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Schoelen, Rev C, Corrected Error in homework 1

Oscilloscope Videos
Watch the following videos, remember you can watch videos on YouTube at 1.25x
or 1.5x speed to save time. Click the Gear Button and select Speed
Note: Hyperlinks are removed, you need to copy and paste the URL into your browser

• The following two videos are a little advanced, but I think you may still get
something out of them.
Note: Our scopes in the lab don’t have the 10% 90% markings. We will determine that manually (similar to
how we did the voltages measurements in the first lab: counting boxes on the screen)

Schoelen, Rev B 2
Vertical Axis: Voltage
• The vertical display of the Scope is divided into eight
major divisions.
• The major divisions are subdivided into five minor

• The voltage value of each division is determined by the

Vertical Scale setting.
• The setting of the Vertical Scale is displayed in the lower
left corner of the Scope display. The image shows that
the scope is currently set to 2.00V per division for CH1
and CH2 (channel 1 and channel 2). The Vertical Scale
can be set independently for each channel

Schoelen, Rev B 3
Vertical Axis: Voltage
• Each of the waveforms displayed are approximately 2.5 divisions from lowest point
on the waveform to the highest point of the waveform. The Vertical Scale is set to
2.00 V per division. Calculate the voltage of the displayed waveform:
• Voltage peak-to-peak = NumberOfDivisions * VoltsPerDivision
• Voltage peak-to-peak = 2.5 div * 2 V/div = 5 Vpp

• So each of these waveforms are 5 Vpp signals

Schoelen, Rev B 4
Vertical Axis: Voltage
• Another example, different scope.
• The displayed sinewave is: ½ a division + four full division + ½ a division
• That’s a total of five divisions
• Vertical Scale is: 1 V per division (as shown at the bottom lower left of the display)
• Voltage peak-to-peak = NumberOfDivisions * VoltsPerDivision
• Voltage peak-to-peak = 5 div * 1V/div = 5 Vpp
• This sinewave is also 5 Vpp

Schoelen, Rev B 5
Horizontal Axis: Time
• The horizontal axis of the Scope is the Time Axis.
• The horizontal axis of the Scope is divided into ten major divisions
• Each major division is subdivided in to five minor divisions
• The time value of each division is determined by the Horizontal Scale setting.

Schoelen, Rev B 6
Horizontal Axis: Time
• The setting of the Horizontal Scale is displayed on the lower center of the Scope
• The image below shows that the scope is currently set to 500 us per horizontal
division (500 x 10^-6).
• The Horizontal Scale is always the same for both channels.

Schoelen, Rev B 7
Time Measurement on the Scope
• The period of a signal can be measured with the Scope
• The waveform displayed below is approximately 2 divisions from one peak to an
adjacent peak. The Horizontal Scale is set to 500us per division. Calculate the
period of the waveform:
• Period (T) = NumberOfDivisions * TimePerDivision
• Period (T) = 2 divisions * 500 us/division = 1000 us
• 1000 us = 1 ms = 0.001s
• Frequency = 1/T = 1/(0.001s) = 1000 Hz or 1 kHz
• This sinewave has a frequency of 1 kHz

Schoelen, Rev B 8
Time Measurement on the Scope
Another example, different scope.
• The waveform displayed is approximately 4 divisions from one peak to an
adjacent peak. The Horizontal Scale is set to 25 ms per division. Calculate the
period of the waveform:
• Period (T) = NumberOfDivisions * TimePerDivision
• Period (T) = 4 divisions * 25 ms/division = 100 ms
• 100 ms = 0.1 s
• Frequency = 1/T = 1/(0.1 s) = 10 Hz
• This sinewave has a frequency of 10 Hz

Schoelen, Rev B 9
Time Measurement on the Scope
Another example
Note: please ignore the two vertical lines in the image
• The waveform displayed is approximately 4 divisions from one falling edge to the
adjacent falling edge. The Horizontal Scale is set to 250 us per division. Calculate
the period of the waveform:
• Period (T) = NumberOfDivisions * TimePerDivision
• Period (T) = 4 divisions * 250 us/division = 1 ms
• 1 ms = 0.001 s
• Frequency = 1/T = 1/(0.001s) = 1000 Hz
• This square wave has a frequency of 1000 Hz or 1 kHz

Schoelen, Rev B 10
Rise-Time Measurement on the Scope
• It takes a finite amount of time for a pulse signal to transition from its minimum
voltage to its maximum voltage.
• This time is called the rise-time of the signal
• On the signal on the left it is difficult see the-rise time of the signal because we
are zoomed out too far (500us / div)
• On the signal in the center it is difficult see the-rise time of the signal because
we are still zoomed out too far (100us / div)
• On the signal on the right we can see the-rise time of the signal because we are
zoomed in (2.5 us / div)

• We need to change the horizontal scale to smaller time scale

Schoelen, Rev B 11
Rise-Time of a Signal
• The rise-time of a signal is defined as:
• The time is takes for the signal to go from 10% Vpp to 90% Vpp
• Example: if we have a pulse signal that has a Vpp of 5V, the 10% and 90% points
• 10% : 5 Vpp * 0.1 = 0.5 Vpp
• 90% : 5 Vpp * 0.9 = 4.5Vpp

