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[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:25:26

There were some savages from Paraguay in the constellation Arcturian, costing
problems so.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:25:40

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:25:42

I don't know everyone. Welcome!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:25:55

Let your heart become open in faith.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:26:11

Breathing in that ever extending, flowing life of God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:26:26

The more you cleanse yourself, the greater the possibilities for that flow to carry
you upwards.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:26:46

Like an air balloon, right for the balloon to rise.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:26:52

The bags of sand must be left on the ground.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:26:59

You must leave on the ground of the earth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:27:05

All which is too heavy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:27:09

To rise to allow the balloon to allow your personal existence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:27:17

To become raised.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:27:49

Take a deep breath.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:27:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:28:02

Paradise, Trinity, and God. The 7 fold reaching into creation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:28:51

Deeply relaxing your mind and body, and you're world of feelings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:29:11

And receive of the glory of that eternal light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:29:18

Let this light go to every creature, receptive and willing to receive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:29:31

To purify.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:29:38
And to co-operate with the Divine presence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:17

Through your breath.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:20

During the day and evening you have a ready-made link to bring your consciousness
into focus.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:43

So receive of that infinite light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:30:54

Breathe in that light!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:30

Let that light cleanse you as you deliver by your free will.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:41

Anything that's in opposition to the flow of God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:50

I deliver anything in me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:31:56

That would oppose your holy, light, eternal father, mother!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:35

Feel that presence of God's light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:41

Sweeping through you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:45


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:48

All your material, your Substance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:32:53

Unto that pure light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:01

Oh, everlasting parenthood of life!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:10

We give ourselves to your will.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:33:43

As you allow that light to sweep through you, it will cleanse and accelerate your
field of consciousness, so allow, be willing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:05

For if you have faith in God's goodness, then search.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:12

You would be willing.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:34:45
Breathing in that light through your own indwelling light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:21

Feel your own hunger for God's holy light and life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:30

You come in to touch with your thirst?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:36

Look to the life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:41

In you to resolve all your problems, all your strife and struggle, all your

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:36:52

Look to God alone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:00

Attempt not to do it yourself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:06

For that would be usurping the power and the glory of the Creator.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:21

We give you. Oh, God, all worship, oh, acknowledgement and allegiance!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:41

Appreciating you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:37:46

The one life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:26

As we come together.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:29

With this wholly intention to invite the light of God for all creatures upon the

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:45

That is the highest service you can offer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:38:56

If all creatures in this world desired.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:06

Wholeheartedly to have the light of eternity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:12

Flood this world, then it would flush out all tyranny, all the darkness would be
finished in a day.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:26

Maybe in an hour.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:30

If the majority of creatures asked for the holy light.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:39:58
So let that light come into your heart, your feelings, and your mind.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:40:11

Ask with me, oh, Heavenly Father!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:40:18

I just infinite light and life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:40:26

I want to resolve all my problems.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:24

Receive now of the heavenly host.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:28

The ascended host, the angels.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:33

The beloved Arc angels and the Elohim receive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:41

And hold that vision, that all creatures, every kingdom.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:41:48

Can receive the same benefit right now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:25

Breathe in that live!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:29

Coming from the source.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:43:35

Breathe it into your field.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:11


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:14

If you want more of that holy light to fill your field of life, then you must
convert the density into light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:34

If you are carrying the density of lifetimes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:40

Then you need to fulfill the law of sewing and reaping and re-soowing into light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:44:55

This is perhaps the main underlying theme within each one of your curriculum.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:04

In this school house of life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:20

You each come with a an individual curriculum. Certain goals that you want to
fulfill in this round in the schoolhouse of life.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:35
Of Urania, you might say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:39

The Planetary School House.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:45:47

You come with a particular intention to heal, to grow, to learn.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:00

You become and missed in circumference relationships.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:11

Many times you come, and you are unable to fulfill.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:19

Your AIM for a particular lifetime.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:27

So when you leave, you feel that regret.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:33

So I say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:38

Truly, feel your desire.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:46:44

To achieve what you came for.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:47:14

Learning, Growth, Alignment, Preparation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:47:23

Advancement of thine soul.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:47:44

Yes, learning, greater ideas, that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:47:53

Shall reshape your alignment into a higher, more fortunate place.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:04


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:11

It begins with ideas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:20

Oh, Paradise! Deities!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:24

Heavenly Father, Mother of life!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:34

We receive your ever flowing spring of existence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:48:56

This spring of existence, shell renew you, restore you, and rejuvenate you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:08

Renewal, restoration, rejuvenation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:21

If you're tired it will take away your tiredness.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:26

Confused. It will bring cloudy and illumination.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:34

If you're down and depressed and hopeless, it will raise all of that into hope and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:43


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:49:46

And joy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:01

Oh, spirit, light of existence!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:08

We breathe you in!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:48

The eternal parenthood of life always want to extend.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:56


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:50:59

Expand, their presence.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:16

Feel that eternal spring of everlasting life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:26

Let it fill you by your asking.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:39

And as you grow your capacity to receive by delivering the density.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:51:48

So do you create a greater space for that light?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:04

So I want to take this time.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:11

More or less the second half of our congregation time to answer any questions you
have about my own teaching.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:26

My own instruction and writing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:33

So it's not a time to just share, not a time to.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:38

It's a time to focus your questioning.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:43

To illuminate your understanding on what I am giving you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:54:58

We can begin anytime. You're ready.

[Morgiel Morgan] 12:57:59

Yes, more. Gil. Here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:02


[Morgiel Morgan] 12:58:04

All that we've received here on campus will remain for us to be able to review and
to share for posterity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:17

Are you? Are you asking a specific question?

[Morgiel Morgan] 12:58:24

Yes, it all of the information and teachers that we've received and and that are
available to us now on campus lectures.

[Morgiel Morgan] 12:58:37

The these Zoom Meetings that are recorded, all of this will remain available for
reach and sharing in the future.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:58:50

Yeah, absolutely. That's the intention, Salvington, and sovereignty is a nonprofit.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:01

It's intended for it to be generational. So I'm making preparations with a few
people that I've chosen, who, I think, might be able to follow through

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:24

It will be available. Yes.

[Morgiel Morgan] 12:59:28

That's excellent. Thank you, Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:30

Yeah, you're welcome. I'm not going anywhere, though.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:37

I believe I'm still gonna be around for a while.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:44


[Michael Of Nebadon] 12:59:59

There are a number of places in the public.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:03

Writings through the social media I'm leaving behind, and there will be.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:16

On the campus. Those writings, and all of that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:22

I'm calling. I'm calling the Christ Michael Papers.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:30

Whether I will create a an enhanced version of the uranium material.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:36

Part 5, or whether it will be a separate compilation and archive.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:43

I'm not sure yet.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:00:47

But it will be left here and available.

[Inga] 13:01:01
Hello, Michael! This is.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:03

Hello, Ina! Good day. Good day.

[Inga] 13:01:10
You wrote in password lectures 26, that you have often told us that we that we live
in a spirit world that in the spur world we live among spirits of our own kind.

[Inga] 13:01:27
But what does that mean?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:29

You upon leaving here, you will possibly have made some progress.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:36

And you'll it will be made available for you to be.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:43

Maybe in a more advanced, severe, but with those who have the same level of
development, and more or less the same beliefs.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:01:58

The value of the value of the schoolhouse is that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:02:05

Hey spirit persona can come here, and they come from a community where everyone
thinks alike, and they can be open and introduced to greater.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:02:19

Ideas here, and they can take those ideas and make it their ideal, and then they
will graduate from the sphere where they came from into greater spheres, where
they're drawn to others of like mind.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:02:43

That's why the development you can make here is much greater.

