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OF THE BUSTOS COUNCIL FOR TOURISM, CULTURE AND THE ARTS WHEREAS, the Municipal Mayor promulgated Executive Order No. 25 establishing the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts to promote eco-cultural tourism as the harbinger of economic growth; WHEREAS, Section 447 (5) (xvi) of the Local Government Code of 1991 mandates the establishment of a municipal council whose purpose is the promotion of culture and the arts, coordinate with government agencies and nongovernment organizations and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds for the support and development of the same; WHEREAS, the Local Government Code of 1991 further states in its General Provisions that the Municipal Government shall administer all tourism facilities and other tourist attractions including the acquisition of equipment, regulation and supervision of business concessions, and security services for such facilities and is responsible for tourism development and promotion of programs; WHEREAS, to facilitate these ends, there is extreme necessity to strengthen the organization of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts to make it an effective tool in promoting the pride of the Bustosenyos in their historical and cultural heritage, and to cultivate sustainable community-based domestic tourism; WHEREAS, these Internal Rules of Procedure will provide a set of guidelines on how the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall conduct its businesses in an orderly, professional and parliamentary manner; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by ____________, duly seconded by _________ and adopted unanimously by all members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Members present: BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby RESOLVED, by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts of Bustos, Bulacan in session assembled: RULE I COVERAGE AND APPLICABILITY OF THE RULES Section 1. Adherence to the Internal Rules of Procedure. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall be run in accordance with these Internal Rules of Procedure. The officers, members and staff of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and attendees during sessions and committee meetings shall observe these Rules. Section 2. Precedents. Rulings on questions raised by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Members shall form part of the parliamentary practice of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts.

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RULE II PRINCIPLES AND GOALS Section 3. Principles. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall recognize the importance of cultural memory as engrained in the cultural heritage endemic to the Municipality. (b) The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall recognize the role of tourism as contributory to the economic growth of the Municipality. (c) The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall, in pursuance of national and local interests and cultural development, encourage the development of culture and the arts, and provide a system of recognition and reward of artistic performances, productivity and creativity within the context of government, and acknowledge the contribution of artists in community-building. (d) The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall encourage the generation of jobs through the animation and growth of cultural industries.

Section 4. Thrusts. For the year 2011 onwards, the Council shall pursue the fulfillment of the following framework: Phase 1: Institution- and Capacity-Building 1. Alignment of vision and thrusts
2. Capacity-building of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and

the Arts and the barangay tourism coordinators

3. Trainings for: a. The communities which will manage the tourist attractions b. Out-of-school youth and tricycle drivers and other volunteers who will be tapped as tour guides c. Sustainable development d. Livelihood and skills e. Gender sensitivity Phase 2: Arts, Culture and Tourism Development Strategies
1. Education, cultural edification, and incorporation of Bustos artistic,

cultural and historical heritage in the local educational curriculum

2. Documentation and enhancement of tourism resources a. Database-building of tourist spots b. Enhancement of tourist spots and events i. Cultural 1. Minasa Festival and community festivals 2. Local artistry 3. Youth Center

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ii. Historical 1. Antique houses 2. BMA Park 3. Local museums iii. Industries 1. Minasa-makers 2. Handicrafts 3. Agri- and aquaculture industries iv. Ecological (both natural and man-made) 1. Resorts 2. Bustos Dam 3. Riverbanks 4. Waterways 3. Partnership
a. Establishment of the Alyansang Makasining Bustos artists

and cultural workers federation and Bustos Heritage Society b. Partnering with civil society organizations (CSOs) and government agencies Phase 3: Promotion and Popularization 1. Internal Promotion among Bustosenyos b. Discover Bustos Field Trip and Tours Program for students of schools in the Municipality and the entire province, and domestic tourists 2. External Promotion

a. Popularization of the Bustos arts, culture, history and tourism

a. Marketing of the Discover Bustos Field Trip and Tours among educational institutions, local travels and tours agencies, corporate entities outside of the Municipality Phase 4: Sustainable Community-Based Domestic Tourism 1. Devolution of tourism sites management to communities
2. Community preparation and involvement

Phase 5: Goals Actualization 1. 2. Proud Bustosenyo Cultural Identity Build-up Atraksyong Magaganda sa Bustos Economic Development a. Growth of local industries and businesses

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b. Job creation for people in the communities RULE III ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE Section 5. Organizational Units. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall be composed of the following units: 1. The Council shall be composed of not less than nine (9) but not more than thirteen (13) members appointed by the Municipal Mayor preferably from the fields of tourism, arts, culture, education, management, planning and policy development, community development, public relations, marketing and the media. Their tenure shall be coterminous to the term of the Municipal Mayor or unless earlier removed from office by the Municipal Mayor or by the Council. 2. The Officers shall be composed of a Chairperson, a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Internal Affairs Coordinator. They shall be in charge of the conduct and administration of meetings and sessions of the Council. 3. The Standing Committees shall be composed of Members of the Council and Barangay Tourism Coordinators organized into committees and created to assist the Council in pursuing its mandates. 4. The Secretariat The Secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Director and assisted by the Municipal Tourism Officer and staff appointed by the Municipal Mayor which shall be the administrative organization responsible for the day to day operations of the Council, provide administrative and technical support to the Council and other organizational units. Section 6. Mandate. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, as the primary policy-making body in all matters of arts, culture and tourism, shall: 1. Adopt rules for the conduct of its meetings and such other systems and procedures to expedite its business; 2. Promulgate rules and regulations to effectively carry out the Municipal Governments arts, culture and tourism goals; 3. Appoint and elect officers as it may deem necessary;

