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Cedric Mepua

BSA 1-A-1

Ms. Lucelle Saavedra
Read week 6 topic from e-book GLOBAL DIVIDENT and answer
the following question.

1. Going back to the article in configuring, would you

consider the problem presented a challenge in the global
 Unfortunately, countries in global south suffer
Poverty lack of human rights and the depletion and abuse of natural
2. What is a global south? Can you name countries that you
can consider part of the global south?
 Global south is generally understood to refer to
Less economically developed countries. It is a broad term that
comprises a variety of states with diverse level of economic,
culture, and political influence in the international order.
The countries that are consider as part of global south is list below;
3. What do you think is the difference between global south
and third world?
 Global south refers broadly to the regions of latin
America, asia, Africa and oceania. Global south thus incorporates
noy only spaces that used to be referred to before as third world,
but also spaces in the north that are characterized by exploitation,
oppression and re-colonial relations such as indigenous and black
4. Is Lisandro cladio to express his views about the global
north and the south suing the Starbucks and the Shanty?
Why or why not?
 Yes, because the shanty represents the tenacity
Of the local, which is unable to participate in a cosmopolitan culture
represented by the starbucks.
5. Do you think there is concrete example of the north and
south divide in the Philippines? Name one and explain.
 There are some in Luzon the poverty shows
Clear north/south divide the northern island of Philippines vastly out
performing the southern island of Mindanao.
6. Do you think those countries in the global south can
become member of the global north? Why do you say so?
 I think no po it’s because global north is a
Countries that are wealthy, technologically, advanced, politically
and stable as their societies unlike to the global south that has zero
population growth and the countries that are agrarian based
dependent economically and politically on the global north.

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