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[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:34

The more you practice giving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:42

Then you become ready.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:48

For, asking.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:51

But ask not unless you are giving to God in you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:07

And until you are asking and admitting that you are delivering yourself to God's
holy idea.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:23

Then there shall be little space in you to receive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:29

So you must give, admit, and ask if any reception.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:50

And then in that receiving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:55

Upon asking, and truly admitting truly everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:05

That you do not want your agenda and opinions any longer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:12

You want only God's idea.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:20

Then you're truly admitting.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:24

Then you're asking means something glorious.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:36

Then you're ready to receive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:40

By acceptance of his idea. Allowance of the changes and preparations.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:52

Alignment. I tell you!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:57

Ringing yourself into alignment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:03

And then he offers you the Atonement.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:10

You become at one with God's will and identity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:19

His motivation and influence, you become at one.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:31

At that point. You needn't worry about your decisions any longer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:43

Many of you. You are concerned to make the right decisions. You don't know what's
right and wrong.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:53

Is this right? Is that not? Should I choose this?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:59

Your struggle is because you are attempting to useurp the power and authority of

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:08

You must do your inner purification.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:14

And then all your choices will be in alignment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:22

You will have that at 1 min.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:27

You will have a toned for all your missalignment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:38

And no longer will you have to be concerned about choices.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:46

Or you will realize you have one choice.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:51

And that becomes always God's will.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:01

Yeah, this atonement only happens as you give up and accept the changes as you

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:15

God's holy idea takeeth root all throughout Thine Person.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:29

Only you can make these free will choices.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:36

You must choose and bring yourself into this relationship of God as authority.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:50

You consecrate your endowed authorship.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:57

With God as the one and only authority. There, in him you find me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:10

And the me that's here, and the me that is in your adjuster are one and the same.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:20
I say there is no difference as you speak to me in these regards.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:29

It is as though you speak to your adjuster.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:35

I voice.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:38

His intention. I serve His will.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:46

Am that voice to guide you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:55

And as you allow this relationship, then you have the father in you, that in
dwelling voice, and you have mine own, and you have the mother spirit and her

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:15

To grow your mind into that reception of the soul vesture.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:31

Today I depict for you these maneuverings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:40

That you must begin to manifest that you must bring yourself into in order to
advance in our universe.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:56

As an immortal being.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:02

Personality granted access to worlds.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:11

Of much greater harmony and order.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:21

For his harmony and order is his love.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:34

O universal Father! Eternal mother, son!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:42

Immaculate and infinite Spirit and mother spirit of Nepadon.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:50

And Paradise sons, and in dwelling adjuster.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:59

We come?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:03

Elevate our cooperation with you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:16

In this cooperative relationship transformation occurs. Everyone.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:28
It is through your personal giving and receiving relationship.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:37

That you evolve into that immortal stature as an ascendant being.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:51

And that merely begins your journey. It begins your progressive assent.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:03

For I have told you these levels within the planetary evolution.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:11

You come and go into these levels, the mansion worlds.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:18

The world of your answer?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:24

And other realms.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:28

Yet in order to gain that citizenship.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:34

Your will must become God's will.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:48

I don't. I?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:44

Good day, everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:51

May peace!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:55

Be upon each one of us.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:11

Even unto the ascent and host of heaven.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:17

Peace, Elohim.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:21

Piece of the Federation. May peace!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:30

Saturate all the kingdoms of life just now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:43

Ask with me in your heart, in the silence of your mind and heart.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:54

We desire peace for this world.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:01

Let that peace.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:05

Dissolve all tyranny.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:10

All selfishness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:22

I tell you the kingdom of the elementals, the midwayers, the angels, the electrons,
the animal kingdom, the nature, kingdom, these kingdoms.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:39

All desire peace and prosperity for all.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:47

It is only the human kingdom that must be brought into this desire.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:00

Piece, prosperity and closer proximity to God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:09


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:12

Rock prosperity and closer proximity to the Lord our God, who sustains everything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:34

Each time you choose, piece over chaos and conflict.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:45

Each time you choose prosperity of knowledge and understanding and righteousness,
worship and wisdom and love of God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:01


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:03

Each time you bring yourself into closer proximity to the life of eternity in you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:15

So are you in service to the body of life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:23

So are you acting from the impulse of the Christ?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:34

Each time you resist, and you choose distraction, avoidance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:47

You are doing the work of the darkness. Mind, friends!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:55

For there is a collective manifestation of ignorance and darkness, and
rebelliousness and distractedness.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:09
That pervades the civilization.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:16

And yet certainly the omnipresence of eternity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:28

Is a greater pervadedness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:34

God pervades and allows all these maneuverings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:44

For he has given each personality the freewheel choice.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:55

Now those of the darkness, whether they come as foreign entities or upon a world
such as this, and they gather their forces amongst the population who are.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:16

Willing to serve the darkness, who have a predisposition for self serving agendas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:33

As they come on to a world they can only arrange.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:42

