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1. Which describes ABO blood group systems?

A. Epistasis
B. Polygenic traits
C. Multiple alleles
D. Incomplete dominance
2. Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called
A. Centriole
B. Centrosome
C. Spindle fiber
D. Centromere
3. The main energy foods are carbohydrates and ___
A. fats
B. proteins
C. Amino acids
D. nucleic acids

4. The statement, “the worm is 2 centimeters long”. Is an

A. Observation
B. Inference
C. Theory
D. Hypothesis
5. What raw materials are needed for cellular respiration?
A. Glucose and carbon dioxide
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Glucose and oxygen
D. Oxygen and lactic acid
6. What type of bond connects one nucleotide to another in strand?
A. Ionic bond
B. Covalent bond
C. Hydrogen bond
D. All of the above
7. The organelle that breakdowns lipid, carbohydrates, proteins, into simpler form to be used b y the cell is
A. Vacuole
B. Lysosomes
C. Ribosomes
D. Filament
8. By what process does a severely cut portion of starfish grown into a full starfish?
A. Binary fission
B. Budding
C. Fragmentation
D. Regeneration
9. How can we differentiate arthropods from annelids?
A. An arthropod has segmented body, annelids have non segmented body
B. Arthropods have wings, annelids have legs
C. Arthropods have exoskeleton, annelids have endoskeleton
D. Arthropods have jointed legs, annelids have none
10. What type of tropism is shown in the situation where plant roots which grew towards the surface of the
A. Positive phototropism
B. Positive geotropism
C. Negative phototropism
D. Negative geotropism
11. Birds shed off their feathers at least once a year through the process called:
A. Skinning
B. Furrowing
C. Molting
D. ecdysis
12. mad cows’ disease is caused by
A. virus
B. prion
C. viroid
D. phage
13. When the gene pair is heterozygous, only one is physically expressed and the other one is hidden, which
law is explained?
A. Law of dominance
B. Law of incomplete dominance
C. Law of independent assortment
D. Law of segregation
14. The process that is involved in the production of mRNA using DNA template is called
A. Transcription
B. Translation
C. Replication
D. Gene manipulation
15. Lamarck’s theory of evolution proposed that changes occur as a result of need for them, hence called the
law of _____________
A. Natural selection
B. Use and disuse
C. Survival of the fittest
D. Acquired traits
16. Which of the following is the start of codon?
17. Which is considered as the master gland due to its influence on the activity of all other glands?
A. Thyroid
B. Parathyroid
C. Pituitary
D. Adrenal
18. Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence, memory and learned behavior?
A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Brainstem
D. Thalamus
19. Which of the following materials is not a major component of plasma membrane?
A. Phospholipids
B. Glycoprotein
D. Protein
20. Which of the following is not a type of cell?
A. Bacteria
B. Amoeba
C. Virus
D. Sperm
21. Which does not diffuse through the placenta of the mother fetus?
A. Oxygen
B. Organic nutrients
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Water
22. Which is not a multicellular organism?
A. Bird
B. Amoeba
C. Human
D. Fish
23. Which is true of trisomy 21?
A. An abnormality of chromosome inheritance which there are 3 copies of chromosome 21
B. Also known as turner syndrome
C. Presents with superior mental intelligence, tall stature and protruding eyeball
D. Results when an individual missing 3 chromosomes
24. Which of the following protists causes malaria?
A. Amoeba
B. Euglena
C. Plasmodium
D. Paramecium
25. Mrs. Cruz is always conscious about acne of her face. She has lots of pimples and oily skin. The gland
responsible for causing this condition is
A. Apocrine gland
B. Merocrine gland
C. Sudoriferous gland
D. Sebaceous gland
26. The chromosome mutation that occurs when a piece of one chromosome breaks off and joins to no
homologous chromosome is known as
A. Duplication
B. Deletion
C. Translocation
D. Nondisjunction
27. A point mutation that occurs during the process of translation causes the incorrect amino acids to be
inserted into the growing polypeptide. This is an example of what type of mutation?
