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Cell Biology International ISSN 1065-6995

doi: 10.1002/cbin.11137


Cell death: a review of the major forms of apoptosis, necrosis

and autophagy
Mark S D’Arcy*
Hertfordshire International College (HIC), Collage Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB, UK

Cell death was once believed to be the result of one of two distinct processes, apoptosis (also known as programmed cell
death) or necrosis (uncontrolled cell death); in recent years, however, several other forms of cell death have been discovered
highlighting that a cell can die via a number of differing pathways. Apoptosis is characterised by a number of characteristic
morphological changes in the structure of the cell, together with a number of enzyme‐dependent biochemical processes.
The result being the clearance of cells from the body, with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Necrosis, however, is
generally characterised to be the uncontrolled death of the cell, usually following a severe insult, resulting in spillage of the
contents of the cell into surrounding tissues and subsequent damage thereof. Failure of apoptosis and the resultant
accumulation of damaged cells in the body can result in various forms of cancer. An understanding of the pathways is
therefore important in developing efficient chemotherapeutics. It has recently become clear that there exists a number of
subtypes of apoptosis and that there is an overlap between apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy. The goal of this review is to
provide a general overview of the current knowledge relating to the various forms of cell death, including apoptosis,
necrosis, oncosis, pyroptosis and autophagy. This will provide researchers with a summary of the major forms of cell death
and allow them to compare and contrast between them.

Keywords: apoptosis; autophagy; cancer; cell differentiation; pyroptosis; necroptosis; necrosis

Introduction proliferation can result in the development of diseases such

as cancer that can result in death of the organism, whereas
In multi‐cellular organisms, there is a constant effort to
an excessive level of cell death can result in diseases such as
maintain a homoeostatic balance between the number of
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or rheumatoid arthritis.
new cells that are generated via mitosis and the number of
Although there is a large and complex web of interacting
damaged or unrequired cells that are removed from the
gene products involved in the cell cycle and cell death, from
body. This constant turnover of cells is necessary for the
the 1990s onwards, certain receptors, enzymes and
development of structures such as the fingers and toes,
regulatory proteins have emerged as key regulators in
which arise from the initially webbed limbs found in the
these processes. These regulators when abnormally ex-
human foetus (Zakeri and Ahuja, 1997). The mechanisms
pressed or when mutated can have a direct effect on the
by which animals regulate mitosis, detect cellular abnorm-
machinery of the cell cycle, with some, for example, the
alities and initiate the method of programmed cell death
Bcl‐2 family of enzymes (Czabotar et al., 2013) and
known as apoptosis (Soengas et al., 1999) involves a large
transglutaminase 2 (Budillon et al., 2013) either stimulating
number of regulatory genes. Some of these regulatory genes
apoptosis or inhibiting it depending on their expression
act to stimulate mitosis, whilst others inhibit mitosis or
profile, localisation or conformation. The inhibition of
initiate apoptosis or other forms of programmed cell death
apoptosis or other mechanisms of controlled cell death can
such as pyroptosis or autophagy. Uncontrolled cellular
directly influence the susceptibility of a cancer to

*Corresponding author: e‐mail:

Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; APAF1, adaptor protein apoptotic protease activating factor 1; CARD, caspase recruitment domain;
DISC, death‐inducing signal complex; DR, death receptor; FADD, FAS‐associated death domain; LAMP, lysosomal receptor; MHC, major
histocompatibility complex; MLKL, mixed lineage kinase; MPT, mitochondrial permeability transition; RIP, receptor‐interacting proteins; TRADD,
tumour necrosis factor receptor‐associated death domain

