Cloudspire Reference Sheet - Grovetenders 2.0

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很 When playing as the grovetenders, you must guard and spend spires
⼤ your revered Source conscientiously. Your opponents will be The grovetenders start with access to their reetall and
程 forced to carefully consider their attacks against your units shrubbery spires. They can unlock the muskeg and creeping
度 with high health and low Source rewards. Your success will vines spires by building the Sacred Grove 2 - Forest Sentience
上 depend greatly on your ability to utilize taproots and their fortress advancement. Forming Glade
取 summoned creations at the right time. The grovetenders are
1 – Basic Form
決 one of the most reactionary factions, but strategic use of their
於 talents can make them extremely formidable. 3 Once per wave. At the start of your turn during
the Onslaught Phase, you may place a war briar
您 minions and heroes or treed from your barracks under a grovetender
在 hero that is deploying this wave or that is currently
適 The grovetenders can only promote their minions on a forest hex. This hero now has that minion’s
當 through the use of Summon. Some units also require a Inner Oak talent in addition to its own. If the hero is defeated,
的 fortress advancement in order to be Summoned. return the minion to your barracks.
1 – Amplify

2 – Elaborate Form
間 3 Gain +4 Source during each Income Phase. Your

Source capacity is now 30.
3 Units with Summon or Evoke may now spend 7
Source to summon an ogregrowth or 8 Source to
⽤ 2 – Petrify summon a grizzled oak.

根 gateport 3 At the start of each Prep Phase, your fortress gate
may recover 1 health. Your maximum fortress gate 3 – Master Form

1 – Earth Affinity health is now 15.
4 Gain the forming die.

它 3 Purchasing an earthscape from the market now

costs 0 Source for you.
3 – Ratify Forming Die: Once per wave. At the start of your
turn during the Onslaught Phase, you may roll this

3 Gain the ratify die. die and add the corresponding upgrade or health
to a grovetender unit in play. Range upgrades
2 – Earth Influence Ratify Die: At the start of each Onslaught Phase,
喚 may only be added to units with Range. You may
的 2 Purchasing an earthscape from the market now
costs 5 Source for opposing players.
roll this die and lock it into your fortress. Once per
wave before or after your units’ movement, you
exceed health stats and ignore upgrade capacity.
創 may apply the effect of this die to a unit or spire +1 Health
造 adjacent to one of your units:
+1 Attack
物 Return an adjacent opposing spire with only 1
的 upgrade to its barracks. +1 Range
能 Force an adjacent opposing hero to immediately

Sharpener return to its fortress.
Gain control of an adjacent ungrouped opposing
御 1 – Greater Thorns faction minion worth 3 CP or less.

族 5 Your fortress now deals 2 damage when retaliating. Hall of Shaping
是 1 – Source Bath
最 2 – Spire Precision
3 The Source cost for minions summoned by

4 Each blank rolled by attacking grovetender spires
deals +1 damage.
taproots is reduced by 1.
Sacred Grove 2 – Shaping Pool

3 – Summon Roots 1 – Attuning

3 Once per wave. Reduce the CP cost of a single

5 Gain the root die.
3 Once per wave. During the Prep Phase, you may
exchange 1 CP for 4 Source.
taproot by 1.
Root Die: At the start of each Onslaught Phase,
系 roll this die. You may remove a single upgrade from 3 – Focused Growth
2 – Forest Sentience
之 the bottom of up to # spires equal to the result.
4 The Source cost for minions summoned by

At least one of the affected spires must be your
own, if possible. 4 Creeping vines and muskeg spires can now be
taproots is further reduced by 2, to a total
reduction of 3.

是 v2.0

0 Dywen 3 Treed 6 Grizzled Oak
Air Defense – This unit can attack units with Ram – When this unit attacks a spire, instead Crush – During its movement, this unit may
Flying. of dealing damage, you may remove any attack displace opposing faction units that have less
upgrade from the spire. health than it does. It deals 2 damage to each
# Range – This unit attacks and retaliates from
up to # hexes away. Tough – If retaliation damage dealt to this unit unit it displaces.
exceeds 2, reduce it to 2.
Pacify – Instead of attacking, this unit may
2 1 2 2 discard an adjacent landmark minion to gain 4 1 2 2 6 2 1 3
3 Source.
3 1 2 0 5 2 3 2 7 4 2 3

4 Ybanthe 3 Vineherald 4 Shrubbery

Evoke – Ungrouped only. Instead of moving Air Defense – This unit can attack units with Camouflage – Units and spires must be adjacent
this unit, you may spend 3 Source to summon Flying. to this spire in order to attack it.
a war briar, 4 to summon a vineherald, or 5 to
# Range – This unit attacks and retaliates from Cover – When a taproot is adjacent to this spire,
summon a treed. The unit is summoned on its
up to # hexes away. the damage dealt by an attack on the taproot is
basic side and placed on the closest path hex
reduced to 1.
to this unit. The summoned unit does not move Capture – After this unit defeats an opposing
5 1 2 2 this turn. 3 1 2 1 faction minion, you may place that minion beside 1 1 1
your fortress. When the minion’s controlling
Capture – After this unit defeats an opposing
5 2 3 3 faction minion, you may place that minion beside 4 1 2 1 faction damages your fortress gate, return the
your fortress. When the minion’s controlling
minion to its barracks. You can have a maximum 4 Creeping Vines
of 3 minions captured from each faction at a time. Camouflage – Units and spires must be adjacent
faction damages your fortress gate, return the
minion to its barracks. You can have a maximum to this spire in order to attack it.
of 3 minions captured from each faction at a time.
3 Taproot Cover – When a taproot is adjacent to this spire,
the damage dealt by an attack on the taproot is
Air Defense – This unit can attack units with
reduced to 1.
7 Wyvankaye Flying.

Peaceful – This unit can only be damaged by # Range – This unit attacks and retaliates from 1 1 2 Creep – At the start of each of your turns during
the Onslaught Phase, this spire may move onto
merc units and merc spires. Other units may up to # hexes away.
an adjacent non–path hex.
displace this unit. Summon – Ungrouped only. Instead of moving
Yrtel’s Way – Before or after this unit’s 3 1 2 2 this unit, you may spend 3 Source to summon
movement, you may return an adjacent faction a war briar, 4 to summon a vineherald, or 5 to
5 Reetall
minion with equal or less health to its barracks. 1 1 1 2 summon a treed. The unit is summoned on its
2 0 3 0 Air Defense – This spire can attack units with
Minions returned this way are not defeated. promoted side. Flip the taproot and group it
Then, promote this unit. under the summoned unit in the same hex. The
2 0 4 0 summoned unit does not move this turn.
Yrtel’s Will – Before or after this unit’s
movement, you may either discard an adjacent
landmark minion to gain 3 Source or remove all 5 Ogregrowth
attack upgrades from an adjacent spire. Then, Rooted – If this unit is adjacent to a spire, it may
1 1 2
flip this unit, removing any upgrades. stay in place instead of moving. It must move
on the next turn in which it can make progress.
5 Muskeg
2 War Briar Challenge – If an opposing hero is within 3 Air Defense – This spire can attack units with
hexes of this unit, any attack that hero makes Flying.
Impale – At the end of this unit’s movement,
must be against this unit.
deal 1 damage to all adjacent opposing units it 5 2 2 3 Wallop – Instead of attacking, this spire may deal
was not adjacent to prior to moving. 1 damage to an adjacent unit and teleport it to
6 3 2 3 a valid hex up to 3 hexes away from this spire.
Then, flip this spire, keeping existing upgrades.
1 1 3
3 1 2 1
4 2 2 1

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