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Welcome to a new video Horses are one of

the cutest and smartest animals They are
Become an integral part of human life Not
only for the work they do Accomplish, but
also because they are true friends and
companions In battle or on the road But have
you ever seen very unusual horses? Today
we’re going to show you ten horses That are
born only once every 1000 years Are you new
to the channel? Feel free to subscribe, at Click
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Number ten.
It is said Often that Nature is the best artist
and Produces the most beautiful things, but
that nature can also Draw Wendy Ulmer,
teacher Horseback riding, didn’t expect it
When she bought a new one Horse, she was
away To suspect that a surprise awaited her
Indeed, the horse she bought gave birth to a
very particular foal Wendy decided to call
the Little tricolour foal Da Vinci or Gini, as it
was Far from ordinary The horse had a little
horse-shaped spot on his shoulder And the
neck A horse on a horse, how special! This
drawing Unique has made Ginie a kind of star
in the equestrian center Wendy The kids also
love this horse because it is so Friendly and
Number nine.
And if we told you that the smallest Horse of
the world sleeps In a niche and uses the
dog’s door when he wants In or out? tom
bellina Only 45 Cm That’s partly why she was
Named after the granddaughter of
Andersen’s Fairy Tales She is so Beautiful and
her eyes are very large compared to Her
small Body, which makes her Even cuter
because of her Small legs She needed special
help to learn how to walk properly She even
appears in the Guinness Book of Records as
the most Small horse of the world But
Tumbling is Not just any Any horse Its owner
has Decided to make it a therapy horse For
children As you can understand, he loves it
Number eight.
The little one Barbara is a horse who was
born with a Warped muzzle A more thorough
investigation Revealed that it was the rare
one Twisted nose syndrome His jaws Were
twisted and one of his nostrils could not
Function normally The owner of Barbara
realized she had to do something To save her
life The only way to do it Was an
intervention Heavy surgery to carry out This
operation Barbara’s owner needed help to
raise the necessary money Internet users
Raised enough money for the operation that
cost over $30,000 Fortunately, Barbara
resisted At this very difficult operation And
breathe now Through a special tube, but she
can now eat normally His snout has returned
to a normal appearance And the nostril was
problematic Is now open
Number seven .
It’s the story of a little boy Pony, Angel
Marie, who lost her leg after her mother
accidentally stepped on her Was still a baby
It happened almost immediately After he
was born, the little horse had to learn to live
With only three legs However, a miracle
happened when the little horse met Derek
Campana Derrick was a vet who decided to
help Angel Marian Putting a plastic
prosthesis on him Derrick was a doctor who
normally worked with people and made
them Prostheses, but he quickly Understood
that helping animals was in fact His real
vocation This doctor Rescued from Many
animals, but see Angel, husband On all fours
was something extremely Special for him The
owner of the horse was fine Sure extremely
grateful to Derick and delighted to see that
the horse can now Have fun with all kinds of
Number six.
Ando is a horse born blind and who, with its
owner, has gone through many trials They
are the True example of a strong connection
between a Horse and a human Ando is may
Be blind and cannot So not see, but that does
not prevent him from doing things That
others Horse do He even participates in
competitions Endo is Morgan’s first horse
and she says that when she met him, she
immediately saw the Beauty of the foal The
accomplishment of both is also really
amazing when you realize how much They
trust each other Over time Years, Morgan
taught Endo over 40 Voice commands She
claims That even without eyes, Andrew
performs perfectly All commands It’s
becoming a huge phenomenon And amazes
him every time they have A workout
Amazing, right?
Number five.
We already have Talk about the smallest
Horse of the world, but it’s time Now talk
about the biggest horse Big and heaviest This
horse says of Heart was born in 1846 in
England and is even featured in the Book
Guinness records Its real name is Sampson,
but it is better known as Mammoth It was 22
meters long and weighed 1524 Kilograms The
largest and longest living horse In our time Is
Big Jack It is one Belgian horse weighing 1025
kilograms His owners They even had to put
him on a diet because he kept on He was
gaining weight If he got even bigger and
heavier That could become a problem for his
health Especially for his legs As for his height,
he is about two metres long So he is a bit
Smaller than Samson’s
number four.
This little one Horse was born with One eye
It was It was a fusion of two eyes and
unfortunately The foal did not survive
because he died shortly after his birth The
owner donated it to the University of
Copenhagen so that scientists could study it
So far The researchers are not able to say
with certainty what caused this fusion, but
they assume that it is a problem of the
nervous system of the horse Anyway
Anyway, he says that a meeting with A
cyclops horse is one chance in a million and
that this little foal was absolutely unique In
fact, it was the first time he saw a Cyclops
horse The body of the boy Horse was also the
object of great attention From researchers
One of the professors from the University of
Copenhagen said that science is interested in
Some Abnormalities because they represent
diversity Biology It also helps them To find
causes and remedies For all kinds of diseases
Number three.
You saw a lot of Different and unusual horses
in this video, but The most Incredible are yet
to come, starting with the five-legged horse
Yes, Mother Nature can really make some
Amazing things, like creating special species
And very Unusual specimens This horse
Rightly named super because, was born with
a Fifth leg protruding from his right front leg
The owner Said he was incredibly fascinated
By this extra dough after the removal
operation of the fifth Paw He bought this leg
back for $300 Scientists Were very fascinated
by this horse and admitted that in 45 years of
Work with Different horses, he never had
anything Seen from such The operation
would have taken a few hours and the
students In medicine who were still Present
could not believe that such Horse could
really exist
Number two.
How long do you think You that horses live
on average? Normally, it’s between 25 and
30 years But the old one Billy broke all
records and lived until 62 years He’s the
oldest horse in Have ever lived But that’s
even more Amazing is that Billy continued to
work as Draught horse all his life He was
born in England in 1760 and became a
celebrity in Because of his advanced age You
can also Find this horse in the Guinness Book
of Records, but curiously, his race is still
unknown Another horse that also had a long
Life fails Garp It was actually a western pony
Sussex, England, lived to be 56 Not as many
years as old Billy But Garp also Impressed
everyone by living so long The people I, you,
Garp lived with loved him enormously and
they even revealed that to them it Was the
most member Loved by their family Your pet
is it Also the family’s favorite? Let me know
in the comments.
Number one.
We will now Tell you how much money Is
worth the most expensive horse in the world
We all know that some people Are ready To
pay huge sums of money For champion
horses But how much money are we really
talking about? Facility Pegasus is a winner of
the Kentucky Derby And it was Sold for a
whopping 70 Millions of dollars to coul more
Stead, a global stud farm This amount
exceeded the previous record of $40 million
paid For another dancing Sharif horse 70
million Dollars were considered a fair price
for Facility Pegasus because he is a famous
American champion He is certainly a very
handsome stallion But would you ever pay
that much money for A horse? What kind of
Horse do you own Or do you want to Have
one? Let me know in the comments If you
liked this video, put a thumbs up If you want
to see more videos that we made Click on
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the channel Thanks for watching and see you

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