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Unit 5: Why the Industrial Revolution Didn't Happen in China

Comprehension Questions

Instructions: Read the Washington Post article HERE and respond to the following questions in COMPLETE,
ERROR-FREE sentences.

1. Why do you think human life expectancy was 38 years old in 1750?
I think it's probably because they didn't have the technology or knowledge we have about medicine
today. For example, they probably didn't use super clean tools which could have caused infections or
many other harmful things, causing the life expectancy to be lower.

2. Why do you think the American life expectancy has risen to nearly 80 years old today?
Similar to the previous question, I think the new technological advancements and knowledge we have
gained has allowed us to live longer.

3. How do you think life expectancy is related to the Industrial Revolution?

I think its related because the industrial revolution and the new machines that came with it, allowed for
safer living conditions and just better life.

4. What are some main differences between China and Europe politically?
Euripe was quickly advancing, building railroads, steamships, and factories, while China had many
famous scientific achievements but couldn't process it to economic growth. Also after the Mongol
conquest, china was unified and stayed unified, Europe was never unified and was always fighting to
stay at the top.

5. How do you think competition between countries leads to innovation? Can you give any examples?
Countries are always trying to improve themselves compared to others, so they are trying to develop
new products to improve their quality of life and be better than any of the other countries, for cheaper.
For example, the Space race, the Soviet Union and the US, were both fighting to be better and get into
space before the other.

6. What is more important to you: stability or progress? Why?

I think stability is more important. You need to be able to keep your life and economy stable in bad
conditions and just in general, although progress is important, you make a lot of progress, but if your
not stable, you can lose the progress just as quickly.

7. What is a meritocracy? If you don’t know, look it up and summarize what you learn here.
It's like a system where people are chosen to be moved into power, depending on their abilities and

8. Why does the author of this article believe that the Civil Service Exam hindered rather than helped
Chinese innovation?

9. Do you think the current American education system is hindering or helping modern innovation?
Explain your response.
I think the current education system is probably helping modern innovation. In school we constantly use
technology and learn how to use it. Preparing us for a world full of technology and it prepares us to use
it in our careers and futures.

10. Why does the author being interviewed believe that we will experience even more scientific progress in
the future?
He says because we created things like computers and microscopes. He says in one part something
like, what would we do without a computer. He believes with their new innovations, we will be able to
more easily make new scientific advancements.

11. Do you agree with the author being interviewed about why the Industrial Revolution didn’t happen in
China? Why or why not? Support your claim with at least four pieces of evidence from your
understanding of world history.
I do agree with what the author said about why the industrial revolution did not start in china. China has
the ability to economically grow, but they didn't focus on growth and instead on stability. Also it says that
China was united, which gave them little competition, the text said, “To have progress, you want a
system that is competitive, not one that is dominated by a single power”. Also, the government in China
allowed for little innovative ideas. In Europe, people with ideas would speak up and study and work on
them, in China the government would quickly shut it down. “...if the government decides they are a
heretic and threatens to prosecute them…”

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