Ap World Exam Review Units 1-3

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Unit 1: The Global Tapestry, 1200-1450

1.1 - State Building in China

State Building
● Before Song was Tang
● Song D. created by Zhoa Kuanguin
● Strong state structure with
○ 6 departments led by censorate
■ Personal
■ Finance
■ Rites
■ Army
■ Justice
■ Public Works
○ Confuciansim →Civil Service Exam
● Aristocracy (rich & snobby people with lots of ego ruling)→scholarly leaders
World Economy
● Heavily involved w/ trade in Afro-Eurasia
● Commercialized, shift from making personal →market
● China iron industry = strong
● Coins→paper money
● Created gunpowder
● Influenced Japanese
● Mahayana Buddhism introduced by India
● Population + agricultural base + manufacturing= wealth
● Language + confucianism + culture = unity

1.2 - Empire Building in Dar-al-Islam

Middle East/North Africa
● Abbasid Caliphate (Arabic lang. & Islam)
South Asia (India)
● Muslim Turks invaded India, created Delhi Sultanate
○ Failed to convert many Hindus to Islam
○ lower caste and peasants converted for the promise of equality
● Sufis created more appealing Islam to Hindus
West Africa
● Islam spread through merchants
● Mansa Musa - richest guy, ruler of Mali went on the hajj
● Merchants & trade = high
● Banking, credit, business contracts
● Improved rockets and papermaking from Chinese
● Translated Greek philosophy and natural science into Arabic
● House of Wisdom- center of learning, research, translation in Abbasid C., Baghdad.

1.3 - State Building in India and SE Asia

● 2 Hindu→Islam brothers f Delhi S. sent to South to spread Islam
○ Failed, turned back to Hindus and created Vijayanagara E.
● Goal of Atman(soul) gaining Moksha(end of rebirth cycle) from samsara (rebirth cycle)
and joining Brahman(divine being), depends on karma(life and actions)
● Bhakti-more emotional and devoted to one god (similar to sufis)
● Caste System- social structure dividing society into 5 groups
○ Unequal, promoted cultural stability
● Had similar advances with Middle East
○ Eg. Arabs advanced on India’s astronomy
Southeast Asia
● Major Hindu and Buddhist population from merchants (Islam presence also)
Sea-based Empire
● Majapahit Kingdom on Island of Java ↑ power/wealth f. control of sea routes
Land-based Empire
● Khmer Empire ↑ f. Their complex irrigation & drainage systems → ↑agriculture

1.4 - State Building in the Americas

● Mississippian Culture= 1st large scale civilization
○ Built mounds(religious, ceremonial, living)
● Canokia
○ Rigid class system w/ ruler called Great Sun
● Chaco/Mesa Verde
○ Built homes on sides of cliffs
● Aztecs-Tecnochitian
○ Ziggurats/marketplaces
○ Tribute system

1.5 - State Building in Africa

● Not centralized used Kin based
● Used agriculture
● Hausa States- 7 ethnic group states connected by kinship
○ Benefited from Trans-Saharan
○ Uprise in Muslims
● Griots- important storytellers

Unit 2: Networks of Exchange, 1200-1450

2.1 - The Silk Roads

● ↑ from land being controlled by one (Mongols)
● Merchants traveled with camel caravans
● Traded luxury goods (silk)
● Buddhism spread through merchants → monasteries on roadsides
○ Atheistic buddhism created
○ Syncretized with other religions
● Bubonic Plague spread → death

2.2 - The Mongol Empire and the Making of the Modern World
● Started with Temujin (Genghis Khan)
● aggressively, quickly conquered places
○ Many people ran away before of their coming
● Conquered people were made part of the tribe not enslaved
○ Religious tolerance
● Organized society into mil. units
Conquering China
● Unified China
○ Confucaisn believed mongols chosen by mandate of heaven
● Yuan Dynasty
○ Improved roads, built canals
● Allowed landowners to keep lands if they pledged loyalty
Conquering Persia
● Persians fell easily from attacks
● Sacking of Baghdad-200,000 Perisans died
● Influenced by Peris
○ Adopted admin system
○ Many became Muslim

2.3 - Exchange in the Indian Ocean

● Sea-based f. China-E.Africa
● Traded both common and luxury goods
● Monsoons
● Innovations
○ Magnetic compass
○ Astrolabe
○ Chinese Junks
● Causes for Growth
○ ↑ f. Economic revival in China
○ Rise of Islam (became dominant religion)
● Creation of Srivijaya K. - dominated trade
● Swahili Civ. traded → merchant class

2.4 - Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

● N.Africa traded cloth, glasswork, books
● SW.Africa made grain, yams, kola nuts
● Use of camels changed trade
● Mali had monopoly on horses, metals
● Levied taxes on salt and copper
● Social class→ Royalty→elite→merchants→military/religious→peasants→slaves

