Soriano Demo Teaching 5as April 18 2023

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SCHOOL: Angeles National High School GRADE/SECTION: 8-Emerald

Ronalyn S. Soriano LEARNING

Student Teacher
Individual Learning
(ILTG) April 18, 2023
12:30-1:15 PM

AIM The student will:
construct sentences using grammatical signals in your writing
A. Content The learner…
Standards demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian
Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those
of other countries.
A. Performance The learner…
Standards demonstrates writing competence using grammatical signals.
B. Learning The learner…
Competencies uses appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
development: a) general to particular; b) claim and counterclaim; c) problem-solution;
d) cause-effect; and others.
REFERENCES Teacher’s guide, SDO Navotas Self Learning Module and SDO Butuan Self Learning
A. Reviewing ACTION
Previous Lesson or
Presenting the I. Initiatory Activities
New Lesson - Prayer
- Class Rules

II. Review (Grammar)

Directions: Analyze and answer the questions correctly to unveil the lesson.

1. Jennie did not study last night _____ she received a failing grade for her exam.
a. Consequently
b. For example
c. To add
d. To clarify

2. ______ that mental health is an important factor in students’ learning.

a. Because
b. Evidence shows
c. In order to
d. Yet another factor
3. Claire submitted her homework early____ she can have a lot of free time to watch
a. Because
b. Next
c. Since
d. So that
4. Most students experience problems that affect their studies. A financial problem
_____ can be the cause of not being able to attend an online class.
a. Another result
b. Disadvantage
c. For instance
Indicator 1
Science subject d. The study claims
5. Which pattern of idea development commonly uses the grammatical signals
because of, due to, and as a result of?
a. Problem-Solution
b. Cause-Effect
c. General to Particular
d. Claim and Counterclaim

III. Introduction

Directions: Solve the picture puzzles. Identify the picture and provide a brief description
of it.

Processing Questions:

1. From the pictures on the board, which illustration shows a relationship to one another?
2. From the given grammatical signal, construct a sentence that will show the relationship
between the two pictures.
3. What can you notice about the given grammatical signal? What kind of purpose does
it serve to the sentence?

B. Establishing a
Purpose for the IV. Class Aim
Lesson / Presenting
Examples/Instances Class Aim
of the Lesson
At the end of the lesson, the students will:

1. Construct sentences using the grammatical signals in your writing.

Ms. Soriano: From the activity earlier, you have learned how to establish a relationship
between the pictures and construct a sentence using the given grammatical signal (which
you previously referred to as Cohesive devices) to serve a particular purpose. Now the
process that you have gone through is called Idea development.

Idea development- This is the manner or pattern of how the speaker explains his/her

Grammatical Signals- These are words or phrases that consistently link organized ideas
in your written work. It also directs the relationships between sentences and paragraphs,
making it easier to comprehend your thought.

C. Discussing New
Concepts and V. Pre-activity
Practicing New
Skills Directions: Match the paragraph in column A with the pattern of idea development in
Column B.

Column A Column B

1. Clouds can be classified into three a. Cause-effect

major groups. High clouds, b. Problem-Solution
Middle clouds, and Low clouds. c. General to Particular
d. Claim and Counterclaim

2. Regular exercise brings many

benefits to your health. Primarily,
it improves blood circulation and
can result to a strong heart.
Because of these, it reduces the
risk of heart disease, high
cholesterol, and diabetes.
3. People believe that rock music
can make teenagers rebellious
because of its lyrics but, I don’t
think it is enough to make them
go against society.
4. Drug abuse is one of the leading
social issues in many countries.
This problem has been the cause
of many cries and health
concerns. However, the threat of
prohibited drugs can be fought.
One way to solve this is through
education. Everyone needs to be
aware of the harmful effects of
these drugs to their health, family,
career, and society.

VI. Lesson Discussion

Pattern of Idea Definition Grammatical Examples

Development Signals
1. General to The writer starts defined as, is 1. Ma’am Rayco is a
Particular with the general known, the term, teacher.
idea stated in the means, is stated as, 2. Ma’am Rayco is an
topic sentence. is used to, for English Teacher.
Then, it is example, to
elaborated and illustrate, for 3. Gadget comes in
explained through various forms.
specific details and instance, such as, 4. Such as laptops,
examples. specifically. cellphones, and tablets

Processing Questions:
1. Which of the example is more general? Specific? Explain.
2. What is the main purpose of this idea development?

