Slaughter of The Innocents by Jeff Robertson

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followed by others in the following years.

Most companies licensed American

characters to capitalize on name recognition,
often having Canadian artists redraw
American comics from scripts sent over from
the publishers whose works they were
permitted from selling north of the border.
Many Canadian publishers in this period
ended up resorting to black and white comics
due to cost, speed, and print quality (you
didn’t need to worry about bad color
separation if you removed the color from the
equation,) this is why they have since been
lovingly coined “Canadian Whites”.

The five biggest Canadian comic

companies of the 1940s were Anglo
American, Bell Features, Hillborough Studios,
Maple Leaf Publishing, and later Superior
Publications. When the import ban was lifted
in 1946, the deluge of American color comics
put some companies out of business or saw
them absorbed into other companies. A few
companies were able to weather the storm of
American books flooding the stands by
switching to color, and some even began to
When WWII broke out in September
distribute in America. It was a rocky start but
1939, the relatively new medium of the comic
Canada was starting to forge a comic identity.
book was starting to explode with the youth
This promising beginning would be known as
of North America. So when a little over a year
Canada’s Golden Age of Comics1, and that’s
later in December 1940, the government of
where it would end.
Canada passed an act restricting the import
of nonessential goods such as comic books, a
Since the creation of the comic, it has
huge vacuum was created. Before this ban,
had enemies and detractors. A mere two
many talented Canadian artists and writers
years after Superman's 1938 debut, a future
had to travel to New York or Chicago to find
children's book author named Sterling North
success in comics. This ban would give
wrote and published an Alex Jones-esque
Canada a unique opportunity to harness its
anti-comic tirade in the May 8th, 1940 edition
native talent and produce material for an
of the Chicago Daily News titled A National
audience hungry for content. To create its
Disgrace - And a Challenge to American
own comic industry overnight. Four
magazine publishers immediately rushed to 1
Yes, Canada Actually Does Have a Golden Age of
take advantage of this unique opportunity, Comics. The Joe Shuster Awards.
Parents. North opens by referring to comics When Sterling North wrote A National
as “a poisonous mushroom growth” and he Disgrace he was in the minority in his moral
warned that comic books, which he referred outrage, but alarmist articles like his started
to as “sex-horror serials,” graphic insanity,” to reach the attention of parents and
sadistic drivel,” etc, were very different from teachers, some of whom feared their children
the comics found in newspapers. North would themselves become delinquents. In a
quoted an arbitrary statistic about how an bizarre early example of zine culture, this
examination of 108 periodicals found 70% of fear-based atmosphere led Parent and
them not respectable enough to be accepted Teacher Associations to create pamphlets
by a respectable newspaper. North went on quoting or reprinting articles that aligned
to say that other than a few “gag” comics with their agendas, usually accompanied by
“The bulk of these lurid publications bible verses. The pamphlets in turn would be
depend… upon mayhem, murder, torture, and distributed throughout their neighborhoods,
abduction – often with a child as the victim, on street corners, and outside schools. The
Superman heroics, voluptuous females in more impassioned PTA members would find
scanty attire, blazing machine guns, hooded
“justice” and cheap political propaganda
were to be found on every page… badly
drawn, badly written and badly printed… a
strain on young eyes and young nervous
North’s argument went into conspiratorial
territory and argued that the combination of
“crude blacks and reds” spoiled “the child's
natural sense of color” and the “hypodermic
injection of sex and murder” would create an
“impatient” generation “more ferocious than
the present one.” North rebuked parents and
teachers for letting comics become popular
despite the existence of books, and
proclaimed comic book publishers “guilty of
a cultural slaughter of the innocents.” North
ended the article with a warning, stating
“the antidote to the “comic” magazine poison
can be found in any library or good
bookstore. The parent (and the teacher) who
does not acquire that antidote for his child is
guilty of criminal negligence.”2