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Mark S D’Arcy A review of the major forms of cell death

chemotherapeutic drugs, in many cases, resulting in drug two categories of caspases, the initiator caspases and
resistance. Increased transglutaminase 2 expression has ,for the executioner caspases (Elmore, 2007). Once cell damage
example, been implicated with a poor prognosis in acute is detected, the initiator caspases (caspases 8 and 9)
myeloid leukaemia (AML) and it has been observed are activated from inactive procaspases and go on to
(Lancelot et al., 2013) that elevated levels of transglutami- activate the executioner caspases (caspases 3, 6 and 7). The
nase 2 expression are found in patients during an AML activation of the executioner caspases initiates a cascade of
relapse as compared with the initial levels when first events that results in DNA fragmentation from activation
diagnosed. of endonucleases, destruction of the nuclear proteins and
The body of knowledge in the field of cancer biology is cytoskeleton, crosslinking of proteins, the expression of
increasing at an ever faster rate since early studies into cell ligands for phagocytic cells and the formation of apoptotic
signalling and programmed cell death in the 1980s; bodies (Martinvalet et al., 2005; Poon et al., 2014). Broadly
particularly with regards to the involvement of the cell speaking, apoptosis (Figure 1) can be distinguished from
cycle and apoptosis as regulators of both the severity and the unprogrammed form of cell death—necrosis (see
susceptibility to drugs of cancers. For example, it has Figure 2), both visually under the microscope and via a
recently become apparent (Seehawer et al., 2018) that the number of molecular biology techniques; including flow
tissue microenvironment found around cells undergoing cytometry with Annexin V‐FITC staining and DNA
necroptosis directs lineage commitment in liver cancer, fragmentation assays. In apoptosis, the apoptotic bodies
showing that the type of cell death present in a particular containing the contents of the dead cell can be phagocy-
tissue can effect tumorgenesis. tosed by the surrounding cells, although this behaviour is
observed primarily in cell culture (Elmore, 2007), in vivo
cells such as macrophages often remove apoptotic cells
Cell death in brief before they fragment. This results in a containment of the
injured tissue, and as a result, reduces the risk of collateral
In order to develop effective treatments for cancer and
damage to surrounding cells.
other diseases characterised by abnormalities in the
The process of apoptosis is highly conserved within
regulation of cell death, an understanding of the differing
multi‐cellular organisms and is genetically controlled
ways that cells can lose viability and eventually die is
(Lockshin and Zakeri, 2004). Apoptosis can be initiated
necessary. The differing mechanisms of cell death will be
by the cell itself when it detects damage via a number of
overviewed in the proceeding sections, however, broadly
intracellular sensors; a mechanism known as the intrinsic
speaking, cells are removed from the tissue in either a
pathway. Alternatively, it can result from the interaction
controlled (programmed) manner involving a series of
between a cell of the immune system and a damaged cell,
biochemical and molecular events or alternatively in a
which is known as the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis (Sica
poorly controlled manner, resulting in the spilling of the
et al., 1990; Oppenheim et al., 2001). In the human body, it
cellular contents into surrounding tissues (Kerr et al.,
is estimated that approximately 1 × 109 cells undergo
1972). The most well characterised and prevalent form of
apoptosis per day (Elliott and Ravichandran, 2010). Both
controlled cell death is termed ‘apoptosis’ from the Greek
the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis work
denoting ‘falling off’ as in the leaves falling from a tree,
synergistically to ensure that multi‐cellular organisms
whilst the uncontrolled form of cell death is usually
remain healthy and defective cells are removed from the
referred to as ‘necrosis’ from the Greek denoting ‘to kill’.
body. Failure to regulate apoptosis can result in the
pathologies exhibited in many diseases. For example, in
degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s where neuronal
Overview of apoptosis
death appears to be initiated by the activation of caspases, a
The word apoptosis was first used in a 1972 paper by Kerr, key group of enzymes are involved in apoptosis (Dickson,
Wyllie, and Currie to describe a morphologically distinct 2004). Too little apoptosis, however, can result in the
type of cell death (Kerr et al., 1972). Apoptosis is the uncontrolled growth and division of cells that is observed
process by which a cell ceases to grow and divide and in cancer. See Figure 1 for a summary of the intrinsic and
instead enters a process that ultimately results in the extrinsic pathways of apoptosis.
controlled death of the cell without spillage of its contents
into the surrounding environment. Apoptosis is also
Intrinsic pathway of apoptosis
sometimes referred to as programmed cell death (or
more colloquially ‘cellular suicide’). The initiation of The intrinsic pathway, also known as the mitochondrial
apoptosis is dependent on the activation of a series of pathway of apoptosis (Igney and Krammer, 2002) involves
cysteine‐aspartic proteases known as caspases. There are a variety of stimuli that act on multiple targets within the

