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1. Computerized physician order entry between 12 percent and 15.

(CPOE). This has been shown to percent of responding hospitals.
significantly reduce serious The lowest percentage was for
prescribing errors in hospitals. coronary artery bypass surgery and
2. Evidence-based hospital referral. the highest was for abdominal
Referring patients who need certain aortic aneurysm repair.
complex medical procedures to
hospitals that offer the best Problems with the Standards
survival based on scientifically Adhering to these three standards is
valid criteria can reduce mortality difficult because of the following
risk by more than 30 percent. reasons:
3. Intensive care unit (ICU) physician
staffing. If ICUs are staffed 24 ■ CPOE is expensive and has
hours a day by physicians trained sustained a number of highly
in critical care medicine, the death publicized failures that are
rate of ICU patients can be reduced primarily related to physician
by more than 10 percent. resistance (Ornstein 2003). Modern
Healthcare’s annual information
These standards apply to urban technology survey revealed that
and suburban hospitals only; rural healthcare executives were less
hospitals have been excluded (The inclined to implement CPOE in
Leapfrog Group 2003). Hospitals are 2004 than in 2003 (Morrisey 2004).
asked to voluntarily complete the ■ Only a few studies quantify the
Leapfrog Survey, which includes impact of CPOE on drug errors. The
questions about compliance or plans major institutions that are reporting
to comply with the recommendations. success are Brigham and Women’s
The results of the survey as of late Hospital in Boston and LDS in Salt
2003 are as follows: Lake City (Mello, Studdert, and
Brennan 2003).
■ Less than 4 percent of responding ■ Physician staffing for ICUs is
hospitals had CPOE. problematic given the relative
■ Only 19 percent had fully shortage of trained intensivists.
implemented ICU staffing. ■ Implementing volume criteria
■ The volume criteria for certain dramatically changes referral
procedures were fulfilled by patterns and causes patients to


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