A National Disgrace – And a
Challenge to American Parents, Sterling
North, Chicago Daily News, May 8, 1940
politicians sympathetic to their cause, and Mrs. Eleanor Gray was a woman of
try to use them to argue their cause in the high society who prided herself on her house
House of Commons. This was the nature of on the prestigious Rockland Avenue only a
the relationship between Eleanor Gray and few hundred meters from the historic BC
Edmund Davie Fulton, and unlike most moral Government House. She prided herself on
panics in recent history, the one championed being the wife of a respected Doctor and
by Gray and Fulton would succeed in its mother to five children and threw herself
mission. into committees such as the Victoria and
District Parent-Teacher Council.5 The
Davie Fulton, as he was known to growing fervor over so-called crime comics
many, was descended from Canadian began to occupy Mrs. Gray's attention, and
politicians. His father was an MP and his she began to quote Sterling North's article
grandfather was a former B.C. Premier. The and others like it frequently. In January 1945
youngest of four, Fulton was a model student she released “Survey of Undesirable News
and a Rhodes Scholar. On January 5th, 1940 Stand Literature in Victoria British
he passed the bar exam at age 24 and joined Columbia,” in which with the aid of others
his father's law firm. Davie's legal aspirations she listed magazines bought from
would have to wait, however, as only six newsstands, and after examination, their
months after starting his law career, he went placement into categories she determined to
overseas to fight in the Second World War. be problematic. The categories were: The
Davie fought for five years and left the Detective and Mystery, Confessions, White
Canadian Military as a Major when the war Slavery, Love Leaflets, and Health (because of
ended in 1945. Post-War optimism for young Nudism). After Davie Fulton's appointment as
men returning from the war and going into MP for Kamloops Eleanor began sending him
politics was high, and before Fulton arrived a series of letters in an attempt to recruit him
home he was nominated to represent to her anti-comic cause. Fulton was
Kamloops as MP for the Progressive lukewarm at first, but Mrs. Gray persisted by
Conservative Party. The nomination would sending Fulton a series of examples culled
see Fulton leave one war for another as he from crime comics (usually cut out and out of
was elected a seat in the House of Commons.3 context) paired with newspaper articles on
A highly ambitious and headstrong politician, their links to delinquency, each letter she
Fulton was fiercely nationalistic, as sent was worse than the last and her
evidenced when he objected to a proposed determination outlasted Fulton’s
bill allowing US Troops on Canadian soil constitution. 6

where he warned against being “bedfellows”

with the U.S.4 The headstrong Fulton was not On May 20th, 1948, less than two
afraid to speak his mind about what he months after Frederick Wertham’s first
wanted, and this drive caught the attention of
Eleanor Gray.

“The Child’s Education to Violence” by Alastair
The Vancouver Sun, 15 Aug 1944, Tue Glegg, Education Matters Vol. 4 No. 1, 2016
4 6
The Montreal Star, 06 Jun 1947, Fri The Province, 29 October 1949
anti-comic article was published7, Davie appreciate it if the minister would let me
Fulton would wage Eleanor's war in the know what he feels about the subject.”
Commons. After several more letters and Ilsey was reportedly eager to wrap up the
later meetings with Eleanor and her group, proceedings. He replied
Davie was more determined than ever and “The hon. gentleman asks me to indicate
would seize any chance he could to bring what I feel about that subject. It is the most
comics to the agenda. When the topic was difficult thing to say what is fit for publication
brought up regarding confessions and and what is not. We receive a continual
records regarding spousal name changes, stream of resolutions asking us to ban
Fulton inserted himself into the issue salacious magazines and other publications,
and there is the same complaint about these
“I should like to say a few words about the
comics, which it is alleged to lead children to
question of crime comics. What I have to say
crime… It is not possible to define with any
will not take so very long, but I want to ask
exactitude decency or a publication that
the minister a number of questions. if he
leads to crime. What about an adventure
prefers to leave this item until tomorrow it
story or a story in which there is any crime at
will be acceptable to me.”
all? it is such an intangible thing. If my hon.
The Right Honourable James Lorimer Ilsley
friend feels that the publication of certain
The Minister of Justice, wanting to get it over
crime comics contributes to juvenile
with, replied “if the questions are relevant to
the item I think the hon. member had better
ask them.”
Seeing his opening Fulton dove in head-on.
Producing a copy of Crime Does Not Pay, his
favorite example of comics at their most
morally corrupt. Fulton proceeded to flip
through the comic, describing it as
portraying “crimes of sexual and other
violence in picture form.”