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A review of the major forms of cell death Mark S D’Arcy

Figure 1 A summary of the major components of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis. The intrinsic pathway of apoptosis is
initiated by the cell itself in response to damage. The extrinsic pathway is initiated via death receptors stimulated by cells of the immune system. Both
pathways converge when caspase 3 (executioner caspase) is activated, resulting in cell death.

Figure 2 Summary of the pathways associated with pyroptosis. Pyroptosis is initiated in response to infection of the cell from bacteria such as
Salmonella or Shigella. Ionic leakage occurs via pores in the plasma membrane, the formation of which is triggered by caspase 1 and the result of
which is lysis of the cell. Caspase 1 also triggers the release of the inflammatory cytokines IL‐1β and IL‐18 into the surrounding tissue. IL, interleukin.

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cell. This form of apoptosis is dependent on factors released initiated by patrolling natural killer cells or macrophages
from the mitochondria and is initiated either from a when they produce death ligands, which upon binding with
positive or negative pathway. Negative signals arise from DRs in the target cell membrane induce the extrinsic
the absence of cytokines, hormones and growth factors in pathway via the activation of procaspase 8 to caspase 8
the immediate environment of the cell. Without these pro‐ (Kim et al., 2004). DRs are members of the tumour necrosis
survival signals, pro‐apoptotic molecules within the cell, factor (TNF) superfamily and include several members,
such as puma, noxa and bax that are normally inhibited (Bossen et al., 2006) with each DR having a corresponding
become active and initiate apoptosis. Other factors that death ligand (see Table 1). To activate caspase 8, a death
initiate apoptosis are positive in nature and include ligand must bind to a DR, resulting in recruitment of
exposure to hypoxia, toxins, radiation, reactive oxygen monomeric procaspase 8 via its death‐inducing (DED)
species, viruses and a variety of toxic agents (Brenner and domain to a death‐inducing signal complex (DISC) located
Mak, 2009), although in the case of some cells, such as on the cytoplasmic domain of the ligand‐bound DR. The
neutrophils, hypoxia can promote cell survival (Walmsley DISC also includes either an adaptor protein known as the
et al., 2005). FAS‐associated death domain (FADD) or TNF receptor
The initiator caspase that controls the intrinsic pathway (TNFR)‐associated death domain (TRADD), which facil-
of apoptosis is caspase 9, which is able to bind to adapter itates the interaction of procaspase 8 to the DISC (Kim
protein apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF1) et al., 2004). The recruitment of several procaspase 8
following exposure of its caspase recruitment domain monomers to the DISC results in their dimerisation and
(CARD domain). APAF1 in a non‐apoptotic cell is usually activation, with the resultant caspase 8 able to induce
folded in such a manner that its CARD domain is blocked apoptosis via one or the other of two distinct sub‐pathways.
and procaspase 9, which also contains a CARD domain is The particular sub‐pathway that is induced depends on
unable to bind to it. When apoptosis is induced either by whether the cells are classed as type I or type II cells
positive or negative stimuli, changes are triggered in the (Samraj et al., 2006). In type I cells, caspase 8 directly
mitochondrial membrane, the result of which is the cleaves executioner caspases and therefore directly initiates
opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition apoptosis. In type II cells, IAPs inhibit direct caspase 8
(MPT) pore. Once the MPT pore is open, pro‐apoptotic activation of the executioner caspases, unless the IAPs are
proteins (including cytochrome c, Smac/Diablo and HtrA2/ inhibited by proteins released from the mitochondria
Omi) are able to leak from the mitochondria into the (Spencer et al., 2009). The important role of caspase 8 in
cytoplasm and activate apoptosis (Cain et al., 2002). controlling the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis (see Figure
Cytochrome c induces apoptosis by binding to the WD 1) has been observed in caspase 8 deficient mice, which
domain of APAF1 monomers, which results in a con- show no response to DR ligands (Varfolomeev et al., 1998).
formational change in APAF1 exposing a nucleotide Whether or not apoptosis is triggered by the intrinsic or
binding and oligomerization domain that is able to bind the extrinsic pathways, its tight regulation is essential and
deoxy ATP (dATP). This binding induces an additional failure to regulate it effectively can have dire consequences.
conformational change in APAF1, exposing both its CARD In cancer, for example, the cell fails to initiate apoptosis
and oligomerization domains, thus allowing several due to mutations in the various mechanisms of initiation. If
APAF1s to assemble into a complex known as an this occurs in tandem with the cell failing to respond to
apoptosome (Acehan et al., 2002). The apoptosome external signals, that would normally provoke the extrinsic
contains in its open centre several exposed CARD domains,
which then recruit and activate several procaspase 9
proteins. These activated caspase 9 enzymes are able to Table 1 Human death receptors and their corresponding
activate the executioner procaspase 3, which in the form of ligands.