4. Establish a Secretariat and create committees and other institutional mechanisms; 5. Develop and formulate an annual and a five-year Atraksyong Magaganda sa Bustos Tourism Development Plan; 6. Establish a system of partnership and inter-institutional cooperation aimed at attracting non-government cultural organizations, agencies and individuals to participate in and support the programs of the Council; 7. Establish arts, culture and tourism-related projects, activities and programs that are financially self-sustaining, and in doing so, it may generate resources from government agencies and private sectors, domestic or foreign, for its operations;

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8. Provide art education to the communities especially those whose poverty hinders them to gain access to professional and technical learning of the arts; 9. Support art-related industries, and assist cultural workers and craftspeople by disseminating and promoting their products across the country and overseas; Adopt measures and recommend to the Sangguniang Bayan legislations to protect the welfare, and rights of Bustos artists, cultural workers, and all other matters concerning culture and arts;

11. Extend recognition of artistic achievement through awards and services to artists and cultural groups which contribute significantly in the Municipalitys cultural legacy; 12. Ensure that artists and cultural workers take part in the formulation of artistic and cultural policies in the spirit of collaborative leadership and participatory governance; 13. Document and support scholarly research into the Municipalitys cultural traditions, arts and crafts, as well as significant cultural movements, achievements, and personalities; 14. Support, monitor and systematize the retrieval and conservation of artifacts of Bustos culture and history and all Bustos cultural treasures from all over the archipelago and other countries; 15. Designate and recognize historical resources and promote the protection of the same; Establish art centers, cultural and historical monuments, markers, names and sites, and such other places intended to be used for the development of artistic knowledge or to commemorate the greatness of Bustos culture and history, and encourage the private sector to establish and maintain heritage resources, private museums, libraries, artistic and cultural learning centers, and archives;

17. Increase public awareness on the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing and participating in public education programs; 18. Support industries;






Oversee the broad range of tourism-related matters that affect the economic and general welfare of the citizens in order to ensure that visitors and tourists can enjoy the historic, environmental and cultural aspects of the Municipality; and 20. Accomplish all duties and perform all functions necessary to carry out its mandate. Section 7. Council Actions. Official actions and decisions of the Council shall be adopted in the following manner: 1. Subject matters, policies, proposals, programs, projects and activities prior to adoption or approval of the Bustos Council for

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Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall be referred to and reviewed first by the appropriate standing committee. 2. The standing committee shall report out to the plenary of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts its recommendations on subject matters, policies, proposals, programs, projects and activities referred to it. 3. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall, during session, consider and deliberate on the recommendations of the standing committees. Once approved by the plenary, the decision shall be put in writing in the form of a resolution and submitted to the Municipal Mayor for consideration and approval. 4. Once approved by the Municipal Mayor, the resolution shall be deemed in full force and effect; otherwise, the Municipal Mayor shall return the resolution to the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts for further review, amendments or changes. RULE IV OFFICERS Section 8. The Chairperson. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall have a Chairperson to be appointed by the Municipal Mayor who shall: 1. Represent the Municipal Mayor in the sessions of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 2. Provide leadership in the realization of the goals of the Council; 3. Speak in behalf of the Municipal Mayor; 4. Advise the Municipal Mayor on matters pertaining to tourism, arts and culture; 5. Oversee the proper implementation of the decisions and resolutions approved by the Council; 6. Represent the Council on official matters; and 7. Perform such other duties, which the Office of the Municipal Mayor or the Council may delegate to him/her from time to time. Section 9. The President. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall elect from among its Members a President who shall: 1. Preside over all sessions of the Council; 2. Preserve order and decorum during sessions and in case of disturbance or disorderly conduct in the session hall or within the premises, take measures as he/she may deem advisable or as the Council may direct; 3. Decide all questions of order, subject to appeal of any Council Member in accordance with these Internal Rules of Procedure; 4. Attest and sign all resolutions issued by, or upon order of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 5. Vote to break a tie; and 6. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by resolution of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. Section 10. The Vice President. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall elect from among its Members a Vice President who shall: 1. Assume the duties and powers of the President when the President is absent or temporarily incapacitated, until such time that the President returns to the performance of his/her duties, or until a new President is