Perhaps sensing Ilsley's impatience,

Fulton acknowledged that what he was
talking about wasn't relevant to the topic, but
that he just wanted to say
“It is difficult to deal with these publications
under any form of censorship, although
something might be done… Perhaps
proceedings could be had under the criminal
code to put a stop to this tendency. It is doing
an act producing or contributing to a child's
becoming a juvenile delinquent. … I would

“The Psychopathology of Comic Books” presented
on March 19th, 1948 at a symposium of the New
York Academy of Medicine .
delinquency I should think he could have a “The minister will remember that quite a
charge laid and see whether he could get a number of shocking crimes have been
conviction. I do not think any further committed by juveniles in recent months.
definition of the law would be practicable. One of the most shocking was in Montreal
We certainly could not make a list of the recently, where a boy twelve years of age beat
publications that lead to crime. I think the his mother to death with a baseball bat. He
law is sufficient already.” simply found her sleeping, lying there
The Deputy Chairman William Henry Golding defenseless, picked up a bat, and beat in her
interrupted head for no apparent reason, except that
“I hope that hon. members will not continue when being tried, he said he had seen that
this discussion. As the hon. member for sort of thing in the comics.”
Kamloops himself said it is not relevant to the Fulton referenced his correspondence with
clause before us.” Eleanor’s women’s group, and imparted their
“I said, not strictly relevant,” Fulton added. concern over the issue, saying
“they appeal to juveniles by their colors as
The session continued, and near the they lie on the magazine racks. As if that were
end of the day, Fulton saw another way in not bad enough, I have studied three of these
when It was decided one of the topics on the maga­zines recently. I have one in my hand,
agenda would be tabled for a later session. "Green Hornet Fights Crime". Others I have
“I should like to say a few words about the seen, under a general title, go on to say,
question of crime comics. What I have to say "Crime Does Not Pay". That is the sort of
will not take so very long, but I want to ask cynical approach they make on the front
the minister a number of questions. If he cover. They are printed in Canada. The one I
prefers to leave this item until tomorrow it have in my hand is published bi-monthly in
will be acceptable to me.” Toronto”
Knowing the game the brash young politician Fulton went on to read the comic’s indicia,
was trying to play, Ilsley responded as before and then the comic itself as he went on to
that if the motion was relevant he had better describe a story about arson, showing the
say it. The item in question wasn’t relevant. pages to the Commons, and how a child
The topic was penitentiaries. seeing said story was likely to strike a match
Fulton pressed onward. for the first time. This was laughed at by
“Recently I have had brought to my attention Ilsley, who replied,
a number of so-called crime comics which “Oh, he would strike it before that.”
are widely circulated throughout Canada. Irritated by Ilsley’s response Fulton
This fact, coupled with the evidence of countered
increasing juvenile delinquency, seems to me “The minister says, "Oh". Is he shaking his
to demand that this House of Commons head in disagreement? As I say, it is difficult
should request the minister to take certain to prove that these magazines do actually
steps to… combat the causes. This is one of increase juvenile delinquency, but one can
the active causes of juvenile delinquency.” say at least that two coincidences go
Fulton admitted he did not have solid together, that there is an increase in juvenile
numbers or specific evidence, but he tried to delinquency and an increase in the
make up for it by appealing to a fear of the circulation of this type of magazine in
youth, continuing Canada.”
The fact was though, that juvenile family. James got into the back seat of the
delinquency rates had been steadily family truck with his daughter, the
declining since the end of the war. The rise in conversation likely dominated by the movie
delinquency was in perception only because they had just seen, and his son Fred took the
the stories were being more widely reported. driver's seat. The Watson family began their
Fulton pressed that the only two options drive home to Kilkerren in the dark just
were direct censorship or an outright ban. before 10 pm, when after a few minutes Fred
Stating “Questions of the freedom of the Watson saw two figures in the distance. One
press do not, I think, enter, because freedom of them was waving their arms, and as the
has never yet meant license, and this type of Watsons got closer they noticed the figures
thing is not freedom. But license. It is abusing were wearing bandanas. Before they had time
liberty to make a profit practically out of the to think a shot rang through the air and the
advocacy of crime.” inside of the car was filled with screams as
The impassioned argument was met with a Fred made a desperate turn back toward
move to end the proceedings, and as if he Dawson Creek.9 The bandit aimed the 30-30
had said nothing at all, the meeting was rifle at the back of the fleeing truck and fired.
commenced.8 Little did he know that before Inside the truck, the screams were
the end of the year a series of events interrupted as the bullet pierced through the
including a national tragedy would arrive to back seat and into James's back.10
him like a miracle.
After the shooting, the boys panicked
On November 12, 1948, two boys aged and quickly hid the gun and ammunition. It’s
11 and 13 were walking along Second Avenue unknown whether it was guilt or bravado
in downtown Dawson Creek. It’s not known if that brought back one of the boys the
they set out to cause trouble, or if it found following day with a friend to show off the