A. Translocation
B. Missense mutation
C. Frameshift mutation
D. Base analogue
28. Which among pair of words given is not a correct functional pair?
A. Chloroplast – ATP production
B. Cytoskeleton – cellular traffic
C. Golgi complex – glycosylation
D. Ribosome – protein synthesis
29. The deepest layer of the epidermis which consists of cuboidal or columnar cells plays a big role for mitotic
division every 19 days is the ________
A. Stratum spinosum
B. Stratum granulosum
C. Stratum corneum
D. Stratum Basale
30. All are the structures found in the pelvic girdle except:
A. Ilium
B. Ischium
C. Clavicle
D. Pubis
31. Most mosses grow to be few inches tall, but ferns grow to be several feet tall. The difference exist because
mosses lack is
A. Chlorophyll
B. Enzymes
C. Vascular tissue
D. Cell walls
32. What is the difference between animal and plant cell?
A. Osmosis is only true in plant cell
B. Cell wall is only present in plant cell
C. Spindle fiber only forms in animal cell
D. Vesicles are only present in plant cell
33. Which is not characteristic of autotrophic cell?
A. Centrally located nucleus
B. Abundance of light trapping pigments
C. Presence of mitochondria for cellular respiration
D. Free ribosomes for the synthesis of proteins
34. Mitochondria is the site of the cellular respiration. Which of the following is the final product of the
A. CO2
B. Oxygen
35. Where would the vesicles from endoplasmic reticulum proceed containing the polypeptide for further
A. Nucleus
B. Golgi complex
C. Plasma membrane
D. Mitochondria
36. An aquatic plant cell was placed in a jar with water, covered and exposed to sunlight. After few hours,
bubbles observed to set up. What maybe the cause of this?
A. Opening of the stomata of the leaves liberating
B. Cellular respiration of the mitochondria producing carbon dioxide
C. Photosynthesis of the chloroplast producing oxygen
D. Decomposition of the plant tissue producing carbon dioxide
37. Which of the following plant cell functions as a food storage?
A. Collenchyma
B. Parenchyma
C. Sclerenchyma
D. Guard cell
38. Which of the following groups of organisms is a very good source of antibiotics?
A. Penicillium notatum
B. Aspergillus Niger
C. Rhizopus stolonifera
D. None
39. All monocots possess the following characteristics except:
A. Scattered arrangement of vascular bundles
B. Parallel veins
C. Fibrous root system
D. Floral parts in multiples of 4 or 5
40. Carnivory in plants is usually a result of the deficiency in what element in their soil?
A. Phosphorus
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon
D. Nitrogen
41. The bacteria play an important role in nature as________________
A. Gera catalyst
B. Biological enhancers
C. Chemical recyclers
D. Organic additive
42. Which steroids are special chemicals produced in one part of the body that control functions of the other
parts of the body, such as those produced by the ovaries and the control of the function of the uterus during
the menstrual cycle?
A. Waxes
B. Phospholipids
C. Hormones
D. Fatty acids
43. Of the following, identify which is not among major foods rich in protein?
A. Meat
B. Fish
C. Butter
D. Nuts
44. Which of the following is not an example of a sexual reproduction through the cellular reproduction in
A. Stem cutting
B. Generation of the runners in grass
C. Promotion of a bud
D. Sporophyte generation
45. These facts will show that a person suffers from a genetic disorder due to mitochondrial gene inheritance
A. MERRF epilepsy
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. MELAS dementia
D. Eye / optic atrophy
46. He formulated the spontaneous generation theory
A. Louis Pasteur
B. Robert Rock
C. Martinus Beijrink
D. Aldrien Certres
47. These properties make water very important to life except:
A. As a universal solvent
B. As colorless and odorless
C. As having stable temperature
D. As a highly reactive substance
48. How can the problem of acid rain be resolved since its effects in soil acidity comes from sources around the
A. Global use of rain makers (e.g., cloud seeding)
B. Tree planting and greening
C. Use of alternative source of energy
D. Worldwide environmental protection
49. Several kinds of aquatic plants and algae, snails, and fish were placed in an aquarium. The aquarium was
sealed. Each week the aquarium was weighted. The weight of the aquarium and its content would
A. Increase for a few weeks, then decrease
B. Decrease for a few weeks, then increase
C. Continuously increase
D. Remain about the same
50. What is the possible advantage of plants which has flower that opens only at night?
A. More active pollinators
B. Protection from the flower feeders
C. Brighter flower coloration
D. Enhanced flower formation
51. Of the following, identify the main solvent and protoplasm of the human cell that are nutrients needed by
the human body?