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appointed in case of resignation, removal, permanent incapacity or death of thereof; 2. Preside over the session or meeting when, even if present, the President does not preside; and 3. Perform such duties as may be delegated by the President. Section 11. The Secretary. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall elect from among its members a Secretary who shall: 1. Attend meetings of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts and keep a journal of its proceedings; 2. Prepare and distribute the Order of Business for each session of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 3. Call the roll of Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Members at the start of every session; 4. Read verbally and in words the businesses of the session prior to the commencement of deliberation, referral or discussion; 5. Read verbally and in words communications, correspondence, petitions and such other documents for deliberation or referral during sessions whenever directed by the President; 6. Forward to the Municipal Mayor for approval, copies of resolutions enacted by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 7. Record in a book kept for the purpose, all resolutions enacted or adopted by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, with the dates of passage thereof; 8. Translate into the dialect used by the majority of the inhabitants all resolutions immediately after their approval by the Municipal Mayor, and cause the dissemination of the same together with the original version of such enactments; and 9. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by the Executive Director. Section 12. Treasurer. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall elect from among its members a Treasurer who shall: 1. Have charge of the funds, receipts and disbursements of the associationCouncil; 2. HeKeep all moneys and other valuables in such banks as the Council may designate. He shall; 3. Keep and have charge of the books of accounts. He shall also ; 4. Report on financial status at each session; 5. Hold all records available for inspection by any Member; and 6. Perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to himhim/her from time to time by the Council. He Section 13. The Internal Affairs Coordinator. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall elect from among its members an Internal Affairs Coordinator who shall: 1. Together with the Secretary, inform all Members of sessions and activities; 2. Formulate and implement projects to advance the development and growth of each Member; 3. Organize capacity-building trainings, seminars and workshops for Members and barangay tourism coordinators; and 4. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Council. RULE V STANDING COMMITTEES

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Section 14. Organization of Standing Committees. Each standing committee shall be constituted by a chairperson, a vice chairperson and at least one (1) member to manage and administer its respective tasks and jurisdiction as herein stipulated. Chairpersons shall choose the vice chairperson and members of the standing committee. Section 15. Limitation on Membership in Standing Committees. No Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member shall be chairperson of more than one (1) standing committee and vice chairperson or member of more than three (3) standing committees. Only members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and Arts shall be elected chairperson or vice chairperson of standing committees. Membership in the committees, however, shall extend to both Members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts and the barangay tourism coordinators. Section 16. Records of the Committee. Each committee shall keep a record of committee attendance, minutes of the proceedings and the names of all persons who speak before the committee, with the names of the persons, firms, associations, or corporations in whose behalf they appear. A record of every vote shall be kept by the Secretary. Section 17. Chairpersons of Standing Committees. The Chairperson of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall appoint one (1) chairperson for each standing committee whose duties include: 1. Presiding over meetings of the committee; 2. Maintaining order and deciding all questions of order;

3. Supervising and directing the preparation of committee minutes and reports; 4. Providing committee members necessary information to assist in the decision; 5. Scheduling committee meetings and hearings; and

6. Appointing and, at his/her discretion, reorganizing or reconstituting the membership of the committee, as he/she may deem necessary, by informing the plenary in writing. Section 18. Committee on Ways and Means. This Committee shall be in charge of the generation of funds, materials, services and properties for activities, projects, programs and the operation of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. Section 19. Committee on Education and Promotion. This committee shall: 1. Prepare and arrange for and manage all publicity and advertisements of a general character; 2. Undertake popularization and publicity programs; 3. Formulate and implement a Proud Bustosenyo Cultural Identity Program and call on all educational institutions within the Municipality to incorporate Bustos history, arts and culture in the curriculum; and 4. Take charge in formulating, organizing and promoting a Discover Bustos travel and tours program.

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Section 20. Committee on Welfare. This committee shall:






Be in charge of promoting the welfare and rights of all artists and cultural workers in the Municipality including, but not limited to, continuing professionalizing studies in arts in all its forms and disciplines, moral and copyright rights, protection from censure and unsolicited changes and alteration to art works, and protection from discrimination and unfair labor practices; Establish the Alyansang Makasining Bustos artists and cultural workers organization;
2. 3.

Establish an Artists Entitlement Fund; 4. Provide free arts training intervention to vulnerable and marginalized groups for empowerment, employment, expansion and social rehabilitation through the Art ay Masaya Program; and 5. Provide a means for poor and marginalized groups to have access to arts and culture education such as, but not limited to, music, literature, visual arts, film and media, dance, theatre, architecture and allied arts. Section 21. Committee Committee shall:





Establish a Bustos Heritage Society to be composed of local historians, owners, heirs or caretakers of antique houses and heritage resources, descendants of historical personalities of Bustos, volunteers and researchers; Support museums and encourage the establishment and maintenance of the same;
2. 3.

Protect and preserve places and areas of historical and cultural importance and significance; and 4. Compile historical archives, documents, photographs and such other documentary materials purposely for historical documentation and edification. Section 22. Committee on Tourism Industry. (a) This Committee shall be in charge of developing programs, projects and activities to cultivate economic growth through domestic tourism and empowerment of tourismrelated businesses. (b) To encourage quality assurance in the tourism industry, this Committee shall develop the Atraksyong Magaganda sa Bustos Award as an award to any tourism operator who strictly complied with the sanitary and environmental standards in accordance with law. Only tourism operators who have been awarded with the Atraksyong Magaganda sa Bustos shall have right to affix this label onto their products, establishments or services. Holders of the Atraksyong Magaganda sa Bustos may receive supplemental privileges and incentives from the Municipal Government. Section 23. Committee Meetings. Each committee shall meet at least twice in each month at the place and time designated by the committee. Moreover, the committee may meet upon the call of its chairperson, and in case of the chairpersons absence, or refusal to call the committee together, a meeting may be called by the vice chairperson of the committee. Special meetings may be