[Inga] 13:02:51

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:02:51

When you return. When you return to those spheres where everyone thinks alike,
there's nothing new being introduced.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:04

But here in the schoolhouse all many things are introduced to advance. You.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:13

That's why it takes much longer to grow from those other spheres of life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:26

It would take you a long, long time to.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:31

Feel the yearning for something greater where you're coming from.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:39

So that the schoolhouse here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:46


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:03:49

May I complain, or wherever you're load?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:52


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:03:54

Okay. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:03:56

But you have 2 devices, Carlos.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:03:57

But you have 2 devices. Bar loads. No, I just.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:04:05

I am not hiding. My point does.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:11

Everything I'm saying. There's a reverberation.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:04:13

Everything I'm saying. There's a reverberation.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:16

So can you just close your mic?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:04:17

So can you just close your mic? Yes, and we find someone else until you work that

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:21

And we find someone else till you work that out.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:25


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:04:28

It's okay. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:34

Yes, Inga.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:38

That. Let me correct this.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:04:41

Let me correct this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:04:50

So I've muted Carlos because I'm hearing my own voice, and I don't wanna hear my

[Inga] 13:04:58
Yeah, we hear that also.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:00

Yes, yes, so, Inga, that's tell me what you understand.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:06

If I can help you a little bit more.

[Inga] 13:05:10
Okay, so.

[Inga] 13:05:15
The intensity of our experiences are helpful here, because we learned faster than
when we well, when we leave, which will take a longer time.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:32

The sphere that you come from your home in the other.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:37

In the other levels you are with only those of the same development.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:05:47

And here you're with those of greater development that might introduce greater

[Inga] 13:05:58
Oh, okay, I get it now, for where I come from. Okay, yes, I see that now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:05

Where are you?

[Inga] 13:06:06
Yes, and I can see we're that can make a difference.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:09

Right where you come from is a sphere of living that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:18

Everyone in that sphere, everyone you have access to things alike, and is at the
same level of development.
[Inga] 13:06:28

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:29

But there aren't any new ideas. You're just believing.

[Inga] 13:06:32

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:35

For example, if you are a Jehovah witness, you go to a sphere with all Jehovah
witnesses, and you can stay there for eons of time, even if Jehovah witnessed,
ideas are completely false.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:06:50

You can stay there until you grow beyond it, or you come in here for another
another school house.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:00

A round of learning.

[Inga] 13:07:02

[Inga] 13:07:04
Okay, I understand now. So it's.

[Inga] 13:07:10
I should take advantage of this learning best I can.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:15

Right. You have a certain belief system. Let's say your philosophy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:21

Everyone that includes your thoughts, your feelings, your conclusions, your

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:26

Let's just call it your philosophy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:30

Your philosophy in the sphere that you came from is similar to everyone in that

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:38

An ascended master would be bored in a sphere with a bunch of people who believe in
Jehovah witnesses only you know, whatever that religious thing is, why would they
want to be there?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:53

So they're not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:07:57

All the Catholics they gather in a similar sphere.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:04

When they come here they have the opportunity to be exposed to new ideas.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:10
Beyond what they know. However, most of the time they come, you each come, and
you're simply holding onto the ideas that you just came from.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:32

You, you must somehow become exhausted of the community.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:40

In that sphere, something in you craves for something more.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:08:44

But there's no evidence, and no one coming to to reveal to you anything greater in
the sphere that you come from.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:08:54

And this happens also, if I am fusion with my adjuster.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:01

Nice I didn't say that. Nope fusion with fusion with your adjuster opens it up to a
more universal.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:09:03

I ask. I am asking.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:10

You have access to many more spheres, and all the spheres beneath you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:20

Beneath that and many other locations and dimensions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:24

When you become one fused with the adjuster.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:09:26


[Marina Bellelli] 13:09:28

Yes. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:30

Now I want to say more, but I'm waiting for the transation a little bit.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:09:40

I am okay. Michael. Now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:40

Beautiful Carlos. Thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:09:43

Thank you. I was waiting here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:45


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:09:47

Carlos. Yeah, Mike, I can. I still hear my voice, but I don't have another.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:48

I I still hear my voice!
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:09:58
My phone. He's maybe okay. No point to explain.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:09:59

Hey, Carlos? It! There's no no point.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:03

To explain you what you have to work it out, or someone else can translate.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:09

I appreciate your attempt, but.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:10:13

Maybe lately come from late.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:14


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:16

Maybe someone sure.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:21

So Inga, I mean Marina Andinga.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:26

If you don't embrace new ideas here in the Planetary Prince School, if you don't
grow yourself from being exposed to the ideas that I'm bringing from the source,
then you will go back to the sphere that you came from and you'll join at the same
level that that you just

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:51

came from.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:10:53

And your growth will be a very long time.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:00

But those of you who are understanding about Godfusion, and all of that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:10

If you came from a sphere where the popular didn't know about Godfusion, you're not
going to be drawn back there because it will be boring.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:24

You want to go to a place where, with others who believe in these greater ideas,
and you will be given the opportunity to to become part of other communities.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:40

Other dimensional spheres.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:11:47

Michael? Can I? With that question?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:11:51

Yes, just as if you make your ascension from here or the mansion worlds, you join
the great white Brotherhood, and they have access to spheres that everyone beneath
them does not have access to.

[Inga] 13:12:12
Well, I, for one, want to keep growing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:15

Right. There's a great benefit, I mean. Look, you've taken birth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:20

You had to grow teeth and nails and hair.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:22

You had to be. Why not make the most of this, instead of having to go back to the
same place?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:31

And then desire to reincarnate in some future time with the hope that you will
embrace a new and higher.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:40

That's seems like a lot of work.

[Inga] 13:12:43
That certainly does.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:12:45

Yes, so embrace these ideas, transmute these ideas into a living ideal, enter the
new reality of your vibration in your field, and you will be drawn and given access
to new and higher spheres of life.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:13:01


[Inga] 13:13:14
He told me.

[Inga] 13:13:16
Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:19

Yes, Marina, you understand right? You're with me.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:22

Yes, yes, thank you. Mikael. I want to do a like Ina.

[Marina Bellelli] 13:13:27

The effort and the work here. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:13:29

Oh, yes, and Gabriella. Okay, tell us, Gabby.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:13:34


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:13:48

I want to ask you about a specific school reach of us to learn here.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:13:56

I'll get

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:14:01

And I was asking about my own very quickly.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:14:14

And what? That's too general a question. Can you be more specific?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:14:38

But it's my specific group of what I learn. And I what I get to achieve these

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:14:48

It's everything that you're gaining from the scene.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:14:52

Mirror avails. It's everything that you are contracted with, that you want to grow

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:15:07

Go locate, they come, try!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:17

So let's just take a look at the reflection you've been getting from your son.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:24

All of that is part of your curriculum.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:38

To learn how to discern between objectivity and subjectivity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:53

To learn, to to heal the misqualified feelings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:15:59

Everyone. That's part of your curriculum. Part of it.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:16:05

I'll get

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:14

To mature your personality and its character.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:16:20

Mode. Whichever San Marijuana withdrawal actor.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:22

To gain a faster perspective, more universal and cosmic.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:16:32

Young Maruna Maguatha in Mars, for vicar.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:39

Yes, to to enhance and ennoble your values and priorities for your choices.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:16:50

Ifara, Ambritikari, noble exerts, who are Loris.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:16:55

So that's kind of just a touching upon the general understanding of what's right in
front of you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:17:07


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:15

Now, specifically, it is for you, Gabby, what comes to mind?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:21

What's the first thing that comes to mind?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:17:36

To understand this world work.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:38

Okay, beautiful. And what are you wanting to understand?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:17:44


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:49

See, I'm drawing it out of you because your curriculum is not some great mystery.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:17:55

It's right. It's right there.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:17:59

To move. My my dear one!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:09

What are you hoping to understand? I can tell you. But I wanted to come from you.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:18:26

Better than

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:18:49

The short time that I'm available. We have here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:18:55

Well, I tell you, everyone, this this is the I'm gonna call it the the learning

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:15

Yes, it's the place, the schoolhouse you learn.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:19