A. Oil
B. Mineral
C. Fats
D. Water
52. What causes camote leaves sold in markets to wilt?
A. Decrease turgor pressure
B. Increased cell destruction
C. Increase cell diffusion
D. Decrease diffusion
53. What is the product of biotechnology that has existed even before industrial age?
A. Chemical pesticide
B. Vitamin c
C. Synthetic medicine
D. Leavened bread
54. Apart from the great magnifying capability, what do you find as another advantage of electron microscope?
A. Simple to operate
B. Capacity to study live species
C. Economical to apply
D. Resolving power
55. This is an activity which promotes sustainable use of natural resources
A. Kaingin farming
B. Breeding species with favorable adaptation
C. Fossil fuel exploration
D. Landfill garbage dumping
56. Of the following identify which are the building blocks of protein essential in the formation of new
A. Minerals
B. Fiber
C. Amino acids
D. Carbohydrates
57. What fact will you select to show that animals and plants share a particular structural design or body plan?
A. All plants and animals grow and reproduce
B. All plants and animals respond to the environment
C. All plants and animals have cell organized into tissue and organs
D. All plants and animals acquire energy and exchange gases
58. Belonging to the functional groups of atom, which carry out characteristics of chemical reaction is hydroxyl
or _________
A. Salt
B. Gasoline
C. Oil
D. Alcohol
59. What pH (potential hydrogen) level can you suggest to that your body fluids can become normal, thus a
voiding fatality?
A. Above pH 8
B. Above pH 7
C. pH 7
D. below pH 7
60. identify which of the following is not true about tapeworm?
A. They are animals
B. They are saprozoic
C. They have special saprotrophic nutrition
D. They are autotrophic
61. Which of the following is an example of renewable energy source?
A. Oil
B. Natural gas
C. Coal
D. Solar energy
62. Angiosperms are also known as
A. Cone bearing
B. Seed bearing
C. Flower bearing
D. Spore bearing
63. Muscles are composed of __________
A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Vitamins
D. Fats
64. Amoeba proteus is a very common amoeba that you use in the laboratory for experiments. What do they
use for locomotion?
A. Flagella
B. Cilia
C. Pseudopodia
D. Feet
65. Hydra which has two layers of the body cell is called ___________
A. A Coelenterate
B. A flagellate
C. An echinoderm
D. A porifera
66. What type of reproduction is involved when an egg develop into a new organism without being fertilized by
a sperm?
A. Budding
B. Binary fission
C. Parthenogenesis
D. Fragmentation
67. A fruit is a ___________
A. ripened ovary
B. ripened ovule
C. ripened bud
D. ripened stigma
68. Both octopus and clams are
A. Arachnids
B. Crustacean
C. Tunicates
D. Mollusks
69. The sea urchin body is organized around the organism’s center like the spikes of the wheel. What kind of
symmetry does the sea urchin have?
A. Bilateral
B. Asymmetrical
C. Symmetrical
D. Radial
70. What is true about herbivores?
A. They are both main producers in the food chain
B. They can be producers if given adequate food and water
C. They are at the apex of the food chain
D. They are only consumers
71. Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin?
A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin C
C. Potassium
D. Vitamin A
72. The transport of sugar molecules into a cell is form of
A. Bulk transport
B. Osmosis
C. Facilitated diffusion
D. Active transport
73. The process carried out by the yeast that causes bread dough to rise is
A. Alcohol fermentation
B. Cellular respiration
C. Lactate fermentation
D. Photosynthesis
74. Which is true about transcription?
A. Transcription happens inside the nucleus
B. RNA carries specific amino acids to the ribosomes
C. The process stops when one of the three stop codons is encountered
D. All of the above
75. Which codon terminates the process of protein synthesis?
76. Which of the following refers to a type of genetic drift describing the loss of allelic variation that
accompanies founding of a new population from a very small number of individuals?
A. Bottle neck effect
B. Founder effect
C. Survival of the fittest
D. Natural selection
77. The number of essential amino acids in human body is ____
A. 8
B. 1
C. 9
D. 20
78. Which of the following refers to the ability of organisms to keep its internal environment stable even
external condition change dramatically?
A. Irritability
B. Evolution
C. Adaptation
D. Homeostasis
79. What general term is given to the outer region of organs like kidney and brain?
A. Medulla
B. Cortex
C. Lobe
D. Lumen
80. What can prevent being infected with hepatitis virus (HBV) transmitted by sharing contaminated blood
through blood transfusion, contaminated needles or by sexual contact from an infected person?