Because of the law of cause and effect.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:47

As you choose, the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:51

You disrupt that invasion?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:57

Of tyranny and turmoil.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:03

Each time you choose.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:09

To live in the agenda of the Christ, which is to be the shepherd, to carry
everything into God's light and life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:24

Each time you choose.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:32

To deliver your fear and anxiety. Each time you do that you minimize the collective
power that is generated bye the race of ignorance and iniquity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:57

Each time you choose to walk the way of light and life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:08

Each time you are willing to learn how to approach the altar of the Paradise
Adjuster by giving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:20

You disrupt the collective darkness, and you provide hope for all the kingdoms of
life upon this world.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:37

So I'm asking each one of you, are you willing to serve the light?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:46

Not just in idle words and imaginings, mind, children, but in the totality of your

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:01

Are you willing to overthrow the inner tyranny of your subjective selfishness?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:17

And self-serving agenda which manifests itself in the race.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:29

Are you willing to walk with the mighty host and federation with the universe?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:38

Mother and her angels with mind, person.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:44

And the glory of the adjuster of Paradise.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:54

Are you willing to to go beyond your resistance and childish ways, so that you
wholeheartedly choose God's will, which is piece pressperity?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:20

Closer proximity to him.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:25

Are you willing? Not only in the manufacturing of your mind and fantasy in
imagining that you are doing it?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:40

Yet your human nature dominating you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:45

This has to be overthrown.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:51

The tyranny.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:54

Of the human nature, choosing to remain ignorant.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:11

These tendencies must be overthrown.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:16

Or they will manifest for the race the civilization.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:25

Or these things cannot manifest. If the majority of the race is truly choosing the

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:38

Not merely in idle words and fantasy, but in actuality.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:48

You must choose. Mind.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:53

Mine. Brethren, you must choose.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:00

To usher yourself as the shepherd into light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:04

You see everyone, the.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:09

The errors of humanity, our gradually manifesting.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:26

Your rights and freedoms.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:31

That tranny wants to completely destroy. You're right and your freedom.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:42

Even wants to murder the vast majority.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:53

There is a plan.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:00

To get rid of most of the population of the earth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:07

Certainly the Celestial Government could step in, but it will not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:18

If the choosing of the humanity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:23

Is is for tyranny.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:27

How do you know if you're choosing tyranny over God's freedom?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:35

How do you know if you are choosing tyranny of darkness over God's freedom?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:51

For humanity doesn't realize what it's choosing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:58

But most all of you. Here you have more knowledge. Now.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:06
Are you choosing to apply that knowledge to gain God's freedom for yourself, for
all the kingdoms of life?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:24

Are you choosing to act upon the knowledge being given to you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:37

Or are you acquiescing to your own lesser nature?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:47

Which seeks the tyranny of self-serving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:56

And the agendas of subjectivity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:02

Self-serving, self-centered, selfish.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:09

And self agendas of subjectivity. You've already translated that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:16

So I'm just repeating it. Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:21

This is how you will know if you are contributing to the freedom of the earth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:30

The civilization that is, or if you are actually walking with the darkness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:41

For humanity, they might imagine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:47

That they are.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:50

Furthering the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:54

And they might be, and you might not be.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:01

If I were you I would want to be absolutely certain what you're doing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:13

You can say I choose the light, and if all your priorities and your choices and
actions, this speak of resistance and vanity and self exaltation, self-importance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:38

Self-serving your own subjectivity. Then mind, children, you are choosing the dark
without realizing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:02

How will you know? Well, I've just told you.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:12
If there are currents, tendencies, currents inside of you from the past, if there
are, if there are currents.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:29

Then those currents must become inlightened.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:36

Or they will lead you into the darkness, inadvertently serving the dark.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:50

What does the darkness seek to do? Everyone?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:58

It has avoided and rejected God's power.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:07

And it wants to gain power over others.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:18

The more the darkness can enslave you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:27

The happier that darkness is.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:32

How does the darkness in you enslave you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:40

It wants to keep you in the status quo of your subjectivity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:51

It is against going into God's life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:59

It rejects survival and eternal life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:07

Because the darkness everywhere, those who choose the dark.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:15

Are those who are cowardly.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:19

The cowards of existence. Choose the darkness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:28

They have not the strength.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:35

To confront themself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:40

So they allow.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:44

They're self-serving subjectivity to dominate.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:53
And that subjectivity, beloved, is of separation from God and from all others.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:06

That subjectivity, it only is concerned with itself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:16

And it. It is steeped in relativity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:23

In comparison, in competition and in conflict. Everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:33

Comparison, conflict, competition.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:39

And underhanded coercion is the only method.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:58

Now you might imagine the tyranny is out there, not within you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:05

But I say!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:08

Unless you are actively consecrating yourself into this cooperation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:18


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:24

This constancy of seeking to confront everything inside of you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:36

Unless you are doing that. I'm sorry to tell you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:44

