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TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Plays a special song (WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne ONLY) WarpTen - Speeds construction of buildings and

units IocainePowder - Fast Death/Decay WhosYourDaddy - God mode KeyserSoze [amount] - Gives you X Gold LeafitToMe [amount] - Gives you X Lumber GreedIsGood [amount] - Gives you X Gold and Lumber PointBreak - Removes food limit ThereIsNoSpoon - Unlimited Mana StrengthAndHonor - No defeat Motherland [race] [level] - level jump SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb - Instant defeat AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - Instant victory WhoIsJohnGalt - Enable research SharpAndShiny - Research upgrades IseeDeadPeople - Remove fog of war Synergy - Disable tech tree requirements RiseAndShine - Set time of day to dawn LightsOut - Set time of day to dusk DayLightSavings [time] - If a time is specified, time of day is set to that, otherwise time of day is alternately halted/resumed

Cheat code: whosyourdaddy Infinite Mana Cheat code: thereisnospoon Continue Playing After Losing In Campaign Mode Cheat code: strengthandhonor

Full Map Cheat code: iseedeadpeople Instant Victory Cheat code: allyourbasearebelongtous Instant Defeat Cheat code: somebodysetusupthebomb Your And Allies Heroes Are Level 10 Cheat code: ihavethepower Remove Spell Cool Down Cheat code: thedudeabides Disable Victory Conditions Cheat code: itvexesme Gold ; 500 is default Cheat code: keysersoze [number] Lumber ; 500 is default Cheat code: leafittome [number] Gold And Lumber ; 500 is default Cheat code: greedisgood [number] Fast Construction Cheat code: warpten Fast Death Cheat code: iocainepowder Food Cheat code: pointbreak Fast Research Cheat code: whoisjohngalt Upgrades Cheat code: sharpandshiny Tech Tree Unlocked Cheat code: synergy

Set Time To Morning Cheat code: riseandshine Set Time To Evening Cheat code: lightsout Set Time Of Day Cheat code: daylightsavings [hour] Toggle Daylight Progression Cheat code: daylightsavings Trees Disappear Cheat code: abrakadabra Level Select Cheat code: motherland [race] [level]

Faster Game
Maximum speed isn't fast enough for you? For a quicker game, type CHRONUS, then press + to speed up development.

One-player Codes
The following are used in only single-player games. Before using these, enter the code "Corwin of Amber".
Code Pot of Gold Eye of Newt Sally Shears Iron Forge Hurry up Guys Effect adds 10000 gold and 5000 lumber updates magic-users with all spells! reveals entire map update all technology instantly! speeds building of units and buildings

Code there can be only one yours truly crushing defeat ides of march orc# human#

Effect all units are invincible takes you to victory sequence takes you to loss sequence takes you to final sequence in current campaign Warp to level # of the orc campaign Warp to level # of the human campai

One-player Codes

The following are used in only single-player games. Before using these, enter the code "Corwin of Amber".

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