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Nowaday, many people are educated in differents places such :

school, house and daara

Education is one of the most effective of development for
communities and society as a whole. Education gives us a good
behours for the parents, brothers, sisters and teachers. Education
takes important place for people. Education has advantages and

I. The advantage of education

Education gives us a good behavious parents , teachers ,brothers and

sisters are fighting day in day out hour after hour to correct the bad
behavious of their children. At school teachers are doing moral lesson
in the daara the chair man are giving the best education to the
children. Education can change many things in our life. It lest you
become a good responsibility as teaching to become a trader a
minister even a president.
It can makes you open mind and to became the education witch
happened in the houses are helping the young boys and young ladies
to know how the behave with their husbands and their wives that
education is given by the parents and the neibought. Dispite of the
advantages of education we have many disavantages such.

II. The disavantage of education

The environment effects many reasons , including poverty, the

schools and culturals . The disavantages have many causes a mong
causes . we have schools, daara and house :
Many poor families cannot afford to pay school fess or buy uniforms
atnd textbooks for all their a likely to favour the boy’s education. The
disavantage in the daara are very dangerous children is given up by
their parents, their walk without they wear dirty clothes. Their don’t
take a bath frequently.  which can be seen in most families. Burnout
is when a person feels depressed, shows addictive behavior, has
lowered mood, has sleep disruption, or has a conflict with a partner.
In this situation, a person feels emotionally and physically
exhausted due to family.

III. The solutions of education

We are consultant education solutions who provide an useful

technology that can be implemented in learning and teaching
system. We have school management system, school infrastructure,
telecommuting and video conferencing also partnership to support
us. Solutions for a Lack of education
 Better educational infrastructure.
 Financial support for poor families.
 Raise awareness on the importance of education.
 More tolerance regarding education.
 Minimum wages.
 Increase in quality regarding social security.
 Improvements in health insurance.

All people think education don’t have the advantage and the
disavantage of education. They think it is a waste of money to invest
in her education. All these measures are starting to make difference.

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