them as they stumbled onto a rifle in an rifle. The boy and friend moved the rifle and
unlocked car. An opportunity too good to buried it in another location where it was
pass up the boys took the rifle, complete with found by police, ultimately leading to the
boxes of ammunition, and made their way to apprehension of both youths.
the local rail yard. On their way, they found
another truck, smashed its window, and James Watson would live only four
claimed its bounty. This time a flashlight and days after he was shot, and he died in St.
some cigarettes. Excited by their new life as Joseph's hospital in Dawson Creek. A few
bandits, the boys donned bandanas and days later the boys were apprehended.
found a hiding spot along the nearby Alaska Throughout an hours-long questioning by
Highway, hoping to continue the so far police, the boys claimed to read 30-50 crime
successful crime spree. comics a week and claimed the crime they
committed was a reenactment of one they
It was cold, and 62-year-old James had seen in one of said comics. After the boys
Watson had just seen a movie in one of the
local movie theatres with some friends and 9
The Vancouver Sun, Nov 23 ,1948
BREAKING THE PEACE: Fictions of the
House of Commons Debates, 20th Parliament, 4th Law-Abiding Peace River Country, 19J0-50. Jon
Session : Vol. 5 Swainger. BC STUDIES, no. 119, Autumn 1998
were found guilty of Murder, the 13-year-old American Comics were again barred from
was committed to the Boys' Industrial School, being imported into Canada.
and the 11-year-old was placed in the care of
the superintendent of Child Welfare.11 Judge After the tragedy in Dawson Creek,
C.S. Kitchen, who presided over the case said Canada's conservative parent-teacher groups
“I am satisfied that a concerted effort should were reaching a fever pitch in their
be made to see that this worse-than-rubbish anti-crime-comic stance. One thing that is
is abolished in some way.”12 apparent in the language surrounding the
The Dawson Creek murder sparked debate anti-crime comic debate was that a large
immediately, with some arguing the tragedy number of those opposed seemed to be
should be met with stricter gun laws and unaware that not all comics contained lurid
better resources for low-income families. This crime. As with many moral panics, the official
sentiment was rejected in favor of the view narrative against crime comics was more
that comics had poisoned these young boys' inflammatory than fact. The unease was
minds. It was easier to blame comics than to something that benefitted Davie Fulton, who
face the real underlying issues the began to regularly give speeches at PTA
community was facing. meetings and young conservative boy’s clubs.
To the conservatives in Kamloops, Davie
The Alaska Highway was constructed Fulton represented someone who cared
largely by U.S. Soldiers during the war as a about their children, and cared about
road connecting Alaska to Canada. Due to the protecting their “national identity”. On
large presence of U.S. Soldiers in Dawson January 11th, 1949, he was unanimously
Creek during the road's construction, their named as the official Progressive
books, comics, and ephemera circulated Conservative candidate for Kamloops in the
among the community, making access to upcoming federal election, where he would
American Crime and Horror comics much win a seat by a large margin. One of the
easier than in other parts of Canada. The platforms he ran on was unsurprisingly
gruesome nature of the crime comics cited banning crime comic books.
and connected to this Canadian case, and the
fact it had happened in his own province not The combination of Fulton's campaign
only emboldened Davie Fulton and his for MP, the close-to-home murder of a
conservative crusade against crime comics middle-aged farmer by two youths, and the
but would fuel his fear of American media as mounting pressure from PTA and Women's
well. The case was no doubt fresh in his mind groups across the country began to have a
when on November 18, 1948, he cumulative effect on the public
enthusiastically supported a ban on consciousness. Comic books were losing the
American imports, which were being war and losing ground quickly. On December
discussed due to an unstable economy and 5th, 1948 the Farmer's Union of Alberta called
trade imbalances. The ban was successful and for a Canada-wide ban on comics containing
murder and other crimes.13 On December 21st,
1948, The Women's Institute held a meeting
Nanaimo Daily News November 29, 1948
Invaders from the North: How Canada Conquered
the Comic Book Universe by John Bell p. 94 The Province, 29 Nov 1948, Mon
in which they supported the movement to “this bill is designed to amend the Criminal
ban crime comics”14 On January 6th, 1949, The Code to cover magazines and periodicals
Edmonton Home and School Council commonly called crime comics, the
decided to battle “crime type” comics and publication of which is at the present time
formed a committee to legal, but which, it is widely felt, tend to the
“find ways of eliminating lurid comic lowering of morals and to inducing the
magazines and undesirable literature.” commission of crimes by juveniles. Section
207 of the Criminal Code provides, upon
Alex Ross, President of the Edmonton Home
indictment, a penalty of two years for anyone
and School Council wanted to take it further,
who portrays obscene literature, obscene
advocating that something should also be
objects, or drugs. The purpose is to amend
done to censor “moving pictures and radio
the act by adding a fourth category that
thrillers”, and “most best-sellers”. This was would cover crime comics. Then if anyone
followed by the Parent Education Association distributes or sells such magazines, within
of Winnipeg on January 12, which also passed
a resolution that they would try to ban books
deemed “unscrupulous.” Members of the
association were eager to share their
pamphlet-informed opinions on comic
books, which were referred to as
“propaganda,” “filth,” ”lurid,” and
“not funny.”15

