a noite, There was a party at Susan's house last night. d)Havia muitas pessoas na festa. ‘There swore msany people atte party 49 COME HERE) COME, BACK ( IMPERATIVE (Imperativo} Origem do Imperativo O imperativo provém do infini- tivo. Basta suprimir a particula to, indicadora de infinitivo, para se obter © imperativo. to stop = parar Stop! = Pare! tocome = vir Come! = Venha! Emprega-se 0 modo imperativo para expressar ordem, pedido, conse- Iho, proibicao. 1. Ordem: Get out! (Retire-se! Saia!) 2. Pedido: Come with me. (Venha comigo.) 3. Conselho ou pedido: Drive slowly. (Dirija devagar:) 4, Proibigao: Don’t smoke! (Nao fume!) 50 43 — ‘A forma “Let” (Let’s ou Let us) é usada para expressar convite ou pe- dido. Let’s read the lesson! Vamos ler a licdo! Let’s go to the beach! ‘Vamos & praia! Imperativo negativo Obtém-se o imperative negativo antepondo-se ao verbo a negacéo “Don't” (do not). Run! (Corra!) Don’t run! (Nao corra!) Imperativo com “Please” Para se abrandar a dureza de uma ordem ou para se fazer um pedido de uma maneira delicada, polida, usa-se a palavra “Please”, no comego ou no fim da frase. Shut the door, please (Feche a porta, por favor.) Please speak aloud! (Por favor, fale alto.) YVeeeseeeneenennnenennennNnneeneneneekh az? 1 Escreva as frases de acordo com as figuras: Get out! Shut the window! Come in, please. Don’t smoke! Ns 4 4 Come in, pleuse Shut the rondo 8 x Don't smoke Get out 2 Passe os verbos do infinitive para a forma imperativa: ajto get out (sair) Get out! (Saia!) b)to shut the door (fechar a porta) Shu tee door! (Fecha porte!) ) Eat now! Don't vat now d)Write on the wall! Den’ write on te wall €)Speak aloud! Don't speak aloud! f Sit down! Don’t sit dove g)Open the window! h)Pay the bill! 4 Use a palavra “please” no comego ou no fim das frases: a)Come in! Come in, please! b)Come in! Please come in! ¢) Stand up! Please tard up! )Sit down! Sit down, please! - e) Don’t smoke! Don't smoke, please! ¢)to come back (voltar) Comte hack! (Valte!) 1) Drive slowly! Prease drive slowly! <)to come in (entrar) Came inl (Entre! c)to get up (levanter) Got up! Lecante!) £) to stand up (ficar de pé) Stan up! (Figue de pe ¢g)to go there (ir 1d)" Go there! (Va lai) h)to read on page 10 (ler & pag. 10) Reid on page 10! (Leia pagina 10!) 3) Passe para o imperative negativo: a)Go there! Don’t go there! ‘b)Smoke here! Don't smoke here! VOCABULARY aloud: alto to eat: comer beach: praia to get out: sair bill: conta ‘to get up: levantar don’t: nio to gor ir here: aqui to open: abrir let's, let us: vamos to pay: pagar now: agora to read: ler fon: no, na, sobre to run: correr page: pagina to shut: fechar please: por favor fo smoke: fumar slowly: devagar to speak: falar ‘there: If to stand up: ficar de to close: fechar é levantar to come: vir {to stop: parar to come back: vollar to write: escrever to come in: entrar wall: parede, muro to drive: divigit window: janela 4 What is Jack doing? Jack is a lazy boy. He is getting up now. He gets up late every day. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ‘ly Jack sleeps late every day. jack dorme tarde todos os dias. Jack plays football every day. Jack joga futebol todos os dias v simple present (presente sim- ples) indica uma acao que se faz cos- tumeiramente, que se repete normal- mente, Observe a conjugagio do verbo to sleep (dormir) no presente simples: SIMPLE PRESENT Tsleep (eu durmo) You sleep (vocé dorme) He sleeps (ele dorme) She sleeps (ela dozme) It sleeps (ele ou ela dorme) We sleep (nds dormimos) ‘You sleep (vocés dormem) They sleep (cles ou elas dormem) Muitas vezes o simple present vem acompanhado dos advérbios usually, generally, always... 52 Jack likes to play football. He is playing football with Bob and Jim. