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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 3 Science

I. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the 60 minute period, 80% of the
grade three students should be able to:

Focus Skill:
• Identify the basic needs of human, animal and

Support Skills:
A. Knowledge
1. List the similar needs of human, animal and plants
2. Identify the different habitats of human, animal
and plants
3. Compare how human animals and plants obtain
and consume their food and water
B. Skills
1. Draw at least one habitat of human, animal and
2. Perform the given class activity
3. Explain how human, animal, and plants depend on
their habitat to obtain their needs
C. Attitude
1. Express ideas on how to preserve the environment
2. Discuss the importance of basic needs of human,
animal and plants
3. Respond to the teacher’s question about the topic

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Ecosystem

Materials: laptop, audio visual presentation,

Notebook, pencil, coloring materials

Reference: K-12 Grade 3 learner’s material in

III. Engage

A. Daily Routine

- Greetings
‘’Good morning class’’ ‘’Good morning teacher Kervien’’

- Prayer
‘’Okay class please stand up and let us pray, (The student will in front)
_____ please lead the prayer’’
“In the name of the father, the son, and the holy
spirit amen. Lord help us in our work today give
us concentration so that may we always
remember that Jesus Christ is always with us
amen. In the name of the father, of the son and
- Classroom management the holy spirit amen.
“Okay class before you take your seats, kindly
arrange your chair and pick-up the pieces of

- Attendance
‘’Leaders, who are the absentees for today?’’ (Leaders would check the attendance)
‘’Sir, there are no absentees for today’’

‘’Okay thank you leaders’’

B. Motivation

‘’Before we start our lesson I have a question, “Me sir we have a cat as a pet in our home’’
who’s in the class that has a pet here?’’
‘’Sir, we have a puppy that we take care of with
my parents’’

‘’Alright draw your pet on a notebook and for

those who don’t have a pet you can draw any
animal that you want to take care of as a pet, and
while you are doing the task I will ask in the class (Students start to draw)
what are the needs that they give to their pets to
keep them healthy and alive’’

‘’Can anyone give the basic needs of your pet to ‘’We give our dog a food, water and shelter to
keep them healthy and alive? Yes____ ’’ keep him healthy’’

‘’There is another one you forgot that is also a ‘’Air sir’’

need of both humans and plants can you identify it
‘’Correct your pets needs air, food, water and
shelter like us humans and all of the living things
to survive’’

‘’So I guess everybody is finished with their

drawings now pass your notebook in the front’’

IV. Explore

(The teacher will show a picture of guide questions on the


- What do plants and humans need from each other

to survive?

A. The plants needed humans because humans exhale

carbon dioxide that is required for the plants to
photosynthesize and humans needed plants
because plants respire oxygen which all animals,
including humans, need to survive.

B. plants make the food that humans eat and oxygen

to breathe and other animals get their food and
habitat from plants too.

(The students will get heir notebook and write

‘’Okay now get your notebooks and copy this the guide question)
guide question’’
‘’Yes teacher’’
‘’Okay class are you done?’’’

‘’Alright you may keep your notebooks now’’

V. Explanation

‘’Okay class what have you noticed on the

question that I asked before we start our lesson’’
‘’Sir you asked us about what are the need of our
‘’Yes____ What have you noticed?’’ pet to live

‘’You’re right humans and animals needed those

to live’’
‘’does anybody wants to guess our topic for (A student raise his hand)

‘’Yes_____ what do you think the topic we would ‘’Sir I think the topic for today is what are the
tackle today?’’ primary needs of animals to live’’

‘’thank you_____ that is a close answer but our

topic for today is the basic needs of humans,
plants, and animals.

‘’Every living things on earth need a basic needs (Students raise their hands)
to survive, like plants, animals and humans can
anyone in the class name it again?