Armed with recent headlines about a

Canadian tragedy, and having made strides in
his campaign to wipe out crime comics across
Canada, Davie Fulton was more emboldened
in his crusade than ever before. Fulton went
on the attack again on February 1st, 1949 when
he proposed the bill that would bear his
namesake. The main obstacle in the House of
Commons for Davie Fulton thus far was
seemingly The Right Honourable James
Lorimer Ilsley, but since the last Federal
Election Ilsley retired from the position of
Minister of Justice and was replaced with
Stuart Garson fresh off his Premiership of
Manitoba, Fulton found one of the primary
forces of opposition that he faced was gone
suddenly gone,15 and confidently proposed
his Bill.

The Calgary Albertan, 05 Dec 1949
Ottawa Journal, 12, May 1949.
the definition of the act, he will have that.”
committed an offense and will be subject to Fulton also came armed with findings from
the penalty set out for the three categories I respected psychologist Dr. Frederic
have mentioned.” Wertham, quoting from an anti-comics
Support for the Bill was positive, but there symposium held in New York City.
wasn’t enough time for it to get to a second “I hold in my hand a book entitled “The
reading. Psychology of Comic Books”, an extract of the
symposium held by the association for the
Fulton would bring it to the table again on advancement of psychotherapy held in New
September 28th, 1949, where this time it York City and written by Frederic Wertham.
would get to a second reading. The The first paper was read by Mr. Gerson
anti-comic sentiment in Canada was on the Legman. I shall read from page 473 of the
rise, but Fulton wanted to make it clear that proceedings of the association.”
he was not attacking all comics, only crime Fulton read
comics, saying “The comic books concentrate on
aggressions which are impossible under
“While I have a bill here which deals with
civilized restraints - with fists, guns torture,
crime comics I should say that one or two
killing, and blood. The internalized
remarks have been made indicating a view to
censorship of both artist and child makes this
this effect: Well, after all, is there much sense
attack respectable by directing it against
in going after comics in the daily papers and
some scapegoat criminal or wild animal, or
depriving the children of their ordinary
even against some natural law like gravity,
reading? May I make it clear, Mr. Speaker, at
rather than against the parents, teachers, and
the very outset that the type I have in mind is
policemen who are the real sources of the
not the ordinary comic strip in the paper, but
child’s frustration and therefore the real
it is what is called the crime comic”
objects of his aggression. At the same
Fulton had been working on his argument,
unconscious level that the child identifies
and have even found a way to use the former
himself with the heroic avenger, he may also
Minister of Justice, who had been one of his
identify whoever has been frustrating him
detractors, to support his argument, saying
with the corpse. Violence displaced in this
“At this stage, I do not want to use my own way from its intended object invariably
words, I want to use the words of a very appears in larger and larger doses, more and
respected member of the government which more often repeated… The price tag being
is in office at the present time, a man of most only a few cents apiece and the distribution
temperate character, a man little given to national, every city child can, and does, read
exaggerated or violent words. In 1948, I sent from ten to a dozen of these pamphlets
the then minister of justice, Mr. Ilsey, now monthly, an unknown number of times, and
Mr. Justice Ilsley, a copy of the type of then trades them for others. If there is only
magazine which I had in mind. It was entitled one violent picture per page - and there are
“Crime Does Not Pay.” A little later… the usually more - every city child who was six
house the minister referred to the particular years old in 1938 has by now absorbed an
magazine that I had sent him and he used the absolute minimum of eighteen thousand
words “The hon. Member for Kamloops sent pictorial beatings, shootings, stranglings,
me a shocking instance of abuse of freedom blood-puddles, and torturings-to-death, from
of the press. I agree with him that it is just
comic books alone.” 16 a boy aged 12 years beat his mother to death