active caspase 3 can fully induce apoptosis (Cain et al., Death receptor (DR) Death ligand
2002). Smac/Diablo and HtrA2/Omi help initiate apoptosis
TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) TNF
by inhibiting inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs),
CD95 (also known as Fas and CD95‐ligand (CD95‐L, also
although without the release of cytochrome c, inhibiting APO‐1) known as Fas‐ L)
IAPs alone is insufficient to initiate apoptosis (Ekert and Death receptor 3 (DR3) TLIA
Vaux, 2005). TNF‐related apoptosis‐inducing TRAIL (also known as Apo2‐L)
ligand receptor 1 (TRAIL‐R1,
also known as DR4)
Extrinsic pathway of apoptosis TNF‐related apoptosis‐inducing TRAIL (also known as Apo2‐L)
ligand receptor 1 (TRAIL‐R2,
The extrinsic pathway, also known as the death receptor
also known as DR4)
(DR) pathway of apoptosis (Igney and Krammer, 2002) is

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pathway or inhibit proliferation, then this causes the cell to the surface of damaged organelles (Mizushima et al., 2008).
grow and divide uncontrollably, resulting in the formation Autophagy has also been shown to be involved in both the
of either a benign tumour or in cancer (Philchenkov adaptive and the innate immune system where it may
et al., 2004). degrade intracellular pathogens and deliver antigens to
MHC class II holding compartments and initiate the
Pyroptosis: programmed cell death with collateral transportation of viral nucleic acids to Toll‐like receptors
damage (Levine and Deretic, 2007). Although autophagy is often
used to recycle cellular components, it can result in
Classic apoptosis (both the intrinsic and extrinsic path-
destruction of the cell and in this way has been linked to
ways) are characterised by the compartmentalisation of
removal of senescent cells from aged tissues and destruc-
intracellular components of the cell and removal of cellular
tion of neoplastic lesions (Mizushima et al., 2008). Failure
debris without any collateral damage occurring to
of autophagy as well as potentially allowing the develop-
surrounding tissues. An alternative form of apoptosis has
ment of cancer has also been associated (particularly in
been identified (Boise and Collins, 2001) that although
aged organisms) with the accumulation of protein aggre-
following a programmed series of caspase‐dependent
gates in the neurons and the development of neurodegen-
events, is pro‐inflammatory. This form of cell death termed
erative conditions including Alzheimer’s disease (Nixon
‘pyroptosis’ (Fink and Cookson, 2005) has been identified
and Yang, 2011).
in macrophages infected with Salmonella or Shigella and is
To date, three distinct forms of autophagy have been
not observed in caspase 1‐deficient cells (Li et al., 1995).
identified—macroautophagy, microautophagy and selective
Once activated by a pathogen, caspase 1 processes the pro‐
autophagy (Cuervo, 2004). In the most described form of
forms of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1β (IL‐1β)
autophagy ‘macroautophagy’, whole regions of the cell are
and IL‐18 into their active forms, resulting in apoptosis of
enclosed in double‐membrane vesicles referred to as
the cell, but with a concurrent release of inflammatory
autophagosomes. These autophagosomes then fuse with
cytokines into the surrounding environment (Hersh et al.,
lysosomes to become autophagolysosomes and the contents