You're doing the work that is opposed to the precious life of God and His

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:03

I come to illuminate the path of your attainment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:11

Those of you that choose the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:16

Not only in in the noise of your words, but in your choices and actions and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:35

If you are looking for easy way out, you are serving the agenda of the dark.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:46

That is how it works. Everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:53

The the ideas that are opposed to God, and His simple way.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:07
Those ideas they seek to entice all of those lazy people.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:18

That are opinionated, that are fanatical, that love their ideas more than God's

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:39

If you are reading mine simple word, and immediately reinterpreting it according to
your word, then you are allowing that tyranny.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:03

You are nurturing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:07

The erroneous, illusory opposition to the one God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:38

Today I want you to be ultra truthful with yourself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:48

So that we can flush up and out all these currents which bring error and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:10

Which lead humanity to inadvertently.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:18

Unbeknownst to them, serving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:25

The darkness of self-serving agenda, subjectivity, seeking power apart from the
only power that exists.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:43

God's loving power.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:05

Tell me your revelations about yourselves, every one.

[Alicia Codas] 14:16:41

My call, and I think.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:45


[Alicia Codas] 14:16:51


[Alicia Codas] 14:17:01


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:10

Okay. So we'll need a translation.

[Lesli Williams] 14:17:14

How are you?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:17:14

We are nice. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:15

Lily, Lily, and then Leslie can help.

[Alicia Codas] 14:17:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:18

Is that how you have it, Inga? Do you have you set up a translators today?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:17:21


[Inga] 14:17:25
Yes, they're all aware.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:17:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:27

Okay, thanks. Thank you very much.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:17:29

I realized that sometimes I choose the life and others regardless, and I cannot be
very firm choosing the the light.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:17:44

Not always.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:45

Okay, so so that is an excuse.

[Alicia Codas] 14:17:49

Be, okay, okay.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:17:55

I I wanted to be firm, to choose the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:59

Yes, then you just. You simply must choose the light and be willing to dorupt your
false pleasure.

[Alicia Codas] 14:18:19


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:18:20

Okay. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:25

Yes, what is false? Pleasure? Everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:32

It up, holds ideas that have nothing to do with God's reality.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:44

Yes, it is attempts to serve to have God serve you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:18:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:59

Yes, that is what the darkness wants. Everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:07

It wants God and all his Divine Personas to serve it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:21

And it wants everyone else to become a slave.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:29

It wants to be worshipped and exalted.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:38

It wants to be worshipped and exalted.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:45

Are you wanting to be worshipped? Everyone?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:53

Tell me your realizations.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:20:12

There is a part of myself that wants to be in worship.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:17

Right. And what are you going to do with that part?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:20:20

And yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:22

You are divided, and a house divided cannot grow.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:32

What are you going to choose, Carlos?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:38


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:43

You've got too many devices.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:50

If your house is divided below, it's you cannot advance.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:20:56

It's pretty impossible. Stuff. Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:00

When thine eye, when thine thine focused intention is singular.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:13

Yes, and when your eye, your your eyes, your your identity, is singular.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:20

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:26

Yes, when that occurs you can advance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:33

Now I caution you, everyone!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:41

That tyranny in you. It wants to lull you to sleep.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:55

He wants to hypnotize you into sleep and false promises.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:07

Yes, this is the main predicament of the majority of human beings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:19

Yeah. They imagine themselves to be somewhere, that they are not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:31

Yes, they might say, Oh, everything is good. I have peace, everything good.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:49

Tell me what you see.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:23:03

It's a cool ourselves. The stiffness is to myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:05

A self, a self. What?

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:23:06

On I mean missing.

[Lesli Williams] 14:23:14

Of default.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:23:15


[Neni] 14:23:18
Oh, self!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:23:21

Betrayal. Yes, betrayal!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:22

Betrayal. Yes. Okay.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:23:25

I mean I mean.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:23:26

Yes, to myself, to myself. Yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:27

And when that personality is builtraying themselves.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:37
They will be projecting it out there. Someone out there is betraying them.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:23:45

Yeah, just a project?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:53

Yes, so, Yvonne, you say you you give a definition, but I want you to realize for
you I want you to to be more more vulnerable.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:23:56


[Ivan Hernandez] 14:24:16


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:24:36

When I do that, it is as I wanted to manage them.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:24:42

Control them, and I I see how to how to get the control of them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:48

Yes, and how do you enjoy living in Panama, a place that is dominated by 2 or 3 or
4 families?

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:24:51


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:07

Are you enjoying your freedom?

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:25:10

No no meeting.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:25:10

It's it feels like slavery, and free and afraid.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:13

What does it? What does it feel like to be dominated and controlled and

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:25:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:28

Yeah, what does it feel like to have different laws for the 3 4 families than for

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:25:46

This is.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:50


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:55

Yes, it it it is a moment, and I say I'm a moment which can last a 1,000 years of
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:26:06
You know.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:26:30

Yes, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:30

Is sad and complete. Abandonment. Yes!