Fulton continued to read from reports, his with a bat while she was sleeping and at the
introduction to the bill reading like a lawyer trial said he had seen that sort of thing in the
for the prosecution. comics. In Philadelphia Symon Levin, aged 16
years, killed a 12-year-old boy with a pair of
After quoting from a number of scissors. His room was found to be littered
papers, Fulton went in for the kill. with crime comics. In Los Angeles, a
“Those are the words of people who have 14-year-old boy poisoned a 50-year-old
made an intensive study of the problem. Thus woman. He said he had got the idea from a
far however it must be admitted that my comic book as well as the recipe for the
remarks have been in the realm of theory. I poison. In the same city, a 13-year-old boy
should now like to relate them to the realm of was found hanged in a garage with a crime
actuality by pointing out to the house a comic illustrating that type of thing at his
number of cases in this country and in the feet.”
United States where the commission of crime Fulton then went into the resolutions passed
by juveniles has been directly attributed to across Canada from PTA groups asking for
crime comics.” crime comics to be banned before
After warming up with some stories concluding with the ending to the quote he
regarding children who carried out a had read earlier from his letter by the former
kidnapping by supposedly following steps Minister of Justice
laid out in an issue of Crime Does Not Pay, “I agree with him, that it is just that. I am
Fulton talked about the tragedy at Dawson afraid, however, it is nevertheless legal; it is
Creek. not an offense to publish the kind of material
“The second piece of evidence I should like which was published and which is being
to lay before the house concerns the trial of distributed in various parts of Canada”
two boys aged 11 and 13 for murdering James Crime comics weren’t illegal, but Fulton was
Watson of Dawson Creek, in Canada, in the arguing they should be, and the bill on the
fall of 1948. During the trial positive evidence table was the way to seeing it happen. To
was produced to show that the boy’s minds account for criticism that the definition in
were saturated with what they read in crime the bill was too broad, Fulton suggested the
comics. One boy admitted to the judge that bill be used to get charges laid, with the jury
he read as many as fifty crime comics a week to decide whether the comics were obscene
while the other admitted having read thirty. or not. To conclude his opening statement,
After the case was concluded, the presiding
Fulton summarized
judge delivered a most direct and scathing
“No harm can result from the bill. It will not
criticism of crime comics, laying the blame
bring in any form of censorship or banning of
for this murder almost directly upon their
publications, but it will put publishers and
news vendors on their guard to see that they
Now that he had presented a recent case
do not publish or sell any magazine within
from close to home, Fulton leaned fully into
the category defined… Some may say that
shock value. there has been an exaggeration of the evils of
“Many other cases can be cited. In Montreal, crime comics. I would refer them again to the
factual evidence which I have placed before
"The Psychopathology of Comic Books." American the house. I suggest to anyone who thinks
Journal of Psychotherapy, 50(4), p. 473
that crime comics really are not harmful that, the lives of our young people are to be
if he will look into the question, if he will go improved, it will have to be by positive
to the newsstands, he will pick up one of action… I think perhaps we can say too much
these things and see what they portray and about the harmfulness of crime comics.
the examples they law before the youth of Perhaps we may just be advertising them…
the country, he will not deny that there is a The other night when (some clergymen)
real menace in them… If the enactment of the were talking, I felt that (they) should not talk
bill only prevented one murder, one crime of about these things because they build such
violence being committed by a juvenile, I an alluring halo around them that it makes
would say that the act, if passed, would have people think that resisting temptation is not
served its purpose, that the bill would have worthwhile.”
been worthwhile.” Another MP, Pierre Gauthier of Portneuf, who
