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Ephesians 2:10- For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good
works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
God has made us stewards when he appointed us to become school leaders. We
are accountable for the school, for those who serve with us and for the learners
most especially. All of us are called to be accountable.
School Based Management. This is a strategy to improve education by
decentralization, delegation and Empowerment of Stakeholders. Implemented in
2001 through Republic Act 9155. SBM provides stakeholders greater control in
education by giving them responsibility in giving decisions about the budget,
personnel and curriculum. One of the objectives is the development of a
Functional Management Support system for CONTINUING SCHOOL
IMPROVEMENT at all levels.

In our school, there is an active party that initiates clarifications of the roles and
responsibilities in education delivery.
We have our organized PTA, School Governing Council, our Faculty Club,
School Community Planning Team……, Bids and Awards Committee, Supreme
Pupil Government, Organizational Clubs and others.
There is a shared and participatory process in determining accountabilities of
stakeholders in managing and supporting education.
This is supported by our Constitution and by Laws, handbook, minutes of
meetings, memorandum of agreement, notice of meetings and attendance sheets
including photos.
Achievement of Goals is recognized based on a collaboratively developed
performance accountability system; gaps are addressed through appropriate
We have our Accomplishment Reports, Documentation of Best Practices
on Performance Accountability System, List of Awards and Recognition programs
with community Stakeholders participation and a documentation as a 3 STAR on

The school community stakeholders continuously and collaboratively

review and enhance accountability system process, mechanism and tool. The
accountability system is owned by the community.
We have School Report on the conduct orientation among school and
community stakeholders supported by meeting agenda, minutes of meetings
attendance sheet and photos.
OPCRF/IPCRF criteria and evaluation guidelines are properly disseminated
to the stakeholders.
As to accountability Assessment criteria and tools, feedback mechanism,
information collection and validation techniques and processes, they are inclusive
and collaboratively developed and agreed upon. We provide Feedback on
Accountability Assessment, List of Awards and Recognition Program, Record of
feedback of stakeholders, Serviceable Transparency board, Filed Report on MOOE
Liquidation and record of assessment of PPA’s.
We also conduct participatory assessment of performance regularly with
stakeholders. Assessment results and lessons learned serve as basis for feedback,
technical assistance, recognition and plan adjustment.

As we are careful to obey all our mandates and make the most of every
opportunity together with our stakeholders; God is faithful to his promise in
Psalms 133:1-3- How good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in
unity, for there the Lord bestows his blessings. In 2015, Santa Cruz Central school
won as Champion in the Search for Best Brigada Implementing School,
Exceptional School Category. In 2016, we again emerged as Champion in the
Search for Best Brigada Implementing School, Medium School Category; //
Champion also in the Search for Gawad Kalasag (DRRM Preparedness)/ sponsored
by the Office of Civil Defense (Region 1), // Awarded as Champion in the Search
for Best Managed Elementary School, //Champion in the search for Best School
Parents-Teachers Association(PTA),/ both during the Ylocos Kannawidan Festival
2016./// In 2017,/we finally won the most coveted Hall of Fame Award as Best
Brigada Implementing School. //Champion also in the Ylocos Kannawidan Festival
Search for Cleanest,/ Greenest /and Safest School. On the same year for the
second time,// as we raced with performing High Schools in Region 1, we were
again the Champion in GAWAD KALASAG. /// Division Champion in the search for
Best SIP/AIP implementer,// Best School Implementer in Disaster Risk Reduction
Management (DRRM) and third place /Most Functional Clinic. ///In 2018, We
were awarded as Brigada Eskwela Most Sustained Elementary School in Region 1
and for the third time,/ the Champion in Regional Search for GAWAD KALASAG.///
We also won as the Best Implementing School in LAC session in our Schools
Division of Ilocos Sur. Some of our teachers have also won in the different
competitions conducted by the Curriculum Implementation Division such as
Pagsulat ng Maikling Kwento sa Filipino at Pagsulat ng Tula sa MTB.
All these accomplishments have contributed also to the award of Miss Geraldine
Raquepo as one of the most outstanding teachers of the Schools Division Of Ilocos
Sur, also the award of the school Principal as one of the most outstanding School
Heads Of the schools division of Ilocos Sur and a CIVIL SERVICE PAGASA REGIONAL
AWARDEE IN 2016, 2018 AND 2019.

Success comes from God. We always thank him for his faithfulness. With love and
commitment, we hope to keep soaring high for development and with fervent
prayers, we will be able to inspire a new breed of hope among our learners.
To God be the glory for all our accomplishment.

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