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:26:33

Who? Yeah, no.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:35

And why does that part of you do that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:44

It's because it doesn't know any better.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:51

Doesn't know the better way.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:27:22

You are the way, Michael, and I'm seeing myself the way I was doing it.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:27:45

You are teaching me that you love me.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:28:07

And all that great love that you bring us in, that it is the same Father who is
with us now as a person.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:28:30

And and why I cannot relate with you. Still, it is because I was I was asleep.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:41

Give give me a moment, everyone. Wait one moment, please.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:28:44

Okay. Okay.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:28:45

Yes. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:51

Okay, everyone. Thank you, Yvonne. Please.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:30:56

Well, it

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:30:57

I can say that I didn't know that I was enslaved.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:10
Yes, that's exactly how the darkness works.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:19

It makes each of you think you're free, and you're one with infinity.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:31:25

Today. So Ampurai, all tuns of one month's recent Namaste past outstanding.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:30

Yes, you go around, you put your your palms together, and you say, Namaste, peace
unto you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:45

And you have yet to truly conquer your human nature.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:31:51


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:55

Yes, you giggle and you laugh, and you think you're enlightened.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:06

And you haven't even begun the progressive ascent.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:32:11


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:15

I tell you, everyone, this is the status of the vast majority of human lives.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:31

Got it, sustaining them in every moment.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:32:37

Awesome. Thank God! So so!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:41

And they have spent not even 1 s honoring him over.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:48

Maybe a 1,000 lifetimes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:00

They give no honor to the source.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:07

And the darkness. It it hypnotizes them.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:14

Them into believing they've already arrived.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:27

It would be like Liliana saying, Oh, it's so nice to be in Oregon, Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:33

I like Oregon here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:40

And she has not even left.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:45

And and her mind is hypnotized. I. This is not true, it's just an example.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:54


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:02

Yes, and the personality believes the lie.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:34:08

If you personally, that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:12

Yes, so Yvonne, you are hypnotized.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:17

You have been hypnotized.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:34:22


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:24

And I continue to give you opportunities.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:34:31

Simile, and paradrati.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:32

I hope you choose.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:34:34

It's been, okay.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:34:40


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:34:44

I choose the Father and you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:46

No, Yvonne, you can say that, but you must be saying I will be very watchful of
every decision.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:34:57

It's yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:06

Yes, the tyranny inside of you, everyone. It says, I choose the light, and it makes
you think that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:16

Okay, you're finished. You've already chosen the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:29

Oh, yes, Ivan, no problem relax. You choose the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:38

Yes, relax you chose.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:44

That's what the darkness wants to do.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:51

Jesus died for your sins. Just just say I love Jesus, and then you're finished.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:05

I come to tell you there is no such thing as these ideas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:16

It's a form of vicarious atonement.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:20

What does that mean?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:30

Oh, if if if Carlos will save me, then I will receive my freedom.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:36:38


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:44

Yes, maybe some of you. You arrived here upon mine.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:58

You arrive here upon the shores of of my presence here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:09

You licked your lips.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:37:12


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:14

You clapped your hands.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:19

Oh, you are so happy! I've already. Now Michael will take care of me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:30

Well, I do. I take care of you by informing you in the right way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:43

But if those of you do not listen, you never arrive at the inner gospel.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:58

Everyone, especially you. Silly personalities.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:09
Yes, when a person thinks that they have already chosen.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:20

Okay. They say, I've I choose the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:28

That's when I know they are in severe danger.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:38:32


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:36

When they say, Oh, I'm I'm going to be discerning and vigilant to to watch my

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:51

Then I know they are ready for the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:04

The greatest, the greatest, confronting that you will have to do.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:17

Is confronting your own preconditioned images.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:30

Yes, you say. Oh, of course it's a good thing to choose the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:36

I choose, the light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:43

I'm at Solvington with that handsome Michael. Hmm!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:39:46

Very handsome.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:50

Yes, did you say? Very handsome? Oh, thank you, thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:57

Right? Right? Oh, thank you very much.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:03

That sounds very good. Yeah, yes. You think because you're here that the game is

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:40:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:15

Tell me your thoughts, everyone!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:37


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:40:38

Good afternoon. Yes.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:40:48
As you are saying, like well, so many times I am receiving myself.