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called by the chairperson: Provided, That members of the committee are notified in writing, in such case the notice shall specify the agenda, place and time of the meeting. Section 24. Committee Rules of Procedure. Each committee may establish its own rules of procedure to guide its deliberation. Section 25. Committee Meetings. Each committee shall hold at least one (1) meeting per month in the day, time and place it shall determine. Section 26. Quorum in Committee Meetings. A majority of all members of a committee shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may meet and adjourn from time to time. The committee may authorize a fewer number of members to conduct committee meetings on matters pending before it. Section 27. Attendance in Committee Meetings. Every Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member shall be present in all meetings of the committee in which he/she is a member unless prevented from doing so by sickness and other unavoidable circumstances duly reported to the concerned committee through the committee chairperson. A member who incurs three (3) consecutive inexcusable absences in the meetings of the committee where he/she is a member shall forfeit his/her membership in that committee. Section 28. Special Committees. Special committees may be organized by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts to address measures relating to special or urgent needs, concerns and issues requiring immediate action, or to such needs, concerns, issues and interests that may fall within the scope of the jurisdiction of a standing committee, but which the standing committee concerned is unable to act upon with needed dispatch. Section 29. Manner of Constituting Special Committees. The chairperson, vice chairperson and member or members of a special committee shall be chosen in the same manner as that of a standing committee: Provided, That a special committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members, including the chairperson and vice chairperson. RULE VI SECRETARIAT Section 30. Functions of the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall: 1. Assist the Council in formulating the 5-Year Tourism Development Plan; 2. Establish and maintain a system for the achievement of the foregoing Plan, and recommend and undertake measures, upon approval thereof by the Council, for the effective and efficient implementation of the Plan; 3. Submit to the Council periodic reports on the progress of programs and projects, and on the implementation of policies and plans for cultural and artistic development; 4. Prepare the annual report to the Municipal Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan, which shall be subject to the final approval of the Council; 5. Monitor the implementation of Council approved projects; and
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6. Undertake other activities that are necessary to achieve the foregoing functions or such other activities as maybe directed or delegated by the Municipal Mayor or the Council. Section 31. Executive Director. The Municipal Mayor shall appoint an Executive Director who shall: 1. Head the Secretariat and take charge of its day-to-day affairs, operations, administration, direction and supervision, ensuring the implementation of Council resolutions and decisions; 2. Ensure that the Secretariat provides administrative support to the Council and bodies directly attached thereto: the standing committees, the barangay tourism coordinators, and other bodies and individuals who perform work for the Council; 3. Provide leadership in the direction and management of local arts, culture and tourism programs; 4. Directly coordinate with the barangay tourism coordinators; 5. Maintain effective liaison with the various art-related sectors, artists and art organizations on matters regarding the promotion of arts and culture; 6. Coordinate with the Department of Tourism, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, National Historical Commission, the Provincial Youth, Sports, Employment, Arts and Culture Office, and such other government agencies for the implementation of arts, culture and tourism programs; and 7. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Municipal Mayor or the Council. Section 32. Municipal Tourism Officer. The Municipal Mayor shall appoint an employee of the Municipal Government as Municipal Tourism Officer who shall: 1. Assist the Executive Director in the performance of duties; 2. Sign all warrants drawn on the Municipal Treasury for all expenditures appropriated for the operation, programs, projects and activities of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 3. Be responsible for the sound and judicious management of the Council funds, subject to guidelines promulgated by the Council; 4. Liaise with various offices of the government as directed by the Executive Director or the Municipal Mayor. RULE VII REGULAR AND SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE COUNCIL Section 33. Frequency of Regular Sessions; Day and Time to be Held. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall meet in regular session at ten oclock in the morning on the first Sunday of every month. In case the session falls under a holiday, it shall be held on the following Sunday. The President may postpone, after consultation with the Vice President and Internal Affairs Coordinator, respectively, the holding of the session due to force majeure or the occurrence of an emergency which may prevent the convening of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. Section 34. Special Sessions. Special sessions may be called by the Municipal Mayor, or by the President, or by the Executive Director, or by a

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majority of the Members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts: Provided, That the Municipal Mayor is informed in writing. Section 35. Notice of Special Session. In special sessions, a written notice to the Members shall be served personally at the Member's usual place of residence at least twenty-four (24) hours before the special session is held. Section 36. Business of the Special Session. Unless otherwise concurred in by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Members present there being a quorum, no other matters may be considered at a special session except those stated in the notice. RULE VIII QUORUM Section 37. Determination of Quorum. A majority of all Members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall constitute a quorum to transact official business. Should a question of quorum be raised during a session, the President shall immediately proceed to call the roll of the Members and thereafter announce the results. Section 38. Lack of Quorum. Where there is no quorum, the President may postpone the session at a later time or declare a recess until such time as a quorum is constituted. Section 39. Session Adjourned for Lack of Quorum. If there is still no quorum despite the foregoing section, no business shall be transacted. The President, upon proper motion duly approved by the Members present, shall then declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum. RULE IX CONDUCTING SESSIONS Section 40. Order of Business. The Order of Business in every session shall be as follows: 1. Call to order and roll call 2. National Anthem and Invocation 3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous session 4. Committee reports 5. Unfinished business 6. Business for the day 7. Other matters 8. Adjournment Section 41. Call to Order and Roll Call. In opening the session, the President shall call the session to order; thereafter the Secretary shall proceed with the roll call. While the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts is under call, Members shall take and remain in their seats and no Bustos Council for Tourism, Member shall be permitted to leave the session area unless with the consent of the President. Section 42. National Anthem and Invocation. After determination that a quorum is present, the National Anthem shall be sung followed by a five-minute invocation to be lead by a Bustos Council for Tourism,