A. Laxatives
B. Antibiotics
C. Vaccination
D. Dissolution therapy
81. Which of the following is the preferred source of direct energy for cells?
A. Phosphorus
B. Carbohydrates
C. Water
D. Proteins
82. Among biomes, which has winter rainy seasons followed by summer drought?
A. Taiga
B. Chaparral
C. Dessert
D. Tundra
83. How are radioactive isotopes useful in medical practice along making whole day body scans?
A. As a prevention for cancer cure
B. As instrument to determine age of skeletons and artifacts
C. As sterilizing agent for food
D. As tools for diagnosing suspected disease
84. Which will you use as the most stable measure of central tendency when associated with interval or ratio
data with distribution being normal?
A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Both mean and mode
85. Judge which of the following arguments supports that climate change is a fiction and not fact:
A. Factories release gasses into the atmosphere that contribute to the warning
B. Carbon dioxide level have risen 25% since 1960
C. Data on global warming are confused by other factors such as ozone depletion and changes in the ocean
D. In a study in Sweden in 1990, scientist predicted a change of 2.7 degrees centigrade of greenhouse
gases doubled
86. Which is at the tops of the hierarchy of biological taxonomy?
A. Family
B. Domain
C. Kingdom
D. Genus
87. What is the name for leaves that are attached directly to the stem to a stalk?
A. Vein
B. Margin
C. Blade
D. Petiole
88. How will you classify photosynthetic microorganisms under the two kingdom scheme of biological
A. Under kingdom Protista
B. Under kingdom Monera
C. Under kingdom Animalia
D. Under kingdom Plantae
89. What factor contributes to the greenhouse effect on the environment?
A. Depletion of minerals in the soil by excessive farming
B. Use of solar panels to capture radiant energy
C. Use of carbon dioxide by plants
D. Destruction of forest
90. These are the three fundamental parts shared by all cells but this is not one of them:
A. Organelles
B. Nucleus
C. Cell membrane
D. Cytoplasm
91. Which is mismatched by way of scientist and contributions to science?
A. Gregor Mendel : Father of Genetics
B. Carolus Linnaeus : Father of modern taxonomy
C. Alexander Fleming : Father of medical surgery
D. Louis Pasteur : Pasteurization
92. These are the best example of lipids which are soluble in solvents such as alcohol except:
A. Fats
B. Oils
C. Proteins
D. Phospholipids
93. Which are consumers in rice field community?
A. Weeds and algae
B. Insects and mice
C. Butterflies and dragonflies
D. Bacteria and fungi
94. Of the four elements out of 105 known elements that comprises 98% of living matter, the highest
percentage or 63% is _________
A. Hydrogen
B. Carbon
C. Nitrogen
D. Oxygen
95. Among the elements, which has been the most useful to man as evidence by a manufacturing cans, kitchen
utensil and watches?
A. Boron
B. Chromium
C. Cobalt
D. Aluminum compounds
96. What is composed of different population interacting within a particular area?
A. Consumers
B. Multicellular organisms
C. Ecosystem
D. Community
97. Identify the nutrition tip most important for healthy eating habits?
A. Eat vegetables and fruits only
B. Chew your food and eat slowly
C. Avoid fast-food altogether
D. Balance food diet activity
98. The following environmental problems can be traced to deforestation except:
A. Greater erosion
B. Depletion of mineral resources
C. More foods
D. Depletion of wildlife resources
99. Who will you give credit for formulating the theory of spontaneous generation theory?
A. Martinus Breijrink
B. Adrein Certes
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Robert Kock
100. These are the ways science can further be beneficial to man, but not making the products of scientific
endeavor simply _______
A. Stored away memory
B. Result of a man and women who are scientist
C. Preserve in book and publication
D. Thoroughly recorded
101. As a student researcher in science, these are activities you should do so the hypothesis can be considered
scientifically valid but these do not include ____________
A. Subjecting the hypothesis to an experiment
B. Finding a basis based on observable rules
C. Investigating within the realm of pure philosophy
D. Making your hypothesis testable
102. What was the first inorganic compound synthesized in the laboratory, resulting from a boiling solution of
ammonium cyanide?
A. Urea
B. Methane
C. Sodium
D. Ammonia
103. Which occurrence can you identify as a cause of replacement by different organism when a freshwater
pond becomes meadow?