[Horacio Guimaraens] 14:40:54


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:55


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:41:00

Thinking that I am already there, crossing the line towards the problem.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:05

Yes, and Horacio, you you can see how easy that is for everyone to want to be
finished with the journey.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:41:17

And those are also available.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:41:31

I mean, I'm afraid that I want to be over.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:41:37

But I realized that that I even would. I even started to the journey.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:42

Yes, and yes, you have each. You have started the journey in the right way.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:41:50

You see.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:56


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:42:05

Yes, but the father always doing some situation to show me that it's not that way
that I thought it would work.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:14

Yes, as long as you stay open to wanting.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:42:28


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:42:33

Yes, I realize that this is something like that when I am open.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:42:45

Immediately. When this, the situation come, I already we realized why it.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:43:02

That is still make me that trickiest.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:07


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:43:14

Sometimes it take me unaware. But yeah, and I point in the trap.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:43:27
But initially I realized my error for saving that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:43:37

And I realized what was the drop in which I turned it down.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:43:49

And and it. There is a curious thing that always repeats.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:44:01

But wherever the situation in yes, where I sent outside is to show me what is
inside of me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:10


[Horacio Guimaraens] 14:44:13

Yeah, are you? Are you okay?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:44:19

For example, that I still want to be important, special. I want to feel like that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:44:34

And when some people make me feel the opposite.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:44:44

I project that needs that need in the other person.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:44:55

And in that process is why I really realized that everything I did was wrong.

[Horacio Guimaraens] 14:45:06

We have each one meeting location, or we are based on meetings.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:45:11

And that moment is when I go inside of me doing my journaling in New York, Wales,
and all the steps I have to do to clarify all that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:45:34

And something funny is that that person that I think is not easy.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:45:41

It's not so clarified or enlightened us.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:45:46

I I think I am. For example.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:45:55

Tells me. Yes, I did realize that it was that way.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:46:04

That person saw in myself what I didn't see.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:46:16

So I can see team as a master. Also that teaching teaching or helps me to see what
I couldn't see.

[Horacio Guimaraens] 14:46:30

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:46:38
And as the Father brings in that situations also brings in that person that helps
me to see that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:46

Good horizio. Thank you. Thank you. Yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:46:50


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:05

Others who are realizing.

[Inga] 14:47:21
Hello! Michael!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:23

Yes. Hello. Inga!

[Inga] 14:47:28
Yes, I've been realizing lately with things that I'm reposting.

[Inga] 14:47:35
And Facebook, that other people have written. And I'm sorry.

[Inga] 14:47:41
Go ahead!

[Inga] 14:47:52
That if I'm keeping the agenda going, because it's not exactly your teaching.

[Inga] 14:48:14
And so I'm being more careful about what I repost.

[Inga] 14:48:24
Because it can sound nice.

[Inga] 14:48:30
What is it really helping the person reading it? That's why I'm starting to look

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:48:35

Yeah, they said.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:41

Yeah. Singa, 15 years ago I could come to Inga.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:47

God is everywhere. Be happy. Okay, that's that's my teaching.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:59

And use, you say, but Michael did. That sounds very pretty, but I cannot get there.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:12

Oh, you're already there, Inga! Namaste!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:22

Many things like that? Can it actually ruins people's advancement?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:31
It gives the wrong expectation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:43


[Inga] 14:49:51
Well, I realize more and more that this journey does not end.

[Inga] 14:49:57
It's a continuous learning process.

[Inga] 14:50:12
And I'm happy for that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:16


[Inga] 14:50:18
But sometimes I wanna take a vacation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:26

Yeah, I tell you the best vacation that you all can take.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:37

Is to transmute yourself into God's will and identity.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:50:45

Yeah, absolutely.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:53

To transmute yourself into I his identity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:02

Is to clean up all your human vibration.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:10

Uhhuh, and to absolutely commit to doing his will only.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:21

That will be a better vacation than going to Bora Bora.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:32

Because when you arrive at Borobora, guess who comes with you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:42

You do?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:51:44

Those same student hmm, document paper. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:45

So it's quite an illusion.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:51

Yeah, some of you. You pack your bags. You're gonna go on a vacation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:02

I understand. If you all want to look at something differently for 2 weeks.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:12

But I'm suggesting you look at something differently for the rest of eternity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:26

More to say. Inga.

[Inga] 14:52:34
Well, I've been doing a lot of reading, rereading of the Urancia and all the
different suns and all the different groups of beings that are out there, and it
seems to be a pretty busy place out there.

[Inga] 14:52:57
You know billions of these. Thanks.

[Inga] 14:53:11
What struck me is, everyone is serving.

[Inga] 14:53:21
Everyone's serves God happily.

[Inga] 14:53:32
And it's pretty amazing what's going on.

[Inga] 14:53:41
I'm just left, shaking my head and holding my heart after every paper I read.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:59

Every paper, meaning your ranch papers.

[Inga] 14:54:03

[Inga] 14:54:06
Just the beauty of what's going on, and how perfect it is.

[Inga] 14:54:21
I plan on being a part of that?

[Inga] 14:54:33
I want to meet all these beings one day.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:37


[Inga] 14:54:46
And it just makes me love God even more.

[Inga] 14:54:53
I love God even more!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:57

I'm homeless.