1999). Procaspase 1 cleavage into active caspase 1 results in
are then degraded by proteases present therein. In
the formation of plasma membrane pores. The pores allow
microautophagy, the cargo (organelles or regions of the
the flow of ions, resulting in the equalisation of the usual
cytosol) directly interact with and fuse with the lysosomes
ionic gradient between the intracellular and extracellular
(Li et al., 2012a, b). Microautophagy is more specific than
environment; water then enters the cell, resulting in
macroautophagy and can be triggered by signalling
swelling and lysis. In pyroptosis, unlike in apoptosis,
molecules present on the surface of damaged organelles
nuclear integrity is maintained (no fragmentation)
such as mitochondria or peroxisomes resulting in specific
although nuclear condensation is observed (Hersh
fusion of lysosomes with these organelles. Depending on
et al., 1999).
which organelle is targeted, the resultant autophagic vesicle
Since its discovery, pyroptosis has been observed in the
is referred to by a specific name, for example, if a
central nervous system (Liu et al., 1999) and the
mitochondria, the term used is mitophagy or for a
cardiovascular system (Kolodgie et al., 2000), suggesting
peroxisome, the term peroxophagy is used. In selective
that this form of cell death is biologically significant. See
autophagy, also known as chaperone‐mediated autophagy,
Figure 2 for an overview of pyroptosis.
proteins within the cytoplasm are targeted for fusion with
lysosomes by a cytosolic chaperone through interaction
between the chaperone and a pentapeptide present within
Autophagy: a mechanism for both protecting and
the amino acid sequence of the substrate. Substrate proteins
killing stressed cells
then bind to a lysosomal receptor LAMP‐2A and are
Autophagy is a process where cellular components such as carried into the lysosome for degradation (Dice, 2007).
macroproteins or even whole organelles are sequestered Figure 3 provides an overview of the general mechanism of
into lysosomes for degradation (Shintani and Klionsky, autophagy. The specific steps of autophagy are as follows.
2004, Mizushima et al., 2008). The lysosomes are then able Initially, autophagy is mediated by the ULK1 complex. In
to digest these substrates, the components of which can order to form a phagophore, a class III phosphoinositide 3‐
either be recycled to create new cellular structures and/or kinase (P13K) complex also is required. This complex
organelles or alternatively can be further processed and consists of 5 sub‐units (ATG14L, Beclin 1, VSP34 and
used as a source of energy. Autophagy can be initiated by a VSP15). A complex composed of ATG5, ATG12 and
variety of stressors, most notably by nutrient deprivation ATG16L, together with lipidated microtubule‐associated
(caloric restriction) or can result from signals present protein light chain 3 (LC3II) stimulates the elongation of
during cellular differentiation and embryogenesis and on the phagophore and is essential for the autophagosome to

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Figure 3 A summary of the steps involved in autophagy. Autophagy results from the formation of a phagophore, initiated by the ULK1 and the
ATG5‐ATG12‐ATG16L complexes. They then close around ubiquitinised proteins bound to p60 and LC3II. The phagophore then closes to form an
autophagosome, which then fuses with a lysosome resulting in the degradation of the contents.