5 Vpp
4.5 Vpp

10% 0.5 Vpp

0 Vpp

Schoelen, Rev B 12
Rise-Time of a Signal
• On the signal below the 10% and 90% of Vpp are noted with vertical lines.
• The time between those two lines is the rise-time of the signal
• The scope is set to 100 ns per horizontal division
• There are approximately five division between the two lines
• rise-time = 5 divisions * 100ns/ division= 500ns

Schoelen, Rev B 13
Exercise, Example
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Answer
Note: div is abbreviation for full division
• Volts per vertical division: 50 mV (50x10^-3)
• What is the time per horizontal division: 100us (100x10^-6)
• Which Channel is active: Ch1 (lower left corner)
• Vpp = (0.8div+4div+0.8div) x 50mv/div = 0.280 Vpp
• Period (T): T ≈ 6.75 div x 100us/div = 675 x 10^-6
• f = 1/T
• f = 1/ (675 x 10^-6) = 1.48 kHz (1480 Hz)

Schoelen, Rev B 14
Exercise 1
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• What is the 10%-90% Rise-time

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Rise-time: Rt ≈_________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 15
Exercise 2
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Period (T): T ≈_________________________
• Frequency f = _________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 16
Exercise 3
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Period (T): T ≈_________________________
• Frequency f = _________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 17
Exercise 4
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• What is the 10%-90% Rise-time

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Rise-time: Rt ≈_________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 18
Exercise 5
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Period (T): T ≈_________________________
• Frequency f = _________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 19
Exercise 6
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Period (T): T ≈_________________________
• Frequency f = _________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 20
Exercise 7
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• What is the 10%-90% Rise-time

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Rise-time: Rt ≈_________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 21
Exercise 8
• Note: ignore the vertical cursors on the image.
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Period (T): T ≈_________________________
• Frequency f = _________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 22
Exercise 9
• Exercise
• What is the volts per division?
• What is the time per division?
• Which Channel is active?
• Measure the peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp)
• Measure the period (T)
• Calculate the frequency f = 1/T

• Your Answer
• Volts per vertical division: V/div = ______________________
• What is the time per horizontal division: t /div= ______________________
• Which Channel is active: CH = ________________________
• Vpp: Vpp =_______________________
• Period (T): T ≈_________________________
• Frequency f = _________________________

Schoelen, Rev B 23
Answer key

Schoelen, Rev B 24
Exercise 1

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 1V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 25us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = 5 div * 1V/div = 5Vpp
• Rise-time (Rt)
• Rt ≈ 4.75div * 25us/div ≈ 120us

Schoelen, Rev B 25
Exercise 2

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 50 mV
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 25 us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = (0.8 div + 4 div + 0.8div) * 50 mv/div = 280 mV
• Period (T)
• T ≈ 5.4 div * 25 us = 135 us
• Frequency
• f = 1/T = 1/135us = 7.4 kHz

Schoelen, Rev B 26
Exercise 3

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 2 V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 500us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = (0.5 div + 4div +0.5div) * 2V/div = 10Vpp
• Period (T)
• T ≈ 4.3div * 500us/div ≈ 2.2ms
• Frequency
• f = 1/T = 1/2.2ms ≈ 470Hz

Schoelen, Rev B 27
Exercise 4

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 1 V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 5us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = 5 div * 1V/div = 5Vpp
• Rise-time (Rt)
• Rt ≈ 3.5 div * 5us/div ≈ 18us

Schoelen, Rev B 28
Exercise 5

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 2 V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 1 ms
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = 7 div * 2V/div = 14Vpp
• Period (T)
• T ≈ 6.6div * 1ms/div = 6.6ms
• Frequency
• f = 1/T = 1/6.6ms ≈ 150Hz

Schoelen, Rev B 29
Exercise 6

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 1 V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 10 us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = 5 div * 1V/div = 5Vpp
• Period (T)
• T ≈ 5.5div * 10us/div = 55us
• Frequency
• f = 1/T = 1/55us ≈ 18 kHz

Schoelen, Rev B 30
Exercise 7

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 1 V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 2.5us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH2
• Vpp
• Vpp = 5 div * 1V/div = 5Vpp
• Rise-time (Rt)
• Rt ≈ 4 div * 2.5us/div = 10us

Schoelen, Rev B 31
Exercise 8

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 200 mV
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 500 us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = 3.5 div * 200mV/div = 700 mVpp
• Period (T)
• T ≈ 4.2div * 500us/div = 2100us = 2.1ms
• Frequency
• f = 1/T = 1/2.1ms ≈ 476Hz

Schoelen, Rev B 32
Exercise 9

• Answer
• Volts per vertical division
• V/div = 1 V
• What is the time per horizontal division
• t /div= 50 us
• Which Channel is active
• CH = CH1
• Vpp
• Vpp = 5 div * 1V/div = 5 Vpp
• Period (T)
• T ≈ 3.8div * 50us/div = 190 us
• Frequency
• f = 1/T = 1/190us ≈ 5300 Hz

Schoelen, Rev B 33

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