So you can catapult yourself into higher spheres.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:25

Maybe even eternal life.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:19:29

In the houses use effectors. Okay?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:19:42

Yes, from from the schoolhouse. It it allows you to accelerate your learning, to
catapult yourself in your advancement, to be granted new access to greater places.
[Gabriela Giordano] 13:19:53
Better than

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:16

Yes, so in.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:22

In reality, in truth, they what you're thinking is your life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:29

Here is just a school house, the coming and the going of the learning.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:20:46

You see, that's a more unusual meaning and perspective.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:04

Yes, you might say oh, so I'm here specifically to learn.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:14

And I've set up. I've designed circumstances to learn and accelerate my evolution.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:31

And I know that I'm coming here to work on certain features of my personality and
certain imbalances of causes and effects.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:21:55

So, Gabriella! What!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:21:59

Okay, and this schoolhouse. I'm learning that everything is not correct.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:01

What about the earth are you trying to learn?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:12

You said about the loss of people in your life.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:17

I believe you said.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:22:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:43


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:22:48

Yes, and all those relationships where you truly have a a connection, let's say a
soul, a deepened connection.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:00

They, they will be eternal friendships.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:23:15

A son.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:20

Yes, you're on the stage, and there is a scenery, and there are lines to say,
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:23:31
It was a scenario.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:41

You have a circumstances, and you have a play right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:45

All the world is a play, and you are all actors.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:23:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:23:58

You come on stage in in a predetermined set, a movie set, a stage Broadway play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:24:21

The curtain, the curtain goes up, the curtain goes up.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:24:30

The great play begins.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:24:36

Uhhuh. Yeah. There's act one act 2, act 3, more or less.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:24:48

Then at the end the curtain goes down, and you exit the stage.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:01

You divest yourself, divest. Carlos. Important word! You divest yourself of you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:10

Divest yourself of the the costume and the your character that you've been playing.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:25:15


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:29

Yes, okay. It has begun. You are Gabriella Giordano.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:36

You had a history, and you all of this together. But it is just part of the play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:25:43

Of the schoolhouse.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:25:51

Yes, for a minute. Ona per day they they do over the enter Lakasan queue.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:00

In the play. Through your interactions. You are, you are being impacted in your
touched by many things.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:26:11

Is Deorriga.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:18

You. It is, and the intensity of it.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:23
It forces you to to be impacted. And you learn in that way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:39

Yeah. Wasn't that you, Gabriella? That's saying, don't cry for me, Argentina.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:48

Was that you?

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:26:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:26:55

Oh, Carlos, come on, you can do better than that.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:27:05

On, your!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:07

We've been animals. Yes, Gabby, you're learning and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:17

I I will tell you this. You've come in here to understand the darkness of a fallen

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:37

Yes, you're coming over from a a neighboring civilization.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:27:49

Right, and you are.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:27:51

But another.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:28:06

Italian and Vijay. So look at my!

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:28:08

No, no, no, not

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:28:16

Czi, and if I ate theta like, if you aren't explaining to Gavi.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:23

I am explaining to Gabby and to everyone at the same time.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:28:26


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:28:28

I don't remember the.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:33

Yeah. So, Gabby, the when you go into society in in your Florida area, Miami,
Hollywood, and all of that area, Colinale.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:28:57

Uhhuh! How how do you feel?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:02
In the space with with the population in that area. How do you feel?

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:29:16


[Gabriela Giordano] 13:29:18

Yes, I really feel that density and much

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:26

Yes, you!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:29:28

And I also see the density, and sometimes I feel I am scared.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:33

Yes, you're afraid. So so part of your curriculum is to learn.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:42

Not to be so scared of the darkness.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:29:46

Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:29:51

Right to understand the darkness of people.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:02

You're walking down the street, or you're in the supermarket, and you pass a man
with a lot of violence in his field.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:11

Let's say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:25


[Gabriela Giordano] 13:30:28


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:29

Yes, yes, and you feel afraid. You feel that maybe he's going to attack you.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:30:43


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:43

Yes, but the fact of that situation is that he's not wanting to attack you, but
he's vibrating, living in a vibration of a lot of violence and aggression.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:30:58

Let's say.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:12

Right, but he doesn't want to hurt you, unless, of course, you instigate him, and
you bring up his violence.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:31:18

Sarah, you have got it through your lens here.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:31
And then, of course, it's stimulated and then it's going to be expressed at you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:38

Cause you're pulling it in.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:31:49

Each of you, each of you are the the star of a Broadway play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:02

And your costume and circumference, and the storyline.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:14

Is all created by you, created by you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:22

With the intention to be impacted by the whole play.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:32:29

Yeah, I see. Pm. Corporation now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:32:34

And at that pre-determined time when when your God self ends your participation and
removes you from the play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:00

You walk to the side of the stage, and your your costume melts away, dissolves.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:20

And what have you learned? Everyone?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:33:24

You take an appeal to?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:25

What did you feel?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:33:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:31

What new perspectives have you gained?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:33:40

Have? Have you adjusted your priorities so that you are something more real than
the show that the play itself?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:34:01

Anna Brandigo market.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:08

Yes, there are many people after they diveest themselves of their costume.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:24

Yes, the death, death which doesn't have to happen.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:30

It's it's not for ordained that you have to die physically.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:34:42
You. You can move to the side of the stage, and your costume will be dissolved into
a grader substance.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:34:54

Another question, more?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:05

Or you can grow old and feeble and sick and distorted.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:11

In the play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:20

Yes, and that's over time. Your costume disintegrates.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:32

And there is a learning in that as well.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:35:44


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:35:45

Yes, Gabriella.

[Gabriela Giordano] 13:35:52

Put a handle.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:36:02

For example, when I left leave by my body or my my customer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:09

Well, you, you can leave it behind that it ages, and then falls to the ground, old
and decrepit.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:28

Maybe you have written the play that you will get killed by some other means.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:45

Is just the outer costume.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:52

Now you are each immersed in the conditions of your character.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:36:58

That you're to play in the play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:14

Yes, so Gabby, when you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:18

When you exchange the costume for to return to your your eternal form.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:37:29

Why are the building?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:37:37

Now your question.
[Gabriela Giordano] 13:37:42
Let's see.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:37:53

My my question is, and then I have. I will go to, and a fear, or to my place of of

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:03

That's the same thing. Your place of origin is the sphere that you inhabit.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:38:10

Hituan, O'brien.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:17

But you're involved with a progressive ascendancy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:21


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:29

So, Gabby, you're not returning to your place of origin originally.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:36

You're returning to the sphere that you just came from.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:38:50

And if you have accomplished what you set out to do, you will be granted access to
higher and greater worlds.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:20

If if you don't accomplish what you are intending.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:39:26

If you don't know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:35

Then you, then you will return to the sphere that you came from, and you'll
continue there.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:50


[Gabriela Giordano] 13:39:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:39:53

Is important, important. You accomplish what you're intending.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:40:03

The import can take it to low risk locitas intentionally.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:13

Yes, each of you. If if you, each of you, if you take a moment to really ask

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:40:13

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:26

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:40:27

What they get.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:33

If you take the time to really.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:40:34


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:42

To really tap in touch to what? What you're intending.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:40:46

Build on.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:40:50

The answer will be right there.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:40:55

If you taste it on a Pmco Barato car.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:08

Okay? Who's next?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:17


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:41:19

Yes, Michael, I was curious as to what is going on, miss, with the greener.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:41:27

I would call it the greater urrenching group of readers that the foundation and
they is it just simply that they refused to recognize you as who you are or.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:41:46

Allow me to have translate, because otherwise.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:41:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:41:58

Well, certainly, if they allowed me to help them from here, they were.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:06

The revelation would be unveiled for them, they would begin to grow and learn.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:23

But as it stands they are attempting to do it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:30

Through their own interpretations and subjectivity, more or less.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:42:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:47

Yes, and the material itself is designed for generations in the future.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:42:54

A 1,000 years from now, really!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:06

Yes, so!