Unit 3: Land-Based Empires, 1450-1750

3.1 - Empires Expand

● Gutenberg Printing Press → increase in literacy
● Feudalism → monarchy
● centralized : taxation, armed forces, religion→bureaucracy
● Middle class ↑
Gunpowder Empires= China,Russia, Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal
● Became wealthy f. Trade
● Ivan the Terrible
● Yuan → Ming → Qing(Manchurians)
● Ming built Great Wall of China
Ottoman Empire
● Sunni Islam
● Conquered Constantinople → Istanbul
● Suleiman the Great
Safavid Empire
● Shah Ismail
● Shia Islam
Mughal Empire
● Babur → Akbar
○ Made Empire prosperous
*Ottoman, Safvid, Mughal fell due to not modernizing their economy and military*

3.2 - Empires: Administration

● Divine Right of Kings
● Justices of Peace - settled legal disputes
● English Bill of Rights - freedom to petition against cruel,unusual punishment
● Absolutism
● intendons-Justices of Peace aka tax farmers
● Palace of Versailles - made nobles live here
● Devshirme- took Christian boys and trained them
○ Janissaries- elite group, loyal to Sultan
● Ming re-established civil service exam and expanded bureaucracy to get rid of Mongols
● Feudal like with emperor → daimyo → samurai
● Tokugawa Shogunate- resulted from few daimyo ↑power
○ Power shift f. Daimyo → Shogun
● Zamindars-tax collectors

Rulers legitimized through religion, art, architecture

● Songhay-Islam official religion
● India-Taj mahal
● Ottoman-mosques
● France-Palace of Versailles
3.3 - Empires: Belief Systems
● Causes of Catholic Church Downfall
○ Corrupt w/ indulgences and simony
○ Bible translated into vernacular land
○ Martin Luther w/ 95 theses
○ Did nothing to stop to Black Death
● Downfall = Protestant Reformation → Catholic Counter Reformation = successful w/
council of Trent
● Sunnin Ottomans vs. Shi’a Safavids
● Akbar (Mughal)- all for religious freedom, created new religion, Sikhism (Hindu + Islam)

Unit 4: Transoceanic Connections, 1450-1750

4.1 - Technological innovations from 1450-1750

4.2 - Exploration: Causes and Events from 1450-1750

4.3 - Columbian Exchange

4.4 - Maritime Empires Established

4.5 - Maritime Empires Established and Maintained

4.6 - Internal and External Challenges to State Power from 1450-1750

4.7 - Changing Social Hierarchies from 1450-1750

Unit 5: Revolutions, 1750-1900

5.1 - The Enlightenment

5.2 - Nationalism and Revolutions in the period of 1750-1900

5.3 - Industrial Revolution Begins

5.4 - Industrialization Spreads in the Period of 1750-1900

5.5 - Technology In the Industrial Age

5.6 - Industrialization: Government’s Role from 1750-1900

5.7 - Economic Developments and Innovations in the Industrial Age

5.8 - Reactions to the industrial economy from 1750-1900

5.9 - Society and the Industrial Age

Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization, 1750-1900

6.1 - Rationales for Imperialism from 1750-1900

6.2 - State Expansion from 1750-1900

6.3 - Indigenous Response to State Expansion from 1750 to 1900

6.4 - Global Economic Development from 1750 to 1900

6.5 - Economic imperialism from 1750 to 1900

6.6 - Causes of Migration In an Interconnected World

6.7 - Effects of Migration

Unit 7: Global Conflict, 1900-present

7.1 - Shifting Power after 1900

7.2 - Causes of World War 1

7.3 - Conducting World War 1

7.4 - Economy of the Interwar Period

7.5 - Unresolved Tensions After World War 1

7.6 - Causes of World War 1

7.7 - Conducting World War 2

7.8 - Mass Atrocities After 1900

Unit 8: Cold War and Decolonization, 1900-present

8.1 - Setting the Stage for the Cold War and Decolonization

8.2 - The Cold War

8.3 - Effects of the Cold War

8.4 - Spread of Communism after 1900

8.5 - Decolonization After 1900

8.6 - Newly Independent States

8.7 - Global Resistance to Established Power Structures After 1900

8.8 - End of the Cold War

Unit 9: Globalization, 1900-present

9.1 - Advances in Technology and Exchange After 1900

9.2 - Technological Advances and Limitations After 1900: Disease

9.3 - Technological Advances: Debates About the Environment After 1900

9.4 - Economics In the Global Age

9.5 - Calls for Reform and Responses After 1900

9.6 - Globalized Culture After 1900

9.7 - Resistance to Globalization After 1900

9.8 - Institutions Developing In a Globalized World

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