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FEA Report V8 Racing


Intro................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Geometry .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Mesh ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Materials & Beam Sections ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Loads & Constraints .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Results ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
First Analysis Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Second Analysis Results ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Third Analysis Results.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing

The main reason of this analysis is to visualize how rigid is the new design chassis and improve its weight.


To improve time and simplify our analysis only the points and lines from the chassis geometry were used on it so it
was possible to assign each line the material and beam section to realize the simulation and compare the results of

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing
Materials & Beam Sections
Going even further the V8 Racing decided to make 3 different analysis of the new chassis geometry with different
types of beam section. The chassis materials are SAE1035 and SAE1020 and 4 beam sections were used:

-1 inch, thickness of 2.4mm -60x40mm blank (only to represent the hub)

-1 inch, thickness of 1.6mm -SAE1035 ( Young Modulus 205GPa;Poissons ratio

0.29; Yield Strength 350MPa)
-1 inch, thickness of 1.2mm
-SAE1020 ( Young Modulus 186GPa;Poissons ratio
-16mm diameter, thickness of 1.5mm 0.29; Yield Strength 205MPa)

3 different combinations were used on this study which includes different usages of the beam sections on chassis.

The First one all lines were filled with a 1inch tube of 2.4mm thickness:


The Second one only the main hoop, front hoop and drivetrain support tubes were kept the 2.4 thickness tube and
all other were used a 1inch with 1.6 thicknesses:

1in 1.65mm thickness (SAE1035)

1in 2.4 mm thickness (SAE1035)

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing
The Third one all tubes listed were used as you can see below:

1in 2.4 mm thickness (SAE1035) 1in 1.2 mm thickness (SAE1020)

1in 1.65 mm thickness (SAE1035) 16 mm tube 1.5mm thickness (SAE1020)

As it is possible to obserb below, the hub were simulated as a rigid retangular beam:

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing
Loads & Constraints
To simulate the suspension it was added some rigid elements so it would be possible to transfer loads from the hub.

A load of 1650N was added on each hub inversely to make the torsional effect.

Also to lock the chassis on its back constraints (constraining translation and momentum) on each suspension node
were used.

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing
To calculate the Torsional Rigidity it had to be taking in consideration the following formulation

( )


Kt: Torsional Rigidity ΔZR: Displacement in Z direction on right hub

F: Load on each hub ΔZL: Displacement in Z direction on left hub

L: Distance between the load and the center of the T = Torque = 2*F*L

Common inputs and data: F = 1650N; L = 1.18893/2 (m) = .594465 m

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing
First Analysis Results
Weight 47.6kg

ΔZR = 4.117 mm; ΔZL = 4.112 mm

Which gives us Kt = 4946.907 Nm/degree or 3648.65 lbft/degree

Second Analysis Results

Weight 35.96kg

ΔZR = 5.323 mm; ΔZL = 5.318 mm

Which gives us Kt = 3825.63 Nm/degree or 2821.64 lbft/degree

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

FEA Report V8 Racing
Third Analysis Results
Weight 30.7kg

ΔZR = 6.117 mm; ΔZL = 6.129 mm

Which gives us Kt = 3324.26 Nm/degree or 2451.84 lbft/degree

As much as the theory for small formula cars the desired Torsional Rigidity is beyond 3000 lbft/degree but as we
could notice on our results the weight/rigidity relation indicates that the best option is to continue with the third
case analysis and develop the chassis.

CAE Responsible Felipe Mazzer Analysed by: Felipe Mazzer Date:12/07/2016

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