2. Cause- This pattern of idea the first cause, Column A

Effect development yet another
explains the causes or factor, because, 1. Marga cheated on their
the effects of is caused by, test.
something. When a results from, 2. Cassie got an A on her
writer presents another result, English test.
reasons, he or she is as a result,
explaining the consequently, Column B
causes. When a then, next, a. Consequently, she has
writer explains the therefore, thus, been suspended from
results, he or she is so. school.
explaining the b. for she studied very hard.

3. Claim- This pattern of idea for example, for I believed that

Counterclaim development refers instance, together Philippine literature
to the structure of with, to illustrate, was heavily influenced
presenting a side of to clarify, by cultural contact
an issue in an according to, with the Spanish
argumentative evidence shows, because of their long-
manner. the study claims. term colonization of
A claim is the us. However,
writer’s stand on a according to my
topic supported by research, it is America
evidence and logical that has the most
reasoning. influence on us
Also, the writer through their
presents the propagation of
counterclaim or the education in the
opposite stand of the country, unlike Spain.
issue to disprove it.

Processing Questions:
1. What statement shows the claim?
2. What statement shows a counterclaim?
3. Is it necessary to provide evidence?

4. Problem- This pattern of idea Problem, answer, Drug abuse is one of

Solution development is used so that, solution, the leading social
when a writer solved issues in our country.
identifies a problem led to, dilemma, This problem has been
and addresses it by cause, since, the cause of many
presenting one or advantage, crimes and health
more solutions. because, as a concerns. However,
result of, the threat of drugs can
disadvantage, in be fought. One way to
order to. solve this is through
education. Everyone
needs to be educated
about the dangers of
using prohibited drugs.
People need to be
aware of the harmful
effects of these drugs
on their health, family,
career, and society.
Another solution is an
rehabilitation program
to better cater to the
needs of drug users
towards betterment.
Lastly, the creation of
effective laws to stop
dealers. If the
authorities will strictly
impose these laws, this
problem will be
addressed. The drug is
a threat, but if the
community and the
government will act
together, this problem
will be controlled.

Processing Questions:
1. What is the picture all about?
2. Is there any issue or problem that is portrayed by the picture?
3. What are the ways we can do to solve the problem?

D. Developing Mastery ANALYSE

VI. Post Activity

Directions: Identify the suitable pattern of idea development to be used.

1. Having good study habits can greatly contribute to a person’s academic success.
Suitable Pattern: _______________________________

2. Germs can be classified into several types.

Suitable Pattern:________________________________

3. Despite its contribution to the economy, cigarettes should still be banned for they pose
as a threat to people’s health.
Suitable Pattern: ___________________________________

4. Procrastination is one of the reasons for students’ poorly made outputs. However, it
can be solved by practicing Time Management.
Suitable Pattern: ____________________________________

VII. Guided Activity

Directions: Complete the paragraph by filling in each blank with the appropriate
grammatical signal found in the parenthesis. Then identify the pattern of idea
development used.

Even though school uniforms are not mandatory, 1.______ ( On the contrary, I believe,
therefore) that the students must be required to wear one for a number of reasons. 2.
______, ( for example, hence, First) it promotes safety since bonafide students can be
easily identified and it reduces security threats. 3.____, (Second, lastly, however) it
encourages equality since all students are viewed in the same way regardless of their
socio-economic status. 4. ____, (thus, as a result, finally) getting ready for school
becomes faster and easier because many students save their time in choosing what to
wear to school. Although 5. ____ (There are those who claim, Contrary to other’s
claim) that uniforms take away personal freedom, I strongly believe that wearing
uniforms is more beneficial.

VIII. Practice Activity

Directions: Using the given topic, choose 1 pattern of idea development and write
something about it in two-sentences only.

Topic: Bullying

E. Finding Practical APPLY

Application of
Concept and Skills IX. Differentiated Group Activity
in Daily Living /
Directions: Write a five-sentence paragraph about the topic assigned to your group.
Generalization and
Abstraction about Follow the designated pattern of idea development, and observe the proper use of
the Lesson grammatical signals.