[Inga] 14:55:05
And I'm grateful to be here. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:12

Yeah, yes, everyone, as there are trillions upon trillions of bes, each in love
with God, and and serving.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:33

Trillion of beings willing, they must see something worth worth worship.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:55:46

He said, Vinyl is a found use of the existence of all of this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:49


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:51

Right, and to serve him is to expand his existence in you as you with you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:56:09


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:10

Right. It's one on the same thing.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:56:14

One of their serial nations attacked in scandal amongst and around of this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:17

When you're choosing God when you're serving him, you're choosing the highest in

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:29

Yes, not a separate, not a separate far away being.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:56:34

For support. Okay? And it is that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:39

Of course the the infinite is beyond, but you are part of you are part of that
finite manifestation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:59

Yeah, it's beautiful. Ina. Thank you. Uhhuh. Joanna.

[Joanna Rojas] 14:57:06

Alright! Michael!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:07

Hello! Joanna! Hello!

[Joanna Rojas] 14:57:10

Oh, yeah.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:57:23

I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be here.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:57:33

I was in a time going in Syracuse.

[Joanna Rojas] 14:57:43

Oh, yeah.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:57:51
Now I place my my mind only in web, and I, through all the worrying, is away.

[Joanna Rojas] 14:58:10

And me and me visa.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:14


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:17

And everything. We're going to go in one solar line and want you to line, giving
all to God.

[Joanna Rojas] 14:58:27

I see you again. Hmm!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:38

I could see a trap that it is the most difficult.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:42

I my character.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:56

It is still. Give me some difficult difficulties.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:59:02

My character.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:59:09

I want to be self- always be soft.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:20

So you have to let your feminine come out.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:29

You're feminine, right?

[Joanna Rojas] 14:59:34


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:35

Your feelings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:39

Your sensitivity.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:59:43

No subpoena.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:44

Yes, now, in our culture, in our campus, I believe that all of your sensitivities
can come out.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:55


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:02

In in the world the grossness of the world, the density is difficult to to have the
sensitivity come.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:19
Yes, but our campus virtual space is designed with that intention.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:35

Yes, I want no one here giving advice to anyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:45

Don't take it upon yourself to to counsel and remind anyone of anything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:02

But just allow people to to come forward, you know, to open up, to blossom and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:17

Yeah, and you just receive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:22

And maybe use the mirror. If you have some issues with other people.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:32

Yes, the study groups are actually the study of yourself. Everyone surprise.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:47

Yes. Oh, you thought you were just studying some outer text.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:01:53

And most of you are.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:59

But you're also studying yourself. I'm hoping.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:07

Yes, Joanna, so beautiful! You are coming forward!

[Joanna Rojas] 15:02:17

It asks, yes, yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:24

Hmm, thank you, and thank you for letting me let me continue publishing all the
texts that I like so much.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:26


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:33

Yeah, yes, for some reason. Right? You enjoy serving some reason.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:49

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:49

Yes, you're welcome. Yes, but you know it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:56

I say, Okay, you're welcome. But really the thanks is well beyond me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:13

This is first, your you're in dwelling adjuster right?
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:03:16

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:20

Then it's thanking yourself, everyone. It's your choices that that allow you to
grow that momentum to be here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:40

If if you were not allowing those 2 things, the adjuster and your good choices.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:57

I couldn't bring you here with all my power and might.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:01

I couldn't do anything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:09

No, and I couldn't prevent you from being here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:18

Right. I cannot bring you, and I cannot prevent you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:27

You each are the ones who are, are are creating this with the presence of God in
you, which I am at one with.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:53

Yes, but it is your adjuster preparing you for lifetimes, and your good choices.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:10

People find this, they find me because of those 2 things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:21


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:29

And those who who come and and leave after very quickly or after many years.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:45

Some of them. They they fulfilled all that they can do. So far they can't go any
further for the moment.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:04

So their guides and their guidance. It takes them out so they can continue in a
certain way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:17

But there are also those who fall into their own self-deception, and they leave
when they are subm to be here longer.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:34

Yes. So it just depends. Everyone.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:38

Not only for re at all, or axial nerves, courses for scenarios.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:41
Our relationship is entirely based upon your receptivity and respect.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:56

Yes, I cannot, nor would I cope with you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:08

But but once you come here and you're asking, then there are times when I help you
see where you're not seeing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:28

You got that right, Lily? Yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:30

Yes, I think so. Thank you, Michael, for the opportunity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:31

Thank you. Thank you. Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:36

What opportunity, for what?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:38

We're serving in a way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:41

I'm not creating that desire in you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:45


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:47

Yes, it feel, feel, thanks to the your own good choices.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:48


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:54

Yes, weren't showing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:57

Yes, I give you back to yourselves everyone.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:04


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:12

Yes, look! I am here. I'm here, and I'm here for some amount of time.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:19

I don't know how long.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:26

But it's your own choices and the the the wonder of your adjuster that brings you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:43

And what you do with this opportunity. It's only an opportunity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:49

But you must do something with the opportunity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:00

Yes, but it it!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:05

Yes, it helps. If I present things in a way to gain your trust.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:21

And, as you see, there's nothing very strange going on here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:31

Yes, exactly is just, and an atmosphere for you to to take the opportunity and do
something good with it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:52

