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Last week I reaffirmed some of my knowledge on different types of leadership.

I have heard
many of the terms before and Thursday allowed me to touch up my knowledge of those terms. Primarily
the biggest thing to recap is the fact that transformational and servant leadership are often confused for
being too similar to each other. However transformational leadership the leader believes in the overall
mission and companies objective and relays that to their employees and the servant leader believes in
the accomplishments of their employees. Transactional leadership is simply the you do something good
you get rewarded and you do something bad, you get punished.

Since this reflection does not specifically state to refer to the coursework in what we have
learned, I feel that one piece of information should be submitted. I often like to cook and create things
for myself, and during week 2 I had a craving for hot wings. Often, the hot sauces from the stores are
not very hot or lack a good flavor, they have a tendency to lack one or the other but never attain both. I
elected to purchase supplies and craft my own hot sauce. I used habaneros and cayenne pepper to
heighten the intensity of spice; then lemon, pepper, and garlic along with many other spices to heighten
the flavor of the sauce and create both elements needed for a great wing sauce. I ate 10 wings with fries
and used a homemade ranch and blue cheese to compliment the wings. Now after all the background
information, I digress to the most important lesson I learned in week 2. The lesson is to be careful with
habanero peppers because after using far too much sauce on my chicken wings I experienced how much
they burned your mouth, lips, and hands. After the whole ordeal I cooled off and enjoyed some ice cold
water, but the worst had yet to come. Little did I know, in the following 24 hours I would have to
dedicate, at the very least 3 to 4 of those hours to the porcelain throne. After hours of pain, agony,
stress, and many tears, I have learned to be wary of habanero peppers. So please, if you intend to make
your own wing sauce with habanero peppers, please use a considerably small amount of habanero
peppers or extract them after cooking rather than blending them into the sauce.

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