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:43:08

They've kind of pushed themselves into being almost a cult.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:43:12

Then, because they haven't.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:12

Yes, exactly. They are gathering amongst themselves just like I'm saying in their
own sphere they might reject my person.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:24

They might reject other things, and in that sense they form a cult.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:43:42

Yes, and a cult always rejects anything that's not within its own paradigm or
belief system.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:43:53


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:43:57

I mean a cig of pools, or into 3 of it, can.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:06

Yes, there are. There are many Uranja readers that come into the the the public
writings that I'm offering.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:25

And they are individuals. They don't seem to be part of a group, and that makes
sense. Why?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:41

Yes, and then the great yes, please tell me.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:44:42

They haven't.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:44:46

Oh, they say they sounds like they haven't stagnated their growth.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:44:50

They want to keep growing. They don't want to be part of a uranium group that's in
a place of stagnation.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:44:50

Their still looking.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:08


[Morgiel Morgan] 13:45:09

Copy that makes more sense.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:11

Yes, and many who reject my person here as a man returning in this in this kind of
strange way, very mundane way, right?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:45:14

Yeah, yeah, I see.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:38

They are usually wanting. They're ending up in competition with the idea that I
might be here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:45:55

Oh, they want to be the leader and the teacher, and they they interpret that I
wouldn't like that, or I would interfere alright.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:46:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:14

If you look carefully, Margie, you see a lot of arrogance.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:46:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:25

A certain superiority. They're thinking, oh, I'm Urrenchia!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:30

I'm better than the other religious things.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:46:33

You see you mean.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:46:43

Then those of us who have discovered you are fortunate indeed. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:47

Well, it is a strange thing how you arrive here right how.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:46:59

Right and in the planetary school you're not just studying my own writings.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:05

I'm offering you from Aristotle to Shakespeare, to Beethoven, to many things, many
beautiful geniuses and truths and wonders that have been offered over the

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:37

Yes, I'm offering you. I'm presenting to you a number of different things.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:47:38


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:44

I just call them. You know, the Western cannon they've been called.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:47:54

The great writings, the great writings and teachings and healings, and I want to
bring it forth.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:48:08

Professional mental health.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:10


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:14

Good Morgan, I see you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:17

You've had your question answered, yeah. Well.

[Morgiel Morgan] 13:48:17

Yeah, thank, you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:29


[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:48:31

All that?

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:48:31

Alright. This is same plan from Palmer.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:48:35

Okay, then play. Hello.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:48:37

Hello! I have a question about you've been saying this about your team, and I.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:48:48

I have this question about God. First, he gave us personality.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:48:58


[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:49:04

And he had the right to communicate with his personality.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:49:09

Work personally with the human.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:49:18

Can you explain more about the personality? Please?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:49:26

First towards the Karma, said, either personally asked for power.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:28

Well, that's why I adjusted that revelation to talk about the the person, hood, the
essential personhood and personality. I'm making a clarification.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:54

Yeah. The.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:49:58

Your essential persona or personhood.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:50:03

Cilla persona mad dinos and your veterinarian minister.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:07

It is the underlying identity of you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:11

It is you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:21

And the personality is that outer conditioning with the costume called Augusto

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:50:41

Yes, the person hood maintenance its integrity, but often becomes lost in the
personality during the play.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:07

The personality of you pimply, will change the whole personality.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:12

Your circumstances and conditions will change. That's the personality.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:28

But the the essential persona of you. It remains the same, but it can grow and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:51:45

Yes, you will always be the persona that you are, even in and through all the
personality adventures.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:08

Immediately after you divest yourself from the costume of pimply, you return to be
the persona that you are.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:29

Yes, just like myself, except I'm aware of my persona.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:34

The Michael that I am right.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:42

But I'm I've entered into the play of a New York guy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:50

With all these conditions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:52:57

And it. It's proving to be very impactful upon me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:04

It's giving me an experience of the evolutionary journey in an intense way.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:25

Right. The only difference is that I slipped into an adult form in order to
maintain my awareness and identity as the Michael.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:53:51
I needed to do that, so I could maintain the integrity and bring forth the work
that I'm doing with all of you, and and beyond.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:15

Yes, I'm a man. I had a papa.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:21

I have a mama, a brother, a New York experience and an Oregon experience.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:27


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:38

So Mr. Personality pimply.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:54:45


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:54:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:54:49

Are you learning? Are you really gaining, after taking all the trouble to design
all of this for yourself?

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:55:00


[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:55:07

I see how I dilute my person, holding through my personality.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:07


[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:55:13


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:55:14


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:20

Yes, everyone. That's why you, you're valuing what I'm doing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:25

Because kind of miraculously. I've maintained my integrity of my identity, and you
catch my New York personality, some of which is a bit hard.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:55:58

Yes, the bestowals. I have kind of 2 identities here.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:12

The personhood it must come present to express through the personality.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:56:25

See. And so there, yeah. And they were both.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:30

Yes, a kind of funny thing is, even mama here is starting to notice the difference
between the 2.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:56:48

You know she's the mama of the body, and she she's the mama of the Neal personality
of New York right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:09

And she's saying the other day, you know I think I like the Michael better than the

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 13:57:21

Me too! Me too!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:57:26


[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:27

Yes, and that's because in the Neal, in in the human personality is where my
curriculum is really getting worked out. I'm most impacted in that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:57:54

And then my brother and the mama they look, and they say, Hi!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:01

How I see that there's a divine thing there, there's something more that that I
don't have.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:10

They say that they don't have.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:21

Yes, it, and each of you you, you. If you want to relate to my manhood, you will
get the manhood, but you won't get the Michael.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:58:36

Yes, Michael methods.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:58:47

Right, but the the Neal aspect allows me. It gives me entrance into the play on the

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:04

Right now. Hmm! My Trinity direction is to present the Michael and not not bring
forth the kneel.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:17

But in my personal life I'm living that part with people that are not part of the

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:22

You follow?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:46

Right. It gives me. It gives me access to it, whole reality here, where the Michael
doesn't fit in.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 13:59:46

Okay. Michael.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 13:59:54
I can't express that because it doesn't fit in in the society, but it fits in in
our school.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:17

Yes, I cannot go to the nearby restaurant and introduce myself. I am Michael,
sovereign of this universe.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:00:29


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:32


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:00:33

Visit, real me, thing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:37

Yeah, see? Because it's not because I don't want to.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:00:42

It's because the paradigm that the people live in it is as if I enter into a severe
that cannot incorporate these higher ideas.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:01:03

Okay. Okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:09

Yes, Pimpli, tell me.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:12

Yes, I'm seeing what you're saying, and I don't wanna even be beside you when you
say I'm the sovereign of this whole universe.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:22

Right. You.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:23

We both get kick out of the restaurant.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:25

Yes, you won't like that.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:29


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:01:29


[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:34

I know you are, but.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:37

I know you are, and I have no doubt in my heart, in my mind, but I don't wanna be
in on the human being receiving that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:42

Right, but.
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:01:42
Just to get wearing.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:46

Do you know?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:01:47

Right. You see, in this in the school format I am free to express and have that
come forward.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:01:49

Maybe maybe they put us in a cross.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:00

The Michael.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:02:00


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:02:07

And aligned a torogate in Riga.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:09

But watch this, observe, I cannot go to a year. Answer group that that has a whole

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:16

They're studying about my teaching, and I cannot introduce myself. There.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:02:26

But in employment forget to.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:35

No, they will reject it because they are gravitated into a sphere of like-minded

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:02:56

Now they they can grow tired of of their severe, and they can be drawn to
Selvington, and that gives more of an opportunity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:22

Now there are many humans, many beings from all the planets.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:29

They they are, they gravitate to their spheres, and they don't.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:33

They don't know anything about who is running this universe.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:03:49

