The First Flying Man TEST

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The First Flying Man

Choose the best answer.
1 Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi lives in ___.
a Üsküdar b Galata c Italy d the Sultan’s palace
2 A simit man walks past Hezarfen near the ___.
a Sultan’s palace b Blue Mosque c Haghia Sophia d Bosphorus
3 Ali brings back something interesting from ___.
a Üsküdar b Galata c Italy d Algeria
4 Hezarfen first practises with his wings ___.
a at the Galata Tower b on a hill c in the Sultan’s palace d in front of the Blue Mosque
5 After he practises, Hezarfen and his friends take his wings to ___.
a the Sultan’s palace b the Haghia Sophia c Hezarfen’s workshop d the Galata Tower
6 Guards stop Hezarfen, Ali, and Mehmet in front of ___.
a the Sultan’s palace b Hezarfen’s workshop c the Haghia Sophia d the Galata Tower
7 Hezarfen speaks to his brother in ___.
a the Sultan’s palace b the street c his brother’s workshop d Hezarfen’s workshop
8 Hezarfen wants to fly from the ___.
a Galata Tower b Sultan’s palace c Blue Mosque d Haghia Sophia
9 Hezarfen wants to fly over the ___.
a Sultan’s palace b Bosphorus c Haghia Sophia d Blue Mosque
10 In the end, Hezarfen must go and live in ___.
a Italy b the Crimea c Algeria d Galata

Choose the best answer.
11 ___ wants to fly across the sky.
a Hezarfen b Lagari c Mehmet d Ali
12 ___ is Ali’s brother.
a Hezarfen b Lagari c The palace guard d Mehmet
13 ___ gives some old pictures to Hezarfen.
a Ali b Lagari c The boatman d Mehmet
14 ___ speaks to the district chief of Galata.
a Ali b The vizier c Hezarfen d Mehmet
15 The ___ takes Hezarfen and his friends across the Bosphorus.
a palace guard b simit man c district chief d boatman
16 ___ is Hezarfen’s brother.
a Ali b Lagari c The simit man d Mehmet
17 ___ wants to fly up far into the sky.
a Ali b Hezarfen c Lagari d Mehmet
18 The ___ gives a lot of gold to Hezarfen.
a vizier b Sultan c district chief d boatman
19 ___ wants to kill Hezarfen.
a The vizier b The Sultan c The district chief d Lagari
20 The ___ exiles Hezarfen.
a district chief b palace guard c vizier d Sultan

Who says this?
21 ‘I know Leonardo’s work.’
a the simit man b Ali c Hezarfen d Mehmet
22 ‘His leg’s broken.’
a the simit man b Ali c the vizier d the palace guard
23 ‘All Istanbul is talking of him!’
a the simit man b the palace guard c the boatman d the guard in Galata
24 ‘I’d like to see your brother. Tell him.’
a the vizier b the Galata district chief c the Sultan d the boatman
25 ‘So it’s a race.’
a Ali b Mehmet c Lagari d Hezarfen
26 ‘Come with me.’
a the guard in Galata b the simit man c the boatman d the palace guard
27 ‘You must ask God for a wind.’
a Mehmet b Ali c the Sultan d the boatman
28 ‘Is a flying man good in God’s eyes?’
a the vizier b the Galata district chief c the Sultan d the palace guard
29 ‘The first flying man is an Ottoman.’
a the vizier b Lagari c the Sultan d Hezarfen
30 ‘Flying men can land in our palaces and kill us.’
a the vizier b the Galata district chief c the Sultan d the Sultan’s daughter

Choose the best answer.
31 to go down quickly
a practise b dream c bow d fall
32 different people come to this and talk
a meeting b ring c dream d design
33 thinking quickly
a tasty b clever c dangerous d nervous
34 when you hit something fast, you make this big noise
a permission b reward c crash d brain
35 to put your head down when you meet someone important
a jump b land c practise d bow
36 when someone wants to do a thing and you say ‘yes’ to it
a permission b wing c drawing d empire
37 good to eat
a nervous b dangerous c clever d tasty
38 you think with this
a empire b brain c reward d coin
39 it can fly up into the sky with a man in it
a top b strait c drawing d rocket
40 to move on your feet from one thing to a different thing
a dream b jump c practise d land

Choose the best answer.
41 Hezarfen doesn’t hear the simit man because ___.
a he’s tired b the simit man is far away c he’s dreaming of flying d he can’t hear very well
42 Hezarfen looks carefully at the sea birds in the sky because ___.
a he likes birds b he needs help with the design of his wings c they are making a lot of noise d they
are beautiful
43 Lagari isn’t interested in wings because ___.
a he’s working on a rocket b he doesn’t want to fly up into the sky c he has pictures of them by
Leonardo d Hezarfen is interested in them
44 When Hezarfen jumps from the hill, he lands ___.
a with a broken leg b with a broken arm c in the Bosphorus d with broken wings
45 Hezarfen visits the district chief of Galata because ___.
a he wants to fly from the Galata Tower b the district chief knows the Sultan c the district chief knows
Lagari d the district chief is his friend
46 Hezarfen and Lagari want to be the first flying man so the two of them ___.
a never talk about their dreams b have a race c work on one rocket design d have one workshop
47 The Sultan learns about Lagari because ___.
a the district chief of Galata talks about him a lot b Hezarfen talks about him c the vizier talks about
him d Lagari flies in his rocket before Hezarfen
48 Hezarfen can have a meeting with the Sultan because ___.
a the district chief of Galata asks the Sultan for this b the vizier asks the Sultan for this c Lagari asks
the Sultan for this d he knows the palace guard
49 Hezarfen ___.
a is the first flying man b flies after his brother does c flies into the Sultan’s palace d lands in the
50 In the end, Hezarfen leaves Istanbul because ___.
a he wants to visit different countries b a flying man is dangerous c his brother is angry with him

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