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Section 1.

Divine Revelation

Q1. Memorize (6-15) verses of surah al-Ahzab.

Q2. Answer the following questions.

Q3.Reflect on the following ayha and draw out the dangers of hypocrites.

Q5. Explain the following ayah.

Q6. Explain the events and causes of battle of trench in detail.

The munafiq did not participate except minimally to attests to their attendance. They try to make Muslims believe that they
are with them. They have no merit or advantage and they are either frustrated or frustrating the efforts of others in fields of
work, achievement, creativity and donation. Their harm is bigger than their benefit. The picture of skeptics and their turmoil
and panic as if they were on the verge of death due to their mere feeling of danger. They even hoped that there were away
from AL medina at a safe place content with asking about what happened. They did not care except about their security even
if at the expense of their people and nation. And even in case of peace they only long for their interests and benefits.
The of believers who deserved Allah's support, glory be to Him, since the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and the
believers did not leave their places and stayed sincerely and steadfastly. They did not disobey the commands of their
commander and never lost hope of Allah's mercy or gave up their trust in Him.
the picture of the confederates' camp when the Almighty Allah sent His soldiers against them, such as wind, cold and disunion.
Their tents scattered, their luggage dispersed, their deception and plots of the hypocrites went in vain, and their hopes failed

Section 2. Islamic Beliefs

Q7. Draw the difference between miracle and scientific miracle.

Q8. Refer the following verse and explore how the scientific miracles proves the authentication of the
Holy Quran?

Does man think that We will not assemble his bones? Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his
Q9.Does scientific miracles proves the authenticity of hadiths. How and why?

Q10.Complete the following mind map.

Q11. Answer the following questions.

Section 3. Islamic Rulings and Aims

Q12. Draw the difference between legal and illegal contracts.

A. Legal contracts: They are accredited by Shariah, with entailed juristic effects.
B. Illegal contracts: They are the ones which Islamic shariah prohibited and did not entail any legal
effects. This happens because of a forbidden condition or description in relation to a contract,
making it illegal. Such as contracts that have usury, gambling, cheat or fraud.

Q13.Catagorize the following in appropriate column.

Q14. Find out the Shariah ruling for the following statement and justify your answer if it is permissible
or non-permissible.

Ahmed wants to borrow money from someone and use that money to build houses. Then, his plan to sell
some of the houses and rent the others out. The problem is that the money of the person from whom he
wants to borrow is haram (it is not even halal money mixed with haram, rather all his money is haram). If
he borrows his money and build the houses with it, will the money he gets from selling and renting out the
houses be halal for him, as the houses have been built with haram money?

Q15.Find out the Shariah rules for the following contracts.

Q16. Is writing contracts important if yes, support you answer with an ayah from the Holy Quran?

 Yes writing contract is important, it eleminates any mishap that might happen in the future. First:
by documentation.
 Second: by witnesses / Guarantor / Surety
 Third: by other suitable means.
 The arrangement of financial contracts has a great importance in preventing conflicts.
❖ Allah mentions in the verse of debt:
(Surat Al Baqarah: 282) “Don’t be averse to writing down (the contract) whether it be small or
great, with (the record of) the term thereof”

Q17.Complete the following mind map.

Section 4. Islamic Values and Manners

Q18.Suggest the ways to practice Istifaf in following situations.

Q19.Complete the following mind map.

Q20. Explain they ways of abstinence in wealth.

Q21.Reflect on the following hadith.

Section 5. Biographies

Q22. Identify the aspects of planning in the Prophet’s Sirah with respect to education and society

Q23. Explain the concept of planning in Islam and public policies and legislations

Q24. Identity the roles of the following people in the Migration of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to

Q25.Complete the following mind map.

Section .6. Identity and Contemporary issues

Q26. Answer the following questions.

Q27. Infer your duty towards preservation of your language and culture.



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