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Matter and Energy I M.Sc.

Areli Mitshu Hernandez Moreno

Evidence 2
1. How to describe the methodology to apply Newton's Laws to the motion of a physical system.
a) Mention what a contact force is and offer examples of this.

A contact force is as its name says it a force that manifests itself through contact with a
surface. A great example is the normal force.

b) Describe what a “Free body diagram” is.

is a graphical illustration used to visualize the applied forces

c) How you could represent constant or variable speed with the sum of forces using a Free
body diagram.

d) For this Evidence of work, you will use an Elevator system. What are the forces involved in
this system? Draw the required Free body diagrams to describe a constant speed, an
accelerated upwards movement and an accelerated downwards movement. To answer this
question, watch the video “Would you weigh less in an elevator?”
Matter and Energy I M.Sc. Areli Mitshu Hernandez Moreno

e) How Newton’s Second Law is acting in the next situations.

Situations Sum of forces. How the acceleration is
At rest on the ground floor

Upward acceleration

Upward constant velocity

Upward slowing

Resting at the upper floor

Downward acceleration

Downward constant velocity

Downward slowing

Resting at the ground floor

2. To continue with the next section, I recommend you review the video “Elevator Physics
Problem–Normal Force on a Scale & Apparent Weight”.
Matter and Energy I M.Sc. Areli Mitshu Hernandez Moreno

3. Perform this experiment in an elevator of a building or shopping mall with the help of a weigh
scale with an indicator needle or digital and a camera. Remember that it is important to
collect data on the correct reading from the weigh scale in an elevator. To have a better
understanding of this experiment you may watch this video.

4. If you cannot record the video you can complete this and the following requirements using
the next simulator of Newton’s laws of movement applied on an elevator. ndbox

5. Record the experiment, focusing on the scale all the time: first, being the elevator on the
ground floor. Press the button of an upper floor to ascend, remain recording and return to the
ground floor, and stop recording once you are at rest.

6. If you are using the online app, use the value of mass of one of yours, manage a low value of
acceleration; the simulator considers a value of 10 m/s 2 as gravitational acceleration to simplify
the calculus of forces. Use the given values to report in the next section.

7. Consider the mass, acceleration and write the readings of the weigh scale (maximum values
observed), as well as the corresponding values of the normal force or apparent weight, which
are obtained by multiplying the readings of the weigh scale by the value of gravity, for the
listed cases below:
Matter and Energy I M.Sc. Areli Mitshu Hernandez Moreno

8. Obtain the acceleration for each case of the elevator, including the net force on the person, by applying the equations you obtained in
section 1-e).

Situations Mass value Apparent weight Difference between Elevator

registered in the (N) Weight and Normal acceleration
scale. forces. (m/s2)
At rest on the ground floor

Upward acceleration

Upward constant velocity

Upward slowing

Resting at the upper floor

Downward acceleration

Downward constant velocity

Downward slowing
Resting at the ground floor
Matter and Energy I M.Sc. Areli Mitshu Hernandez Moreno

9. Based on the above, write a report including the video of the experiment and conclusions
about: Or paste at least 5 images following the process applied with the simulator of forces.
Point on values of mass and normal force.
10. Your Conclusions must consider:
a. Physical quantity measured on the weigh scale.
b. Reasons why the apparent weight is presented.
c. Observed times in which the elevator is accelerating or slowing.
d. Way to evaluate the fine movement of the elevator, through this experiment.

Use the data chart where you and your classmates will write names, references, id number, etc.

Send your results before April 3rd, 2023.

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