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Culture and the Arts Member as requested by the President or by any person or minister assigned by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. Section 43. Minutes of the Session. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall keep the minutes of its proceedings which shall contain an accurate account of what has taken place in every session. Section 44. Distribution of Copies of the Minutes. Copies of the minutes of the previous session shall be distributed to Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Members and the President at least three (3) calendar days prior to the session, the consideration of which shall be made in the session. Section 45. Correction and Approval of the Minutes. If a Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member finds any error in the minutes, he/she shall, verbally in open session, call the attention of the plenary to this fact and move for its correction. After corrections and amendments are taken into consideration, the plenary shall proceed to its adoption; otherwise it shall be adopted without correction. Section 46. Matters to be Reported by the Committee. The committee shall report to the plenary the status of any proposed resolution, program, project or activity referred to it. Section 47. Who Shall Report. Reports shall be presented to the plenary while in session, either by the chairperson or vice chairperson of the committee. Section 48. Contents of Committee Reports. (a) For the purpose of uniformity, all committee reports must be in writing and shall: 1. Have a heading, which shall a. Contain the docket number of the committee report as filed with the Secretary; b. Contain the name of the committee or committees which submitted the report, such as: Submitted by the (name of the committee) on (date the report was filed); c. Contain the date the report was adopted. 2. Have a body, which shall a. Contain the recommendations of the committee; b. Include a summary of the committee meeting/s and hearing/s on the subject matter; c. Include a list of the names of the persons, other than committee members, and persons or entities represented by those persons, who attended the committee hearings; and d. Contain the record vote by which the report was adopted, including the vote of each member of the committee. 3. Contain as attachments the minutes of all committee meeting/s and hearing/s held in considering the proposed measure; and 4. Be signed by the majority of the membership of the committee and the Secretary. Section 49. Unfinished Business. All matters in which the discussion or deliberation thereof was not concluded on that session shall be placed as unfinished business on each succeeding session until disposed of. Section 50. Business for the Day. Matters to be discussed on the actual session day shall be placed under business of the day.
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Section 51. Other Matters. A Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member may request for and avail of the privilege to bring into attention of the plenary any matter of interest or to introduce motions and simple resolutions under the discussion of other matters. RULE X MOTIONS AND POINTS Section 52. Manner of Having the Floor. Whenever a Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member wishes to speak, he/she shall raise his/her hand and respectfully address the President to allow him/her to have the floor, which consent shall be necessary before he/she may proceed. If various Members wish to have the floor, the President shall recognize the one who first made the request. Section 53. Presentation of Motions. The following guidelines in presenting motions shall be observed: 1. The Member, after recognition of the President, shall word the motion properly: I move that (followed by specific statement of proposed action). 2. The Member who made the motion has the first right to speak on the motion. 3. The Member who made the motion cannot speak or vote against the motion. 4. When a motion is made, the motion shall be stated by the President audibly enough for everyone to hear clearly. Section 54. Seconding Motions. All motions shall be seconded unless such motion needs no second as provided in these Rules. In seconding motions, the following guidelines shall apply: 1. In seconding a motion, a Member may only be agreeing that the issue should be discussed and decided upon. 2. If there is no second, the President shall announce that the motion is defeated for lack of a second. Section 55. Withdrawal of Motions. A motion shall be deemed the possession of the plenary, but may be withdrawn by the proponent, with the consent of the plenary, at any time before a decision or amendment or voting is made. Section 56. Point of Order. A point of order is used when a Member wishes to draw attention to a possible procedural error made by a Member or the President. This point must be raised at the time of the incident. The President must rule immediately on the matter. Section 57. Point of Parliamentary Procedure. A point of parliamentary procedure is an inquiry or question of clarification to the President regarding these Rules. Section 58. Point of Information. A Member who wishes to question another Member shall rise to a point of information. When the speaker yields to points of information, the President shall recognize in turn those Members who have questions, as time allows. Once recognized by the President, the Member shall ask a concise question directed to the speaker.

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Section 59. Point of Personal Privilege. When a Member experiences personal discomfort which impairs his/her ability to participate in the proceedings, he/she may rise to a point of personal privilege. The President will attempt to relieve the cause for discomfort. Section 60. Recess. The President may, motu proprio or at his/her own initiative, or by motion of any Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member, call for a recess of the session at any time. Section 61. Motion to Appeal Decision. A Member may motion to appeal the ruling of the President on a discretionary matter. The appealing Member speaks first in favor of overturning the decision of the President. The President then speaks in defense of his/her ruling. A majority of the Members present, there being a quorum, must vote in favor of this motion to overrule the decision of the President. Section 62. Motion to Set Debate. - If the motion to set debate carries, debate shall be opened on a topic and no other. Section 63. Motion to Postpone Debate or Motion to Postpone Indefinitely the Consideration of a Business. When it becomes necessary to postpone debate on the topic for a period of time, either a motion to postpone debate on the topic or a motion to postpone indefinitely the consideration of a business may be made. This is done with the intention to resume that debate at a later time. Section 64. Motion to Close Debate. If at any time a Member wishes to end debate and move directly into voting procedure on that topic, he/she may make a motion to close debate, and it requires a majority vote to pass. If this motion passes, all debate on the topic ends and all resolutions and amendments on that topic are brought to a vote. Section 65. Motion to Suspend the Session. A Member may move to suspend the session for a period of time. This motion needs to be seconded, cannot be debated, and requires a majority vote to pass. Section 66. Question of Privilege. Questions of privilege are those affecting the duties, conduct, rights, privileges, dignity, integrity, or reputation of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts or of its Members, individually or collectively. Every Member has the right to raise a question of personal or collective privilege. However, prior to availing of this right, a Member shall seek the permission of the President who shall, in turn, allow the Member to proceed upon a determination that the request is in order. Section 67. Precedence of Motions. While a motion is being discussed or debated upon, no other motion shall be entertained except the following and in the order in which they appear below: 1. Motion to adjourn. 2. Motion to suspend the session or to take a recess. 3. Motion to call an executive session. 4. Motion to postpone indefinitely the consideration of any business. 5. Motion to refer a principal motion to the corresponding committee. 6. Motion to amend. Section 68. Motions Decided without Debate. The following motions shall be decided without debate: 1. Motion to adjourn. 2. Motion to suspend the session or to take a recess.
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All motions relating to the priority of business. RULE XI DEBATE AND SPEECHES