form. The protein p60 binds to any ubiquitinated proteins state in cell culture by the presence of cellular fragments in
and they are thus targeted for degradation. P60 binds to the media, what is described in many cases in a cell culture
LC3II as the autophagosome is formed and the target setting as necrosis is often simply the remains of late
proteins and organelles become engulfed in the newly apoptotic cells, the apoptotic bodies of which have lost
formed autophagosome. The autophagosome then fuses integrity. In vivo these apoptotic bodies would be
with the lysosome and the contents are digested (Ndoye phagocytosed by patrolling white blood cells, however, in
and Weeraratna, 2016). the single cell population environments found in cul-
ture this does not occur, which can confuse the diagnosis of
the exact mechanism of cell death. A more accurate
counterpoint to controlled cell death is oncosis. Both
Necrosis: cell death with collateral damage
oncosis and its progression to necrosis is illustrated in
Unlike apoptosis, necrosis is an alternative uncontrolled Figure 5, following a discussion of oncosis.
form of cell death that is induced by external injury, such as
hypoxia or inflammation (Elmore, 2007). This process
often involves upregulation of various pro‐inflammatory
Necroptosis: a mechanism of regulated necrotic
proteins and compounds, such as nuclear factor‐κB,
resulting in the rupture of the cell membrane causing
spillage of the cell contents into surrounding areas, As early as 2005, a novel form of cell death, that showed
resulting in a cascade of inflammation and tissue damage. characteristics of necrosis, but unlike previous observa-
In contrast to apoptosis, necrosis is an energy independent tions appeared to be tightly regulated, was identified. This
form of cell death, where the cell is damaged so severely by form of cell death was termed necroptosis (Degterev et al.,
a sudden shock (radiation, heat, chemicals, hypoxia, etc.) 2005). Necroptosis (Figure 4) is a category of necrosis that
that it is unable to function. The cell usually responds by is highly regulated (Li et al., 2012a, b). The process of
swelling, (a process known as oncosis) as it fails to maintain necroptosis is controlled in an apoptosis‐deficient environ-
homoeostasis with its environment. This definition of ment by receptor‐interacting proteins 1 (RIP1) and 3
necrosis as a counterpoint to apoptosis is a useful concept, (RIP3). The most understood pathway of activation of
however, as necrosis is usually observed as an endpoint necroptosis is mediated by death receptors (Oliveira et al.,

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survival complex I, which consists of TNFR‐associated

death domain (TRADD) and RIP1 and several ubiquin E3
ligases. In complex I, the RIP1 is polyubiquinated;
subsequent deubiquitination of RIP1 results in the forma-
tion of either complex IIa or IIb. Complex IIa activates
caspase 8 and results in apoptosis, whereas when caspase 8
is inhibited, complex IIb is formed and activates necrop-
To initiate necroptosis via complex IIb, RIP1 recruits
RIP3 and induces auto and trans‐phosphorylation, with a
consequent olygomerization of the phosphorylated RIP3.
This causes the assembly of a necrosome (a multiprotein
complex resembling amyloid). Together with RIP1 and 3,
mixed lineage kinase domain‐like pseudokinase (MLKL) is
also involved in necroptosis. RIP3 recruits MLKL and
Figure 4 A summary of the steps involved in necroptosis phosphorylates it at Threonine 357/Serine 358. Following
Necroptosis via TNF signalling and the deubiquitination of RIP1, phosphorylation, MLKL oligomerizes and then migrates to
phosphorylation of RIP1 and RIP3, caspase 8 inactivation, and the the cell membrane from the cytoplasm of the cell. This
phosphorylation of MLKL. FADD, FAS‐associated death domain; MLKL,
results in membrane permeabilization, possibly by the
mixed lineage kinase; RIP, receptor‐interacting protein; TNF, tumour
necrosis factor; TNFR1, TNF receptor 1; TRADD, tumour necrosis factor
MLKL binding to phosphatidylinositol lipids and cardio-
receptor‐associated death domain. lipin; this results in necrosis and cell death (Wang
et al., 2014).

