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People have different reasons when it comes to choosing a career, most

of which are either for a high salary without happiness or low salary but with
job fulfilment. While I admit that it is crucial to earn enough money to make a
living, in my opinion, job satisfaction is more important than the size of the
paycheck because of the following three reasons.
Initially, job fulfilment promotes personal motivation, which plays a
pivotal role in increasing productivity. People who are interested in their work
environment are willing to complete all the tasks assigned with sheer
enthusiasm. Most low-paid employees nowadays lack a long-term
commitment or produce poor performance in the workplace as they do not
have the incentives to make any progress. Nonetheless, it does not necessarily
mean it is of high or low pay that counts. Ones who have measurements of
happiness that are outside of money will dedicate their best to make it a
satisfying job in less time.
Secondly, a job that is in favor by one individual does good, both
physically and mentally. When workers reluctantly take the job they despise, it
may cause anxiety and depression because of the heavy workloads and the
pressure to generate the best quality results. Consequently, stress at the
workplace will lead one to give up his current job. A typical example of this is
that workers in Japan are said to work themselves to death in order to reach
an appealing salary. However, most Japanese admitted they could not quit
their jobs due to the bulk of family responsibilities on their shoulders.
Meanwhile, satisfying working hours serve as a leisure activity to alleviate
stress and anxiety because people enjoy every moment while working. With
that being said, pursuing a suitable career path is good for one’s health, even
though the income may not sound attractive.
Finally, rewarding jobs do not necessarily pay well at the beginning yet
pay off over time. Eventually, it is the worker’s dedication that makes the job a
lucrative career option. Hard-working and enthusiasm will gradually help one
employee secure a better place in the company with excellent promotion
prospects. On the other hand, workers with not much satisfaction taken from
their jobs are likely to change their mind as they consider the paycheck as the
most important factor. However, the idea of taking risks to quit the current job
for higher income does not always make good sense. Hence, salary will no
longer be a problem when one finds pleasure at work.
In general, it is different from person to person in career choices that
meet their demands and living condition. I strongly believe that pleasure taken
from job satisfaction with a low income outweighs high-paid jobs without any
fulfilment. Overall, it is crucial to choose a career wisely, provided it makes
people both happy and wealthy.

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