Lesson 2 PE

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Lesson 2

Resistance Training – is any physical activity that causes the muscles to work against an additional force
or weight. And this is called resistance.

Two types of resistance training exercises

1. Isotonic Exercise
-involves any movement of your muscle groups against some type of resistance.
calf stretch against the wall, leg to chest stretch, side splits, shoulder blades stretch, arm lock
stretch, hand lock stretch, hand lock shoulder pull stretch, elbow pushback stretch, ceiling reach
2. Isometric Exercise
- Does not involve any movement of the joint itself, but instead the muscle group is held in
lace against the resistance.
Biceps curl with shoulder movement, arm side raises, biceps curl with band, seated leg
extension with band, side leg raise standing with band

Fitness Exercise

-is one of the most important course to develop and understand the scientific basic movements to help
the students to be aware of physical literacy.

Regular exercise improves health in many ways:

1. It lowers rates of depression, stress, heart disease, cancer, and many other chronic diseases.

2. Can improve physical fitness, strength, energy capacity levels, stamina and mental health; It can also
increase bone strength for children and teens.

Weight-bearing exercise – bones and muscle of the legs and the trunk work against the force of gravity
while they bear the weight of the body.

Examples: Jogging, Walking, Dancing, Swimming, Stair Climbing

Many muscle and bone strengthening activities increase the heart rate motion such as strengthening the
heart and lungs in addition to the muscles and bones.

Strength and Resistance training – also known as strength training/exercise, is a form of physical activity
that has been traditionally perceived as a component of training programs limited to athletic individuals
and competitive weightlifters seeking to improve performance. However, this conception is no longer
true. Extensive research reveals that not only resistance training is an effective method for improving
muscular strength, endurance, and power, but it is also effective for improving the health status of most

Two practical Principles:

1. Use all the joints that can be used. – the forces from each joint must be combined to produce the
maximum effect.
2. Use every joint in order - Movement should begin with the big muscle group and move out
through progressively smaller muscle, from big to small.

Muscle and Bone-strengthening Activities

For bone strengthening, long exercise sessions aren’t always necessary and brief bouts of high impact
exercise are sufficient.
Warm up Activities

Types of stretching

1. Passive assisted stretching - partner assisted stretch

2. Static Stretching – involves passively stretching a given antagonist muscle by placing it in a
maximal position of stretch and holding it there for an extended time at least 3-6 seconds.
3. Ballistic stretch – involves explosive, bouncing rhythmic movement of a specific part of the body.


Basic movement skills are very important to an individual, if the students are properly taught with the
basic skills they are confident and competent enough to develop complex movement skills that will allow
them to enjoy any sports and physical activity without hesitation. They will surely move with ease and
free from injuries.

During Strength Resistance Training

- The core muscles are comprised of nearly 30 muscles (15 of those are major muscles) that
support your abdomen and lower back.

Transverse Abdominis – deepest abdominal muscle

External Obliques – on the side and front of the abdomen and wraps around your waist.

Internal Obliques – lie under the external obliques and run in the opposite direction.

Rectus Abdominis – the “six pack” part of the abdominals and are in front of the abdomen.

Erector Spinae – a collection of muscles that run along your neck to your lower back.

Benefits of Having a Strong Core Stability:

1. Improves muscle power, kinesthetic awareness, agility, and performance.

2. Increases muscle response time.
3. Allows one to do more with less effort.
4. Increases Flexibility.
5. Improves one’s dynamic balance and posture.
6. Reduces injuries.
7. Protect your inner organs and central nervous system.
8. Alleviates back pain.
9. Daily tasks are easier to do.
10. Feel better.

Warm up activities in this routine

1. Head Turns – Look left, look right; repeat 5 times.

2. Shoulder Rolls – Roll the shoulders backwards 10 times; roll the shoulders forward 10 times.
3. Lateral Steps + Pulls - Step from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of the leading
leg. At the same time, wave both arms up in front of your body and then pull them back
downwards to your sides in a full sweeping range of motion
4. Slow Rocking Butt Kickers – A slower intense of our regular kickers to get your lower body warmed
up; add upper body movements as well if you like, especially if you are about to jump into a
routine that is heavy in upper body exercises
5. High Knee Pulls – Pull one knee upwards towards your core, while reaching up and then down
with both hands so that your elbows and high knee are your core at the same time.
6. Arm Swings+Lateral Steps – Similar to the first move, step from side to side while tapping the toe
of the following foot behind the leading/supporting leg, all while swinging arms out and then in
front of the body, crossing over one another.
7. Four Torso Twists + Knees – Twist from side to side four times, and then bring one knee up to the
elbow. If you follow this same count (1,2,3,4, knee), you should be bringing a different knee up
each and every time.
8. Jog in place
9. Bodyweight Squats – If your legs aren’t feeling quite warmed up yet, keep the squats shallow.
Keep your butt back and your weight in your heels.
10. Front Kicks – Kick high and in front of the body, alternating which leg is doing the kicking.
11. Boxer shuffle – hop from side to side, tapping the non-leading leg on the ground in the center or
the distance that you are hopping back and forth.
12. Cross toe touches – Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you and hands behind you. Your
fingers can be pointed towards the side or behind you. With your feet on the floor, lift your hips
skyward. Pause when you body is parallel with the floor.

Cool Down Activities

1. Walking
2. Stretch those legs
3. Stretch that Chest
4. Stretch that arms
5. Stretch out that core
6. Jumping Jacks
7. Swimming
8. Get a massage
9. Exercise specific drills – If you’re a runner, you’ll obviously be working out your legs most of all.
So doing some squats after a run keeps your legs pumping without the stress of actually running.
These can lift very easily and just do a lot of repetitions.
10. Exercise mimicry – it is when you perform the same exercise you were just performing, but with
less resistance.

Conditioning Exercises for beginners

1. Dumbbell Exercise - The use of dumbbells for exercises is good for its strengthening our bones
and muscles because of the weight of the bells.
2. Basic Position Using Dumbbells
- Front Raise
- Shoulder Press
- Side Swings
- Thrusters
- Triceps Kickback
- Biceps Curl
- Standing Cross Chest Curl

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