Section 69. Debate and Cloture of Members. In the discussion of any measure, a motion to close the debate shall be in order after two (2) speeches in favor thereto and one (1) against, or after only one (1) speech for has been delivered and none entered against it. Section 70. Right To Open and Close Debate. The proponent of the motion shall have the right to open and close the debate, and for this purpose may speak each time not more than five (5) minutes. Section 71. Five-Minute Rule. Each Member shall be afforded five (5) minutes to speak for or against a motion, or a matter under discussion. The period of interpellation or questioning, however, shall not be counted against the time the Member is speaking. Section 72. Calling a Member to Desist from Speaking Further. When several Members have signified their intent to speak on the matter under consideration, or when said matter has been sufficiently and thoroughly discussed by a Member, a point of order by any Member that the Member who has the floor shall desist from speaking further so that other Members may not be deprived of their opportunity to speak shall be entertained.

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RULE XII VOTING Section 73. Matters Subject to Vote. All motions and propositions shall be put into vote, unless otherwise stated. After the close of debate on a matter, voting shall be in order. Section 74. Manner of Voting. By initiative of the President, or by motion of any Member, voting shall be: 1. By general consent - when a motion is not likely to be opposed, Members shall show agreement by remaining silent. If someone disagrees they should voice their objection, and then the matter must be addressed through other manner of voting. 2. By show of hands - the President shall request the Members who shall vote in the affirmative to raise their hands and, after the Secretary takes note of their number and mentions their names, the President shall request those who shall vote in the negative to do the same. Immediately thereafter, the Secretary shall inform the President about the result of the voting, and the latter forthwith shall in turn announce it to the plenary. 3. By nominal voting - the Secretary shall call the names of the Members present and each Member shall answer "yes" or "no" upon being called. A Member may explain his/her vote in not more than three (3) minutes during nominal voting. Immediately thereafter, the Secretary shall inform the President about the result of the voting, and the latter forthwith shall in turn announce it to the plenary. 4. By secret ballot - a ballot vote shall be taken when secrecy is desired. Members shall write their vote on a piece of paper and turn it to the Secretary for counting. If the Member wishes to abstain, he/she shall write the word Abstain on the paper. Immediately thereafter, the Secretary shall count the votes in the presence of all Members, and shall inform the President about the result of the voting, and the latter forthwith shall in turn announce it to the plenary. Section 75. No Interruption During Voting. Voting shall not be interrupted by any other business or question except on a question of quorum. Section 76. When Vote is Not to be Counted. The vote of a Member absent from the session or who left the session at the moment he/she is called to vote shall not be counted. Section 77. When Voting is Not Permitted. No Member shall be permitted to vote on any measure after the President has announced the result of the voting. Proxy voting shall be prohibited. RULE XIII DECORUM Section 78. General Rule of Decorum. Members shall maintain order and refrain from conversation, and not engage in any other business than that before the meeting. The Member who has the floor shall confine himself/herself to the question under debate, direct all statements to the President and avoid personalities in all cases, and refrain from indecorous words or acts.

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Section 79. Interruption of a Member. No Member shall interrupt another without the latter's consent, which may not be obtained except through the President. Section 80. Use of Improper Language. Acts and language which offend a Member or any public institution shall be deemed unparliamentary. No Member, under any circumstances, shall use offensive or improper language against another Member or against any public institution. Section 81. Calling the Member to Order. When a Member, by word or deed, violates any of these Rules, the President, motu proprio or at the instance of another Member, may call him/her to order. The Member concerned shall immediately refrain from speaking if he/she happens to have the floor; and, in case the point of order raised has been sustained by the President, said Member shall not continue speaking without the consent of the plenary. The motion permitting the Member concerned to continue speaking shall be resolved without debate. Section 82. Reading of Objectionable Words Uttered. When a Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member is called to order for using unparliamentary language, any other Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member may ask that the objectionable words be read for the information and decision of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. Section 83. Abstention of Member with Pecuniary Interest. A member of a committee shall not participate in committee deliberations or vote on any matter that directly or indirectly affects his/her business, financial or pecuniary interest. Section 84. Use of Cellular Phones and Other Electronic Communication Devices. The use of a cellular telephone, audible pager, or any other audible wireless electronic telecommunication device is prohibited during sessions of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts and during any meeting of a committee. Violation hereof shall be meted with a fine of ____. Section 85. Absenteeism and Unpunctuality. When a Member arrives fifteen (15) minutes after the opening of the session, he/she shall be considered late and charged with a fine of ___. Section 86. Leaving the Session. In the event that a Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member wishes to leave the session, he/she shall seek the permission of the President. In such case, the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Member shall be charged with a fine of ____ except if such leave is caused by justifiable reasons. Section 87. Suspension and Expulsion of a Member. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts may punish any Member for violation of these Rules, disorderly behavior, unparliamentary acts and language, or absences without justifiable cause for four (4) consecutive sessions, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Members present there being a quorum the respondent Member shall not be counted, however, in the determination of votes suspend or expel a Member. A penalty of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) calendar days.