Fulton’s opening statement was received was previously in support of a proposed bill
enthusiastically by both parties, but the banning children in Quebec under the age of
reaction was so positive and garnered so 16 from seeing movies, supported the bill,
much response from other Commons implying that an age ban on crime comics
members that there wasn’t time for it to get might be more effective.
past the second reading, so it was tabled for During another MP’s voice of support, this
the following session.17 exchange occurred:
“Mr. T.H Goode: “In (Crime and Punishment
On October 4th, 1949, Crime Comics and Crime of Women) are depicted women of
were again brought to the table. Where ill repute standing in rather suggestive
several members of Commons voiced their attitudes. That is a fine model for our young
support, though some, like Lincoln MP Harry people to look at! There are Women Outlaws
Cavers while agreeing that crime comics were and True Mystery. This latter is the most
“detrimental to youth and have a bad filthy book that I have ever seen on a
influence upon the moral standards of our magazine stand.”
young people,” argued the fact that youths An hon. Member: “What is in it?”
had formed self circulating libraries of comics Mr. Goode: “The hon. Member can read it
in order to read as many comics as possible after I am through with it.”
was a failing of the schooling system for not Another MP, Rodney Adamson of York West,
providing them with literature engaging argued that a greater problem than crime
enough that they resorted to filth. Cavers felt comics, is the news coverage of juvenile
the bill “may not be the proper way to deal crimes, saying
with this matter.” “When some strange and violent incidents of
Vancouver East MP Angus MacInnis worried anti-social behavior took place in Toronto, it
if passed, the bill would be largely ignored was found that the daily press of Toronto
like similar bills passed against gambling played them up - I do not intend to mention
the incidents, but they have occurred from
which did not prevent people from playing
week to week - with the names, descriptions,
bingo. He urged
the location and all the rest of it. That
“I do not believe we can overcome the effects
practice made heroes of these young
of crime comics merely by negative action. If
delinquents who committed these peculiar
House of Commons Debates, 20th Parliament, 5th manifestations of anti-social behavior.
Session: Vol. 1
I would rather call them that than crimes, who sell these magazines, it is presumed that
although they are crimes.” it would be a deterrent to people of a like
Adamson continued to argue that the news class. I understand that that is the purpose of
coverage also incentivized youths in gangs to the bill. Personally, I have not made up my
commit worse crimes for recognition, mind whether I am in favor of it or not…
concluding Whether you are thinking of censorship or
“It is a matter of example, and if the daily not, you are making the judge and jury
press will display restraint in emphasizing the censors. The question is whether a judge and
bad examples I am sure that a great deal of jury of twelve honest men and true are
good can be done.” competent to carry out the censorship. I do
MP Roy Knight of Saskatoon also voiced not know.”
some concern over the proposed bill, saying He concluded
“This particular bill does not call for “There should be cultivation of a taste for
censorship as such. As I understand it, it asks good literature while people are still young.
that the circulation of a certain type of book Let us give young people better literature,
be made illegal, and then it will be left to but if they have to read any of these salacious
someone to originate court action. If that books let them be read under the guidance of
court action were handed out to the people their parents or people who can give proper
advice on the matter.”
Following this, several other members spoke
in support of the bill, pushing a recess until
October 7. After several members expressed
support, with some dissenters offering other
alternative solutions, Fulton couldn’t wait
any longer and did not want this bill to fail to
get a second reading again. He jumped in to
express his gratitude for the support, and
that due to the late hour the bill move
forward. The motion was agreed to, the bill
was read a second time.18