Maybe they are atheists, and they're all gravitating. And maybe they are Buddhists,
and they have, just because you leave here doesn't mean all of a sudden you become

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:19

Right, so I cannot go into the Uranja groups.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:24

As Morgan was inimating their belief system cannot allow it.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:37
Now I'm I'm I want to say I am implying something.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:04:53

The power of your beliefs. The power of your philosophy creates untold
opportunities, a reality for you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:17

Your beliefs create your reality right? You've heard this, of course.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:30

Right dimly more to say.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:05:40

No, I'm just paying attention. It's a beautiful, beautiful insight for me.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:05:47

What you just sharing, you know. Because yes, thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:48

Beautiful. Thank you, Pamper. Thank you. Yeah, yes, you will.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:05:52

My course!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:52

So I I see. I see Gabriella coming forward.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:05:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:05:59

Yes, and there's a few people with their hands up. So after Gabriella I go to
Alicia codes.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:06:03


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:11


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:06:15

I just wanted to say something to my.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:06:17


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:06:28

He was talking about the group that we are learning. Okay, together, we can.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:06:34

With you!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:06:37


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:06:50

I wanted to be. I am grateful, and if we express directly the great moment for your

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:07:04

And also for your support.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:08

Sustenance, right.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:07:11


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:07:11

Yes, Michael.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:14


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:07:16

For your love.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:22


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:07:22

And for the discipline also.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:24

Right, the sustenance, the sustenance, and the love that is the living,
transformative association that we have.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:07:36

Hmm, hmm.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:07:45

And I am I am. I am very grateful that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:47


[Gabriela Giordano] 14:07:47

You should go. Yes!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:50


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:07:57

Yes, I I can appreciate that. Yup.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:08:10

And also I am late to name.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:08:17

Because he allowed, like it to be reserved.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:20

Right, right.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:08:26

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:08:31
At the same time you are taking your own experience.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:36

Yes, exactly. And oh, I mean.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:42

Last. I'm living a different.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:47

I'm living a different, curriculum than I did in the first century.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:08:53

Why would I repeat the same thing? I want to learn something different, right?

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:08:58


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:09:04

And if you look, and I also, I am breaking work.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:09:25


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:09:34

All your aspects. Also I have my contact with the different dimensions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:40

Yes, that's right. Some are eternal aspects, and some are parallel with within the
evolutionary experience.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:09:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:09:57


[Gabriela Giordano] 14:09:58

Okay, so, 8,

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:06


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:10:13

I I am very grateful. I love you so much.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:19

Yes, thank you. I appreciate that you're getting an understanding of the kind of

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:28

And sacrifice, that it takes well for me to hold.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:35

Then Michael, in the midst of the play.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:10:47

Parakilovijia has in the social media market and Mego road.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:10:52
Yes, I come to New York, and in the last few days certain intents, energies, I'm
working out of my family.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:11:11

A trophy of media.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:13

Yes, I've taken on. I want to learn as much as possible right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:24

Yeah. So I'm on the phone last night with Karen, who's a wonderful.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:44

Who who takes good care of me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:11:53

And I'm I have tears and pain, and then I hang up and I go to sleep, and I wake up.
3 Am.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:02

And I'm filled with energies that to transmute.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:19

Yes, and and I know that I can bring all of that human process into this
congregation, and it will be cleansed.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:12:45

And I achieve the the purpose of that particular energy which I am transing right.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:03

Just particular experiences, and the emotions and the impact in the body and the
mind and emotions, and the personality.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:23

Yes, I woke at 3 in the morning, and I I was filled with the need to transmute

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:42

Yes, I everyone is sleeping, even in the world. All of you are sleeping.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:13:48

I'm here in New York. You're sleeping, I'm aware.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:00

I understand what loneliness is. Everyone loneliness?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:14:09


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:09

I know what it is by experience to be in pain with the density, and alone alone.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:14:21


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:29


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:33

Good gabby. I appreciate what you shared. Appreciate it.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:14:35

Thank you, Michael, and thank you because she take care of you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:37


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:40


[Gabriela Giordano] 14:14:41

Always, and I love you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:45

Yes, you've got to give Karen a lot of.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:14:51

She is the mother with we.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:14:57


[Gabriela Giordano] 14:14:59

Yeah, thank, you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:01

That woman has practically infinite strength and resources. I tell you.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:15:18


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:15:18

The feature recruits. So I see.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:19


[Ami] 14:15:19
I love you. I love you Cappie. I love everyone here, and I appreciate.

[Ami] 14:15:25
Thank you for seeing me.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:15:25

I love you, Karen. I love you with all my heart.

[Gabriela Giordano] 14:15:27

Of you. I love you. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:31


[Inga] 14:15:31
Love you.
[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:15:31
And I miss you.

[Ami] 14:15:32
My pleasure to be here. Hmm!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:15:34

Thank you, Kyan. I love you too.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:15:35

Okay. Thank you.

[A Cristina H.] 14:15:37

Of you cutting.

[Eustacia Ramona Avila Chavez] 14:15:39

Thank you.

[A Cristina H.] 14:15:40

Hey, murals! And look to!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:15:43


[Mayte Arroyo] 14:15:43

Thank you, Caron. I love you, I love you.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:15:45

Thank you, Karen.

[Paula Sutil Reina] 14:15:46

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[Ivan Hernandez] 14:15:47

I love you, calling!

[Ami] 14:15:48
Hi! I'm receiving! Oh!

[Nelida Monacci] 14:15:52

Beautiful. Yeah.

[Ami] 14:15:56
I receive every one of you.

[Lesli Williams] 14:15:57

I miss you.

[Ami] 14:16:00

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:02

Blessing. Michael got it.

[Augusto Pimpli Lopez] 14:16:03

I wish you live close, Karen, so I can take care of you too.

[Paula Sutil Reina] 14:16:06

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:07

[Ami] 14:16:08
No! Me, too. Oh, sweet, thank you, thank you. Hmm!

[Paula Sutil Reina] 14:16:10

Hello, morning. Thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:12


[Paula Sutil Reina] 14:16:14

Thank you.

[Ami] 14:16:16
From my heart.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:21


[Paula Sutil Reina] 14:16:21


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:25


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:30

So let's go to Alicia Codis.

[Alicia Codas] 14:16:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:38

Hello, Alicia! I'm happy that you returned.

[Alicia Codas] 14:16:40

I never leave Mike.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:42

Hold on!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:16:46

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's almost okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:47

That's very good.

[Alicia Codas] 14:16:54


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:16:59

Oh, yeah.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:02

I joined today. Yeah.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:17

And I mean that who always has a word of the strength of.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:26

And love.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:28


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:17:41

And I also value a lot what you are doing for me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:47

Right? Right? That's good. It's important. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:17:57

The Universal Father, Son, and Spirit want to do for you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:03

And okay, they will utilize me.

[Alicia Codas] 14:18:07


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:14


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:20


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:18:22

But I also feel your interest and your love.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:25

Yes, absolutely.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:18:30

And now that we talk about the eternal personhood, I just wanted to ask something
that for a long time I wanted to know.

[Alicia Codas] 14:18:30


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:18:52


[Alicia Codas] 14:18:52


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:19:02

Has a gender or note.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:06

Yes, it does. You each have, usually you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:19:11

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:13
You embody in the schoolhouse with the same gender usually, but to balance things,
you might, you might take an embodiment of birth with the the other gender.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:19:46

Yes, I usually take the masculine birth, or you know I come into a masculine form.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:11

You told me that, for in my case I hmm usually, or I was a exchanging one.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:24

One body as a woman and a.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:26

Yes, but your personal is female.

