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When I was an innocent child, I am just contented

with my life- no excitement, no pressures, just a void and

nothing. However, my mother once told me that hit my ego.

“Ako kaito, hanggang kaya kong iabot ang muya ko,

gigibuhon ko dawa mapagal”

She is the only empowered woman who has inspired

me to follow her powerful steps in life and create a new
legacy that might impact my own development and

These words from my mother touched my heart and

have motivated me to seek fulfillment in life. I have felt the
pressure, I must be like her- as competitive as her. This embarked my journey to start chasing my
goals, and stop of being just contented for simple things.

As I have stood on my own, I have learned how to aim for success in my life without the
help of others. As a result, I feel happiness if I have achieved my goals, nevertheless feel
disappointed if I have not. Currently, I am satisfied with what I have done in life yet
disappointed by my failures, but that is how life works.

After 10 years, this philosophy from Aristotle can enable me to:

1). To be more goal-oriented and driven from satisfaction

While I am having this kind of principle, it can help me to boost my dedication on

reaching upon my goals. With this kind of behavior, it can also practice and improve my self-
discipline not just to command my self but also to make my actions be consistent over time.

2). To gain more self-confidence and bravery

Being an achiever is a thing that I must be proud of. However, I should always remind
myself to put my humbleness and self on the ground and disregarding my pride. I firmly believe
that if I am more confident on doing things, I can acquire new abilities and skills because I am
not afraid of taking risk and discovering new things.

3). To access on more people

Through sharing ideas to other people for what I want to a certain activity, I can have
interaction with them. This is one of the best ways to be that person who wants to share to and
learn new ideas from other people.

Those experience that I have gained through my journey on past, present, and thinking for my
future, and this philosophy can help me as I find a job to:

1). To do nothing but the best

As I find a job, there is a possibility to encounter rejections, however with this

philosophy from Aristotle can enable me to push my self to do more and to do better until I
succeed. Despites of circumstances, I should be that individual who sparks his internal fire to
have high levels of energy and capacity.

2). To ensures high quality after task

If I continue to become an achiever, it can improve my ability to check errors and to

polish things in its finest. With this kind of mindset, I believe that the Directors and Managers of
the company can truly appreciate my abilities and efforts as their employee.
3). To prove my self

I know that there are doubts on me, not just on how I see myself but also how other
people view my capacities and capabilities. Nevertheless, because of my dedication and fighting
spirit, I am willing to offer my whole life to improve and to grow to become a better individual.
With this I can appreciate myself, not just my strengths but also my weaknesses. I strive to vision
myself celebrating success and nothing else.

If other people hate you of being an overachiever, just ignore them because there is no
harm at all. Always remember it is all about your life- those omissions you really wanted to
fulfill. Seeking fulfillment and validation doesn’t matter at all to be hated by other people, the
thing that values is your morals and attitude that you have learned along your journey because at
the end of the day it is all about how you treat people, on how you come down off your high
horse as you soar high.

When you know the value you bring and you want in life, you increase your chances of
finding fulfillment. Even though experiencing fulfillment will not last forever, the main thing is
you are committed to do the best you can and striving to become your best self.

“Let People Seek Fulfillment”


1). How should have Toyota handled the safety issues the first they happened?

From my own viewpoint, Toyota should not just renovate and repair their issues about
their product but also to have belief in religion despite of having a business. At the first place
they should see God in the business world even it is hard to do. In addition, they should serve
both God and business even others cannot because morals and principles of human’s nature rely
on religion.

2). What as Toyota’s neglect on the issue?

The said company did not just neglect the quality of their product and service and failed
to assess their profit, but also they had neglected the set of beliefs that influences human
behavior. First, they had disobeyed the rules or commandments of God in different religion in
terms of the morals that Toyota had shown in the case study.

Moreover, they failed to if they are into:

 Judaism- failed to achieve the eternal life after death because they broke the rule of
their creator in the field of business.
 Hinduism- neglected to have integrity, understanding, unity, and strong relationship
with customers and partners because of lack of honesty and transparency.
 Taoism- they forsaken the improvement of the world as a whole because they didn’t
show good manners and morals.
 Christianity- failed to follow the stewardship doctrine of the Lord.
 Confucianism- disappointed to follow Confucian ethics because they failed to prioritize
the principles of humanism.
 Buddhism- neglected to practice the values of Buddhism that focus on centering and
3). What was the effect of Toyota’s mishandling of the safety issues?

The mishandling of the safety issues did not just affect their business but also their whole
virtue. As they had lost the quality of their product, trust of customers, and decreased their sales,
they are also unsuccessful to:

 Judaism- to be with God at the day of judgment.

 Islam- to gain the secret of success in the business which is having honesty and
kindness while dealing with customers
 Shintoism- to unify their selves with the great life force and also to highlight their
company name.

Republic of the Philippines

San Miguel National High School

San Miguel, Tabaco City

Academic Year 2022-2024

(Choose One Philosophy from The Discussion and Relate It to Your Life
After Ten Years)

“Let People Seek Fulfillment”

Submitted to:

Mr. Alxander B. Colar, LPT

Subject Teacher
Submitted by:

Franci A. Cereza
Republic of the Philippines

San Miguel National High School

San Miguel, Tabaco City

Academic Year 2022-202


(Case Study of Toyota’s Mishandling Safety Issue)

Submitted to:

Mr. Alxander B. Colar, LPT

Subject Teacher
Submitted by:

Franci A. Cereza

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