December 6, 1949, would be the day

Fulton’s bill was passed. In between the
second and third reading, certain wordage
was amended so that if someone is accused
of making, printing, distributing, or
possessing crime comics they could not claim
innocence by ignorance. This caused some
concern among some members of the
Commons. Amendments were suggested, but
none stuck. Davie Fulton’s bill passed as is.

House of Commons Debates, 21st Parliament, 1st
Session : Vol. 1
It was now illegal in Canada to “print, publish, Canadian Media Philosopher Marshall
distribute, or sell ‘any magazine, periodical or McLuhan reflected on this period in his
book which exclusively or substantially seminal book Understanding Media: The
comprises matter depicting pictorially the Extensions of Man saying:
commission of crimes, real or fictitious."19 “The first comic books appeared in 1935. Not
This would remain in the Canadian Criminal having anything connected or literary about
Code until 2018. After the bill was passed, them, and being as difficult to decipher as the
Davie Fulton’s anti-comic lectures were in Book of Kells, they caught on with the young.
high demand. As a result of his legislation The elders of the tribe, who had never
crime comics did indeed disappear from noticed that the ordinary newspaper was as
Canada almost overnight, and due to the frantic as a surrealist art exhibition, could
hardly be expected to notice that the comic
wording of the bill, true crime and detective
books were as exotic as eighth-century
magazines would also suddenly cease to be
illuminations. So, having noticed nothing
about the form, they could discern nothing of
the contents, either. The mayhem and
In the course of his crusade, Fulton
violence were all they noted. Therefore, with
had begun a correspondence with Frederick
naive literary logic, they waited for violence
Wertham, who based an entire chapter on
to flood the world. Or, alternatively, they
Fulton in his book Seduction of the
attributed existing crime to the comics. The
Innocent20, and in 1954 with the American dimmest-witted convict learned to moan, "It
Senate Subcommittee Hearings looming, wuz comic books done this to me."23
Davie Fulton was asked by Frederick
Wertham to testify.21 At this point all but Had Canada’s Golden Age of Comics
Superior had shuttered their doors. Though been allowed to become a Silver Age, a
wounded, Superior stuck around until an Bronze Age, and so on, how different would
anti-horror comic bill passed in 1955, and less the comic book landscape look today? It is a
than a year later the last of the original question whose answer we will never know.
Canadian Comic Companies closed,
For an excellent account of the American
effectively ending Canadian publishing of
side of this story read BLOODY MASSACRE
English comic books for decades. After
by Warren Bernard, printed in The Comics
Fulton’s bill passed, some Canadians who
Journal #302.
made comics would go to America, others
would turn to illustration or sign painting.
Most never worked in the arts again.22
For an excellent broad (but thorough!) look
at Canada’s comic history, look for Invaders
Senate Debates, 21st Parliament, 1st Session : from the North: How Canada Conquered the
Vol. 1 Comic Book Universe by John Bell
Seduction of the Innocent. Frederick Wertham.
P. 273 “Murder in Dawson Creek”
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, “Comic
Books and Juvenile Delinquency”, Hearings, 1954
(Washington, D.C. United States Government
Printing Office, 1954)
22 23
Comics in English Canada, John Bell. The Understanding Media: The extensions of man p.
Canadian Encyclopedia 188. Marshall McLuhan.

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