A. Abiotic change in the environment
B. Migration of the organism to other environs
C. Epidemic breakout of previous organism
D. Death of organism in the meadow
104. The main source of energy for most organisms, which man gets from starchy foods and table sugar is _____
A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Sucrose
D. Maltone
105. What is the control center of the cell?
A. Nucleus
B. Nucleolus
C. Chromosomes
D. Chromatin
106. When a logger cut down tall trees, water does not well up on the cut surface of the trunks. What does this
A. Root pressure does not cause water to rise in the tall trees
B. Roots of the trees have been damaged
C. The cut surface is sealed by thick saps
D. The trees are old and dying up
107. In a period of few weeds, what will you discover about the weight of the aquarium and its content during
an experiment of aquatic plants, algae, snails and fish inside sealed aquarium?
A. Weight is heavier
B. Weight is about the same
C. Weight can change after the second week
D. Weight loss after several weeks
108. Plants wilt when the rate of _________________
A. Water absorption is faster than transpiration
B. Transpiration is faster than water absorption
C. Photosynthesis is faster than water transpiration
D. Weight loss after several weeks
109. What will you do if you were asked to apply the most basic process in the science of taxonomy?
A. Map down organisms
B. Differentiate organisms
C. Understand organisms
D. Identify organism
110. Gibberellins caused growth by stimulating _____________
A. Cell division
B. Dormancy
C. Cell growth
D. Germination
111. You need food high in zinc content and with nutrition value as an antioxidant and slowing down of aging,
but this is not one of them ______________
A. Yogurt
B. Spinach
C. Cocoa powder
D. French fries
112. What do viruses lack such that they are not consider as true cells?
A. Ability to undergo mutation
B. Cellular property of heredity
C. Genetic material to perform life function
D. Metabolic life sustaining activity
113. This is the original cell that makes up the human body, which when reproduced the new cells that are
needed for a man to survive and function?
A. Male sperm
B. Organelles
C. Cytoplasm
D. Fertilized egg
114. Sequence the process that occurs in fish kill that results in the death of aquatic organisms
I. Decomposition uses up oxygen dissolved in the bottom water
II. Organic waste is increasingly concentrated in the bodies of water
III. Domestic and agricultural waste are caused by homes and farms
IV. Algae and aquatic plants grow, die and sink to the bottom of the lakes and estuaries
115. These are example of homeostatic mechanism in the body which maintain internal balance in the body but
NOT include ____________
A. Waste products are stored for accumulation and concentration
B. Nutrients supplied to body cells as needed
C. Body temperature kept within a normal range
D. Osmotic pressure of the blood and its pH kept with certain limits
116. Chloroplast and mitochondria have the in common EXCEPT ____________
A. Electron transport chain
C. ATP synthase
117. Which of the following organism does not require a wet or moist surface for obtaining oxygen outside of
the body?
A. Amoeba
B. Frog
C. Insects
D. Fish
118. Resolution is to clarify as magnification is to _______________
A. Mutation
B. Size
C. Eye
119. Identify which of the following is mismatched
A. Endocytosis – phagocytosis and pinocytosis
B. Passive transport - diffusion and osmosis
C. Anabolism – cellular reproduction
D. Catabolism – digestion for food
120. How will you read the biological time scale of the history of life on earth?
A. From bottom upward
B. From up to bottom
C. Horizontally from year to year
D. Vertically either upward or downward
121. What region around north pole has severely cold temperature with ice and snow continuously covering the
A. Tropic
B. Arctic
C. Oceanic
D. Antarctic
122.How will you describe the disappearance of the dinosaur on earth?
A. Mutation
B. Parasitism
C. Extinction
D. Predation
123. A series of membrane bound channels free of ribosomes is called ____________
A. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
B. Plastid
C. Mitochondrion
D. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
124. Double fertilization in plants occurs when _____________
A. A sperm cell fuses with an egg cell while another egg cell fuses with two polar nuclei to form
B. Two sperm cell fuses with one egg to form a triploid zygote
C. One sperm cell fuse with an egg cell while another sperm cell fuses with two polar nuclei to form
D. One sperm cell fuse with an egg while another sperm cell fuses with a polar nucleus to form endosperm
125. Since hydrogen is a reactive chemical element, with what will you combine it in order to produce
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Potassium
D. Chloride
126. If human twin develops from separate egg cell they are ___________
A. Genetically identical
B. Genetically different
C. Always of the same sex
D. Always of different sexes
127. Identify the statement that show they share a particular design or body plan
A. They have cells organized into tissues and organs
B. They acquire energy
C. They grow and reproduce
D. They respond to the environment
128. Inorganic compounds that contain carbon atoms are mostly ____________
A. Chlorides
B. Oxides
C. Sulfides
D. Minerals
129. During primal planet earth, what was formed when hydrogen is combined with oxygen?
A. Water
B. Urea
C. Methane
D. Ammonia
130. Following the Kyoto protocol, what needs to be reduced through global advocacy to protect ecological
A. Waste product dumping
B. Water pollution
C. Forest denudation
D. Green house emission
131. In an ordinary biological laboratory for undergraduate courses, which kind of microscope is most practical
foe study of micro-organism magnified view a thousand times?