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RULE XIV BARANGAY TOURISM COORDINATORS Section 88. Duties and Responsibilities of Barangay Tourism Coordinators. Barangay Tourism Coordinators shall: 1. Conduct studies and make policy and project recommendations in behalf of their respective communities for consideration of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 2. Localize in their barangays the 5-Year Tourism Development Plan promulgated by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 3. Be channels of communication to the community regarding the objectives, accomplishments, concerns, feedback on government and initiatives of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and shall generate ideas for the improvement of the sectors that they represent; 4. Serve as the medium in which their constituencies may be able to participate in the decision-making processes of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 5. Draw up annual, medium- and long-term arts, culture and tourism plans for their barangays and lobby the same for inclusion in their respective barangay development plans; 6. Initiate and implement arts, culture and tourism programs, projects and activities for the benefit of their communities; 7. Coordinate with the Sangguniang Barangay regarding tourism programs, projects and activities; 8. Identify individual artists and cultural workers, non-government organizations, academic institutions and other organizations of their respective barangays that may be able to contribute to the work of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts; 9. Identify and maintain a database of tourist attractions and potential tourist attraction and submit such record to the Secretary of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts and regularly update the same; 10. Submit regular monthly reports to the Secretariat or as oftener as the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts may prescribe; and 11. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. RULE XV ARTISTS AND CULTURAL WORKERS Section 89. Artists and Cultural Workers Certificate. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts under the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare shall issue an Artists and Cultural Workers Certificate to individual artists as a form of recognition to art practitioners. Artists and cultural practitioners with Artists and Cultural Workers Certificates shall be afforded: 1. Employment opportunities in cultural and artistic productions, services and the like; 2. Marketing and promotion of artistic and cultural services and skills; 3. and Protection against discrimination and undue exploitation;

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Incentives as the Municipal Government may provide.

Section 90. Artists and Cultural Workers Certificate; Issuance Procedure. (a) Artists and cultural workers who wish to apply for an Artists and Cultural Workers Certificate shall submit a duly accomplished application form; the format of which shall be stipulated by the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare, and such other requirements as the Committee will require. (b) No artist or cultural worker shall be issued with said Certificate unless he/she is a resident of Bustos, Bulacan for at least six (6) months prior to application, and either a professional or non-professional artist who must have been practicing his/her craft for not less than two (2) years. No age restrictions shall apply, and no person shall be deprived of such Certificate on the basis of gender, belief, physical capability, social and economic standing. Section 91. Alyansang Makasining. There shall be established by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts under the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare an Alyansang Makasining which shall be the municipal-wide and official alliance of individual artists of various or individual artistic disciplines, with or without affiliation with any arts and culture organizations, groups, troupes and bands. Only artists with individual Artists and Cultural Workers Certificate shall be made members thereof. The Alyansang Makasining shall be subdivided into the following membership sectors: (1) Dramatic Arts and Cinema, (2) Dance, (3) Literary Arts, (4) Music, and (5) Visual Arts, Architecture and Allied Arts. Section 92. Artists Entitlement Fund. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts under the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare through the Alyansang Makasining shall establish an Artists Entitlement Fund in order to provide art practitioners holding Artists and Cultural Workers Certificates financial aid in times of distress, medical difficulties, death, and such other similar occurrences as the Committee may determine. Funds for such entitlement shall come from part of the revenues of income-generating projects of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, fees from acquiring Artists and Cultural Workers Certificates, and grants or donations. Section 93. Recognition of Arts and Culture Organizations. (a) The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts through the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare shall recognize arts and cultural organizations in Bustos, Bulacan as partners in the fulfillment of its mandate. In order to become a recognized partner, an arts and culture organization shall comply with the following requirements: 1. Must be based in Bustos, Bulacan; 2. Must be in existence for at least two (2) years;

3. Must have a credible track record of self-sustainability in implementing projects and programs; and 4. Reliability as evidenced by the preparation of annual reports and conduct of annual meetings duly certified by the board secretary of the organization. (b) An organization applying for recognition shall submit the following in five (5) sets:

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1. Application Letter addressed to the Municipal Mayor through the President of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and the Chairperson of the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare; 2. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws;

3. List of current officers and members with their mailing addresses and contact numbers; 4. Annual Accomplishment preceding year; and Report for the immediately