Oncosis: a switching mechanism between

apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis
The term oncosis is derived from the Greek word ‘onkos’,
which means swelling and is best thought of as a prelethal
pathway that ultimately leads to cell death (Levin, 1998). Its
main features are the swelling of both the cell generally and
the organelles of the cell specifically, together with an
increase in membrane permeability. As oncosis progresses,
there is a depletion of intracellular energy stores and an
eventual failure in the ionic pumps of the plasma
membrane (Majno and Joris, 1995). The result of oncosis
is a leakage of cellular debris into surrounding tissues and
consequently damage to surrounding cells (inflammation).
Oncosis can be induced by sudden shock to the cell, or in
some cases by infection of the cell by pathogens such as
Rotavirus (Periz et al., 1998).
Oncosis is the primary form of cell death observed in
ischaemic injury models (Majno and Joris, 1995) and can
Figure 5 A summary of the progression of a normal cell to an
oncotic and necrotic cell. Following a sudden shock to the cell and
lead to oncotic necrosis (Malhi et al., 2006). While
upregulation of pro‐inflammatory cytokines, the cell losses permeability, apoptosis results in shrinkage of the cell, margination of
swells (oncosis) and then ruptures (necrosis), spilling its contents into chromatin in the nucleus and the formation of apoptotic
the surrounding tissue. bodies, oncotic necrosis, in contrast, involves cellular
swelling, karyolysis, vacuolation and lysis, followed by the
2018), most often by tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 release of cellular contents (Jaeschke and Lemaster, 2003).
(TNFR1), although the tumour necrosis factor‐related Oncosis and apoptosis are linked via the energy‐requiring
apoptosis‐inducing ligand (TRAIL) and Fas receptors can (ATP‐dependent) nature of apoptosis. It should be noted
also induce necroptosis (Holler et al., 2000; Degterev et al., that a cell undergoing apoptosis may exhaust its ATP
2005). When a ligand binds to TNFR1, it recruits pro‐ supply and be unable to complete apoptosis; the result of