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Jack is sleeping now. Jack esta dormindo agora. Jack is playing football now. Jack esta jogando futebol agora. Jé o present continuous (presente continuo) indica uma agao que se est fa- zendo agora, que comecou e continua ainda neste momento. Observe a conjugagio do mesmo verbo no presente continuo: PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Lam sleeping (eu estou dormindo) You are sleeping (vocé esta dormindo) He is sleeping (ele est4 dormindo) She is sleeping (ela esté dormindo) his sleeping (cle ou cla esié dormindo) ‘We are sleeping (nés estamos dormindo) ‘You are sleeping (voces esto dormindo) They are sleeping (cles esttio dormindo) © presente continuo é formado pelo verbo to be (verbo estar) no pre sente + 0 gerindio do verbo principal. meee enh QnRagnnanehnekheneReenege x {) Mude para o gerindio. Siga o modelo: — reading . teaching going wg studying building to study to build: 2 Mude para o presente continuo: a)She drinks water. She is drinking water. b)I read a book, Jam reading a book. ©) She paints well 4 Mude para o presente simples: a) am studying History now. 1 study History every day. b)I am drinking milk now. drink milk every day, ¢) Lam playing tennis now. play tennis every day. d)I am going to school new. peta sehoshenory iy. ©) T am eating rice now. Lent rice every day. f) She is writing a letter now. writes __wletter every day. g)She is helping me now. nn. We ane playing ten ©) Tam drinking milk. We are drinking mil )She is working. ew are working. ¢) He is going to school. ‘They are going to sciool, £) She is helping me. They are helping me. You are dancing well. You ure dancing well h)He is reading a newspaper. ‘Thy are reading newspapers. ‘Sues painting well. _ ~ She helps me every da d)l eat an apple. Lams eating au apple _ § Escreva os gerdndios em inglés: e) I go to school. trabalhando dame going to sco! pintando ee oe bebendo — £) They study History. ied a + ‘how ave stusviteg History _ (endo 1 3 = g)He teaches English. R] RETR TI He is teaching English gangando K N Plate NT) 3° Mude para o plural: ID N T a) am studying History. r ie N We are studying History. N A b)1 am playing tennis. indo —— |G JOU JN JG VOCABULARY books livro to drinks heber Boyrrapas, menino toed: comer day to get op levantar every: cada togerit late: tarde to help: ajudaz lazy: preguicovo to ike: gostar letteas carta to took olhar sme me, mim to paint pntar ri ete te play: oser rewspaper jomal to ead: ler now: agora fe sleep dover Bee arroz to teach: ensinar tennis: tenis to write esrever pane water: gua to study: estudar ‘well: hem to build: construic with com Tam going to close the door. IMMEDIATE FUTURE He is going to read. Ele vai ler. O futuro imediato indica uma aco que vai ser tealizada imediata- menie, logo ou num tempo proximo. futuro imediato € formado de: in ; + re infinitivo — going ... be (to read) IMMEDIATE FUTURE Verb to read 1 amgoing to read (eu vou ler) You aré going to read (vocé vai ler) He is going ta read (ele vai ler) She is going to read (cla vai ler) ‘We are going to read (nés vamos ler) You are going to read (vocés vao ler) They are going to read (eles vdo ler) 54 1am closing the door. “PRESENT CONTINUOUS He is reading now. Ele esta lendo agora O presente continuo indica uma agdo que esta sendo realizada neste momento. O presente continuo é formado de: am is —> +o gertindio are : PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Verb to read 1 am reading You are reading (vocé esté lendo) He is reading (cle estd lendo) She is reading (ela esta lendo) We are reading (nds estamos lendo) You are reading (vocés estdo lendo} They are reading (cles esto lendo) (eu estou lendo) 4 ¥ aonananenasanessasneen ct’ SsRBARRRRAA 1) Siga o modelo: 4 Observe o modelo e continue: a) He — to catch fish a) Iam going to catch fish. And you? He is going to catch fish. (to play football) Now he is fishing, Tam going to play football. b)She — to eat an apple b)I am going to read a book. And She is going towatanapple, you? (to read a magazine) Now sii is eating te arp = Lain going to read a magacine ©) They — to buy vegetables. ©) We are going to play tennis, And ‘They em going to biwy negesables. they? (to play football) Nowe they are tunying 0 They are going to play football. <)I — read a book. d)He is going to eat an apple. And Tame geingiiorend test she? (to eat a sandwich) Nowe fam reading a