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Patriarca, Raphael

What are the differences between Wayang Kulit and Peking Opera? Give at least 5 differences.

1. Origin – Wayang Kulit is Indonesian, and Peking Opera is Chinese.

2. Storytelling - Wayang Kulit frequently tells stories from Hindu epics such as the Ramayana and the
Mahabharata, whereas Peking Opera is inspired by Chinese history and legends.
3. Performance - Wayang Kulit, in contrast to Peking Opera, frequently employs stories from Hindu epics
such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
4. Language - Peking Opera is often performed in Mandarin, whereas Wayang Kulit is typically presented
in Javanese.
5. Movements - When compared to Peking Opera performers, Wayang Kulit puppets have limited
movement and rely on the performer's manipulation and gestures to portray emotion, whereas Peking
Opera puppets have a broad variety of stylized movements and gestures.

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