Group 1
Role: Singer
Topic: Social Issues
Pattern of idea development: General to Particular.
Group 2
Role: Poet
Topic: Is mental health important?
Pattern of Idea development: Claim and Counterclaim
Group 3
Role: Artist
Topic: Climate change
Pattern of idea development: Cause-effect
Group 4
Role: Actor
Topic: How to stop procrastinating?
Pattern of Idea development: Problem-Solution
Group 5
Role: News Reporter
Topic: Covid 19
Pattern of Idea development: General to Particular


Criteria Score Indicator Score

Pattern of Idea 5- The paragraph clearly follows
Development the appropriate structure of the
pattern of idea development.
4- The paragraph follows the
appropriate structure of the
pattern of idea development.
3- The paragraph fairly follows
the appropriate structure of the
pattern of idea development.
2- The paragraph poorly follows
the appropriate structure of the
pattern of idea development.
1- The paragraph fails to follow
the appropriate structure of the
pattern of idea development.
Grammatical Signals 5- All grammatical signals used
are appropriate to the pattern of
idea development.
4- Most grammatical signals
used are appropriate to the
pattern of idea development.
3- Several grammatical signals
used are appropriate to the
pattern of idea development.
2- Some grammatical signals
used are appropriate to the
pattern of idea development.
1- Most grammatical signals
used are inappropriate to the
pattern of idea development.
Grammar and 5- The paragraph is free from any
Mechanics grammatical and language
mechanic errors (punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization)
4- The paragraph has few
grammatical and language
mechanic errors (punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization)
3- The paragraph has several
grammatical and language
mechanic errors (punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization)
2- The paragraph has many
grammatical and language
mechanic errors (punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization)
1- The paragraph is full of
grammatical and language
mechanic errors (punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization)
Presentation 5- The output was presented in an
outstanding manner.
4- The output was presented in a
satisfactory manner.
3- The output was presented in an
average manner.
2- The output was presented in a
fair manner.
1- The output was presented in
poor manner.

X. Generalization

Directions: Identify the correct pattern of Idea development according to the given
definition and give at least 1 grammatical signal.

Definition Pattern of Idea Give atleast 1
development grammatical signal
1. This pattern of Idea
development begins with
a broad idea and
afterwards it is defined
with specific ideas.
2. This pattern of Idea
development explains
the root of the problem
and its consequences.
3. This pattern of idea
development refers to
the structure of
presenting a stand to an
issue in an
argumentative manner
4. This pattern of Idea
development provides a
key or a solution to the
problem at hand.

F. Evaluating Learning ASSESS

XI. Quiz

Directions: Read the following situations below and choose the best answer.

1. You were assigned by your teacher to write an essay about the different forms of
bullying found in the classroom. What is the best pattern of idea development you
should use?

a) Cause-Effect c) General to Particular

b) Problem-Solution d) Claim and Counterclaim

2. While browsing your Facebook feed, you saw this post from Jane’s father, one of
your friends “Jeepney Modernization Program should be banned because it is not
economically friendly for average income jeepney drivers like us. It would only bury
us in debt” What pattern of idea development was used by Jane’s father?

a) Claim and Counterclaim c) Cause-Effect

b) General to Particular d) Problem-Solution

3. There are various modes of learning in the New Normal mode of Education. We
have Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Modular to name a few. What pattern of idea
development was used?

a) Cause-Effect c) Problem-Solution
b) General to Particular d) Claim and Counterclaim

4. According to the educational TikTok video that you have watched, Human activities
have the greatest contribution to the worsening of global warming. What pattern of
idea development was portrayed.

a) Claim and Counterclaim c) Problem-Solution

b) General to Particular d) Cause-Effect
5. You have learned in your Science class that Navotas City is a flood-prone area
because it is below sea level. With that, you are planning to write a project proposal to
reduce the impact of flooding. What is the best idea of development should you use?

a) Problem-Solution c) General to Particular

b) Cause-Effect d) Claim and Counterclaim

G. Additional Activities ASSESS

for Application or
Remediation XII. The Sticky Notes Mosaic

The teacher will hand out sticky papers to the students. Each color has their own
1. Yellow means that they are confident/ happy about their learning today.
2. Pink means that there are some concepts that are unclear to them. They can also
specify their concern by writing it on the paper.
3. Blue means that they need help from the teacher.

A. Learners Assessment
Score: (He/she earned
80% in the
Prepared by: Inspected and Reviewed by: Noted:


Student Teacher School Assistant Principal II School Principal II

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