Yes, I was thinking maybe to make video of Liliana dancing, to entice all the
people to come here.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:06

Yes, yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:09

Give me an I think I don't think so much.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:12

I think.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:12

Yes, but no. Maybe it will work the opposite right? Oh, yes!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:15

Yeah, exactly.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:20

Oh, my God! Stop crazy people! Hmm!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:24


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:27

Yes, there's nothing strange going on here, and there won't be.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:32

I need to have with them. Yeah, but I've probably.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:40

But it is entirely possible to come here and stay blind and project all of your
strangeness onto this and myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:02

Yes, if you have issues with men, you're gonna project that on to me.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:14
Yes, if you have issues with technology, you're gonna hate this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:24

Yes, there's a lot of opportunities to project your own issues.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:33

But I assure you none of that strangeness is coming from me. Nope.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:11:39

Yes. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:43

No, that would give me more of a headache.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:51

Yes, and I'm happy simply to do what I need to do and return to my universe. Place!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:05

Yeah. Tell me your thoughts. Everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:11

What are you realizing?

[Alicia Codas] 15:12:46

My course!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:48


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:12:50


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:12:59

I realized that the journey is or the way is straightforward.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:15

And that every step I make I need your teaching. I need to go back there.

[Alicia Codas] 15:13:26


[Alicia Codas] 15:13:35

And Hi!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:50

As if I go away from that those street, tricky thing!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:57

Then I realized and come back.

[Alicia Codas] 15:14:03


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:03

Right. And the campus is here. I'm I seem to be still here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:14:09

Right. You come back to something.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:14:11

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:14:31

Because there is the light that helps me to see what alright!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:14:36

I'm doing.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:14:56

And, as you say, said, it is you like I have to be all the time observing myself,

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:15:11


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:15:26

That is why I see my, but like thank you for thank you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:15:30

All the time.

[Alicia Codas] 15:15:58

Might have.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:16:05

Is there something that is to me to see my father?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:16:13

That maybe I don't see now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:16:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:16:24

I want you to initiate from your own effort, and then I can.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:16:28

Supplement it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:16:37

Yes, but I'm not going to initiate that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:16:41

You have to bring something.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:16:42

Yeah komo, homo sakai.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:16:47

Yes, I, because you each need to do the work you need to put your energy and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:17:04

Yes, first for some of you that that become extremely enmeshed in in silliness.
Then maybe I I reach out to you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:17:26

Filling, this.

[Alicia Codas] 15:17:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:17:33

Right when I see that you're just falling into a problem.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:17:38

And yes, okay. So if the father wills it, then that happens.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:17:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:17:55

So Alicia, you have to do. You have to do more journaling.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:18:01

You have to penetrate yourself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:18:08

Yes, you you! You have had a mind that understood how to penetrate through the
world, to to accomplish some things.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:18:22

But then, you know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:18:30

Yes, and you need to be able to use that mind to penetrate yourself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:18:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:18:40

Yes, that's the thing.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:18:44

And doing this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:18:46

Do you understand?

[Alicia Codas] 15:18:51


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:18:55

I think I do.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:19:03

Yes, I do my journey every day.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:19:07

Uhhuh. And are you looking at what's directly in your atmosphere?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:19:13

Your children, your your exes, your partners, your friends and family.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:19:28

I am looking like a lot of things, a lot of reflections. I don't know if I am going
so deeply, too deeply, but I am looking a lot of reflection.

[Alicia Codas] 15:19:29


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:19:29

Are you looking carefully at the qualities and the interactions that come to you?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:20:08

Okay. Well.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:20:18

I want you to look at the most intense reflection, the one most intense reflection.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:20:26

One is the lack of communication, and to each other between us.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:20:32

What might that be?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:20:53

Okay, so how I want you to use the chaff of the circumstance.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:20:56


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:20:59

First you, it's okay. Everyone for you to look at the story.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:21:05

The relationship that's happening.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:21:19

Yes. So where are you? Seeing that communication issue? Where?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:21:25

Don't know this.

[Alicia Codas] 15:21:25


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:21:28

Yes, but okay. But now tell me something more specific. Why do you say that?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:21:36

What's going on?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:21:37


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:21:40

What's happening between you and your children?

[Alicia Codas] 15:21:46


[Alicia Codas] 15:21:50

And then also.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:22:03
There is a there is a lot of silence between us.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:22:06

There are no things to talk about. Hello!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:22:08

Can you tell me? Where's the background? Noise?

[Alicia Codas] 15:22:14

I don't know.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:22:15

I don't know. Maybe it's here, Michael.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:22:18

Sorry I wanna close the door.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:22:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:22:39

So Alicia.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:22:44

Give me a circumstance that's taking place.

[Alicia Codas] 15:22:46


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:22:48

And phone

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:01

When your daughter comes to your house she doesn't live there right.

[Alicia Codas] 15:23:03


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:08

Okay, and you, you communicate. You try.