[Alicia Codas] 14:20:32


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:34

But in order to balance, to gain both both sides and perspectives, you, you've
taken a mixture of births.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:20:35


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:53


[Alicia Codas] 14:20:54

Yes, I understand.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:20:57

You can see and feel that with yourself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:02


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:05

Yes, your masculine experience affords you the traits, the qualities to move
through the world, the way you do.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:32


[Alicia Codas] 14:21:33


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:21:35

And partly you've taken the birth with the feminine to to bring more of that
feminine reception into your your traits, as in your personhood.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:21:53

That the.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:04

[Alicia Codas] 14:22:05
Yes, it's micro curriculum now.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:08

Right, exactly. You're in you're in a classroom.

[Alicia Codas] 14:22:12


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:15

You are on the stage, with the costume and the particular conditions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:28

And that will hopefully afford you opportunity to gain and to enhance your total

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:47

Well to gain, to gain more perspectives and more development.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:22:55

But another master, detectives in Mathisa Rodgio.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:22:59


[Alicia Codas] 14:23:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:04


[Alicia Codas] 14:23:06


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:23:07

My question was another.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:23:12

Yesterday you talk about the Antichrist.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:16


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:23:22

That is in us, and might be crucified.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:28

Yes, it when I say crucified, I mean it must be transmuted.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:35

The potential of the anti must be transmuted from potential into God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:23:44


[Alicia Codas] 14:23:46


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:23:47

I wanted to ask you to have a clear view. What, exactly is that Antichrist might?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:19

It is. It is partly when you defend.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:29

From becoming more truth when you defend against truth. That's the Antichrist.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:24:38

Unique. Vic, yeah. My good, yeah. Yes, yes. Yeah. My Ceresa Rodjar. Same thing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:24:52

Yes, it is not a separate self, it is a misqualified, misqualified momentum that
tend to form a kind of self.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:18

Yes, but upon your Godfusion, and even before you become integrated and unified
into that one, that one persona.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:25:42

And then you can still create in higher spheres other personalities that are part
of your personhood.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:05

Yes, you you will, you will be!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:17

Raising the play of your consciousness and existence into much, much more.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:25

I want to say illustrious, glorified spheres.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:44


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:26:46

A personhood that's young creates personality within a realm such as this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:04

Maybe needs to learn with the crutches of the form crutches.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:11

Carlos, you know, when you broke your leg, and you need to walk.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:27

Yes, and then it's you. You become whole, and you don't need the crutches of the
third dimension form.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:27:48

Yes, it would be. It wouldn't serve you to be here beyond the point where you've
outgrown things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:10

Really the planetary school, and it's colleges.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:22

Will develop into a place for all levels, all levels of development.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:38

Yes, that's the intention.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:50

Alicia. Yes!

[Alicia Codas] 14:28:51

Thank you, Michael. Yes, yes, I am, then, thank.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:56


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:28:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:28:59

They Antichrist? It? It doesn't want to grow.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:04

It wants it easy. It doesn't take responsibility like that.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:29:09

In Wooza and.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:15

It refuses to give acknowledgement and credit and power to God within.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:30

It blames easily and avoids.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:37

It enjoys staying blind, deaf, and dumb.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:48

It enjoys manipulation and control.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:29:55

Essentially it loves to useurp the authority of God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:00

It wants to be God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:07

Right, the anti-life, the lower nature. It wants to be God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:18

And the funny thing.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:24

If if you're lower, nature followed in what I am presenting, you will become God.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:30:35

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:45

Yes, a small aspect of that, you understand.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:30:57

Yeah, the Antichrist. It has its own ideas, and it refuses to open to the true
ideas of the Eternal.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:18

[Alicia Codas] 14:31:22

Yes, sure.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:25

Marina. Thank you, Alicia. I love you. Glad you're here. Yup!

[Alicia Codas] 14:31:28

Thank you. I love it.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:31

Marina. Yes.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:31:32

Yes, Mika, I first. I am grateful with you, Mikhail, because in this last days, in
one conference, you said a lot of things, and I was awareness in that case of my
bad blindness in some things in all that you you expose in that conference and

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:31:40


[Marina Bellelli] 14:32:02

after that I was aware of also of all my projectsions, projections, and to you
began, and all.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:32:10

Yeah. Yes.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:32:26

Mike, how are you going

[Marina Bellelli] 14:32:36

Yes, and I can see now how you.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:32:45

For me to to be able to understand some things.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:01

Yes, Marina, Marina, merry Christmas! Let me give you your gift.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:33:01

Yes, I.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:13

Oh! Where should I? I put it? Your hands are full with the your own ideas.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:19


[Marina Bellelli] 14:33:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:27

Yes, so I have to wait for you to to free up your hands so you can receive the
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:40

[Marina Bellelli] 14:33:43

Yes, and I'm very, very grateful, very grateful.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:49

Yes, because you have begun the shift from oh, why am I holding these worthless

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:33:57

I'm about to get a gift, and then you just throw the things away.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:02

That are unreal.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:34:21

Yeah, thank you. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:23

Yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome. Yeah. You see, everyone, the eternal light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:32

Wants to extend and establish and express.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:34:43

But if the humans are too filled with themselves, they don't have the capacity to
receive that light.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:03

Yes, just as if the entire Uranjah readers of a few 1 million people would receive
me and accept me and join in this.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:16

The world will shift overnight.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:35:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:36

Yes, because I bring. I bring gifts that are not mine alone. But the Trinity wants
to inject itself into the entire civilization.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:35:57

But thousands!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:35:59

And believe me, I I have had to work through my frustration, sadness, some anger at
the possibilities that are rejected.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:13

It's it's a lot of work to get to this point.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:36:33

Yeah, Mike.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:35
Yes, and and and with some of you I I want you to receive so that we can get on
with the show.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:36:47

And so.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:36:56

Yeah. Yes.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:36:59

And I want to ask you, you said now that there is a learning in the disintegration
of us in our death, which is that learning?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:02

Yes, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:14

Well it. Uhhuh. I own unaware, in a process of the decent ticket integration.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:37:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:25

Alright. Yes, because it is the breaking down of all control, and and you must face
yourself in a way that is not pleasant.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:37:40


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:37:51

Yes, in in the enlightened worlds, the majority of beings they come to the
schoolhouse, and they are integrated and unified into that fusion.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:05

At the end.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:18

You can even read about it in the in some of the papers of your answer regarding
the resurrection temples.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:35

Yes, the family and friends gather round for the candidate who went graduate into

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:51

Yes! Imagine all the family and friends of Carlos, and he's in the resurrection

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:38:59

In his favorite bathing suit.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:13

Yes, he gets a little suntan, and he says, Okay, I'm ready to graduate.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:39:19

Hey? Don't worry.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:24

Right, and then he is quickened and merged into that Godfusion.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:38

He gains access to spheres of a sended, ascended brotherhood, sisterhood.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:39:55

Yes, that's what occurs, and will eventually occur here in the future.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:08

Yes, those planets don't have a lot of semitaries in one.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:18

No, the cemetery is always right. Next to the church.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:40:25

Yeah. Very well.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:30

Yes, after you believe all the church dogma, then you just go right to drop dead in
the cemetery.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:45

But there is a greater way. Everyone, I tell you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:54

Yes, and the beloved Saint Germane, and a number of other pathways.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:40:59

They have certainly opened the door for the greater knowledge.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:41:06

Your mouth and your main, your your trust. Photocamino Aviv.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:13

Everything I'm doing is in aignment is in cooperation with the ascended host.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:41:20

You sort of. We've got us on all our workers in either.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:26

And I'm also given the plan, or I give myself the plan to introduce myself.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:37

And and reconnect the planet to the galaxy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:53

Yes! What do you think, Marina? I go to the nearby restaurant.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:41:58

I introduce myself, Michael of Nick, are you ready? Maybe not not yet.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:42:01

No, not yet maybe next week.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:03

Not yet.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:42:04

Okay. Not yet. Yes. Okay.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:07
Next week I try. I think about it. Yeah, yes, it's you know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:15

It. It is a game of patience and tolerance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:23

Yes, and I'm growing in that patience and tolerance.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:32

This lifetime. This personality aspect for me is giving me a much greater respect
and value for the evolutionary struggle.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:42:34


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:42:59


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:42:59


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:01

Yes, I can tell you more, but for the moment you have the idea.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:11

Yes, beautiful. Marina. Thank you.

