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Name: Mejia, Angeline Karylle C.

Date to be submitted: 09/29/2021

Year and Section: PHARMACY 3A Subject: 11th Philippine CSR Youth Leaders


Last September 23, 2021 a virtual celebration of 11 th Philippine CSR Youth

Leaders Congress held in Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation. Youth leadership
is the practice of teens exercising authority over themselves or others. Youth leadership
has been elaborated upon as a theory of youth development in which young people
gain skills and knowledge necessary to lead civic engagement, education reform and
community organizing activities.
The Philippine Development Youth Congress is a summit that gathers student
leaders to inform and involve them in prevalent and pressing social development issues
in the Philippines. The goal of this congress is not just to provide exposure to the youth
but also to help answer the question: What can the youth do to instill change in the
Philippine Society? The Philippine CSR Youth Congress is about inspiring young
leaders through example life journey and embedment of Philippine CSR. Dr. Marcelo G.
Paz of Director, Office of student affairs and services “we all need to start small in order
to live a life guided by personal social responsibility”. The first speaker is Atty. Mark D.
Borres founder of borres youth leadership institute, Inc., his stories inspired us student
to excel more and be the best version of ourselves. “We are just one the masterpiece
fearfully and word made by God to become part of his masterplan, May with together
with other pieces and help form and achieve God’s purpose” this was the most
meaningful message I’ve heard. We people is the children of God who mold us to
become the best individual and have a meaningful life and always remember that in
every decisions and outcomes of our life has a purpose of God. Some speakers in this
program shares their experience in life that every individual can excel and become part
of our society to make better world.
A good leader must be an excellent innovator. He/she must display a creative
attitude in his work. Most noteworthy, innovation is a guarantee of survival of a group or
innovation. Without creative thinking, progress is not possible. All of as has a potential
wellbeing to become a leader. Leadership has no age or gender if you have the ability to
serve people and accept yourself from who you are you can transform our world and
satisfy the needs of every individual.

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