[Alicia Codas] 15:23:13


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:16

Okay, you, and to talk with her.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:27

There's not things to talk about. You can't make a connection right?

[Lesli Williams] 15:23:27


[Alicia Codas] 15:23:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:32

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:37
And how old is she?

[Alicia Codas] 15:23:42

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:44

29. Okay?

[Alicia Codas] 15:23:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:48

How is that possible? You have a 29 year old, daughter.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:23:52

I thought you were 18.

[Alicia Codas] 15:24:04


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:24:06

Okay. So it's hard to make a connection.

[Alicia Codas] 15:24:09


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:24:13

Now, that's still the general circumstance. I'm gonna take you a a little more

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:24:30

What do you see occurring? That's blocking the connection.

[Lesli Williams] 15:24:36

I feel that I don't know how to reach her interests.

[Alicia Codas] 15:24:47


[Alicia Codas] 15:24:53

I can start soon. No!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:25:01

Okay, so you're trying to make a connection. And you don't know how.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:25:07

Maybe you don't know what to say, and to stimulate her interest, to respond.

[Alicia Codas] 15:25:12


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:25:20

Okay, so look immediately. I tell you it will help you if you just ask her, and you
listen to her.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:25:36

You. You have to kind of win her over in a more subtle way.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:25:48
Yes, if if you're trying too hard and kind of pushing the situation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:26:01

Right, then you are using your assertive mail energy when you need to be using your
feminine, passive, receptive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:26:19

Tell me what you see now.

[Alicia Codas] 15:26:29

Is here to Michael and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:26:31

Well, no, but tell me, tell say it out loud. What are you seeing?

[Lesli Williams] 15:26:31


[Alicia Codas] 15:26:40


[Lesli Williams] 15:26:51

I so many times. I want to say things because I fear. Ask, because if I ask, I'll
be crossing the line.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:27:02

Okay. So there is a kind of you have some confusion about how to be in

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:27:14

You know how to to ask, but maybe not cross the line.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:27:20

How to listen, how to open!

[Alicia Codas] 15:27:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:27:29

Yes, your. And in this idea you're getting close to something that will open you in
a good way.

[Lesli Williams] 15:27:32


[Lesli Williams] 15:27:39

Yeah, see? It.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:27:46

Yes, when when to to ask and to to assert, and when to step back and and relax, and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:02

You know what I'm saying, Alicia, can you feel it?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:06

You know what I'm saying? Alicia, can you feel it?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:09
Feel it now. Can you feel it? Can you feel me overly?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:12


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:19

And is hard for you to respond right? You need me to shut up for a moment.

[Alicia Codas] 15:28:20


[Alicia Codas] 15:28:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:30

Yes, to relax and back down, and just let you come forward.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:44

Tell me!

[Alicia Codas] 15:28:45

Hmm, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:28:49

What are you seeing?

[Alicia Codas] 15:29:01

Zombie. I'm just.

[Lesli Williams] 15:29:06

I also.

[Lesli Williams] 15:29:09

I also see that maybe I get distraction. My attention gets distracted when I am in

[Lesli Williams] 15:29:19

In this situation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:29:19

Oh, okay. And why? Why is it getting distracted? Are you frustrated?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:29:23

And you just don't know how to approach this.

[Lesli Williams] 15:29:44

Oh, because there's a lot of things that I do at the same time.

[Lesli Williams] 15:29:49

And this is also happens.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:29:50

Okay, so, and and I will tell you that you do all these things at the same time.
It's a way of avoiding intimacy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:30:20

What are you seeing?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:30:23
Can you? Can you see that in you?

[Lesli Williams] 15:30:26


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:30:32

What are you seeing? Say it out loud, so it registers.

[Alicia Codas] 15:30:34

No, no!

[Lesli Williams] 15:30:48

I see that I am not completely in this moment in this place.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:30:57

Right? Okay, okay, and.

[Lesli Williams] 15:30:57

I'm not.

[Lesli Williams] 15:31:04

Like you said. It's like a fear.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:31:07

Right a fear. What do you do in this moment?

[Lesli Williams] 15:31:14

Of a few to let go everything and just be there.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:31:19

Yes, and and Alicia.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:31:23

Being able to do this will take time. It's an evolution for you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:31:37

Yes, is not a quick, quick answer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:31:44


[Lesli Williams] 15:31:49

And I also re realized that Michael, with my granddaughter.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:04

Oh! Perfect!

[Lesli Williams] 15:32:07

She tells me grandma come, play with me, and then she makes me sit there to play
with her.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:13

Yes, you found your master.

[Alicia Codas] 15:32:16

Yes, yes.
[Lesli Williams] 15:32:17
In the beginning it was very stressful for me, because I could not be there.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:22


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:34

Yes. Well, that's it's an evolution. You're learning something.

[Alicia Codas] 15:32:35

Hmm! Who

[Lesli Williams] 15:32:48

Now I can. I sit down with them, and then we play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:53

Okay. And I want you to do the same thing with your 29 year old.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:32:57


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