[Marina Bellelli] 14:43:14

Thank you, Mikael. Thank you. I love you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:16

Yeah, sure.

[Abiel Morton] 14:43:21

Yes, sir, I have a question regarding Miss Gabrielle is questions about going to
adjacent spheres.

[Abiel Morton] 14:43:40


[Abiel Morton] 14:43:50

So if our children don't share our beliefs.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:43:54

Seen for him.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:43:57


[Abiel Morton] 14:43:57

If I click!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:44:00

Virtually even no compartment with transplants. Yes!

[Abiel Morton] 14:44:02

If, then, they go to a place where they are with people of their same thoughts, is
that correct?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:11

Yes, correct, and they are only your children for a while, and then they are all my

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:44:12

Okay. Okay.

[Abiel Morton] 14:44:22

Huh! I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:26

Yes, yes, you you need compassion for me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:30

Put it that way.

[Abiel Morton] 14:44:33

Yes, sir.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:37

Yes, but they are my children before they embody here, during and after.

[Abiel Morton] 14:44:45

I'm glad you're responsible for.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:44:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:52


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:44:59

Yes, so those those person hoods which embody into a personality field with you,
and and if it, if they came through you and Teresa, or you're, I don't know how
that is.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:16

I don't have that. Then they will gravitate to precisely where they need to be.

[Abiel Morton] 14:45:23

Okay, that's good.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:45:26


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:36

Yes, and it's okay. If they don't believe these things, eventually they will grow
and they'll move into the more cosmic meaning.

[Abiel Morton] 14:45:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:45:54

In a certain way everyone, despite the fact that we would all like things to maybe
move a little faster.

[Abiel Morton] 14:45:58


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:02

Well, guess what they don't.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:46:12

Then, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:15

Yes, evolution seems to take its sweet time.

[Abiel Morton] 14:46:23


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:26

Tell me, I'll be able. Tell me some more.

[Abiel Morton] 14:46:29

Yes, sir, I would also like to know. Yeah, about your Joseph Banner books.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:42

You know I'm not familiar with that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:50


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:46:51


[Abiel Morton] 14:46:51

I'm sorry. I thought you were the author.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:46:53

That's right. I'm not familiar with that. No.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:03


[Abiel Morton] 14:47:05

Okay. I'm good. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:07

You're welcome. Yeah.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:47:11

You know I don't know what the driving might get.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:14

Now there might be a there might be a few rascals, rascals, Carlos. No!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:23

Oh, tricksters, tricksters, tramposit.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:47:24

How are you doing?
[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:47:27

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:30

That like to present themselves as my person, but they're not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:50

Senora Coleman.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:47:52

Yes, I like those.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:47:56


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:47:58

Like. I have so many things to tell that I don't know if I can tell.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:48:04

Tell them at all. Okay. First, I want to thank you for everything for your patience
and your.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:07


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:48:19

With me and all my brothers and sisters, and I have no force to explain what they

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:48:32


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:48:37

Yeah, alright. I can certainly understand that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:48:38

Yeah. Yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:48:48

Hello! I'm glad, because you mentioned it before that, and the that fusion that we
are going to.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:48:59

Yeah, to say, but to see or to perform.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:04

You're progressing into that eternal union with the spirit of life in you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:49:11

Yes. Well, I?

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:49:12

Methaneamukturai is required.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:49:17

I. I have shown that, you know.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:49:23
A few years ago in it was very beautiful to see.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:49:34

Yes, for people cheering in silently, being happy for that fusion, and people
coming forward to receive that live.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:49:49

And it was very, very beautiful.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:49:53

Well, Lily, once you enter the fusion, there's no going back.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:49:58

Yeah, beautiful.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:50:01


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:03

There's not one persona that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:09

Upon entering the fusion, says, Oh, I think I've made a mistake.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:15

I want to go back to the No.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:50:19

Thank God for that. Yes, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:22


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:50:29

Yeah, it's beautiful.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:50:35

The other thing is that yesterday, before the meeting, I was writing down very,
very much, and just now, when you talk about everything you go, you went through
with your body and your life.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:50:55

I could understand better what I am going through. Also.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:50:56


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:51:02

Yeah, it does.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:51:06

Isn't true that in the same way you can't, and go and say what you know or what who
you are, it's the same for us, right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:20

Yes, more or less. Yes, you. If, for example, if you know about many things now,
you at least know intellectually and.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:51:21
Maybe hmm, yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:51:32


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:37

If I sent you to a sphere of, let's say, born again, Christians, the Bible, or

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:51:46


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:54

You couldn't. You couldn't say anything.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:51:57

You couldn't. They wouldn't even tolerate you for a minute.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:01

They would throw you out.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:52:04


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:07

Right. Many of you have even try to say, Well, Solvington Michael, there's
something, and you don't find any receptivity because of this reason.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:52:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:29

Because those people are coming from coming from spheres, that they have been
immersed in certain ideas, and they don't go beyond those ideas.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:52:43


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:52:54


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:52:54

No, it's kind of paradoxing right, Michael, because in a way, we I mean, I know
that I have to expand and extend the father's skin.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:53:06

But and externally, or in reality, it's kind of difficult, because.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:15

You can do it in silence. You can emanate God's love wherever you go.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:53:21


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:29

Yes, and you couldn't give any of these ideas, because there's no room to receive
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:53:30

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:53:36


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:53:43

Do you want to know? Quantum one?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:45

And Lily sometimes that's hard to accept.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:53:49

So far!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:51

Yeah, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:53:56

Right, but just know that the people around you, they they're on their path of

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:02

They will, they will, they will!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:06

Yeah, wonderful.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:15

Yes, they will come along, is what I'm saying.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:18

Yes, much.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:23

Yes, with time and evolution is is the exhaustion, the exhaustion of things.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:33


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:46


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:46

Yeah, this kind of loneliness, you know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:54:51

Yes, it is the loneliness.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:54:54

Yes, okay. So the more I to my inquiry and my journal, and the more I am with
myself and you and the father inside of me, the more lonely I feel outside of me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:14

Right. That's right, that's right. And the only place to to be is probably back
with all of us.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:55:15


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:55:20

Yes. Exactly. Yeah.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:55:29


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:51


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:55:53


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:55:56

But it's it's important to everyone that that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:55:57

I mean.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:04

As you are a student here, you don't insulate yourself thinking that you're special
or something.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:56:12

Yes, I used to think that, you know, but not anymore.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:56:18

Yeah, 8, book.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:26


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:29

And that's why also the curriculum of the school.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:33

It touches upon many different writings. Really, it's intended I'm waiting to be
able to do more of that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:56:42


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:56:59

Yes, you!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:02

Salvington is for all levels and all the people.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:14

It is not an exclusive club or another New Age organization.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:18

It is not.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:57:20


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:27

It is the school of the Planetary prints, eventually to be held by a beloved Mel

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:43

It is open doors for all levels, all creatures.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:57:55

Yeah. So in your heart be awake to the supreme God, which includes all creatures,
all kingdoms.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:58:09

Eva, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:15


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:18


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:19

This is another question. The related about gasoline.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:23

Yeah, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:58:31

Yes, where the medical and the other institutions try to overpower your
understanding of yourself.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:32

You know the yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:58:41

Exactly. And we're when we are okay.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:58:53

Of will. Okay. So.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:59:05


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:59:19


[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:24

And the religious, all of the institutions. Yes!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:59:25


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 14:59:30

From the joint Dienda.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:59:31

And so my question is, when, when we are involved in those kind of a relationship,
we can use that you start in the.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:59:44

Mirror. For example, right?
[Michael Of Nebadon] 14:59:46
Yes, now you're catching on. Yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 14:59:50

