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News reporter: today something very unexpected has happened.

A plane crash has

“Another plane crash to bring back my bitter past, I wish Mum and Dad were still here. what joy I
could have given them by becoming an architect. It's been 7 years still nothing to be found of
the plane “‘Julia said to herself’ after her long day she spent her night watching TV until 11.00
with her dog. Deciding she was tired, she moved upstairs to her bedroom. Her trusty Alsatian
dog followed her all the time. But she did not sleep. She opened up her laptop and started
researching about her parents’ plane crash which she had been doing for the past 7 years but
has only found very few clues, she knew that someone did something to the plane but doesn't
know who.

Suddenly she fell asleep on her couch. AGGHHHH!!! Julia suddenly woke up “The same stupid
dream again and again why me,” she asked herself. She got ready for work as she went to her
car she felt like someone was watching her, she turned around but it was just her dog. After a
tiring day, she came home and jumped on her couch with her dog by her side, looking and
looking and looking, nothing...

She went upstairs to her bed with her dog under her bed fast asleep as well. After being asleep
for a short time she awoke to a dripping noise coming from her bathroom. Not afraid, but curious
as to what the noise was, she lowered her hand down beside her bed to gain a little comfort
from the Alsatian. She felt the warmth of his soft tongue as he licked her hand, showing her that
he was OK and everything would be alright.

Feeling assured she drifted off to sleep once more. Waking up once again to the sounds of the
dripping tap, or whatever it was, in the bathroom, she instinctively dropped her hand down to pet
her dog. Once again her dog offered up the loyal companionship that only a much trusted and
loved pet can, and licked her hand and she once again fell asleep.

For the last time, she woke up again, that annoying noise was still going, when she was about
to close her laptop she saw something, a picture! A picture of the killer of her parents, in tears,
reached for her dog but found he wasn't there looking for her dog she walked out into the
bathroom. A horrifying sight met her, the dog had been mutilated and was creating a dripping
noise, as blood slowly fell and pooled on the floor below. Screaming she ran back through the
house and attempted to call the police. The phone was dead, and screams could be heard in
her head, as she looked down at a note written in blood, it read:
"Humans Can Lick too".

She then runs madly for the stairs only to see a black figure waiting with open arms to catch her.

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