5. Financial Statement of its operation for the previous year prior to the application for recognition. (c) A certificate of accreditation issued by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and the Committee on Artists and Cultural Workers Welfare shall be conclusive evidence that the organization is duly recognized unless the recognition thereof has been revoked or cancelled. Recognition shall be valid for three (3) years from the date of issue and renewable every year thereafter. (d) Every recognized organization shall make an annual report and financial statement of its affairs and shall be filed with the Secretariat. Failure to file such report shall be a ground for revocation of the Certificate of Accreditation. RULE XVI HERITAGE RESOURCES Section 94. Designation of Heritage Resources. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts upon recommendation of the Committee on Heritage Preservation shall designate places and areas of historic and cultural importance, and regulate and restrict the construction, alteration, reconstruction, or razing of buildings and other structures to maintain heritage and property values. A heritage resource shall be designated as such if: 1. It possesses significance in history, architecture, archaeology, or culture of the Municipality, the Province, or the Country; 2. It was associated with events that have made significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or national history; 3. It was associated with the lives of persons significant in the Municipalitys past; 4. It embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; 5. It represents the work of a master designer, builder, or craftsman; 6. It represents an established and familiar visual feature of the Municipality; or 7. Its location is where a significant historic event occurred. Section 95. Methods of Designation. The methods of designating heritage resources are: By property owner request Upon request by a property owner, the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts, upon recommendation of the Committee on Heritage Preservation, may,

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by resolution, designate certain buildings, sites, structures, and objects as heritage resources. By initiative of the Committee The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts may, by initiative of the Committee on Heritage Preservation, designate a building, site, or structure as heritage resource. Owners of said property shall be notified prior to the meeting of the Council in which the designation of such property is calendared for discussion. At said meeting, members of the Council, owners, and other interested parties may present testimony or documentary evidence that will form part of a record regarding the historic, architectural, or cultural importance of the proposed heritage resource. Property owners may exclude their property from historic designation by written notice to the Council within ten (10) working days after the Council has designated, through resolution, that such building, site, or structure is a heritage resource.

By the Government Designation by the National Historical Commission or by any government agency subject to existing laws, rules and regulations.

Section 96. Terms of Designation. By designating a heritage resource, the owners, heirs or caretakers of such heritage resource agrees not to undertake the following acts including, but not limited the following without prior approval of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts as recommended by the Committee on Heritage Preservation: 1. Implement any exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, new construction or relocation, excluding minor inkind repairs and ordinary maintenance, without first applying for and receiving a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Committee on Heritage Preservation as approved by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. 2. Make any change in the appearance of such property (i.e. light fixtures, signs, sidewalks, fences, steps, paving, or other exterior elements visible from the public right-of-way, excluding minor in-kind repairs and ordinary maintenance) which shall effect or alter the appearance and cohesiveness of the historic resource, without first applying for and receiving a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Committee on Heritage Preservation as approved by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. 3. Any new construction on the site of a historic resource will require a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Committee on Heritage Preservation as approved by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts Section 97. Certificate of Appropriateness. Prior to the commencement of any work, the property owner shall file an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness with the Committee on Heritage Preservation to be approved by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts. The Committee, if requested, shall aid the property owner in preparation and completion of the application. The application form shall contain the following: 1. Name, address, telephone number of the applicant, and a detailed description of the proposed work; 2. Location and photographs of the property, adjacent properties, and historical photographs;

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3. Drawing and/or illustrative description of the proposed work; 4. If a proposal includes signs, a scale drawing illustrating the type of lettering to be used, all dimensions, colors, construction materials, method of illumination, and a plan showing the signs location on the property; 5. Site plan, if modifications are being requested; and 6. Any other reasonable information that the Committee may deem necessary in order to visualize the proposed work. Section 98. Incentives Scheme. The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall, as recommended by the Committee on Heritage Preservation, propose to the Municipal Government to provide an incentives package to owners, heirs or caretakers of designated historic resources. RULE XVII FINAL PROVISIONS Section 99. Fiscal Management. (a) The Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall ensure the financial self-sustainability of arts, culture and tourism programs to finance the operations, programs and projects of the Council and the Secretariat. Twenty per cent (20%) of the annual net revenues of the Council shall be remitted to the Municipal Treasury annually. The accounts of expenses and revenues of the Council shall be submitted to the Municipal Accountant. (b) The Council shall maintain all of its revenues in a banking institution the Council shall designate, and withdrawals shall be made through Council resolutions approved by the Municipal Mayor. The signatories for the withdrawal of funds shall be the President, the Treasurer, and the Municipal Tourism Officer. Section 100. Honorarium. (a) Members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts shall receive monthly honorarium subject to the allocations set in the Annual Appropriations Ordinance. (b) Government employees appointed to the Council are not entitled to receive honorarium and other compensation pursuant to the provisions of Section 8, Article IX-B of the Constitution. However, he/she may be allowed reimbursement of miscellaneous expenses incurred in connection with his/her attendance to the meetings subject to the rates stipulated in the Annual Appropriations Ordinance. Section 101. Amendments. Any provision of these Rules, except those that are also embodied in the laws or ordinances, may be amended by a majority vote of all Members of the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts present, there being a quorum. Section 102. Applicability Clause. All other related matters not specifically provided in these Rules shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of existing applicable laws or ordinances. Section 103. Effectivity. These Rules shall take effect upon approval of the Municipal Mayor and shall remain in full force and effect until they are amended or repealed. This Resolution was adopted by the Bustos Council for Tourism, Culture and the Arts this _______ in the year two thousand and eleven.

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