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10 Tips t o im pr ove

you r SPEED
- Get st r on ger - squat and deadlift heavy. The stronger you are, the more force your muscles are
able to generate.
- Lose excess body fat - you can create a more efficient machine by shedding non functional mass.
Your strength/power to bodyweight ratio can be improved very easily.
- Clean u p you r m ovem en t pat t er n s- by improving your mechanics, you will maximise the
powerful parts of the movement, and minimise unwanted habits (poor back mechanics, under
utlisation of glutes when shuffling) in turn making you more efficient. In sports such as football,
you have to move in multi directional planes, so these movements must be practiced.
- Im pr ove you r st if f n ess - work on lower body stiffness (through plyometrics) to reduce
deformation of muscle length, to maximise stored elastic energy through the tendons.
- Im pr ove you r slow an d f ast St r et ch Sh or t en in g Cycle (SSC) - Slow SSC such as a
countermovment jump promotes acceleration more so due to more ground contact time during
acceleration. In contrast, a drop jump should be (!) a fast SSC movement (>25 milliseconds of GCT)
promoting top speed during sprinting.
- Wor k on you r Rat e of For ce Developm en t (RFD) - it's all well and good being able to produce a
lot of force, but if you can't express that force fast enough, you're missing a huge trick.
- Hip Mobility - the more usable range of motion you have (strength at range), the more potential
you have to generate power.
- Sin gle Leg w or k - you run with your legs independent of the other, so ensure you train them
independently also. e.g. Single leg jumps, SL power cleans.
- Find some competition! Who doesn't work harder when they are being encouraged? (competed
DECELERATE! You could do the previous 9 points and get nowhere fast if you don't get out and

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