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Data management

- is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the
collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation
of numerical data.

- is the process of obtaining data

- is the process of organizing data
Ways of presenting data
1. Textual
2. Tabular
3. Graphical

- is the process of extracting relevant
information from which numerical description
can be formulated

Textual Form - the collected data are presented in narrative or
and paragraph form.
Philippines Population 2020 (as of Nov. 12, 2020,
The current population of the Republic of the
Philippines is estimated to be 110,109,300 people.
The Philippines population is equivalent to 1.41% of
the total world population. The Philippines ranks
number 13 in the list of countries by population. The
population density in the Philippines is 368 per
Km2 (952 people per mi2). 47.5 % of the population
is urban (52,008,603 people in 2020). The median
age in the Philippines is 25.7 years.
Tabular Form – the collected data are presented in tables
which are orderly arranged in rows and columns
Population of the Philippines (2020)

Yearly % Median Fertility Density Urban Country‘ vs Global

Year Population Change Age Rate (P/Km²) Pop % World Pop Rank
2020 109,581,078 1.35 % 25.7 2.58 368 47.5 % 1.41 % 13

2019 108,116,615 1.37 % 24.4 2.95 363 47.1 % 1.40 % 13

2018 106,651,394 1.41 % 24.4 2.95 358 46.8 % 1.40 % 13

2017 105,172,925 1.46 % 24.4 2.95 353 46.6 % 1.39 % 13

2016 103,663,816 1.52 % 24.4 2.95 348 46.3 % 1.39 % 12

2015 102,113,212 1.68 % 24.1 3.05 342 46.1 % 1.38 % 12

2010 93,966,780 1.71 % 23.1 3.30 315 45.2 % 1.35 % 12

2005 86,326,250 2.05 % 21.3 3.70 290 45.7 % 1.32 % 12

2000 77,991,755 2.25 % 20.5 3.90 262 46.1 % 1.27 % 14
Slide 2
Graphical Form – it presents the collected data in visual or
pictorial form
Philippine Population by Sex




6,000,000 Male


0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+
- is the process of drawing a conclusion from the
analyzed data
Divisions of Statistics

Descriptive Inferential

Tables Measures Measures Measures Measures

& of Central of of Measures of
Estimation of
graphs Tendency Position Variability Comparison

Divisions of Statistics

1. Descriptive Statistics

Is concerned with summarizing the values

that describe the characteristics and
properties of a group of persons, places or

Slide 7
Divisions of Statistics

2. Inferential

is used to draw predictions and inferences

based on the analysis and interpretation of
the results.

Slide 7
Classifications of
Statistics Sign test
Nonparametric Mann-whitney U
Parametric Statistics
It is a statistical approach that assumes a
random sample from a normal distribution and
involves testing of hypothesis about the
population mean.

It is appropriate for interval and ratio data.

It requires large sample size.

Nonparametric Statistics
It is a Statistical approach for estimating and
hypothesis testing when no underlying data
distribution is assumed.

It can be used for nominal and ordinal data.

It is appropriate if there is not enough sample

size to assess the form of distribution

is a characteristics or attributes associated with
the population being studied.
it a factor that changes, it is replaceable by
different values.
Dependent variable
is an outcome or result obtained in the presence
of independent variable
it is affected by another variable
Independent variable
factor that is assigned by the researcher
it affects the dependent variable
Controlled variable
factor which occurs in a natural setting
without modifications provided by the
Intervening variable
factors which occur in between which may
indirectly affect the results.
Moderator or Moderating Variable
influences the strength of the
relationship between the independent and
dependent variables
Mediator or Mediating Variable
explains the relationship between the
IV and DV.
when it is removed, the relationship
may collapse

Qualitative Quantitative

Discrete Continuous
Types of variables
1. Categorical or Qualitative
-variables that are classified according to some
attributes, categories or characteristics.
-can’t be subjected to arithmetic

2. Numerical valued or Quantitative

-variables that are classified according to
numerical characteristics.
* Numerical valued variables can also be treated as
categorical when they are grouped into class
Average Grade Latin Honors
1.00 – 1.24 Summa Cum Laude
1.25 – 1.49 Magna Cum Laude
1.50 – 1.74 Cum Laude

Scoring System of Likert Scale

Mean Value Verbal Interpretation

4.20 – 5.00 Always
3.40 – 4.19 Often
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes
1.80 – 2.59 Rare
1.00 – 1.79 Never
Classifications of Numerical Valued
1. Discrete variable
obtained by counting; involves exact values

2. Continuous variable
obtained by measuring; infinite values
Levels of Measurement
1. Nominal scale
labels or codes for various elements or
2. Ordinal scale
data are ranked in terms of degree to which they
possess characteristics
3. Interval scale
it possesses the properties of nominal and ordinal scales
but it does not have absolute zero
4. Ratio
it has an absolute zero.

Qualitative Quantitative

Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

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