A. Transmission electron microscope
B. Electron microscope
C. Video enhanced microscope
D. Light microscope
132. Who first used the term genetics?
A. Imre festegtics
B. Hugo De Vries
C. Gregor Mendel
D. Charles Darwin
133. Indicate the cause of cholera which killed millions of people during an epidemic in Europe.
A. Dirty water
B. Protists
C. Virus
D. Bacteria
134. What scientific skills is applied when you seek alternative courses of action – their advantage,
disadvantage, possible side effects etc.?
A. Constructive thinking
B. Creative thinking
C. Problem solving
D. Decision making
135. A genetic defect prevents guard cells from closing the stomata in the leaves of a plants, what is the most
likely caused of this defect in the plant?
A. Carbon dioxide in the leaves
B. Excess oxygen in the atmosphere
C. Loss of water
D. Nitrogen fixation
136. When you engage in strenuous exercise, your body metabolism _____________
A. Lowers
B. Rises
C. Balances
D. Neutralizes
137. What kind of organism is the schistoma which causes schistosomiasis, a tropical disease traced to a
contaminated water?
A. Virus
B. Flatworm
C. Fungus
D. Protest
138. These cover the scope of the science EXCEPT
A. Heredity and genetic information
B. Life longetivity
C. Genetic variation
D. Genes
139. Where does the dominant vegetation of mangroves thrive?
A. Coastal zone
B. Fresh water sources
C. Forests
D. Grassland
140. Which of the following exemplifies a closed population where no migration takes place?
A. Green sea turtles in territorial waters
B. Bacteria in the human intestines
C. Paramecia in a hay infusion
D. Frogs in the rice fields
141. At which organelles where proteins are manufactured?
A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondrion
C. Ribosomes
D. Vacuole
142. What should form your diet if you wish to have more starch stored in your body?
A. Beer and malt products
B. Rice and cassava
C. Fruit drinks and shakes
D. More milk and chocolates
143. The following Philippine laws regulates the use of natural resources EXCEPT
A. Law prohibiting use of explosives in fishing
B. National integrated protected areas system act of 1992
C. Toxic and Hazardous substances and waste act
D. Philippine Environment code
144. What is the largest organ inside in human body?
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Kidney
D. Lungs
145. What is the largest solid organ inside of human body?
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Lungs
146. If you were a laboratory chemist, how will you subject elements like hydrogen, ammonia and water vapor
in order to stimulate prebiotic evolution (chemical evolution before life existed on earth)?
A. By chemical charges
B. By hydrocarbon bonding
C. By solution boiling
D. By ultraviolet radiation
147. Most leaves have fewer stomata on the upper than on the lower surface. A greater number of
stomata on the upper surface would result in ____________
A. Closing of stomata on the lower surface
B. Excessive evaporation of water
C. Reduced transpiration
D. Faster photosynthesis
148. Which genetic term pertains to the physical appearance of an individual?
A. Genotype
B. Phenotype
C. Haplotype
D. Clone
149. In measure of central location _________ is used for arithmetic average.
A. Mode
B. Mean
C. Median
D. Medium
150. In applying crop technology, which of the following will you not use since these are not genetically
A. Delayed ripening tomato
B. A enhanced golden rice
C. Cross bred hybrid plants
D. Drought resistant Bt. Corn
151. Linnaeus placed humans under genus Homo because _______________
A. It hunts and gather foods
B. Has large brain and upright posture
C. Laugh and has a sense of humor
D. Is humus (Latin word for dust)
152. These are the characteristic you can find to show that the bacteria is the earliest life form in primitive earth
but NOT to include _________
A. They are only organisms made of prokaryotic cells
B. They do not have nuclear membrane
C. They produced sexually with parent producing two identical daughter cells
D. They have a single circular DNA

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