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which is secondary necrosis, also characterised by swelling pyroptosis or necroptosis unless there is a selective
and lysis. Conversly, if oncosis is inhibited, the stress to the advantage to be gained to the organism. The authors
cell may induce apotosis (Jaeschke and Lemaster, 2003). theorise that inflammatory forms of cell death have evolved
This switching from apoptosis to secondary necrosis, via ‘specifically’ in order to target and remove not just
oncosis shows that apoptosis and oncotic necrosis are individual cells, but multiple cells simultaneously. For
closely related phenomena. It has been hypothesised that example, pyroptosis, which is triggered by a variety of
apoptosis and oncosis are not distinct mechanisms, but are threats, such as invading bacteria helps to prevent the
instead opposite extremes of necroptosis (refer to earlier spread of infection by killing groups of cells in an infected
description of necroptosis for further information). This replication niche of the tissue, whilst concurrently
hypothesis (Lemasters, 1999) is backed up by the observa- attracting and activating neutrophils that respond to
tion that opening of the mitochondrial membrane transi- released cytokines in the area of infection (Miao et al.,
tion pore (MTP) is observed in both oncosis and apoptosis. 2010; Kayagaki et al., 2011). Specifically, cells dying from
Specifically, the hypothesis states that an injury affecting a pyroptosis release damage‐associated molecular pattern
small number of mitochondria could be repaired via molecules (DAMPs), including IL‐1b. The DAMPs then
autophagy of damaged organelles, whereas if a sufficiently recruit immune cells to the site of infection (Aachoui, et al.,
large number of mitochondria are damaged, the resulting 2013), thus helping to remove infection from both the local
high levels of released cytochrome c would activate the area and by generalised activation of the immune
intrinsic pathway of apoptosis if there remains enough system from the organism as a whole. Pyroptosis, therefore,
available ATP. If, however, the insult to the cell is severe may induce a systemic immune response, whilst apoptosis
enough, then the cellular ATP levels would drop to a level usually has only a local effect. Other forms of inflammatory
insufficient to induce apoptosis and the result would be cell death such as necroptosis/necrosis can remove
oncotic necrosis (Lemasters, 1999; Jaeschke and Lemaster, damaged and/or cancerous cells from a ‘specific’ area of
2003). Therefore oncosis could act as a link between tissue, and by attracting immune cells, result in generalised
autophagy, apoptosis and necrosis. death of populations of cells within that region. This helps
Figure 5 provides a generalised overview of oncosis and to ensure that any aberrant local cells that have not been
its progression to necrosis. induced to begin a programme of apoptosis or another
form of cell death will, however, still potentially be
destroyed. This could, for example, help to destroy
populations of cancerous cells and thus prevent metastasis
of neoplastic cells to other tissues.
The various forms of programmed cell death have evolved Like many other complex cellular pathways, there is the
to clear away damaged and/or infected cells from affected potential for pathology due to abnormal activation of the
tissues in order that the surrounding healthy cells are better various forms of cell death. If a programme of cell death is
able to perform their appropriate functions. Cell death may initiated prematurely, then a number of degenerative
result from a number of distinct and highly regulated diseases can occur. For example, apoptosis can result in
energy‐dependent processes (apoptosis, pyroptosis and diseases such as hyperplasia in the peripheral lymphoid
autophagy) or from energy independent processes (on- organs and the liver resulting from malfunction of the Fas
cosis/necrosis). These distinct processes can be distin- system (Fas was discussed previously as a part of the
guished from one another based on their morphologic and intrinsic pathway of apoptosis); this accelerates autoim-
biochemical behaviour. More broadly, cell death can be mune diseases and tumourgenesis (Nagata, 1996).
separated into primarily non‐inflammatory and pro‐ Abnormal levels of apoptosis has also been associated
inflammatory categories. Apoptosis is generally non‐ with a number of other pathological conditions, including
inflammatory and results in the orderly removal of Parkinson’s disease (Tatton et al., 2003) and ulcerative
damaged cells from tissues without inducing collateral colitis (Wang et al., 2016). Inflammatory cell death such as
damage to surrounding cells. Oncosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis has been associated with non‐alcoholic fatty
necrosis, however, result in an inflammatory reaction and liver disease‐related carcinogenesis (Afonso et al., 2018)
cause damage to surrounding tissues (Edinger and and as discussed previously, pyroptosis is associated with
Thompson, 2004; Bergsbaken et al., 2009). It may initially Salmonella or Shigella infection (Li et al., 1995). A number
seem plausible that apoptosis is always the preferred form of mouse‐model experiments have identified keratinocyte
of cell death and that any pro‐inflammatory form of cell necroptosis as a trigger of skin inflammation, which
death is to be avoided and is perhaps merely a result of a suggests that keratinocyte necroptosis may be implicated
failure in the appropriate activation of apoptosis, however, in the pathogenesis of human inflammatory skin diseases
evolution rarely produces a process as intricate as (Bonnet et al., 2011; Dannappel et al., 2014). Note that a

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A review of the major forms of cell death Mark S D’Arcy

mechanism for initiating inflammation in the skin may as a deeper understanding of their underlying mechanisms
have evolved as a useful mechanism to prevent invasion of is uncovered.
pathogens into the organism (Weinlich et al., 2013).

Targeting specific cell death pathways to treat disease Acknowledgement

Understanding the mechanisms of apoptosis has led to the We thank the support of Hertfordshire International
development of the drug ABT‐737 and its oral derivative, College for their support in this work.
navitoclax. These two drugs are BH3 mimetics (Oltersdorf
et al,. 2005) and act by stimulating apoptosis by binding to
Conflict of interest
and inhibiting BCL‐2, BCL‐XL and BCL‐W, all of which
are inhibitors of apoptosis. Many B‐cell malignancies The author declares no conflict of interest.
overexpress anti‐apoptotic BCL‐2 enzymes, which results
in their growth and proliferation. ABT‐737 and navitoclax,
by blocking these enzymes, have proven to be an effective References
treatment for such malignancies (Roberts et al., 2012). No Aachoui Y, Sagulenko V, Miao EA, Stacey KJ (2013)
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Received 3 November 2018; Revised 11 March 2019; accepted 23 March
enhances imatinib‐induced apoptosis in chronic myeloid 2019.
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