Yeah, so.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:00:02

Yeah. So not feeling as a victim anymore. But just understand what is my
perspective in that.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:00:13

That case, right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:15

Yes, how you're drawing!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:20

Carlito. See?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:00:32

Yes, understanding how you are gravitating into that kind of interaction because of
the vibration in you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:00:33


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:00:41


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:00:52


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:00:54

And in.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:01:02

Could stop that right, Michael, when maybe when I understand.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:11

Well, gas lighting is about, you know, overpowering.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:16

It's a power thing. It's a trying to push ideas onto other people.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:01:21


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:28

You could think of it as the incorrect use of the masculine assertive current.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:42

Yeah. So then you're looking at, where is that occurring in me?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:01:42


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:01:47

Because there's no coincidence. There's only my curriculum here.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:01:51

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:01:59

Yeah. As he said yesterday, about the Antichrist, right?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:05

When I understood that the enterprise is when we are, you know.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:05


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:16

Go and see, not going exactly anywhere.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:25


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:28

Yes, and they, Antichrist loves to make its opinions into facts.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:02:39

Yeah, I think in Kantha Serbia to.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:39


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:45


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:46

Yeah, yeah, thank you so much. Finally.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:52

Yes, it's good, is good to be aware of all that right to be able to.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:02:56

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Michael, because, yeah, because beyond the feelings and all the
hurtful feelings I have, or whatever beyond all of that, I can understand.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:02:57


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:07

Yeah, right?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:03:18

Yeah, I can see that there's very is something beyond all that, not just.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:26

Yeah. Yes.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:03:31


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:31

Yes, it's and the Antichrist is a caught in relativity.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:38
Comparisons, competition, coercion, and conflict.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:42

Guatro costs right.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:03:44


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:03:54

I wait a minute, I will wait.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:03:55

Conflict, competition, coercion.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:03:56

For your competition.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:03:59


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:00


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:03


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:04:05


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:07

Conflict, coercion, competition, and.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:04:09

Hopefully, okay.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:15

Comparison. Yes, thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:18

Yes, maybe a few more, but I'm touching on a few.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:04:24

Yes, yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:25

So you can identify. You can identify when you're in a place of coercion.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:32

You're not in a real self.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:04:36


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:42

You're in the mind of relativity.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:04:47

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:04:50
And it's not the relative mind is and evolutionary beginning, but it can foster the
Antichrist attitudes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:14

Yes, but you can still be in relativity and maturing into that more absoluteness.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:05:15


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:05:22


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:05:25


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:31

Yes, if you're in relativity, you're not necessarily in the Antichrist.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:45

But the ant. The Antichrist has its kind of immersion in relativity.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:05:59

Right, relativity, comparisons, conflict, coercion, competition.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:01


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:05


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:06:13

Properties, from patieth.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:13

It's the same as you mentioned it before, that you can be, and owning their
restaurants, or whatever whatever, and being still being micro not necessary.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:26

Well inside me. I am Michael, and I'm in the I'm in the consciousness of that
father, son, supremacy.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:33

But I can't announce it there right.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:34

Exactly, but you are what you are. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:37

Yes, but I'm in that right. I'm not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:39

I'm not falling asleep into the Neil persona, but I'm make use of the Neil persona.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:06:48

He's a great guy.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:06:48

Yes, yes, I understand that.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:06:57

And the.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:00

Yes, in a certain way, it's just part of the costume and the conditions.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:06

But I'm identified almost always with the Michael.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:12


[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:07:24


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:24


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:26

It's the same with us, I think right. I mean, I have to learn to identify with
myself in my higher self.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:34

Yes, with with the persona, which is part of that.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:40

Christ is that persona, and more.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:07:43

Is that right?

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:07:47

But you can also be caught up in just thinking you're the outer personality and the
body, and and that's difficult.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:07:56

Yeah, right.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:05

Yes, oh, there's Liliana. She's part of.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:06


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:12

She has this history, in fact. Yes, okay, that's the costume and conditions.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:16


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:18

But you are much more, you are much more your yes, you are much more in that

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:27

Hmm, thank you.
[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:30

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:31

Thank you, Margie. I really appreciate everything you are. And Umhm.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:38

Yeah. Hi.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:41

Yup makes sense. I I I can understand that, you know.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:43


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:08:50

I love you and miss you. Yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:50


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:08:54

Yeah, I understand that. And this last month I've been in New York, and I'm not.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:04

I'm I'm in my own curriculum, partly, and then I'm showing up.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:10

I'm in the Michael, but maybe I step outside, and I gather I asked for those beings
that are with me.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:18

Non physically.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:22

Yes, yes, the help, and also just to commune, to worship the eternal God with with
the angels that you can do that as well.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:09:36


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:09:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:09:54

Yes, you say. Oh! Ascended host, angels and masters!

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:02

I ask that to join you and worship the the living God.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:18


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:19

Yes, this morning he was very, very.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:28

Yes, exactly. Exactly. It's it is something very fortunate to be able to be with,
because it's too difficult just to be.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:28
No, I have no word. Hmm!

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:36

Yeah, absolutely.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:40

Yes, it's too difficult just to be in the body and the material world, and only
that is, that is, that is not a place I want to completely be.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:48


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:10:58


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:10:59

Yeah, actually, I am learning to.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:11:04

Understand better what is the intellectual understanding?

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:11:10

You know, and really embody those teaching. And would you feel that? And it's very,
very different.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:21

Yes, it is you are. You are touching and partly living in a different reality than
those around.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:11:22


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:11:29

Yes, totally. I feel like you know. Yes.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:34

Yes, that's right, that's right. Well, everyone it has been, said Carlos. It has
been said.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:11:45


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:45

To our gathered in a field, one is taken, and one is left.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:11:51


[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:11:58

As you as you are living and practicing the way truth in life, and and accelerating

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:12

You are being progressively lifted into a new new status, a new sphere.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:29

Yes, good Liliana, I thank you. Everyone. My energy is needing just to go rest.
[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:12:37
Yeah, I know, Michael. I can see.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:40

Right. So yes, I need a little bit of, and fresh air.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:12:41

Thank you.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:12:49

Okay, thank you. Martha.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:53

Yes. So, yeah, thank you, Lily. I appreciate that a lot.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:12:54

I love you so much. Thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:12:59

I appreciate that a lot.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:01

Hello, every10, really so thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:13:07

Syncing. Microphone your patient and care.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:10

It's a beautiful thing. Yes, Carlos, thank you for your help.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:14

I believe Clara, and ever may be translating also.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:13:16

Great. Thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:13:20

Ever. Yes, yes, Michael, yeah.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:23

Beautiful. Thank you. Ever I appreciate you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:28

Okay. Everyone enjoy your time and I don't eye onto each one of you.

[Ami] 15:13:31
Blessed Easter, everyone.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:35

Truly, truly!

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:13:36

Thank you. Thank you.

[Morgiel Morgan] 15:13:38

Number 9. And from yeah, corner of the country.

[Zulma Cuevas] 15:13:39


[Anselma Avila] 15:13:42

Hello, 9. Brian.

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:42

Thank you. Thank you.

[Carlos Gustavo Callizo] 15:13:42

Thank you.

[Jose R. Martinez Z] 15:13:44

Thank you.

[Alicia Codas] 15:13:45

Bye, bye!

[Paula Sutil Reina] 15:13:47

Bye, bye.

[Mayte Arroyo] 15:13:49


[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:50

As a night.

[Nelida Monacci] 15:13:50

Call yes, yes.

[Marina Bellelli] 15:13:53

Oh, nice! Other than that

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:53

Hey! See!

[Jeniffer Moncaleano] 15:13:54


[Ever Trejo] 15:13:54

I don't. I thank you.

[Michael Of Nebadon] 15:13:56

I don't know. Christian

[Liliana Elizabeth Obando Colmán] 15:13:57

Thank you. Carlin.

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