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Tuesday 26th July, 2022.

1. Write in words.
a) 38:
c) 40:
e) 4:
2. Write the numeral.
a) Fifty-four:
c) Nine:
3. Add 16 and 32.
4. Add 61 and 29.
5. Add 43 and 25.
6. Trey got 15 marbles from his dad. He got 32 more
marbles from his grandpa. How many marbles did
he get altogether?
7. Subtract 75 and 34.
8. Subtract 74 and 29.
9. Take 41 from78.
10. Miss had 45 plums. She ate 23 plums. How
many plums does she have left?
Some words are opposite in meaning.
 His shirt is clean.
 His pants is dirty.
Circle the word opposite in meaning.
1. Hot: big, new, cold, red.
2. Crazy: thin, sane, nice, clean.
3. Wet: dry, old, fine, dirty.
4. Day: year, boy, green, night.
Creative Writing.
Topic: My Favourite Animal/Pet.
1. Topic sentence/Main Idea.
 My favourite animal is my pet dog Snoop. (Trey)
2. Supporting Details.
Description of Snoop (fur colour, light brown eyes,
Food that Snoop eats e.g. Puppy chow and
sausage/favourite snack.
Activities/games you enjoy playing with Snoop
e.g., carrying him for walks.

 My favourite animal is my parrot, Leo. (Nathan)

Description of Leo (colour of his feathers, beak

(long/short) personality e.g., is he a talking parrot?
Food that you feed Leo e.g., bird seeds, bananas
and how often he eats.
Activities that you enjoy doing with Leo e.g.,
teaching him to say new words e.g., hello.

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