book She 8 going to eat a sai, @ Siga o modelo: a)What is she doing? (drinking ‘Peaenevosdl: milk) She is drinking milk. cruzando comendo b)What is he doing? (drinking TEPER beer) a “pescando He is drinking beer T F ©) What are they doing? (helping TNR [NTS Mary) a By s They are helping Mary. r : 1 G A )What is she doing? (writing a | PIulalyir 3 a letter) i [ a She is writing a leter khsoanae 3) Responda as perguntas de acordo com as figuras: fumando a) What is she doing? Ste is eating an apple, VOCABULARY | beers corveja 7 book: Livro b) What is he doing? doing: fazendo o eat: comer He is smoking , eee to fish: pescar house: casa to go:ir letter: carta to help: sjudar magazine: revista _to plant: plantar rove agora to play: jogar ©) What is he doing? river: 50 to read: let Hleis planting a tree sandwich: sanduiche to smoke: fumar gear mar ‘vegetables: legumes _ to buy: comprar to write: extever to cateh: pegax What: 0 que Let's test your English! Consulte 0 Vocabulario Geral a pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE - PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE © Today he —___Smowring __ Complete with the simple present or the jeans and T-shirt, but he usually present continuous tense (progressive). She usually pe against injustice, but at this moment — es __. a suit at work. a) is wearing / wears Cb) wears / is wearing she ____ispmviesting ____ against c) wearing / wear unemployment. d}wear / are wearing a) protest / protesting e) has wearing / wearing Fi] b) protests / is protesting ©) is protesting / protests d)protest / are protesting e) protested / are protesting ©@ Assinale a alternativa correla. areexperimenting Many countries with nuclear reactors, a) is experimenting, <3 Complete the sentences about what : people are going to do. bhexperimenis a) Jimmy is__s0 0 _ make ) experimenting = X] d) are experimenting si some sandwiches. b)Stephanie and David _#re.sulng to 3 Complete the sentences using the simple present, the simple past and dane: fhe immediate futare: MERE ©) What Robert _svine to _ a)Paul always Et do? He —_Ssvius®__ open on weekends, but last weekend he the door, Ligeelled (racelad) tg the beach. (to d)Miriam, isgoing to work) (to travel) —_sine__a Brazilian song, byWe are going to visit ganar aunt going to Karen next week. (to visit) drink some orange juice. YORRHRRRRARRRAERARABARARRRARRARARRABLE 6 Relacione a coluna A com a coluna B, As oragGes da coluna A esto no Imperativo. Vooé deverd achar © seu corespondente na cohina B: Coluna A Coluna B a) Seja eficiente. ()Don’t be lazy. b) Seja esperto. (£)Don't get angry. ©) Nao seja preguicoso. (G) Be attentive to classes. ) Nao seja arzogante. (1 Be quiet ©) Nao fique zangado, (2) Don’t be arrogant. f) Nao fique chateado. (ABe efficient. g) Fique atento as aulas. (1)Don’t get upset. h) Fique em siléncio (quieto). (2)Be smart Ea 7 Coloque os verbos entre parénteses no imperative afirmative ou negativo: a) (to be) honest and sincere with you classmates. ca Be honest and sincere with your classmate b) (not to cheat) on tests. (to cheat: colar) Don’t cheat on tests ©) (to do} your best to achieve your goals. (best: melhor) achieve: alcancar; goals: objetivas) Do your best to achieve wour goals. d) (to make) an effort to learn a foreign language. (make: fazer; learn: aprender) len ©) {not to deceive) people. (deceive: Don’t deceive people. jecepcionar) f) (not to arrive) late. (arrive: chegar; late: tarde) Don't arrive ite. 8 ‘Translate the following sentences. a) Anny washes her hair twice a week. (wash-lavar; twice: 2 vezes) Anny lava o cabelo deta 2 ve rs por semana. b) Mr. Thompson buys a new car every year. (buy: comprat) yn compra an aarro nove tod aro ¢) We cook a special dinner on Thursdays. (cool és fcemos um jatar especial rs quias-feis. : cozinhar; dinner: jantar) 4) Engineers build modern buildings in this town. (build: construir) Engeneinos constrovm eifiios moderns nesta vitae, e) Barbara has a busy life. (busy: agitado, ocupado) Barbara lone uma vide ocupada,

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