‘’Can I call_____ what are the basic needs of ‘’Sir like you said earlier living things need air
human, animal and plants? food, water and shelter’’

‘’Very good the four basic needs of humans,

animal and plants are food water air and shelter’’

‘’Living things breathes the same air, the human

and animal need oxygen while plants needed
carbon dioxide and they also the air that they
needed from their environment.’’

(student stands up and read)

‘’____ can you please read what is on the ‘’living things do not eat the same food but they
screen?’’ get their food from one source it’s from the

‘’Since you’re already standing can I ask you ‘’We need to eat food with vitamins and other
what food human needed to keep our body healthy nutritious foods to be healthy.
and strong?’’

‘’Very good____ you can now sit down, we need

nutritious food especially carbohydrates and
protein because this foods can give us energy to
spend our day active.’’

‘’living thing also drink the same water but they

get it with different sources for example some
animals drink through lake and river and plants
absorbs water from the soil with their roots and
leaf, humans use ground water and purify it’’
‘’_____can I ask you why animals can only drink ’’Sir they can only drink in lake and rivers
water through lake and river and not in ocean?’’ because the seawater contains salt and it doesn’t
taste good’’

‘’correct but it’s not just because it doesn’t taste

good, another reason is because of salt that is in
the water instead of getting hydrated we’ll get
dehydrated and ingesting too much salt can badly
affect our health’’

‘’with shelter, all living things do not live in the

same habitat because other living things can only
live on hot weather and other can only live on
cold weather.’’

‘’_____ why do you think we need food and water ‘’Because without food and water we don’t have
to live?’’ the energy and nutrients we needed to function
everyday and we will get sick

‘’Correct thank you, and ______why do you think ‘’Sir of course we need air because without it we
we needed air and shelter to live’’ can’t breath and we will die, we also needed
shelter for the safety that will protect us with
different weathers and other living things live on
hot cold temperature and underwater’’

‘’Very good class, did everybody notice that most (All of the class answer)
of our basic needs are connected with our ‘’Yes’’

‘’can anyone tell me how can we take care of our ‘’Teacher to take care of our environment we
environment? Yes ______’’ should throw our trash anywhere because it can
cause floods’’
‘’Correct_____ throwing trash anywhere can
affect our environment badly and there is also a
chance that it will ingest by the animals’’

‘’there are more ways to take care of our

environment like doing the 3r’s reusing and
recycling resources and products is often called
the 3Rs. Reducing means choosing to use things
with care to reduce the amount of waste

‘’ by doing this we can have a better environment (All of the class answer)
so remember that we should apply this to ourself “Yes teacher”
okay students?’’
VI. Elaboration

‘’Here is a short video that will help us understand (Watched the video)
more about the basic needs for life and we will
have an activity and assignment later.’’

VII. Evaluation

‘’Okay class now we’re done let’s have an


Directions: Fix the jumbled words that are in the

box and use those words to finish the sentence.


1.All living things need _____ to drink.

2.All living things need to eat_____.

3.All living things require_____ to live in.

4.All plants need _____ to grow.

‘’Class as you can see to answer this activity

you need to fix the jumbled word first for example
you already write the fixed word on your paper
then you can now proceed finishing the sentence’’

‘’okay does anyone understand what to do the (All students answer)

activity?’’ ‘’Yes teacher’’

‘’Okay I think everyone is finished with their

activity let’s check it’’

‘’Exchange your notebook with your seatmate and (Exchange their notebook and starts to check)
I will declare the right answer’’
‘’Pass your paper on the front and I will record it

VIII. Assignment

‘’Okay class for your assignment, I want you to (Students will answer in chorus)
draw any habitat of humans, animals, and plants ‘’Yes Teacher’’
and indicate what habitat of living things you
draw, look at the examples on the screen, does
anyone understand what to do with the



(Open area)

‘’Your assignment should be passed next meeting ‘’Okay teacher’’


‘’Goodbye class.” (Everybody will stand)

“Goodbye teacher Kervien See you on

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